The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2079: Dominate the world

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Chapter 2079 Overwhelming the World

Yuan Feng didn't think of it anyway. After a long time in the midst of the trouble, the robbery of the strong man in the divine realm was not impossible to participate in. If he had known this already, he wouldn't have to be frightened all the time, but he was indifferent. Already.

If you think about it, the rules of heaven and earth are relatively fair and fair to most people. As for his super-perverted character, it is a bit too much to say that he is not bound by the laws of heaven and earth, but to say that he is this This is a different kind of world, which is definitely not too much.

After learning about such a great news, Yuan Feng is not in a hurry to impact the realm of demigod. After all, now he is the cultivation of the infinite state, so no matter who is promoted He can participate in the demigod, helping the other party to go through the robbery with one turn of the demigod, or even the second and third turn with the robbery.

Regardless of the time, there is a huge gap between the practice of the Promise and the demigod. Therefore, he is really in no hurry to impact the demigod. If possible, he hopes to wait until all his relatives and friends have successfully passed through the robbery, and then hit the demi-god realm again.

In the following time, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python stopped moving again, but they were looking for a very safe environment. Both of them started to protect the law for Xiao Ya, and Xiao Ya at this time devoted himself to cultivation. Among them, as for the goal, it is natural to impact the realm of the demigod.

Xiao Ba is in a cave that is not very large, and Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are guarding the cave where it is. At this moment, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have prepared enough for Xiao Ba. With so many resources, he can let Xiaoba practice as he wants.

Leaving aside some precious treasures of heaven and earth, Yuanfeng is only a demigod of Warcraft, and Yuan Feng prepared three heads for him to use when he broke through the realm.

"Demon flame, when Xiaoba begins to cross the robbery, you will stay away from here and protect the law for him and him. At that time, I will personally help Xiaoba to resist most of the robberies. Remember, no matter Whatever happens, you don't care about me, I will have my own mind. "

It is estimated that there is still a period of time before Xiao Ba's impact on the semi-god realm and two turns, and while Xiao Ba is still practicing, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have never stopped chatting.

To tell the truth, Yuan Feng was still a little worried. He just learned from the mouth of the Tianmon Python that people who were lower than the robbers can participate in the robberies, but is it true? Whether it can be considered to be lower than Xiaoba, everything, at present, there is no way to determine.

So, of course, there is some worry in his mind when there is no way to be completely sure.

"Giggle, you, you, rest assured, I won't spoil your actions, and if you are really just the practice of Promise, then you will definitely help Xiaobadu Robbery, unless you You lied to me. Your true cultivation is not an infinite state, but a demigod state. "

Of course, Tianmon Python knows what Yuan Feng is worried about, but the rules are rules. Yuan Feng actually doesn't need to worry about these at all. You know, the rules of the heavens and the earth are only regarded as cultivation, but they will not earnestly realize their strength.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Yuan Feng again, still feeling shocked by Yuan Feng's terrorist power.

"Hey, what am I doing? Can't you know?" Hearing Tian Yao Python said, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling, and her heart became more and more stable.

Xiao Ba hits the realm of the semi-god realm, which is 100% successful. After all, at this moment, the semi-god realm of Warcraft he has devoured has several heads. Just wait for the few heads of Warcraft he just prepared for him, then there is no reason not to advance.

Warcraft is like this. The weaker devours the strong, then they can replace the power of the strong. Although it is not absolute, basically there will not be much difference.

"As long as your practice is really nothing but the practice of the Promise, then everything is easy to say."

With a slight smile, Tianmon Python was fully able to understand Yuan Feng's mood, and speaking, she could not help turning and glanced at the situation in the cave. At this moment, Xiao Ba was sitting cross-legged in the cave, and seemed to have fully entered the practice The state of consciousness, and the realm of realizing the second turn of the demigod, should not be far behind.

"The owner is perverted, and the magic pet is also perverted. I really don't know what kind of person I met."

I glanced at Xiao Ba in the cave, and then I looked back at Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python's eyes, and I couldn't help flashing a glance like a monster. In her heart, Yuan Feng, a human warrior, is really the biggest variable in the whole beast **** world.

