The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2058: Should be robbed (one more)

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Chapter 2058 should be robbed (one more)

Handing Xiao Ba into the hands of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng was honestly waiting outside for the results.

Regardless of the strength or the cultivation of the realm of the demon python, he must be stronger than him too much, so he believes that what he cannot do, the demon python may not be able to do it.

Waiting has always been fascinating. Although Yuan Feng thinks that his realm is good, he still can't calm down his heart before waiting for the results to come out.

As time passes, Xiao Ba's impact on the semi-god realm is not so easy to achieve. However, from the faint energy fluctuations constantly coming from the cave, Xiao Ba's rushing has been proceeding in an orderly manner. , And the demon python did not send a message of failure.

Sometimes, no news is the best news. At least, before the news of failure comes, Yuan Feng's heart is still very hot.

The sun and the moon flowed, Yuan Feng didn't know what happened to Xiao Ba. At this moment, he didn't even dare to investigate the situation inside the cave, so as not to disturb Tian Yao Bo and Xiao Ba.

For almost half a month, Yuan Feng slipped away in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye. Yuan Feng, as usual, quietly waited for the result outside the cave, and here it is Over time, the sky above him, which was originally clear, suddenly faded.

"Well? What's the matter? Why has it suddenly changed?"

Looking at the clear sky, suddenly it became dim, and it was getting darker and darker. Yuan Feng's eyebrows could not help but slightly pick, and her heart was also very curious.

Either the beast-god realm, or the delusional realm, these are real higher worlds, and all the creatures in it can absorb the heaven and earth aura to grow, so there is no such thing as rain and sky. Right now, above the head The sky suddenly became dim, which was obviously not a normal thing.

"Booming !!!!!!"

As time went on speaking, dark clouds began to converge, and soon, the sky almost a mile or so round was covered by a cloud of darkness.

"Good guy, good-looking, how could it suddenly become like this? Is it the King of Qingyou who came to the door?

With a tense heart, Yuan Feng's face at this moment couldn't help becoming more dignified. Right now, it's the key time for Xiaoba's cultivation, and he doesn't want someone to come to bother him at this time.

Thinking of this, his mind was suddenly scattered in all directions, exploring the situation in every corner.

However, when he releases his mind, within a hundred miles, there is no danger at all, and there is no breath of a strong demigod, and he is more and more stunned by this. Unsure.


When Yuan Feng was searching around, the dark clouds above the sky were already very dense. Between the time of speaking and the dark clouds, a thunder started to flash.

"Well, wait, it looks like I overlooked something, this dark cloud ..."

Seeing the black clouds above the sky, as well as the turbulent purple thunder, Yuan Feng suddenly realized that it seemed as if he had overlooked one thing, something that had been heard for a long time, but had not seen before.

"Om !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng thought of it, in the cave behind him, there was a space shake, but it suddenly escaped from the cave, a momentum that belonged to the demigod, and instantly wrapped him Among them, he felt an indescribable kindness.

Obviously, the momentum fluctuation of this demigod powerhouse was just uploaded from the body of his Warcraft companion, Xiao Ba.

"Success? Xiaoba succeeded? !!!"

At this moment, where did Yuan Feng not understand what was going on? Obviously, not long ago, Xiao Ba hit the demigod, but it was finally completed. As for the clouds above the sky, wasn't that the robber when the demigod was advanced?

It has long been heard that when you are promoted to the Demigod Realm, and among the nine realms of the Demigod Realm, there will be a test of the martial arts by the heavens. This test is the so-called robbing.

At the moment, it seems that Xiao Ba is a successful breakthrough into the semi-god realm, which has led to a robbery between heaven and earth! !! !!


At this moment, a flash of light flashed, and then, the body of the sky demon python flashed out of the cave and came to Yuan Feng's front.

"Giggle, Yuan Feng, you really have to thank me this time, your Warcraft companion is now a demigod powerhouse !!!"

As soon as the Tianmon Python appeared, he smiled at Yuan Feng grinningly, and now she was a little pale, and apparently consumed a lot.

However, although the consumption is not small, her mood seems to be good, because in this month or so, she did not waste it in vain, but helped Xiao Ba successfully promoted to the semi-god realm. Such a result is not General richness.

Speaking of which, Xiao Ba's situation is not as good as Yuan Feng's imagination. It has taken too little time to advance to the limitless state, and the foundation is not solid at all. For this, Tian Yao Python was basically doing preparations until recently. God, she really began to help Xiao Ba hit the semi-god realm.

Fortunately, Xiao Ba is very clever. What she instilled into each other quickly understood each other, which finally made her succeed. If not, this time, she really does n’t know if she can do it. Until now.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I didn't expect you to really do it."

