The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2057: Xiao Ya Chong

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Chapter 2057 Little Eight Chong Grade

In the cave, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python stood side by side, and in front of their eyes, half of the body of the Qingyu King was exuding a thick **** atmosphere, and there was even a faint horrible momentum.

As a demigod super strong with more than six turns, although this is only half of its body and only half of its tail, it is not comparable to that of ordinary Warcraft.

Based on the history of the beast **** world, the existence time of the King of the Green Dragon is too long and too long, let alone cut off the other half of the body, even if the other one's scales are peeled off, I am afraid that it is enough to make people feel shocked. Already.

"It's really the body of King Qing Ye, so terrifying, this King of King Qing is obviously a real six-turn demigod, and it seems to be impacting the realm of the seventh turn !!!"

It is also a super strong who has cultivated for countless years. The Tianmon Python is almost instantaneous. The half of the body in front of him is undoubtedly the King of Qing. From above her sect, she felt a strong threat. She believed that at this moment, the King of the Qing Dynasty was probably hitting the realm of the seventh turn.

And the fact is indeed the same. When Qing Qing King occupied the Purgatory God Mountain at first, in fact, he was fancy about the environment of the Purgatory God Mountain. He wanted to impact the realm of the Seven Deities of Demigod here, but he had no idea but met Yuan Feng This pervert. If it wasn't for meeting Yuan Feng, then it won't be long before it is bound to impact the realm of the seventh turn and become a free and invincible existence.

"Hey, no matter what six turns or seven turns, the current King of the Green Dragon may not be better than me, let alone the seven-turn realm of the semi-god realm. Even if it is the six-turn realm, it may be It's been too long to recover! "

Although at the last moment he did not see the figure of the King of Qing, he believed that in the last big bang, even if the King of the Qing had escaped one step before, I am afraid it would be blown up.

Of course, even if it weren't there, just the body was cut off, and the King of Qingyi would be hard to launch an impact on the realm of Demigod.

"Yu, Yuan Feng, you are really a pervert."

At this moment, the sky demon python really couldn't find a suitable word to describe Yuan Feng. Even the Qinghuang King who had six turns in the demigod could get it. Yuan Feng's strength really made her hard to imagine. Anyway, she knew in her heart that if it was her, it would have been delicious in the mouth of the King of Qing.

"Well, okay, I think you're bragging about me."

Yuan Feng is also a little speechless about the word given to him by the other party. Seriously, he didn't feel that he had any commendation for beheading the King of Qing. He must be a human warrior, and not a warcraft who drinks blood. In terms of strength, he can never beat each other, but he has his own wisdom, and of course he is not afraid of a big lizard.

"I'm not ashamed !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tianmon Python could not help but slap his lips, and then gave Yuan Feng a white look, seemingly dismissive of Yuan Feng's answer. However, the color of admiration in her eyes completely betrayed her heart.

"Well, demon flames, this time you saved my life. I have always been rewarded for this person. The body of this half-headed King of the Green Dragon, even if I am grateful to you, may not be a lot, but It's a bit of my heart. "

In any case, he was able to survive this time, all because the Tian Yao Python saved himself. If there was no other party to save him, then this time, he is actually quite dangerous.

Of course, danger is dangerous, even if there is no Tianmon Python, he can actually save himself. After all, he still has a detached existence, and he has a stone in his body world! At the moment of his coma, he had time to summon the stone, and then gave it to the detached command to save his deity.

However, at that time, he knew that the sky demon python was on the side, so instead of putting out a stone, he chose to let the sky demon python shoot. Speaking of which, this is a kind of trust!

"Yuan Feng, to this day, do you still think of me as a complete outsider?"

However, just when Yuan Feng's voice had just fallen, the face of Tian Yao Python suddenly became a little unsightly, apparently a little uncomfortable.

"Uh, this ........."

Seeing Tian Yao Python's expression, Yuan Feng knew that he had done something wrong again. Tian Yao Bo's feelings towards him have already been well known to him, and he has become clearer after listening to so many whispers of the other party during this time. Speaking of which, the last thing the Tianmon Python wants to see is that he is polite to the other party.

