The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2060: Battle for the Demon Realm (1)

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Chapter 2060 Fighting For The Beast God Realm (1)

In the sky, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python stood side by side, and on the opposite side of them, Xiao Ba, who had just gone through a few rounds of robbery, had now turned into a human figure, and stood on the opposite side of Yuan Feng with a good look.

However, what Yuan Feng never expected was that his own Warcraft companion, after being transformed, looked extremely similar to himself. If the similarity is to be counted, I am afraid that it must be at least 80%.

Speaking of this, Xiao Ba was born from his essence and blood. In addition, Xiao Ba has always been with him. Everything is basically based on his will. Moreover, Warcraft is transformed into At that time, he had a certain ability to adjust his appearance, and Xiao Ba's adjustment result naturally adjusted towards the appearance of Yuan Feng.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Ba, you guy finally has a personal look, ha ha ha ha !!!"

After a brief shock, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh a long time. Today's Xiaoba finally turned into a humanoid appearance. From now on, he can always bring him around, but he doesn't have to worry about being treated as a monster by others.

The original appearance of Xiao Ba is indeed embarrassing, and after the transformation, he is basically no different from ordinary people. Moreover, his humanoid appearance is extremely similar to Yuan Feng. From an outsider's point of view, they absolutely Just a brother.

The main reason is that although Xiaoba is Warcraft, after it was transformed, due to the influence of Yuan Feng, he was hatched with the blood of a human warrior. His body did not really have the flavor of Warcraft.

"Hey, master, isn't my look good before?" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xiao Ba couldn't help smirking, obviously he didn't think he was more beautiful than Warcraft.

"Eh, all look good, all look good, hahaha !!!"

When asked by Xiaoba, Yuan Feng couldn't say anything. When he heard a loud laugh, he surrounded Xiaoba and looked up and down again.

"Well, that's not bad. I have passed through the robbery and achieved the state of demigod. Little guy, how do you feel now? But you have the confidence to fight the world with me?"

Demi-god's little eight, the breath on and off the body is so pure, it feels very powerful, and the most important thing is that the small eight's body is full of a strong vitality, this power, Imperceptibly makes people feel very comfortable.

Obviously, these are all related to Xiao Ba's own ability. It can produce Warcraft wirelessly, so naturally it is related to the power of life. As for what kind of power this is, it is not known by ordinary people.

Of course, Yuan Feng's concern is obviously not these. What he cares about is the current strength of Xiao Ba and the level of its production of Warcraft.

Although there is no experiment at the moment, Yuan Feng believes that if Xiao Ba is working now, it will definitely not take long to produce an infinite Promise of Warcraft.

"Hey, master, as long as the master is willing, I will help the master now to sweep the whole animal **** world !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xiao Ba sneered again, and what he said was nothing but arrogance. Of course, it sounded like bragging.

"Giggle, Yuanfeng, your partner is really interesting, don't you brag about drafts?"

When Xiaoba's words fell, sure enough, no matter what Yuan Feng said, the Tianmon Python beside him couldn't help giggling.

Obviously, she completely took Xiao Ba's words as bragging. After all, in her heart, how big the beast-god realm is, how many of them are strong, and to level the entire beast-god realm. This can only be said that Just talk about it.

"Hum, why, do you think I'm bragging? Isn't it some kind of beast **** world, as long as the master says a word, I will level this world for you to see."

Hearing the Tianmon Python questioning his own words, Xiaoba's face turned dark, apparently dissatisfied with the Tianmon Python's suspicion. Fortunately, the other party helped him a lot. Otherwise, he must be theoretical with the other party.

"Giggle, you little guy has just gone through the robbery, and you have such a big tone. Do you know how big the beast **** world is? How many superpowers are there? Don't say it is the leveling beast **** World, even if you encounter some super-big ethnic groups, I am afraid that you two are not enough to stave your teeth. "

Of course Tianyao Python does not believe that Xiao Ba has the ability to level the beast-god realm, and how powerful the beast-god realm is. Without a certain realm, it will never be understood.

