The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2066: the fat is in the fire

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Chapter 2066 is in trouble

After spending some time, Yuan Feng finally got into the interior of Yuqiongshan, and began to dig and search for the whereabouts of the blue crystal dome in the depths of Yuqiongshan.

However, despite rumors, there is indeed a blue sky dome in Yuqiong Mountain, but after so many years, the Huoyun Moshi family in Yuqiong Mountain may have long had the blue sky dome in Yuqiong Mountain. All the places have been mined, and you can imagine the difficulty of finding other blue sky crystals.

Yuan Feng did not look for the blue crystal dome in the mountain of Yuqiong Mountain. He was very clear that even the existence of the blue crystal dome in Yuqiong Mountain is absolutely buried underground, and it can only be other people. Never explored the place, so after confirming his thoughts, he has been diving down the Yuqiong Mountain, looking for a place where there may be blue crystal dome.

After a long period of time, Yuan Feng did not know how deep he had dived. In the end, he came to a rock layer in the underground world, and such a rock layer is undoubtedly a very Worth him to go mining.

"It's almost. In terms of my physical condition, the depth of this layer is almost to the limit. If I go further, I am afraid that it will have a very bad impact on myself."

After reaching this layer of rock, Yuan Feng knew that he had almost reached the limit. Perhaps, under this layer of rock, I am afraid that it will be another world. Even if he is, he may not be able to. Carry it.

"If there is a blue dome crystal in Yuqiong Mountain, it seems that it can only be in this underground rock layer, but I don't know if there is really a blue dome crystal in it."

His heart is clearer than anyone else. The blue sky dome can never be found everywhere. The other places of Yuqiong Mountain can be reached by the Huoyun Moshi, but after all these years, of course the Huoyun Moshi Will not leave opportunities for outsiders.

Therefore, whether you can find the blue sky dome can only do this!

"Let's get started, I hope I can have a good luck this time." My heart sank, but Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. In the middle of his mind, he just released his mind to the surroundings and started at this level. In the underground rock layers.

According to Yuan Feng's estimation, this layer of underground rock layer should be a boundary between Yuqiongshan and the real underground world. It is precisely because of this that it is entirely possible that there is difficulty in this layer of rock layer. Imagine baby.

With such longing, Yuan Feng, starting from the margin on the side of Yuqiong Mountain, almost looked for the whereabouts of the blue dome crystal, no matter what kind of horned owl, he would never let go.

The blue sky crystal is of great significance to him, so, this time searching, he absolutely likes to be careful about anything. However, although he was very hard to find, this thick underground rock layer was too hard. Even his mind could not detect the most central position of the rock layer.

In addition, although his physical strength is amazing, in such an underground magma environment, the terrible temperature has a great impact on him. In the final analysis, he is not an immortal body at all, not at all May ignore the outside temperature.

Time passed day by day, Yuan Feng exhausted all his strength, gritted his teeth, and searched for the whereabouts of the blue sky, but no matter how hard he tried, and even his heart, even the Chixiao sword was taken out. The underground rock layer was cut, but in the end, he still could not find the whereabouts of the blue crystal dome.

Soon, in a month, it was slowly flowing away in this kind of suffering, but Yuan Feng still had no progress, and he did not even see the shadow of the blue sky.

On this day, Yuan Feng was struggling for a while in the underground rock layer, but after a while, he couldn't help but stop his actions and sighed in his heart.

"Hey, it's nothing. It seems that this time is a waste of time and energy. In this underground rock layer, it seems that it is not suitable for the condensation of the blue crystal dome. I don't think I will continue to be obsessed with it. . "

Shaking his head, although Yuan Feng didn't want to give up so easily, he also understood that even if he really searched the entire underground rock layer, it would not be possible to find the blue sky dome.

Reality is reality, and it doesn't change because of someone's strong expectations. In this regard, Yuan Feng's heart is very clear.

"I am afraid that the entire Yuqiong Mountain has been dug up by the Huoyun Moshi family. Even if I am tired of vomiting blood, I am afraid it is absolutely difficult to find a new blue sky crystal. It seems that I want to get a blue sky crystal, That must start with the demigods of the Huoyun Moshi family. "

One thing is certain, since the Huoyun Moshi family is in the veins of the blue sky dome crystal, then they certainly cannot have the reserve of the blue cloud dome crystal, but which one of the fierce fire lion family is strong With this kind of baby on his body, that's not what he knows now.

"Yu, there are many demigods in the Huoyun Mo Lion family, and these guys are staying together. It is not easy to divide them and eat them. Moreover, if you are unlucky, Even if I can kill a few devil lions, I may not be able to get what I want, so everything has to be discussed in the long run. "

With a sigh of regret, Yuan Feng knew that he must not be too anxious. Everything must be done step by step. Before he had no absolute certainty, he must not easily attack the Huoyun Moshi family.

"Well, after digging in this rock layer for so long, I have never dared to easily destroy this rock layer, but I don't know what kind of scene will be below this rock layer !! ! "

There is no good way to get around. He can get what he wants from the Huoyun Moshi family, but this time suddenly he has nothing to worry about.