Outsiders can look down on Yuan Feng, but she is absolutely afraid. Her heart is the clearest, if Yuan Feng is willing, then it is completely possible to become the king of the beast **** world. After all, once Xiao Ba unlimitedly produces Warcraft, then any large group may be affected by it. Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba were destroyed.

Fortunately, Yuan Feng does not have the ambition and purpose to influence the rules of the entire world. If he really wants to do something, it is difficult for anyone to stop.

Right now, no matter what ethnic group Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba said they wanted to settle, she would nod and agree with each other's words.

After six rounds of time, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have basically been chatting with each other. After learning more about Yuan Feng's secrets, Tian Yao Python has become more and more familiar with him. In the meantime, there is nothing left to say.

Tian Yao Python thinks about a lot of ways for Yuan Feng to find the blue sky. Yuan Feng will also remember them one by one. After Xiao Ba breaks through, he will find opportunities to do it one by one.

At this moment, the Tianmon Python is the one who most hopes to see Yuan Feng's promotion to the demigod, and she wants to know more and more, if Yuan Feng has really been promoted to the demigod, how powerful can she be.

Time passed, and almost ten days passed in a chat between the two. On this day, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python talked about Tian Er as usual, while they were talking about some At the time of his interesting experience, the cave behind him was finally moving.

"Om !!!!!!"

There was a sound of space vibration, and the time spent talking was to wrap Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python in it, and as the space vibration passed on, the little eight who had been practicing for a little over half a month had finally got it. The slightest change.


The immense momentum was rippling towards the surroundings. At this moment, Xiaoba's body was full of horror and was brewing steadily. Obviously, the practice for half a month finally made him come to practice again. Extreme.

"Well? It started, it finally broke through !!!"

Feeling the turbulence of Xiao Ya ’s body energy, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python almost stopped chatting for the first time, and looked at Xiao Ya deep in the cave one after another, and Xiao Ya had slowly slowly Floating up, it's like trying to get Tao Shengxian.

"Yu, it is indeed my partner. In half a month, I found an opportunity to hit the second turn. It seems that it won't be long before this little guy can challenge the realm of the third turn !!!"

Seeing Xiao Ba starting the impact of the second turn of the semi-divine realm, Yuan Feng couldn't help secretly proud. How long did it take Xiao Ba to advance to the demigod? If it is replaced by ordinary Warcraft, even if there is enough demigod Warcraft to make rations, it will not be so easy to be promoted. In the final analysis, the talent and qualification of Xiao Ba is really amazing.

"Yuan Feng, it seems that Xiao Ba is about to advance to the realm of second turn. You should hurry up and adjust your status to the best!"

When I saw Xiaoba breaking through, the Tianmon Python on the side was worried about Yuan Feng for the first time. She knew what Yuan Feng was going to do next, and said to her heart, if it wasn't for Yuan Feng's insistence on helping Xiao Badu Robbery, she would never agree to such a thing.

Although a warrior with a lower cultivation level can participate in the robbery of a warrior with a higher cultivation level, the situation of Yuan Feng is really special, so she really sweated for Yuan Feng.

Unfortunately, she knew that she could not let Yuan Feng give up, so she could only tell Yuan Feng to be careful and prepare carefully.

"Hey, no matter, Xiao Ba's second turn to robbery is not a big challenge for me. When he is promoted to the semi-god state three turns, I will have to prepare carefully. "

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng wasn't too anxious. He had absolute confidence in himself, wasn't it Xiaoba's second turn and robbery? As long as nothing special happened, then he was confident that he could face it easily.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The time between speaking, Xiaoba ’s cultivation, apparently has begun to transition to the realm of the semi-god realm, and as his practice transitions to the realm of the semi-god realm, on the outside sky, The robbery of the robbery started to condense for the first time.

"Well, finally here, demon flame, you go far away from here first, your cultivation is too high, but don't let the transfer to take you into account."

Seeing that the robbery was about to come, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look at the Tianyue Python aside, with caution.

The sky monster python's cultivation is as high as a half-god realm of six revolutions. If she is also included in the robbery of Xiaoba, then the three of them may be ashes under the robbery.

