The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2108: Shocked the audience

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Chapter 2108 Shocked The Audience

The whole world suddenly became quiet at this moment. The thick **** air filled the whole sky, and at this time, the original demon python, which had been losing ground, was soaring in the sky. Above and above her, a horrifying momentum is constantly wavy around. It can be said that at this moment, she really has a feeling of being in the world.

At the same time, not far away from the Tianmon Python, a human man who looked like an ant by comparison, was standing quietly next to the Tianmon Python in his hand, A reddish long sword emits a light like a scorching sun, but such a light always makes people feel chilling.

One person and one python hung up silently, and at the same time, they were still besieging the five major ethnic groups of the Tianmon Python. At this moment, it was as if all of them were dumb, one by one evaded from a distance No one dares to launch an attack on the Tianmon Python easily.

"How, how can this be? How is this possible?"

"She, she even has a helper? Human warrior is a human warrior !!!"

"A horrible sword, one sword kills two big and half gods and five turns of the strong man. This human kid is a super strong man who is hidden?"

"Why, how can this happen? He, he obviously only has the practice of Wuji, how can there be such a thing !!!"

Seventeen of the five ethnic groups have only fifteen of them. At this moment, there are only fifteen remaining. The fifteen strong are at this moment young men who have focused their eyes on the side of the Tianmon Python. For a long time It's hard to come back.

No one expected that the situation would change so quickly and so unexpectedly. The Tianmon Python has already shown its defeat, but just when everyone thought that when the two strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan could immediately damage the Tianmon Python, this time, a character that made them impossible to imagine , Even killed it at a critical moment.

Frankly speaking, for a young human man like Yuan Feng, they have all seen it beforehand, but for a small, infinite person, no one has thought too much about it, or even naturally It's ignored.

However, it is such a little person who was ignored by them. After a long time in trouble, it turned out to be a super-hidden super-hidden. Moreover, he was the strong-powered who destroyed two big and half divine realms, or all the strong-powered ones. Among them, the most powerful twin moon wolf of the Howling Wolf family.

Of course, Yuan Feng's sword only split the two twin wolves of the Twin Moonwolves into four halves, but they did not really kill the two strong ones, but although they did not die, the two strong ones were at that moment. There is absolutely no trace of fighting back. Because of this, the Tianmon Python can swallow it without any effort, completely severing the trouble.

Looking at the young people around the Tianmon Python, especially the red sword in the opponent's hand, every Warcraft present was feeling an inexplicable threat. It can be said that from the sword in Yuanfeng's hand, they They all smelled the smell of death, and in fact, just now, this long sword has already drank the blood of the two demigods.

"Do not!!!!!!"

Of the superpowers, the most difficult to accept all these things, of course, are the young men of the Howling Wolf clan. When they watched the two superpowers following them fall, their hearts were simply Just sink to the bottom in an instant.

I never dreamed of it. The two super powers it brought would be swallowed by the Tianmon Python in this way, and as the two twin demon wolves were swallowed by the Tianmon python, the Moonling Wolf family, obviously No longer qualified to compete for anything.

With its own strength alone, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the other four major ethnic groups. Moreover, the relationship between these four major ethnic groups and the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has never been very good. At this time, the remaining As long as the four major ethnic groups do not fall into the hole, they will all burn high incense!

In addition, as the son of the patriarch of the Howling Wolf Clan, there are not many superpowers used by him. At present, its two strongest arms are swallowed up by the demon python, and the next one, I really do n’t know what I want How to gain a foothold in the Howling Wolf Clan.

With this in mind, it feels choking at this moment.

"This, this is ..............."

"Have you made a mistake? It's the infinite human kid? Where did he come from?"

"Good guy, for a long time, the little guy who looks inconspicuous turned out to be a super-hidden super-hidden. Is this really an exaggeration?"

"A sword kills two and a half demigods. Is it going to be against the sky? On the site of the Chamber of Commerce of God, when is there such a horrible young man?"

"His sword ...... hhh, so terrifying excalibur, if I can get this excalibur ..."

All the strong men who were watching on the periphery were stunned at the moment by the immediate changes. No matter how they thought about it, they could never imagine such a result. Who can guess that the young human beings who have always been behind the Tianmon Python will be so terrifying!