In the eyes of Warcraft, if you are your own, you don't need to be polite. Once you are polite, it means that the relationship is not in place. This is also the same for World of Warcraft, such as the Sky Monster Python.

"Oh, it ’s like this, it ’s not that I treat you as an outsider, but of course, such a good thing, of course I ca n’t swallow it alone, because I treat you as my own, so I take it out and share it with you of."

With a change of mind, Yuan Feng quickly changed her mind, but turned gratitude into sharing, but these two concepts are completely different.

"Huh, it's almost the same. Tell you, I don't need to thank you. Besides, you saved my life in the first place. Even if you are grateful, then we already have nothing to owe each other. Where do we need you? Do it? "

The Tianmon Python is very clear. If Yuan Feng gave her the body of Qingyu King to herself, she would not accept it. However, since it was Yuan Feng who shared it with herself, she had no problems.

To tell you the truth, this is the body of King Qingying. Although it is only half-length, the value of this thing is simply impossible to measure with anything.

"What a terrible body, the body of this Qingying Wang is simply a super big baby."

Gaze looked again at Qing Qing's body. At this moment, she really felt a bit indifferent. She can feel that in this half of the body, there is an immeasurable amount of energy. If she can swallow this big guy, her strength will be greatly improved.

"Yuan Feng, are you sure you want to share this thing with me?"

For a long time, the sky demon python suddenly turned his head and asked Yuan Feng aside. She believes that Yuan Feng must also know the value of Qing Qing Wang's body, so she doesn't want Yuan Feng to still repay her, so she gives Qing Qing Wang's body to her.

"Of course, can there still be fake?"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng's face could not help but reveal a bit of bitterness. Obviously he wanted to give a gift, but the other party was not willing to accept it, but he wanted him to think of a reasonable reason, and he was really drunk.

"Giggle, that's fine, since that's the case, then I'm not polite to you."

Hearing Yuan Feng ’s answer, the Tianmon Python could n’t help laughing, and raised his hand to split the half of the King of the Green Dragon again into two halves, and then half of it was put away and left behind. The other half.

"Well? You are ..."

Seeing that the Tianmon Python split the body of Warcraft into two, and she only took half of it, Yuan Feng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, apparently she didn't understand the meaning of the other party.

He really wanted to complete the Tianmon Python. The previous Tianmon Python had already told him that she was preparing to impact the realm of the sixth turn, and with such a half-sized body of Warcraft, she had the opportunity to attack the sixth turn It can undoubtedly be much larger.

"Giggle, since it is to share, then of course it is half a person, so that is the most fair and reasonable."

For Yuan Feng's doubts, Tian Yao Python quickly gave the answer. She was still worried that Yuan Feng only wanted to repay her, so he took the body of the Qing Dynasty King to share with her, and now, the two of them split the body of the Qing Dynasty King equally, there is no problem.

"Isn't this necessary? I know you need this thing to hit the demigod and six-turn realm."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng really feels helpless about the Tianmon Python in front of her.

"Giggle, okay, okay, you guys really do. When you can't see it, do you really need this half of the Qingling King's body? The rest of the half, you should hurry up Now. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tianmon Python could not help laughing, while smiling, she could not help flashing a tinge of light in her eyes.

"Well? This ........."

With a stagnant figure, Yuan Feng's face flashed a bit of confusion. Obviously, he really didn't expect that the observation of the Tian Yao Python was so detailed that he even saw that he needed the body of the King of Qing.

He did need the body of the King of the King of Qing Dynasty to help Xiao Ba strike the realm of demigod, but in comparison, the Tianmon Python needed it even more. Anyway, he has the ability to help Xiao Ba to hit the semi-god realm, so the half of Qing Qing Wang's body now can be given to the Tianmon Python.

"Demon flame, I'm not in a hurry to do anything with this thing, or you can put it away!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not do what the other party intended. Although he did show a trace of interest in the body of the half-green king in front of him, in comparison, he decided to complete the Tianmon Python.

"Don't shirk me. If you shirk me again, then I will not do the other half."

Seeing Yuan Feng still didn't want to put away this half of the corpse, Tian Yao Python waved his hand, but threatened directly to Yuan Feng.

