The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2080: Full of confidence

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Chapter 2080 Full of Confidence

It can be said that Xiao Ba's second round of robbery was not wasted a little bit of strength, but he passed easily.

To be honest, if you only take the power of Xiao Ba, if you are facing a robbery of the appropriate level, the chance of passing the past is really not very large, and it is at most 50-50.

However, due to Yuan Feng's joining, his robbery this time was arguably the easiest and the most dangerous one. Of course, although the robbery was not faced by him in person, he accepted everything provided by the robbery. When the robbery was over, his practice was to sit firmly and firmly. Demigod Realm Second Turn Realm.

"Hahaha, Xiaoba, how do you feel? Are all the power after the robbery broken and broken, but have you been absorbed?"

Yuan Feng had already fallen from the sky at this moment, but it just landed in front of Xiao Ba, and Xiao Ba at this time also just swallowed all the power of thunder, and opened his eyes leisurely. , And saw Yuan Feng the first time.

"Thank you for your help, I have devoured the power of thunderstorms as much as possible, and now I am already a true demigod two-turn powerhouse, hehehehehehe !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng approaching, Xiao Ba stood up and thanked Yuan Feng for the first time. Speaking of others, basically all the forces are used in the anti-robbery mines, but when he crosses the robbery, he only needs to rest assuredly and daringly absorb the force of demining mines. In this way, Of course, the power of mine robberies he absorbed was much more sufficient than that of a normal person when he was robbing.

This is also no way out, who makes him have such a good host? Treatment like him, I am afraid that the second animal in the entire world of beast gods can't find it!

"What do you say thank you to this little guy, brother? Hahahaha !!!"

Seeing that Xiao Ba did not have any strangeness, and was obviously many times stronger than before, Yuan Feng's heart was really excited.

This time to help Xiao Badu Robbery, once he confirmed one thing, as long as his cultivation was lower than that of the Robbery, then he could really participate in the opponent's robbery.

In this way, he can restrain his cultivation for the time being, and wait until the people around him have been promoted to the demi-god, then it is not too late to try to impact the demi-god.

Of course, this is just a temporary idea for him. In fact, when he will be able to reach the semi-godder in the future, in fact, he is not entirely in his control. If the opportunity comes, he will be promoted to the semi-godder. Can be left and right.

In addition, this time helping Xiao Badu robbery, he can be considered as a good rehearsal for his future transfers in advance, this experience will definitely help him in the future.

But having said that, his body is the body after Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong ’s blessing, and when he achieves the demigod in the future, Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong ’s water will rise to a higher level, and it is bound to become more arrogant. At that time, the first few revolutions There shouldn't be any major troubles in transferring to robbery.


During the time between Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba talking, the light flashed, and the shape of the Tianmon Python came to the front of the two, but until now, the mood of the Tianmon Python still failed to calm down. , After the two were close, it was like watching a monster, and continued to stare at Yuan Feng.

To tell you the truth, the Tianmon Python is really stunned this time. Although she already knew that Yuan Feng's method was terrifying, she used a pair of fists to blast the demigod twice and smash it. This is still It was too unexpected.

You know, it ’s a robbery with two turns in the demigod, and a robbery of that level, even if it is a three-turn demigod, I ’m afraid it ’s jealous. You can see that Yuan Feng ’s feeling is basically that he does n’t use any power. Blast it easily.

"Well, it's really unexpected. You, a weak and weak human warrior, will have such a terrible body, tell me, what kind of monster are you?"

After looking up and down Yuan Feng for a while, Tian Yao Python hugged his shoulders in both hands, but could not help but questioned Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng's method was too amazing, which made her think that maybe Yuan Feng was not a human warrior at all, maybe it was an unknown Warcraft, but she could not see it.

No way, she has never heard that a human warrior's body can be so powerful, which is absolutely impossible.

"Ahem, what other monster can I be? Besides, what am I, don't you know?"

Hearing the Tian Yao Python questioning himself, Yuan Feng could not help but cough, and then subconsciously returned to the other side. What he meant was obvious. Before, he had seen each other naked. As for what kind of monster he was, I am afraid that Tianmon Python could not be more clear.

"You ...... what are you talking about? I, where do I know what monster you are ..."

Said by Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python could not help but blush. Of course she understood Yuan Feng's meaning, but after all, when she met Yuan Feng naked, she really only felt that Yuan Feng was a human warrior. However, in Yuan Feng's body, she really felt a touch of other breath, but that breath should be the same as Yuan Feng.

"Oh, okay, okay, don't make a mess, anyway, this time helping Xiao Ba to go through the second round of robbery, it's finally a matter of mine, Xiao Ba, the next time, you But it can be seen that we continue to work hard and strive to be promoted to the semi-god realm three turns at an early date. At that time, I should be able to resist a third turn robbery for you. "

He didn't want to continue entanglement with the Tianmon Python on this sensitive topic. Yuan Feng said, looking at Xiaoba again, and successfully shifted the topic.

However, he did not completely shift the topic, in fact, this is indeed his current idea. Let Xiaoba continue to practice and hit the semi-god realm three-turn realm as soon as possible, then he can continue to support one turn robbery for the other side. As for the eight-turn robbery, he may not be able to bear the limitless situation.

It's not that there is no possibility at all. In short, after four rounds of robbery, he has absolutely no confidence to carry it.

"Hey, brother, rest assured, I will definitely work hard and strive to be promoted to the semi-god realm three turns earlier."