Of course, how strong Yuan Feng is and how terrible they are, it's not important anymore. At this moment, all the strong people are shocked and basically look at Yuan Feng. Crimson long sword in hand.

Fools can see that Yuan Feng's own strength is not strong, otherwise, the sword of Shicai would not be as simple as dividing the two great wolves and one sword into two halves.

However, due to the sharpness of the Excalibur, Yuan Fengyu cut the two devil wolves into two halves with far less power than the two devil wolves. It can be said that the main credit is the deity in the hands of Yuan Feng. Sword above.

No matter when it is, the human warrior is basically unable to resist the greedy heart. Seeing Yuan Feng take out such a good sword, who dares to say it can only say that such a person is too hypocritical.

"What a magic weapon, there is such an artifact in the world. This is really ..."

In a space, the deacon Chen Aung of the Chamber of Commerce of God Machine, at this moment is like seeing the most precious treasure in the world. A pair of small eyes have basically narrowed into a seam, and in that seam, now It is full of light.

"How can such a magic weapon fall into the hands of an unknown young man? If I can get this magic sword, I would like to ask, in addition to the old immortal president, in the entire Shenji Chamber of Commerce, Who dares to challenge me? "

Deacon Chen Ang was a little bit eager to move. Originally, when he learned that the opponents of the five major ethnic groups were the Tian Yao Python, he also realized that this time, I am afraid that he could not easily shoot. After all, the Tian Yao Python family is really a company. He did not dare to provoke the mysterious people.

However, at this moment, there is a young human man beside Tian Yao Python, which is completely different. Moreover, his goal at this moment is not only the Tianmon Python. If he can, he really wants to get the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hand into his own hands. By then, in the entire Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he It is bound to be an existence that no one dares to mess with.

"You guys, don't care about the others, you must keep an eye on the young man. This time, even if you run the Tianmon Python, you must not let him escape."

Compared to the Tianmon Python, he now obviously cares more about Yuanfeng and Yuanfeng's Excalibur, so even if the Tianmon Python escapes, as long as Yuanfeng does not escape, he can still gain a lot this time.

"Yes, Deacon Chen Ang rest assured that we will definitely stare at him."

"You will never let him go easily. This kid, even we, have been deceived."

"However, everyone must be careful of the sword in his hand, such a magic weapon, a human warrior like us, I am afraid that as long as he is hit, it is basically a lifeless situation!"

A few of the most powerful gods on the side, naturally understood what Deacon Chen Ang was thinking, but then again, why don't they want to get the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hand? Once they were given the Excalibur, even if Deacon Chen Ang, it was absolutely impossible to continue to order them.

To put it bluntly, no matter who gets the Excalibur, it will be bright in the future. Therefore, even if Deacon Chen Ang did not say, they would definitely stare at Yuan Feng tightly.

"People are ready, they are right, and they don't care about the day demon python, they just shoot at that kid."

Deacon Chen Ang has been unable to hold back a bit, and he will not easily face-to-face with Tian Yao Python, but for Yuan Feng, it will not have any concerns.

To put it bluntly, Yuan Feng is a human warrior, and it seems that the shot of a human being's own person is not enough for Tian Yao Python!

On the other side, Ruan Xinrou, who has been watching the battle, and the two super veterans brought by her, were also stunned by the changes in front of them. They did not expect such a change. Until then, they did not Realize that as one of the most mysterious ethnic groups in the beast **** world, the Tian Yao Python family can't be underestimated.

"This young man is really amazing !!!"

"Yu, even we have lost our eyes? I thought it was just an ordinary young man who had been in trouble for a long time, but this little guy still kept his hand."

"It's more than just one hand. One sword killed the two Great Moonwolf wolves. This kind of ability and means really make people admire!"

"It's really a genius. If I can have such a genius in my God Machine Chamber of Commerce, then the President will not need to worry about the issue of heirs !!!"

The elders of the two demigods praised Yuan Feng from the bottom of their hearts. They believed that, by all means of Yuan Feng, that would definitely be cultivated as the chairman's heir.

It is a pity that in the entire Shenji Chamber of Commerce, it seems that they have not really seen such talented people.

ps: First, let ’s make a change, try to write the second chapter, I'm sorry to ask for flowers! !! !!

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