"Okay, then I'll leave first. You must be more careful yourself. If you can't catch it, quickly evacuate the scope of the robbery. The robbery will not chase you."

Looking up at the sky, the Tianmon Python is still a bit uneasy, but she still does not forget to instruct Yuan Feng. When the voice drops, she no longer delays. When she is in shape, she is out of the cave. The range, standing in the open space outside of Jieyun, watched the situation here.

"Be successful, don't make any mistakes !!!"

Standing far beyond the scope of the robbery, the eyes of the Tianmon Python are full of worry, but it is much more tense than when she crossed the robbery herself.

She has given herself to Yuan Feng completely, although in her mouth, she has never acknowledged who she is, but in her heart, Yuan Feng is closer than anyone. If anything really happens to Yuan Feng, she will be sadder than anyone else.

The celestial python family is cold-blooded, but once they are in love, their blood will be warmer than any ethnic group, but only they know it.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Putting aside the worries of the day demon python, he said that at the moment Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba were in the same area. It didn't take long for the demon python to leave that day, and the clouds above the sky completed the gathering.

Obviously, the robbery this time is naturally much stronger than the robbery of Xiaoba, but after seeing the six robbery of Tian Yao Python, the robbery of this scale is now in front of him. It's really something that Yuan Feng doesn't look at.

"Hey, come on, let me see the robberies of the two transfers, it ’s all about practicing for me in the future. I just do n’t know if this robbery will make me feel a little pressure. . "

When the robbery above the sky condenses, Yuan Feng can already feel that this robbery, although stronger than the robbery of Xiaoyi, has not yet reached the point where it can hurt him.

If measured in terms of combat effectiveness, then the second turn of the robbery is basically equivalent to the attack of a second turn of the demigod, even if it is stronger, it will not be too strong.

As far as his current strength is concerned, it seems that the attack of a person who has turned around in a demigod is really not enough to make him jealous.


In the cave, Xiao Ba's breakthrough has reached the end. With a roar, Xiao Ba's breath finally reached an extreme. At this moment, he was finally promoted to the semi-divine realm.


With Xiaoba's promotion to the second turn of the semi-god realm, the robbery above the sky, but also completed the final condensation, and lowered the first thunderbolt.

"Yu, are you here? Let me try, how terrible is the robbery of the Demigod Realm, just open it to me !!!"

Seeing that the thunderstorm above the sky descended wildly, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look calm, and when he spoke, he stomped his feet suddenly, and then he faced the thunderstorm above the sky and blasted out A punch.

"Hum !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng's fist basically exhausted all his strength, and with his fist bombarded, suddenly, a huge fist shadow, like a thunder blast that struck in the ground, directly facing the sky Leaving above the thunder.

"Well !!!!!! Boom !!!!!!"

The huge boxing shadow was so amazing that it also tore a piece of space, and eventually collided with a thunderbolt above.

The two horrific attacks collided together, and in an instant they were annihilated in one place, making a weird noise.


The loud noise spread, but in the end it turned into a strong wind, but on the other hand, Yuan Feng below had a look of war, and did not fall into the downwind in this match, and it was obvious that Did not use all my strength.

"Hahaha, cool, cool !!!"

With one punch, a thunderbolt was defeated. Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing and laughed at the same time. At the same time, the power of the thunderbolt also entered his body. Unspeakable comfort.

Originally, these mine-stealing forces were extremely destructive. It was a very dangerous thing for ordinary people to invade their bodies. However, at Yuan Feng, no matter how terrible the force was, eventually It was nothing more than making him feel numb, but it had no effect at all.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The first thunderstorm was so easily taken down by Yuan Feng, and it could even be said that it was easily destroyed by Yuan Feng. In this regard, the robbery above the sky also seemed to be a little irritated. The whole sky is getting darker and darker, and the power of the robbery is obviously increasing secretly.


Yuan Feng didn't breathe at all. During the talk, the second thunderbolt was once again smashed into the cave where Xiaoba was. This time the thunderbolt was obviously stronger than the previous one.

"Yu, see how strong you can be, drive me !!!"

