The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2036: Fight with one's life (one more)

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Chapter 2036 Fighting with Fate (Part One)

Yuan Feng's sword killed the superpowers of the Tianmon Python family. This is undoubtedly an encouraging thing for the Chiyan Jinlin family, especially when Yuan Fengyu killed his opponent, Chiyan The three elders of the Jinlin tribe Jin shouted the slogan that the reinforcements had arrived. In this way, the Chiyan Jinlin tribe became even more fierce and killed the enemy bravely.

It is definitely not an easy task to kill a demigod, but at the moment, a super power falls from the sky while he speaks. This is a unimaginable blow to the momentum.

Suddenly, the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family seemed to have beaten chicken blood, one by one, as if they were crazy, even if they were one enemy and three, they did not fall in the slightest.

On the other hand, the sky demon pythons have not recovered from the fall of their own powerful man. Until this moment, they did not know a demigod super power, how to die and die. In addition, when they heard the word reinforcements, they certainly had to devote some energy to take care of the surroundings, for fear of being suddenly attacked by the reinforcements of the other side.

It can be said that the fall of a demigod power has made unimaginable changes in the battle situation.

In fact, the main reason is that the human strong man died too strange. Among the strong men in the field, except for Daikin who was able to determine what happened, the rest of the people did not see who the man was. The more so, the more afraid they feel in their hearts.

No one knows, at a certain moment, will there be super powers coming, just like the human powers are destroyed, they will be unknowingly destroyed.

Of course, not all of the strong are unaware. One of the strong was present, but how many guessed something, and this one, of course, is the Tianmon Python.

"Well, a human kid, who is so hidden, is indeed a guy who can attract me, interesting, really interesting !!!"

Tian Yao Python is not rushing to the front at this moment. When the war begins again, she is backing up while commanding other powerful men to fight.

No one is more aware of the importance of momentum than she. She knows that after the previous events, there is basically no chance of success in this operation, and even if she can win the Chiyan Jinlin family, then her side The strong, I am afraid, there will be very little left, and may even end up with the other side, and this situation is obviously not what she wants to see.

If all her subordinates are dead, then even if she wins Shi Yanshan, it will be a wedding dress for others. It is impossible to keep the results.

In fact, at this moment, her attention is really not on the top of Shiyan Mountain of the Chiyan Jinlin family. From the moment she met Yuan Feng, she already knew that the next she was Things have to be done!

"It can be attractive to me, and it's so strong that I have to take him as his own, and let him fall down at my feet."

Her eyes narrowed, at this moment she could not help but lick her lips, but her mind began to search in the chaotic battlefield. She believed that the other party would never leave the battlefield at this moment. Waiting for the moment to make a fatal blow.

With her eyes moving and her mind wandering, at this moment, she didn't care about the life and death of the subordinates. In her current heart, even if all the subordinates were added together, it would not be as attractive as Yuan Feng .

However, the battlefield at present is extremely chaotic. Although she has a keen sense of smell, it is not easy to find Yuan Feng in such a chaotic place.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The fierce battle is still going on, but at this moment, the Chiyan Jinlin family is like the tigers going down the mountain. They are simply invincible. Even the members of the Promise are at the moment like the help of the gods. Ordinary Promise opponents. Basically, they will be torn apart three or two times.

As for the battle between the demigods, because the Sky Monster Python did not participate in the battle itself, and did not cheer on its subordinates, it was basically a one-sided trend.

However, not all the strong men on the side of the dread python are passive. Among these strong men, the older man, one of the two human strong men, is now like crazy, crazy Fighting.

He was really completely angry at the moment. The two brothers were dependent on each other in the beast-god realm, and they did n’t know how many years had passed. At this moment, he watched his brother fall. Some are too cruel.

It is conceivable that without his brother, his days in the world of beast gods from now on will be very sad.

The more he thought of this, the more angry he was in his heart, and the anger in his cavity eventually turned into a boundless killing intention and was extinguished with blood.