Her personality has always been the same. Now that she has decided something, no matter who it is, it is useless at all.


Seeing the other person's decisive complexion, Yuan Feng knew that even if he persisted, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to survive the other person. In this case, it seems that he really has no choice!

"Also, since you don't want to accept it, then I will keep it for myself."

Since the other party does not want it, and he really needs it, it seems that there is really no need to continue to push it around. Perhaps, more or less, this difference will not be too big for the Sky Monster Python.

"Giggle, is that right!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the sky demon python put away the innocence of her face, and giggled.

"Just in time to catch up with you as a super strong, I have a favor and would like to ask you to help, I wonder if you are willing?"

Since he still has such a half body, he naturally has to make good use of it, and now that the Tian Yao Python is here, he can ask the other party for help. After all, for letting Xiao Ba hit the semi-godder He has no real experience in this matter.

"Giggle, what do you need me to help, even if I can speak, as long as I can help, there will be no reservations."

Of course, there is no problem with Tian Yao Python. Helping Yuan Feng is just like helping herself, and she's really curious about what kind of help Yuan Feng will need.

"That's it. I have a Warcraft companion, and now that's the state of the Promise. I want you to help me and see if I can use this half of the body to make it a strong demigod."

There should be different entry points for communication between World of Warcraft, and after all, he is just a human warrior, so let's leave this problem to the day demon python to solve it.

"Oh? Warcraft companion? Giggles, of course, this is no problem. Call your Warcraft companion to see. If I can, I will help it impact the demigod.

Such a trivial matter is of course nothing to her. Under normal circumstances, as long as a weak Warcraft devours a powerful Warcraft, then a weak Warcraft can almost have the power of a powerful Warcraft. Right now They have six demigods of Warcraft corpses, so naturally they can certainly create a demigod and one turn of Warcraft.

"Okay, then I thank you for Xiaoba first, little guy, come out and meet new friends !!!"

"Brush !!!" With a little thought, Yuan Feng raised his hand and called out his own Warcraft companion Xiaoba, ready to help his Warcraft companion to impact the realm of demigod.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Xiao Ba's figure appeared in the cave. It was almost the first time that he saw the corpse of Warcraft on the opposite side, and the sky demon python next to Yuan Feng. It can be seen that it is very jealous of the king's body. The sky demon python, like other World of Warcraft, seems to feel a bit lost.

"Cough, little guy, stay focused and don't shame me."

Feeling that Xiao Ba was even fascinated by the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little surprised, and then reminded him.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Xiao Ba was connected with his mind. As he said, the other party suddenly stunned, and then immediately returned to normal. After speaking, he completed the transformation from a **** to a gentleman.

"Giggle, Yuan Feng, is this what you call a Warcraft companion? It looks really unique!"

Seeing Xiao Ba's appearance, Tian Yao Python couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his eyes could not help flashing a dignified color, and then he smiled at Yuan Feng.

Her level is very high. For the level of Warcraft that is lower than her, she can basically see it at a glance, but the small eight in front of her really makes her feel incomprehensible.

A World of Warcraft that she couldn't even see through, it is conceivable that this weird looking big guy is probably not an ordinary character. Having said that, Yuan Feng was not a normal human warrior. His Warcraft companion, of course, should not be an ordinary Warcraft companion.

"That's right, this guy, I hope it can have a chance to become a demigod, even if it consumes so much resources, I will do whatever it takes."

The significance of Xiao Ba's promotion to demigod is absolutely unimaginable. At least, once the opponent has been promoted to demigod, he will be able to produce an endless endless army of warcraft, and by then, he will be able to form an unparalleled Warcraft Army, by then, the whole world has no delusion, who else should he be afraid of?

In addition, as long as Xiao Ba is promoted to demigod, then he will be able to incarnate into a human form, and how can the human form be better than the form of Warcraft?

"It seems that you really have a hard time with your Warcraft partner, okay, okay, so I'll do this for you. As for whether it can be successful, I can't say this, but it's only Can see the level of your Warcraft companion. "

With the existence of the King of the Green Dragon, her confidence is still sufficient. At least she believes that a Warcraft that may be as good as her in level should not be a stupid guy.