Xiaoba naturally feels happy from the bottom of his heart. In this world, I am afraid that nothing will happen, and he will be more refreshed than gaining nothing. Although he does not want to all rely on Yuan Feng, from the current situation, if his cultivation is If he can always be two or three levels higher than Yuan Feng, then he will have nothing to worry about in the future.

"Yu, both of you are really big perverts. This has just been promoted to the second turn, and you are thinking about hitting the semi-god realm three turns again. They are completely lunatics."

Hearing the exchange between Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba, the Tianmon Python could not help exhaling for a long time, and the two of them were really admired from the heart.

The human beings she's met, and the World of Warcraft, are too many, but it wasn't until she met Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba that she knew that in this world, there really were such abnormal horror guys.

Under normal circumstances, once anyone breaks through the realm of the first layer, I am afraid that for a long time, they will never try to continue to level up, but Yuanfeng and Xiaoba are better, this is just the promotion to Demigod Realm II The realm of transfer turned out to be ready for the third transfer.

I've seen crazy, but she really hasn't seen such crazy.

"Hahaha, Demon Flame, I have not yet been promoted to the level of demigod, but after I have been promoted to demigod, at that time, when you go to impact the demigod seven times, I will also help you deal with you Seven rounds of robbery. "

At this moment, Yuan Feng was in a state of anger, and what she was thinking in her heart, she said it without any fear.

In his current state, it is definitely impossible to help Tian Yao Bo to cope with the seven-turn robbery, but if he has been promoted to the demigod, then let alone the seven-turn robbery, even if it is stronger. He has nothing to worry about after being robbed.

To be honest, he didn't even know what kind of realm he would reach once he was promoted to the semi-god realm. In short, the strong man with seven or eight turns in the semi-god realm should not be a problem.

In addition, his current nine-turn Xuan Gong is nothing but practiced to the seventh-turn realm. Before Tian Yao Python advances to the seventh-turn realm, he believes that his nine-turn Xuan Gong can be further advanced.

If he can reach eight turns, then he believes that even if he is not immortal, he is definitely not far away.

"Giggle, I'm very satisfied with your words, but my seven-turn robbery is not what you can imagine, even if your strength is horrible, you can deal with it in a half-god state Seven rounds of robbery, I am afraid that they will not be able to catch it! "

Regarding Yuan Feng's words, the demon python did not go too far. Frankly, she doesn't believe Yuan Feng has the ability to help her with the seven-turn robbery.

Yuan Fengqiang was strong, but he didn't know what the seven-turn robbery meant. Speaking of the seven-turn robbery, it was not only a test of strength, it was more of a realm. Metrics. It's like the robbery of the sixth turn that she had before. Although Yuan Feng watched it all the way, what he saw was nothing more than superficial things. As for the deeper test, he didn't know at all.

The robbery of the Demigod Realm is similar, the first three turns are similar, and the middle three turns are another stage. As for the last three turns, that is another stage, and what the specifics are, it is worth yuan. Feng personally went to experience, she was not clear to the other party.

However, what she didn't know was that Yuan Feng's strength was by no means ordinary. If she was told that Yuan Feng's body had such terrible exercises as Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, then she might not have such. Out of ideas.

"Hahaha, okay, then when I didn't say it, but when you hit the semi-godder seven times in the future, remember to call me beside you, just in case it's all right."

Yuan Feng does not argue with the other party either. He has absolute confidence in helping the other party to cope with the seven-turn robbery. No matter how terrible the other's robbery is, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

However, it is too early to say these things at this moment, everything, wait until the day demon python really reaches the semi-god realm seven turns before saying.

"Giggle, okay, I'll fulfill your wish, maybe, maybe you really need your help at that time? But, I have just been promoted to the sixth turn, not too long away, from the seventh turn, I'm afraid there is still a long, long way to go, but there is no time to rush. "

She doesn't look like Xiao Ba. The reason why Xiao Ba is promoted quickly is that she can continuously devour other powerful demigods of Warcraft, but she obviously can't.

She wants to advance to the level of seven transitions in the semi-god realm, and that can only be quickly broken if it consumes more than seven revolutions in the half-god realm. But, is it possible that she can easily swallow it? I'm afraid she won't be swallowed up by the other party.

"Hey, it's okay, my demigod is not so easy to be promoted, we can work together." He smiled, Yuan Feng understood the idea of ​​the sky demon python, and talking, he just stopped talking about it. Say.

"Okay, Xiaoba has now been promoted to the second-turn realm. In the next time, we can continue to hurry. This time has been delayed for a short time, but we are going to make up for the delay."

Going to the gathering place of human warriors is his main goal at present. Only when he meets human warriors can he make his next move easier. After all, dealing with Warcraft is still a bit tiring.

"Hey, brother, you and the flame girl continue to hurry, I first go back to stabilize the state, and then strive to create a more powerful army of Warcraft, but the previous ones can be rebuilt."

Hearing that Yuan Feng was about to continue on his way, Xiao Ba was full of support, and now he has just been promoted to the realm of Demigod Realm 2 and needs a little stability.

In addition, the second time he turned around, the level of production of Warcraft was definitely improved by more than one star. At this moment, he produced Warcraft. Whether it is quality or efficiency, it is absolutely not comparable.

When he integrates the previous Warcraft army and produces more Warcraft troops, at that time, Yuan Feng's confidence in doing things outside the world will undoubtedly be more sufficient.

"Hahaha, let's go, remember to do what you can." With a loud voice, Yuan Feng took Xiaoba back from the physical world, and then looked at the Tianmon Python again.

"Monster flame, let's continue on our way to reach the destination early, maybe I can get what I want earlier."

The desire for demigod is impossible to dilute at any time. In the world of human warrior, he has to take a trip anyway.

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