Leaving aside those transcendental existences who simply can't see each other, just the well-known large group of beast gods is enough for Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba to kneel for mercy.

She didn't look down on Yuan Feng's master and servant either, but the beast **** world is really too strong and too strong, there are many unknown things, that Xiao Ba and Yuan Feng are basically difficult to reach.

"What is the super big group? If I want to, I can make a super big group now ..."

As for the demon python, Xiao Ba has a scornful feeling. After being promoted to demigod, he knows best how his strength and methods are. He is really not afraid of any super big group. Speaking of which, if he wants to compare with him, the whole beast **** There is no such ethnic group in the world.

Of course, the quantity is only one aspect. No matter how large the number of ethnic groups is, there are more people, but the ethnic groups he created will be completely loyal to him. By then, as long as he orders, then all The World of Warcraft will form a self-destructing army in an instant, and then, no matter how arrogant the master, he will still be overwhelmed by him.

This is his confidence, and it is not unrealistic!

"Hahaha, all right, don't argue with the two of you."

Waiting for Xiao Ba to continue, Yuan Feng waved his hand and signaled the other party to stop talking. Speaking of Xiao Ba's ability, he didn't want to let others know for the time being, so there was no need to compare with Tian Yao Python As for whether Xiao Ba really has the ability to sweep the whole world of beast gods, his heart is clearer than anyone else.

"Xiaoba, you were born out of my own blood. Speaking of which, you are my closest person. From now on, you will call my elder brother. As for the name of the owner, give it as soon as possible. How far have I lost, remember? "

He treats Xiao Ba as his own child, but now that Xiao Ba has grown up, he can't let the other party call his father? In comparison, the friendship between brothers seems to be more suitable for them.

"Hey, I see. From now on, I'll call my elder brother."

Scratching his head, Xiao Ba didn't argue with Tian Yao Python at the moment either. In his heart, Yuan Feng's sentence was more useful than anyone said for a day.

"Uh ......... well, I can't help you."

Hearing Xiao Ba ’s answer, Yuan Feng really had a feeling of crying and laughing. He knew that even if the other party called his elder brother, I was afraid that he would still locate the relationship between them as master and servant, but it was nothing. He believes that one day, the other party will slowly adapt to the relationship between the brothers.

"Yao Yan, I really want to thank you this time. If it wasn't for your shot, Xiao Ba would definitely be so difficult to advance to Demigod Realm. Xiao Ya, haven't you thanked Yao Yan quickly?"

Correcting his look, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at the Tianyue Python, and then thanked him sincerely.

He really wanted to thank the other party this time. After all, if it wasn't for Yao Yan's shot, it would be really difficult for him to promote Xiaoba's cultivation to a semi-godder.

This is a problem in the realm, but it has nothing to do with strength. After all, the Sky Monster Python is also Warcraft, but it knows how to improve the realm of Warcraft.

"Thank you for your help !!!!"

Xiao Ba is very obedient, although there have been a few disputes with Tian Yao Python before, but this is not a big deal. After all, he is actually a little bit shy at the moment, and wants to become as smart as Yuan Feng I am afraid it will take some time.

"Giggle, okay, okay, both of you are quite interesting. As for thank you, these verbal things have no meaning or value at all."

Of course, the Tianmon Python will not have general knowledge with Xiaoba. Of course, she still dismissed the powerful words of leveling the beast-god realm between Xiaoba and Yuanfeng. After all, she leveled the beast-god realm. In her mind, it was an unlikely event.


During the conversation, the Tianmon Python suddenly raised its hand. Suddenly, a small half of the Warcraft body was taken out by him. It was exactly what was used to help Xiaoba hit the semi-godder, and the last half was left. The body of the King of Qing Dynasty.

"Before helping him to hit the semi-godder, but there are so many left, I think he should still need some energy to supplement, these WoW bodies, I will not stay."