The reason why he didn't dare to break through the underground rock layer before was because he was afraid that the fire and lion family would discover the movement, and then he could not continue to do what he wanted.

But now that the strategy has been changed, what if the Huoyun Moshi family was discovered? Big deal, he will then run away in turmoil, or just rob a fire.

Thinking of this, his attention was that he could not help throwing himself into the rock formations in the underground magma, but at some point, the red-red Chixiao sword had already appeared in his hands.

"Well, let me see, what kind of wonderful world is under this rock layer. If there is any Louzi, let the Huoyun Moshi family take it upon themselves !!! Chixiao sword, give I open!!!!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment can be regarded as a broken jar. As for the consequences after doing so, he is too lazy to think about so much now, anyway, this is not his place, even if There was really something bad happening, and he didn't need to worry about it at all.


The Chixiao sword drew a beautiful arc in the underground magma, and then a terrible swordman cut it towards the rock layer below.


For this sword, Yuan Feng used at least 80% of his strength. It can be said that even the strong man with three or four turns in the semi-god realm would have to retreat in front of the sword. However, it is such a horrible sword, but it is only on this layer of rock in the underground magma that a cut of about one meter is made.

"It's really hard. It seems that this layer of rock is really different. I want to see if there is anything under this layer of rock, brush it !!! "

For the result of his sword, Yuan Feng was not surprised at all. In fact, when he was digging this underground rock layer before, he knew that this rock layer was very tough, and it was not It can be destroyed casually, and the more so, the more curious he is about the conditions under this rock formation.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

With one sword after another, they were continuously chopped at the same place of the rock layer, but the crack in the rock layer was getting bigger and bigger, and the time was not long. This terrible underground rock layer was cut out by Yuan Feng. A deep ditch, and faintly, Yuan Feng could feel that it wouldn't be long before this layer of underground rock would be broken by him.

"Optimum chop !!! Open it for me !!!"

Seeing that this layer of underground rock was about to be cut by himself, Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly coagulated, and his hand fell from his sword, and he severely cut down again.



With this slash of the sword, the rock layer, which is almost about to be broken, was finally forcibly broken at this moment, and with a crack in the rock layer, suddenly, a horrible flame, Like a fire dragon, it spewed out from the crack instantly.

"Wow !!!!!!"

The horrible milky flame is still mixed with horrible air pressure. Instantly, the underground magma world where Yuan Feng is located seems to boil all at once. The milky flame can burn violently in the magma It looks terrifying.

"What? This is ............ geocentric fire? There is also a geocentric fire here? And so huge?"

When the milky flame gushed from the gap in the underground rock layer, Yuan Feng was almost subconscious, and he hurried back.

The milky flame, he naturally recognized it. Although these flames are not very burst, the temperature of these flames is extremely high. Moreover, this flame is different from other flames. Burning in any environment can even burn everything, including the magma world where Yuan Feng is at this moment.

The milky flame instantly escaped to every part of the underground magma world, and with the increasing number of milky flames, the entire underground magma world was rapidly heating up, and the already terrifying underground world was here. Naturally it is even more appalling.

Speaking of which, the earth-centered fire does not exist everywhere. This kind of flame has undergone countless changes in the underground world, and finally it can evolve due to some special circumstances. For some Warcraft who like fire, this The fire at the center of the earth is definitely a tonic, and it is an excellent aid for cultivation.

It is a pity that although those powerful Warcraft are very powerful, it is not easy to find the fire of the earth. Fortunately, the lucky group like the Chiyan Jinlin family is very rare in the final analysis. In addition, the geocentric fire of the Chiyan Jinlin family is just a very small and small space, and the scale is a bit pitiful.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The milky white earth-like fire is like endless, blasting wildly from the rock cracks, and because this is the depth of the underground magma world, there is not enough space in the magma for these flames to contain. Then, a loud explosion sounded continuously, but after these underground fires ignited the underground magma, a series of explosions occurred.

"Not good, really in trouble !!!"

Seeing a large number of milky flames spewing out from under the rocks, and began a continuous explosion in the magma world, Yuan Feng's complexion could not help but change slightly. He said that he accelerated the speed and went straight to the top. Out.

His defense is very strong, but at this time, if he is hit by an explosion after these geocentric fires are mixed with underground magma, then even if he cannot be killed, I am afraid he will be injured.

Yuan Feng's figure turned into a swimming fish, and instantly went out upward, but the entire underground magma world at this moment is almost like the end of the world, and such a big explosion is with the heart The fire is constantly erupting, and it is intensifying. It can be said that this time, I am afraid that the fire and lion family will have a big trouble!

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The old nest of the fire cloud lion family is above the magma world below Yuqiong Mountain. The underground magma is like the energy source for their survival. As the big bang of the underground magma world begins, at this moment, the entire fire cloud The magic lion family basically became a sea of ​​fire and ocean in an instant. All the fierce fierce magic lion family's strong men, but at this moment woke up from the cultivation.

This time, the Huoyun Mo Lions may be about to face the biggest crisis in history. As for how big they are, they will soon know.

ps: I'm sorry everyone. It's really hard to squeeze time for the whole house in the past two days. Basically, I wash and wash after coming back, tired and sleepy, all relying on willpower in the code! !! !!

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