The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2061: Yu Qiongshan (second more)

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Chapter 2061 Yu Qiongshan (two more)

When he heard that Tianmon Python said that he knew about the blue sky crystal, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly became active.

Sky monster python has been mixed in the beast **** world for so long, of course, there will be many channels of news that he can't imagine. Now, since the other party has agreed to help himself to find a solution, maybe he can really think of a feasible solution!

"Yuan Feng, in fact, you want to know the whereabouts of the blue sky dome, this is not too difficult, but although I can tell you where there is the blue sky dome, whether it can be obtained, that is not what I can determine. And I have absolutely no way to help you, and I hope that you will be mentally prepared. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's face became very serious, the Tianmon Python gradually became a little more serious, and then he shot a shot against Yuan Feng.

She did know the news of the blue sky, but to be honest, although the news would not be false, Yuan Feng wanted to get the treasure from the hands of those guys, but the difficulty was imaginable.

Generally speaking, such treasures as the blue sky dome are basically things that can be encountered but not begged. Maybe you can get such treasures for a certain period of time, but if you deliberately look for such treasures, you may It's hard to get it.

"Anyway, no matter if I can get it, as long as I have the news of the blue sky, I am very grateful."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's mentality is very good. For him, the most immediate need is the news of the blue sky crystal. Only with the goal, he can work along the goal, otherwise, he is like a headless Like a fly, God knows where to hit.

Therefore, when he heard the news of Tian Yao Python about the blue sky crystal, his heart was already very happy.

Xiao Ba became very quiet at this moment, like a super bodyguard, leaning tightly behind Yuan Feng. For him, he was promoted to a demigod and transformed into a humanoid appearance. From From now on, it's basically Yuan Feng's super bodyguard. If anyone dares to be bad for Yuan Feng, he will definitely not agree.

"That's all right. Since that's the case, I'll talk to you about it." After hearing Yuan Feng's answer, the Tianmon Python nodded, and then continued, "In the beast **** world, there are many Super big groups. Among these big groups, there are often unimaginable super strong people in town. These big groups have been passed down for a long time. The resources they control are absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. "

As the mind turns, Tianmon Python is also thinking about the goal that she should recommend for Yuan Feng. She knows more than one news, but there is some news, even if it is told Yuan Feng, it is useless, so it is unnecessary to say Already.

"In the area of ​​the torch where we are now, there is a group called Huoyun Mo Lion. This is a super big group. I am afraid that there are no fewer than 40 demigods in the group, of course. This is just the information I have. As for whether there is a deviation, it is not very easy to say, but basically it is not too outrageous. "

Speaking of the Huoyun Moshi clan, Tian Yao Python's face has become very solemn. Obviously, even her, the so-called Huoyun Mo Lion clan feels very afraid.

"A large group of more than forty demigods? This ........." Demon Flame Girl "means that there is a blue sky in this group called the Fire Cloud Devil?"

When the demon python's voice fell, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Tian Yao Python really provided him with information, but a large group of more than 40 super strong people, now he is really difficult to grab food from others' mouths, at least, in the absence of In the case of tearing his face completely, he was really not sure.

It is not a joke to have a large group of more than forty demigods. Among these forty super-strongs, there will definitely be something that makes him all daunting. Such a strong person, he doesn't know if he can escape.

Warcraft's horrific fighting power, but he has already understood, and dealing with Warcraft, it must take 11 million careful.

"Yes, that's what I mean. The place where the Huoyun Moshi family is located is called Yuqiongshan. In fact, Yuqiongshan is famous because of the veins of the blue crystal dome. It comes from the information I have. Look, it's only the fire cloud lion family that is finally the place where you can get the blue sky. "

The Tianmon Python is not a casual heart, since she mentioned the Huoyun Moshi family, then naturally she has her own reasons. In her heart, the Yuqiong Mountain where the Huoyun Moshi family is located is the largest in the blue sky. From the source, then the old nest of this fiery cloud lion, of course, should have this kind of baby.