Hearing the words of the day demon python, Yuan Feng immediately looked happy, and then laughed loudly. With the confirmation of the Tian Yao Python, this matter is obviously true, and the thought of Xiao Ba has been promoted to the state of demigod, his heart is inexpressible.

It can be said that Xiaoba in Demigod Realm is truly reborn. From now on, with Xiaoba as a super partner, he wants to see if there is any other Warcraft group that can beat him.

If anyone dares not to accept it, then he will let Xiaoba produce eighty-eight million Promise Warcraft troops. At that time, no matter how powerful the siege of the army, it will still be drowned in such a large self-exploding army Right?

"Hey, hey, do n’t just be happy, just say, how do you thank me? Speaking of which, in order to help your Warcraft companion, I spent a lot of thoughts and also used a lot of my own private collection Baby! "

Seeing Yuan Feng just laughed there, but he didn't mention his gratitude to himself, the Tianmon Python could not help a little biting his lips and asked Yuan Feng.

Such a good opportunity, of course, she has to find some benefits for herself. Of course, she is not short of anything. Yuan Feng is in distress at the moment, and it is nothing more than intentional.

"Hahaha, good to say, whatever you want, despite telling me, as long as I can give it, I can give it to you."

At this moment, Yuan Feng was so excited that he wouldn't care about anything at all. No matter what kind of conditions the Tian Yao Python proposed to him, he would agree unconditionally.

Of course, if the conditions are too excessive, then we have to say something else.

"Giggle, but that's what you said. In that case, from now on, I will always follow you. You can never drive me away."

With a sly smile, the demon python at this moment couldn't help showing a clever smile. She does not lack anything, but at this time, it is obviously the opportunity for her to make her request. Such a good opportunity, of course, she cannot miss.

"It's up to you, from now on, I won't drive you away." He waved and waved, but Yuan Feng didn't care about it at this time. When he talked, he was moving, and he wanted to go into the cave. Grab it.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yuan Feng going into the hole, the Tianmon Python could not help but hesitated slightly, but hurriedly pulled Yuan Feng back to stop Yuan Feng's action.

"Well? What's wrong? I'm going to see Xiao Ba, what are you stopping me from doing?"

Grabbed by the sky demon python, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a hint of doubt, but he didn't know what the other party was doing!

"Now it's not when you look at Xiao Ba. Don't you see that it has been brewing up and down? By coming to it at this time, are you trying to kill him?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's doubts, Tian Yao Python couldn't help but give Yuan Feng a glance, but his eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of doubt.

It stands to reason that any person in the demigod should know that when experiencing robbery, it is absolutely not allowed to have other people present, otherwise, the robbery will become a double force, That's not what the robber can bear.

However, from the perspective of Yuan Feng's performance, it seems that he really didn't know the matter, and of course, she had a very surprised feeling about it.

"Uh, robberies? I forgot about it."

Hearing the words of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng remembered it. It seemed that there was a so-called robber waiting for Xiaoba above the sky! However, he had never experienced a robbery and did not know what was in the robbery, which made him almost wrong.

You can't blame him. He had witnessed the birth of two demigods at the beginning, and whether they were Chu Xunchen or Waner, these two guys were extremely special and did not appear to be robbery.

Wan'er's nothingness makes her not troubled by the robbery at all. Perhaps even the robbery knows that even a character who is based on the nothingness is not tested by the robbery. Yes, so there is no re-robbery.

As for Chu Yichen, her promotion is an inconceivable thing in itself. As for why there is no re-robbery, it is even more difficult for others to understand. In short, these two women are definitely not ordinary characters, and their robberies must be different from ordinary people.

"Well, let's step aside for the time being. As for this robbery, let Xiao Ba handle it by himself. I believe that with its strength and means, it should be able to cope."

The Tianmon Python didn't say much. Yuan Feng's body is definitely a problem. This is because as she has been in contact with each other for a longer time, she can feel it more and more. As for Xiaoba, though For the time being, she doesn't know what Xiaoba's means are, but it is conceivable that Xiaoba's methods are definitely not too bad.

"Well, in this case, let's stay aside for a while and wait for Xiaoba to pass the first turn of the robbery. We must celebrate it well."

Nodded, Yuan Feng had no opinion. He believes in Xiao Ba's ability. Although he hasn't seen any robberies, he wants nothing more than a little test. With the power of Xiao Ba, it should be enough to cope.

"Brush !!!!"

Looking at the cave, Yuan Feng did not hesitate anymore. When he was in shape, he took the sky demon python and swept away, leaving the entire overcast area to Xiao. Eight go alone.

"Well !!! Boom !!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python flashed away, above the sky, a purple thunder, like a winding dragon, suddenly landed towards the cave where Xiao Ba was located, and made a blast. In one voice, the entire cave was razed directly to the ground, and Xiao Ba's body was completely exposed to the robberies.

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