It has to be said that a fierce demigod strongman is really not that easy to deal with, at least, at present, there is basically no one who can handle the other side of the entire battlefield.

"Human smashing, I'll meet you here, roar !!!"

Seeing the man's crazy killing of the Chiyan Jinlin tribe, the three elders Jin came forward at this time and took the initiative to find this crazy human strongman.

If he is allowed to continue to kill like this, then the entire Chiyan Jinlin family will not have perished, I am afraid that there will be very little left, so at this time someone must stop him, and the most suitable candidate is Daikin himself.

"Huh !!!!!! Hey !!!"

At this moment, Daikin has resumed the form of World of Warcraft. In talking, its giant tail like a steel whip is swept at the man, while the man who is killing madly is swept by the giant tail. This side was directly lifted off. However, such force is obviously not enough to hurt him.

"Ah, **** it, big lizard, watch me not kill you, die for me !!!"

Sweeping away by Daikin's giant tail, the man was so angry that his teeth itched and roared, and he rushed up towards Daikin madly, and the sword in his hand almost turned into a red awn, and God blocked and killed God, People stop killing people! !! !!

His excalibur is not an ordinary thing, but it is forged from the unique resources of the beast **** world. Speaking of which, the Warcraft of the beast **** world does not know how to cherish these forged resources, which is undoubtedly cheap. Human power among the beast **** world.

In addition, after the sword is forged, I do n’t know how much blood of Warcraft has been drank, and the murderous energy above almost condenses into the physical sword energy.

One person and one beast are very fierce. Daikin's strength is probably weaker than that of a human man. However, relying on its defensive power, human men want to defeat it in a one-to-one situation, or even Killing is equally unlikely.

You know, it ’s not just this human man who is crazy. All the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family are crazy at this moment. They are more clear than each other. If they do n’t drive the invaders away, wait for them. But this tragic situation of the dead.

Therefore, at this time, basically every member is desperate, and their lives are completely ignored for the present.

Blood was spilled on Shi Yanshan again. At this moment, the cruelty of this crazy battle between the ethnic groups was vividly interpreted by these strong men present.

Tian Yao Python is still looking for a target. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng apparently knows that she has the ability to find him. So, at this moment, Yuan Feng is likely to be contaminated with the blood of Warcraft. It is difficult to locate Yuanfeng at all.


Just then, the battle between Daikin and the human man suddenly changed. With a loud noise, Daikin's body suffered a fierce sword from a human man. This sword directly tore off Daikin's defense, but left a deep visible wound on his body. .


The severe pain in his body made Daikin growl in pain, but at this moment, it was suddenly slumping, taking advantage of the opportunity of a human man to bite one of the other's legs, but He didn't bite it.


The human man didn't expect that he had already wounded the other person seriously, and the other person could still grit his teeth and hold back. He even turned around and gave him a sigh. The pain from his legs made him hate his hair straight.

"Damn hit the reptile, let me die !!!"

Daikin ’s crazy behavior is just wanting to fight against each other. However, at this time, fighting against the opponent is obviously a death-seeking move, because in the opponent ’s hand, he still holds a **** sword! At this moment, its head was biting the other's right leg, and this angle was the perfect opportunity for a human man to behead it.

"Hoooo !!! No !!!!"

The dazzling sword light instantly covered the entire battlefield, and such a scene naturally attracted the attention of the strong men in the surrounding battles, until the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family saw that Daikin was about to be beheaded All the powerfuls roared, but there was no time to rescue, they could only be anxious one by one.

"Big reptile, die !!!"

The blood-red long sword had gathered above his head. At this moment, the human man's face was full of hesitation and excitement. Killing a demi-god of Warcraft, his brother's hatred can be reported.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Jianman flashed, a puff of blood suddenly drifted into the sky, a skull echoed, but his face was still full of excitement, but, under his eyes, it was full of incredible.


The human man didn't understand it until he died, it was clear that he was about to behead a sword with a sword, but why his own head flew up first.

With great confusion, his consciousness was slowly engulfed by the sword energy of the law and completely disappeared into the beast **** world.

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