To help Xiao Ba to hit the semi-god realm, the body of Qing Qing Wang is simply a luxury item, and for Xiao Ba, it doesn't need that much to hit the semi-god realm.

"Oh, okay, since that's the case, Xiao Ba, then you can put it away!"

Yuan Feng wasn't polite to each other. Speaking of which, he did need the corpse of the King of Qing. He knew that his Warcraft companion was more than eighty. Among the Chiyan Jinlin clan, he still had one. As for Jinmoo's partner, obviously, no matter whether it is Xiaoba or Xiaojin, he should treat all of them equally.

In addition, although Xiao Jin's ability is not as bad as Xiao Ya's, it is definitely a very good ability. If Xiao Jin can also be transformed into a demigod Warcraft, then he is even more in the beast **** world. Like fish got water.

Of course, the corpse of the Green King is full of energy, although it is only a small half, but this small half is worth tens of millions of Promise of Warcraft, that is, such a body alone is almost This will allow Xiaoba to create tens of millions of Promise of Warcraft.

Tens of millions of Promise World of Warcraft, you can imagine that if such an army reached Shiyan Mountain of the Chiyan Jinlin family, I am afraid that the entire Shiyan Mountain can be razed to the ground in minutes!

"Although I couldn't find the blue sky crystal, this time, it made Xiao Ba's strength break into the semi-god realm. This is a worthwhile trip."

Gaze swept over Xiao Ba's body for a week, but Yuan Feng's heart became more and more relieved.

His demigod is not so easy to be promoted, but Xiaoba has reached the demigod, and he is very satisfied with it. In a sense, Xiaoba has been promoted to demigod. Far more useful than his own promotion to demigod.

You know, even if he is promoted to demigod, it is impossible to rely on his own strength to shake the whole beast **** world, but Xiaoba is completely different. In terms of Xiaoba ’s current ability, even if he cannot fight against the whole The animal **** world, but it is definitely not comparable to the average ethnic group.

"Yuan Feng, what else do you have to do next? It seems that this trip to Purgatory God Mountain, you should not have achieved your purpose?"

Just between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the Tianmon Python on the side saw a lot of things from Yuan Feng's expression, and then asked leisurely.

Yuan Feng had promised her before. As long as she didn't leave, Yuan Feng would not be allowed to drive her away, and no matter where Yuan Feng was going, she would choose to follow Yuan Feng. At least, at present, she has no plans to leave.

"What to do next? Yu, come to this beast **** world, my purpose is only two, one is to find my other Warcraft friend, know how he is going now, do you have any trouble need my help The other one is to find some blue sky crystals, but these two things seem to have no clue right now! "

Yuan Feng didn't mean to conceal anything about Tian Yao Python. Speaking of which, Tian Yao Python has no conflict of interest with him. Moreover, Tian Yao Python has been very experienced in the beast **** world for so many years. Uncertainly, for the things he has to do, Tian Yao Python may still make some constructive suggestions?

"Find a friend? What other friends do you have in the beast **** world? Is there anything special about him?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the sky demon python frowned, apparently thinking of a way for Yuan Feng.

"It's not too long since it came to the beast **** world, and it's not easy to find it. I'm afraid it also needs some fate and opportunity."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not tell the other side about Dahei's image and characteristics. After all, he still didn't want to let the other side know about Dahei, because even if he knew it, the other side might not be able to help him.

"So ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the demon python pursed his lips, and then continued, "Do you want to look for the blue sky crystal? This, it seems that I can really give you some news."

How savvy is the Tianmon Python, she knows that since Yuan Feng said two things, one of which she could n’t help, then it ’s clear that the other party obviously wants to ask her another thing .

Not to mention, she can really help with the matter of the blue sky. Of course, is it really possible to get that thing, I'm afraid it will take Yuan Feng to work hard. Anyway, she can't replace Yuan. Feng's shot.

"Well? Hehe, if the monster flame girl can provide some information, then I would be grateful."

When the demon python's voice dropped, Yuan Feng could not help but shine, but he was faintly looking forward.

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