"Well, in this case, let's take a look at Xiaoba for a while. Let's start letting it try to hit the demigod later."

At this moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a sense of eagerness. He was curious to know what it would look like if Xiao Ba was incarnate.

Of course, the main thing is Xiaoba in the semi-divine realm, which can become his real help. By then, in a place like the beast **** world, he can become more and more arbitrary.

"Okay, since you're so anxious, I'll take a look for you now."

Tian Yao Python didn't ask carefully. Since it was Yuan Feng who asked her to help, no matter what kind of World of Warcraft and what means she had, she would go all out to help Yuan Feng.

In the next time, Tianmon Python put all his energy on Xiaoba's body, and guided Xiaoba to practice, while Yuan Feng devolved the power completely, and let Tianmon Python hit and refine Xiaoba. He knew Once this process is successful, his hope of finding Dahei will be greatly enhanced, and the possibility of finding the blue sky crystal will undoubtedly also improve a large piece.

He was relatively relieved about the Tianmon Python, so after the Tianmon Python helped Xiao Ba to hit the demigod, he left the cave where the Tianmon Python was located and ran outside to guard and ventilate.

After walking in the cave for so long, he has a rare opportunity now, and of course he has to breathe some fresh air outside.

"Yu, I don't know if I can succeed this time. If it succeeds, then all the risks before it are not in vain, and I can also rely on Xiaoba to become the true master of this beast **** world!"

Once Xiao Ba is promoted to the semi-god realm, then the situation is really unimaginable. After all, it may be able to create a super warcraft army in minutes.

"Ah, it's a pity that I still can't find the blue sky dome this time. It seems that I want to hit the demigod, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go !!!"

It is impossible for him to impact the demigod with the help of a body of Warcraft. After all, humans and Warcraft are not the same, and their promotion methods are too different.

Thinking of this, he could not help but worry a little about the breakthrough of Xiao Ba.

You know, Xiao Ba was hatched by him, and from small to big, Xiao Ba has been with him, as he grew up a little bit, to put it plainly, although it is the body of Warcraft, but actually, Xiao Ba seems to be more inclined to humans.

Therefore, for a long time, Xiao Ba has mostly been attached to the situation of human warriors. As for Warcraft, maybe even it has long forgotten that it is a World of Warcraft!

"Making things happen in others is the only thing I can do. Next, it depends on whether this little guy is struggling. If he fails, the next time he wants to hit the demigod, I'm afraid it will be even more. It ’s difficult! "

Failure to impact the demigod is not without a little price. At least, if the defeat fails, it may be difficult to continue the impact within one hundred and eighty years.

"Forget it, I do n’t want to do this anymore, and I do n’t know where the Green Dragon King went now, if I let it come across, I must find a way to kill it, otherwise, if I encounter it again in the future I'm afraid it's also troublesome. "

The Liangzi with the King of Qing, it was completely forged. If he meets again in the future, he will be an endless enemy. Therefore, he naturally hopes that he can have the opportunity to take advantage of him before he recovers. Get rid of it.

Of course, the King of the Qing Dynasty is not a normal existence. After being cut off by a body by him, this guy has probably hid out, and wants to turn it out and directly kill it. It is difficult. I'm afraid it won't be too small.

"Let's take a look at Xiaoba's situation first, as long as it can successfully advance to Demigod Realm, then I can also arrange more eyeliners to find the whereabouts of Qingying Wang. Maybe there is really a chance to kill it!"

In any case, he now needs Wei Xiaoba to protect the law. After all, Xiao Ya is at a very critical time at this time. If he is disturbed by outsiders at this time, whether it is Xiao Yao or Tian Yao Python, I am afraid There will be no small trouble.

In this way, Yuan Feng was finally hidden outside the cave, while carefully exploring the surrounding situation, while always watching the changes in the cave.

To him, Xiao Ba is like his child, and no parent will treat his child calmly when he experiences such a big thing. I do n’t know when, but his heart beats restlessly. Get up, and this beating is becoming more and more intense as the energy fluctuations in the cave become more and more intense.

ps: Tomorrow seems to be May Day holiday. Everyone travels, remember to add an umbrella, I heard that there are rains in many areas! !! !!

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