The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2065: Dig a door

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Chapter 2065 Digging A Door

The vast world of underground flames, a demigod of the fiery cloud lion family, is bending down and lowering its head at the moment, reporting the situation to the image of an old man in front of him, and from his title to the old man It can be heard that the identity of this old man is the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi family.

Because he appeared in the form of video, it is difficult to evaluate the strength of the old man, but one thing is certain, even if it is only a video, the power of the old man may not be changed from the demigod in front of him. Huoyun Mo Lion is poor.

"What's going on? But has anything happened?"

The image of the old man could not see any mood or anger, but there was a kind of majesty not to be angry, which made the opposite demigod strong person dare not look up, but his attitude was more and more respectful.

"If you are the Lord Hui, there are two unknown guys in Shiji who don't know how to break into this place. I have killed one of them and brought the other one."

This revolving demigod fire cloud lion did not dare to conceal anything. As soon as he raised his hand, the Promise World of Warcraft eyeliner that was previously captured by him appeared in the image of the old man.

"Well? The little guy in the Promise? It looks strange, even I can't see its ethnic group."

Seeing the Promise of World of Warcraft called by the other party, the old man's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, apparently he was also curious about this Prom of World of Warcraft.

Speaking of which, he has never seen such a group of Warcraft, faintly, he feels that this World of Warcraft is not quite right, but there is nothing wrong with it, he really can't tell.

"Can you go outside to observe the situation?"

The old man's gaze was observed for a long time on the eyeliner of Warcraft, and at last he asked the opposite side of the magic lion.

"Hai Patriarch, I have already looked up. At the entrance of the Teleportation Xuanzhen, there are almost a hundred heads of World of Warcraft at the moment. It seems that these guys should be a group, but I do n’t know why they went to heaven. Qiongshan, even two guys have strayed into my Huoyun Moshi family. "

One turn of the devil did not dare to conceal, and then he explained all the circumstances and said his guess.

"It turns out that it seems that there is probably a collective migration of a certain ethnic group. This matter is not a big deal. You go and wipe out all the outside Warcrafts. The entrance of my Huoyun Mo Lion family is ten thousand Never let outsiders know. "

In his eyes, nothing can compare with the prosperity and prosperity of the Huoyun Moshi family. As for the hundred or so Promise of Warcraft, they will be killed if they are killed. There is no big deal at all.

"Master Patriarch, rest assured, I will go out and kill those guys without leaving traces of traces."

The one-turned magic lion agreed very happily. He originally thought the same way. However, without the command of the patriarch, he would never dare to make a claim.

You know, he is a demigod who was born after the patriarch had spent a lot of money. For him, the Huoyun Moshi tribe has run out of private possessions. This kind of grace is destined to let him pay back with his life. of.

"Go, remember, the Beast God Realm is now becoming turbulent. You must guard the entrance. Don't let outsiders get into my Huoyun Moshi family. If there is any difference, I ask for you !! ! "

At the moment when he is at the critical moment of cultivation, the ontology does not have so much energy to deal with the matter at all, and the Huoyun Moshi clan has the guardianship of nature. Of course, he does not need to worry about anything.

"I will take good care of my clan and prevent any outsiders from mixing in."

The burly man did not say much anymore, bowed to the influence of the old man, and then flashed in shape to go outside to deal with the above Warcraft.

And when he left, the old man's image slowly disappeared in place, the entire underground flame world, and now slowly became quiet.

A long time ago, the patriarchs of the Huoyun Moshi clan have ordered that all the clan of the Huoyun Moshi clan should not run around during this time. Their only goal now is to improve themselves as quickly as possible. Strength, or to deal with the dangers that may arise at any moment.

The demigod fiery cloud lion that stayed behind was a new demigod that didn't last long, and it was difficult to go further within a short time, so it was appointed to guard the flaming cloud lion family.

After the burly man left, he quickly destroyed the entire World of Warcraft, and after annihilating all the World of Warcraft, he returned to the hole in the underground flame world and continued to guard the entire community.

He didn't find anything wrong. To say something wrong, it seems that there are so many World of Warcraft coming from outside, which makes him wonder for a while where it came from.

Of course, no matter where he came from, he has now been destroyed, and there is no need to worry about it anymore!

The entire Huoyun Moshi family has become quiet again. Ordinary Huoyun Moshi is basically practicing and sleeping honestly at this moment, while the powerful Huoyun Moshi is holding fast to every point. No one knows to increase strength in seconds. At this moment, a very dangerous character has been mixed into their ethnic group.

"Yu, have you finally calmed down? It finally let me get into the old nest of the Huoyun Moshi family, but from the current situation, it seems that the next move is not very optimistic !!! "

When the entire underground world slowly became quiet, Yuan Feng took a long sigh of relief in her heart, and her heart slowly calmed down.

Before that, the burly middle-aged man kept going in and out of the cave and met the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi clan, but he was really taken aback by this.

Fortunately, the patriarch of the flame lion family seems to have important things to do, so there is no energy to take care of external affairs. If this is not the case, as long as the other party orders a thorough investigation of the entire fire cloud lion family, Then his hiding may not be able to fool everyone

At least, judging from the strength of the flame lion patriarch, 80% of him is difficult to hide.