In addition to the Huoyun Mo Lion family, she also knows that there may be blue dome crystals in several super groups, but these super powers are either outrageous in strength or are not sure whether there are blue dome crystals. In short, after some elimination, she really feels that this Huoyun Mo Lion family is indeed the best target.

Speaking of which, when she first came out of the mountain, she actually thought about controlling a super big group, and then became the emperor behind the big group. She did whatever she wanted, but in the end, she had to give up her idea. .

With her current strength, it is reasonable to control some people in the semi-god realm, such as the fire cloud lion, and their patriarchs are probably better than the Qing Wang who was killed by Yuan Feng before. It needs a little bit of power, so controlling the Huoyun Moshi family is simply unreliable.

"Yu Qiongshan? Where is the vein of the blue crystal dome? How could this happen?"

When the voice of Tian Yao Python fell, Yuan Feng's mouth slightly picked, but his heart became more and more suspicion.

If it is a large group with more than forty demigods, it is really difficult for him to mix in, let alone get the blue sky crystals they control, but to say that A vein that produces blue crystal dome crystals, then this is completely done!

A Yuqiong Mountain is obviously not a small mountain package, but since it is not a small mountain package, then he will definitely have the opportunity to take advantage, especially now that Xiaoba has been promoted to the semi-divine realm, the power it can exert, that is also Not what most people can imagine.

"There is absolutely no falsehood in this matter. However, although I know there is such a place, Yu Qiongshan is very defensive. If you want to mix in it, or even get their blue sky crystal, you really need to take it seriously. Only think about it. "

At the end of the day, Tian Yao Python is already thinking about how he can help Yuan Feng. No matter what, she wouldn't just watch Yuan Feng go alone to take risks, she said that she would have to find a way to get involved and help Yuan Feng.

Of course, helping Yuan Feng was also a solution to her own doubts. She really wanted to know if Yuan Feng wanted to get the blue sky dome, was it for her own use or was it for others.

"Oh, needless to say so much, Demon Flame Girl, this trip to Yu Qiongshan will definitely not be saved. If Demon Flame Girl has nothing to do, I hope Demon Flame Girl will help her lead a way. "

I do n’t need to say any more about it. Since there is such a place in the beast **** world, he must try his luck anyway. If he can really get the blue sky, then he is far away from his demigod. Another solid step can be taken.

Of course, even if he can't get the blue sky dome, as long as he is careful, it should be enough to get himself out of the way, and there may not be much trouble at all.

After all, it is still because of the existence of Xiao Ya, and Xiao Ya in the semi-god realm, it is also time to bloom its dazzling light. Since the two of them have arrived in the beast **** world, how can they leave nothing behind?

"Giggle, of course I have nothing important to do. Since you are sincerely invited, then I will go with you on this trip, but then again, if you can get the blue sky crystal, you must not forget me. s help."

I don't know why, she always felt that letting Yuan Feng owe her some kindness, which would definitely be of great benefit to her, so if she could, she would try every means to let Yuan Feng owe her some kindness .

"Haha, naturally, if this trip can really be successful, the demon flame girl is my biggest benefactor, plus the help to Xiao Ba, I really want to prepare a gift for you Now. "

With a laugh, Yuan Feng didn't have any psychological burden. The demon flame has helped him a lot, but it's not bad to help him any more. As for this kind of child, he will naturally remember in his heart and will find an opportunity to repay the other party.

"That's good. Since that's the case, let's go now. Yu Qiongshan is not close to this. Even if it is conservatively estimated, there is no delay in the middle, I am afraid it will take about half a year!"

The Yuqiong Mountain where the Huoyun Mo Lion is located is indeed a relatively well-known place. In fact, the Chiyan Jinlin family is not unaware of the existence of the Huoyun Moshi family, and even knows that the Huoyun Moshi family should be There will be blue sky dome, but they never thought of providing this news to Yuan Feng.