Seeing the ensuing second thunderstorm, Yuan Feng was not afraid, and at the foot of his foot, he was punched again, and this punch obviously increased his power output.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Almost exactly the same situation, once again appeared in the sky, this time, Yuan Feng's fist, but also slightly prevailed, once again easily annihilated the second thunderstorm.

Of course, anyone with a good eye can see that this second thunderstorm still affected Yuan Feng to some extent. At least, Yuan Feng's face was no longer as relaxed as before.

"Well, it seems that the second round of the robbery of Xiaoba is much better than the first round of the robbery, and it is definitely a lot of danger. Fortunately, I have the horse, if he himself It's really hard to say if I can handle it! "

Seeing the two thunderous mines that were smashed by him, at this moment, they have turned into a little bit of energy, but they were swallowed into the body by the little one below him. Yuan Feng's heart could not help but feel a little comfort. .

According to his feelings, Xiaoba ’s second-turn robbery is already comparable to the three-turn demigod ’s attack. Obviously, like Xiaoba ’s existence against the sky, the robbery will never be ordinary Warcraft. The robbery is all it takes.

No matter what, Xiao Ba still needs to devour the special energies in the robbery mines. These special energies originally existed in the robbery mines, but now they are broken apart by Yuan Feng, and it is easier to absorb them.

To put it bluntly, the current situation is that Yuan Feng grabbed a good meal from the mouth of an ancient fierce beast, and fed it to Xiaoba, and I am afraid that only Xiaoba can enjoy this treatment.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

One after another, the thunderstorms started a series of continuous bombardments, and Yuan Feng was also fully fired at this moment. He punched and thundered with the thunderstorms every time, and every time he attacked, it would make the whole world for it. Tremble.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng can actually use the spirit soldiers. If he uses the Chixiao sword at this moment, he can definitely handle the diversion now. However, he also found that the robberies in the sky seem to be obviously due to his horrible performance, but there is a faint increase in the trend. If he uses the Chixiao sword, he will use the power of the Chixiao sword. That said, I don't know if it will make the robbery too strong.

Therefore, he still uses his body to resist the robbery, which can be more reliable.

However, although Yuan Feng's heart was very confident, at this moment, the Tianmon Python, who had been observing the situation from a distance, had already mentioned his heart to his throat, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

"Too, too exaggerated, actually, using your body to shake the robbery directly?"

At the moment, the demon python really had a dazzling feeling. In the eyes, the horrible thunderstorms bombarded one after another, and Yuan Feng did not show weakness. He just used his own body to destroy the thunderstorms. This scene It was just like dreaming, which deeply shocked her.

I've seen strong people, but she has never seen a strong one like Yuan Feng. May I ask, who is able to deal with the robbery with only one pair of fists like Yuan Feng? You know, Yuan Feng is a fragile human warrior, not a Warcraft who is known for his physical body, but now it seems that even Warcraft, which is known for his defense, may not be comparable to Yuan Feng in physical strength!

One thing, she always reminded herself, that is, Yuan Feng's cultivation, but only a low level of Promise!

"It's too abnormal, it's just too abnormal. What kind of monster is he or he?"

After experiencing the initial worries, the Tianmon Python at this moment, except for the deep shock, was slowly letting go. Obviously, in terms of Yuan Feng's strength, coping with the turn of the robbery is simply irrelevant!

Also, from now on, Yuan Feng smashed the whole scene of robberies with a pair of fists, which will be deeply engraved in her mind and will never be lingering.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, when the last thunderstorm landed and was smashed by Yuan Feng's punch, the entire sky slowly recovered. Obviously, Xiao Ba's second turn of the robbery has completed the task, but it has disappeared with interest.

"Om !!!!!!"

When the sky above the sky disappeared completely, Yuan Feng's figure also dropped from the mid-air to the ground, and at this moment, he was just like a giant, arrogant to the whole film. world. At this moment, he is the master of the heavens and the earth, even if it is the robberies condensed by the laws of the heavens and the earth, he does not want him at all.

ps: Two-in-one chapter, brothers and sisters, come to support a few flowers! !! !!

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