"What should I do? Although mixed in, but there are so many superpowers in it, if you start acting directly, the danger is too great, but if you don't act directly, you don't know When will we get the blue sky dome, this is really embarrassing! "

Yuan Feng was a little tangled at the moment. On the one hand, he wanted to get the blue crystal dome from the strong people of the Huoyun Moshi family, but now that he has reached the old nest of the Huoyun Moshi family, how can he get Huoyun The baby of the devil lion family, he has no good idea right now.

The kind of treasure of the blue sky dome may be in the hands of the demigods of the fire cloud lion family, and not in the hands of every demigod, but also only from the ground Slowly digging into the world.

It is said that the blue sky dome is a treasure that has been condensed after continuous hardening and burning of the ground fire. If you want to find such a treasure, you must also dive into the sea of ​​fire of the fire cloud and the lion family.

For the first case, he is not very optimistic about himself. After all, there are so many strong men in the Huoyun Moshi family, and they are very strong. Even if their bodies have a blue sky, it seems that he may not Can grab it.

Therefore, compared to snatching from these guys, it seems that it is more reliable to find and dig by themselves.

Of course, maybe some parts of the Huoyun Moshi clan have reserves of blue sky dome, but that can only be tried after he understands the situation.

"As the saying goes, do it yourself, get plenty of food and clothing. In this case, I will try to dig for myself. If I am really lucky to have dug the blue sky crystal, it will satisfy my wish!"

After thinking about it, it seems that this is not the way to make it more reliable. After all, this approach will not bring much danger. Once there is any difference, he can still be like the burly man before. Leaving the old nest of Huoyun Mo Lion for a while.

"Try it. In the final analysis, I'm afraid it depends on my luck. Also, if you want to find the blue sky without these guys, I'm afraid I have to dive deeper."

With a decision in mind, Yuan Feng soon began to take action. First, naturally, he wanted to hide his breath, then he acted carefully, and finally found a way to not be forced by any of the fiery cloud lions. When the author found out, he sneaked into the bottom of Yuqiong Mountain, looking for the whereabouts of the blue crystal dome.

This process is simple to say, but in fact, every step of the action can be described with incomparable difficulties. After all, this is acting under the eyelids of so many superpowers. If you are a little careless, it is a group of people. A situation in which the strong are gathered and attacked.

Fortunately, Yuan Feng borrowed the breath of World of Warcraft from Xiao Ba, and even borrowed the power of the flames of the world of fire, so that his own breath would not be revealed basically, and not all ordinary members of the Fiery Lion family here Staying in one place, so even if he makes some movements, it is actually difficult to be noticed by the strong members of the flame lion family.

After all, until this moment, the strong men of Huoyun Moshi would not have thought that someone was so bold, but they ran to the old nest of Huoyun Moshi to scatter the wild.

The only thing that depresses Yuan Feng is that the Huoyun Moshi family seems to pay great attention to the purity of the blood. In the entire underground flame world, he basically did not see a World of Warcraft from other groups. It looks like the entire underground world. Only a group of fire cloud lions exist.

In this case, it is natural that he cannot release his own Warcraft eyeliner and can use it, but only himself is left. However, relying on his own strength, it seems that it is really too limited.

In any case, hope is better than hopeless. Soon, Yuan Feng found a good opportunity, and finally dived into the underground of Huoyun Moshi, which is also the core of the entire Yuqiong Mountain.

Since there are rumors that Yu Qiongshan was originally a vein of blue crystal dome, even if this matter is exaggerated, there should really be blue crystal dome.

In his thinking, if there is a blue sky dome in Tianqiong Mountain, then no matter how strong an ordinary warrior is, it should not be possible to reach too deep to dig the spar, which will be invisible for him. Opportunity.

His current strength and physical quality are there, and with him, he will definitely be able to dive deeper than the ordinary strong ones. Maybe the depth of his dives, even the strong ones of the Huoyun Moshi family, are Never arrived?

This is definitely not impossible. After all, although the Huoyun Moshi family is strong and proficient in flames, their defensive power cannot really be compared with Yuan Feng.

Of course, Yuan Feng is also not immortal now, so although his dive depth may be deeper than that of the fierce fierce lion family, whether he can really dive deep enough is not his goal. Can be sure.

Putting down those hard-to-find things for the time being, Yuan Feng began to dive towards the Huoyun Moshi tribe without hesitation. His actions were not discovered by any of the Huoyun Moshi tribe, and over time, he finally Dive deep to the end, but eventually came to a rock layer sandwiched by underground magma.

"Yu, I finally saw the underground rock layer, but I don't know if there is such a treasure as the blue sky dome in this special rock layer."

This layer of underground rock below is roughly inductive, and it should have a thickness of tens or hundreds of meters. Maybe, under this layer of rock, there will be another scene.

And when he can dive to such a distance, he has actually felt a strong pressure. If there is still no blue dome in this layer of rock, then he can only change the way and try to escape from the fire. The demigods of the Cloud Devil family snatched food from their mouths.

With hope in his heart, Yuan Feng started to dig up this layer of underground rock. However, with his own strength and deep underground, when will he be able to dig his head, but his heart is a little bit No children are expected.

In order to get the blue sky dome, he really did it this time. No matter what method he has, he must try it out. As to whether it can be successful, it depends on the help of heaven.

However, even if he fails, he will not have any regrets. After all, good things are alive, and it is not necessarily a good thing for him to be promoted to the demigod later.

ps: I'm too busy during the day, and come back to code at night. I really feel tired and tired, but when I think of everyone's support, Xiaoyan is really gritting his teeth and writing. !! !!

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