Although Yuan Feng's strength is indeed very strong, there are many means, but in their hearts, let Yuan Feng go to that kind of place to risk, it's almost like killing Yuan Feng, so there is no mention at all.

However, Tian Yao Python has seen so many magical things about Yuan Feng, especially after beheading half of Qing Qing Wang's body. This kind of record is enough for him to go to the Huoyun Moshi family.

"Is it half a year away? It's really not close. It seems that this beast **** world is really too big!"

For half a year, for a strong man with five turns in the semi-god realm, it is certain that he can fly a long distance, and it takes half a year to reach Yuqiongshan from here. It can be imagined that the whole How big is the beacon domain?

In fact, the beacon realm is nothing more than a relatively well-known part of the beast-god realm. There are three other realms in the beast-god realm, and each of them is no smaller than the beacon realm.

And beyond these four relatively shaped areas, I don't know how many places there will be, like these four areas, there will be a lot of areas. It seems that he wants to clarify the beast **** world. Nor can it be done overnight.

"Xiao Ba, you have just been promoted to demigod. I'm afraid that the realm is not stable yet, so for the time being, you still have cultivated in my physical world, and we are about to go to Yuqiongshan, there, I am afraid There will be a lot of World of Warcraft, you go ahead and prepare for it! "

With the plan in place, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look at Xiao Ba, and said with a smile.

Since there is a vein of blue dome crystals in Yuqiong Mountain, of course, he must find a way to dig and dig. Of course, even if he does not dig the last dig, he now needs Xiaoba to sort out a Warcraft Here comes the army.

In a place like the beast **** world, relying solely on the strength of the individual is too limited. Only the real Warcraft army can overpower the opponent in strength and momentum, so that the opponent dares not to underestimate you.

"Big brother, rest assured, I know how to do it. After half a year, I will let my brother's Majesty have a horrible force to deploy. If the Huoyun Moshi family refuses to cooperate with big brother, then I will let them The hills are leveled, and by then they will be willing to cooperate. "

Because there is a Tianmon python on the side, Yuan Feng didn't say too carefully to Xiao Ba, but they shared their hearts. Even if Yuan Feng didn't say it, Xiao Ba's heart was very well-known.

Of course, stability is also important. You can create a group of Warcraft troops. This matter is even more urgent. However, it should be enough for him to use it for half a year. However, the spar energy of Yuan Feng's body may be great. Consume some more!

Even the corpse of Qing Qing Wang, who was left before, may use some this time.

"Ha ha ha, okay, just have this confidence, go, see you in half a year." With a smile, Yuan Feng was very satisfied with Xiao Ba's answer.

He needs Xiaoba to have such a momentum. After all, given Xiaoba six months, he does not know how much Promise of Warcraft can come out from the other party. Maybe, six months later, he may not have the power to flatten Yu Qiongshan. .

Of course, in the production of World of Warcraft, he will never use the corpse of the King of Qing, and even the spar of his own body, he will not easily use it. Anyway, at this time, he is in the beast **** world. Powerful Warcraft is everywhere. He doesn't mind killing a few powerful Warcraft midway for Xiao Ba's random use.

In the time of speaking, Xiao Ba was one step back into Yuan Feng's body world and started to build a Warcraft army for Yuan Feng. When he saw Xiao Ba, he entered the body world of Yuan Feng without hesitation. Tian Yao Python, can not help but be convinced by the mutual trust before Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba.

"Giggle, your partner really trusts you, but then again, every time I listen to your two conversations, I will feel very happy, giggle !!!"

As for Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba's description of Dangping Yuqiongshan, she could only smile back. Obviously, she did not believe that the two had such ability. Perhaps, after Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba met Yu Qiongshan, they would be hard to say such words again!

"Hey, just be happy, demon flame girl, let's get started!"

Yuan Feng didn't explain too much. Before she smiled, she made a gesture of please. Maybe the Tianmon Python treats him and Xiaoba's words as a joke, but in his heart, he never feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

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