The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2035: Transit (five more)

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Chapter 2035 Turning (Five)

Hurry up, Yuan Feng finally arrived in time when the Chiyan Jinlin family experienced the crisis, but what he never expected was that he could see a company in the old nest of the Chiyan Jinlin family. He's going to be a weird woman.

For the woman who was so charming, Yuan Feng really felt a deep fear, not only because of the opponent's terrorist power, but also the amazing charm of the opponent.

It can be said that for the woman in front of him, even if he knows that the other party is not a good bird, and he is still the culprit to eliminate the Chiyan Jinlin family, he still has a hard time killing the other party.

This is not to say that he is obsessed with meaning, but, as a man, a normal man, ask, who can succeed in killing such a beautiful woman?

"Giggle, younger brother, don't be afraid, my sister won't hurt you. Come here and let my sister take a good look at you."

Tian Yao Python can be said to be very abnormal at this moment. Looking at her posture, it seems that Yuan Feng, which is far away, is even more attractive than the old nest of the Chiyan Jinlin family. Seeing that she had focused her attention on Yuan Feng's body, the Chiyan Jinlin family could not help but look at each other. Obviously, they were confused.

"This ......... don't do it anymore, I am timid, so many of you strong, what if someone is against me?"

Yuan Feng did not obey the words of the Tianmon Python, and even subconsciously took a few steps back, as if she had to wait for the opportunity to escape.

"Hey, boy, haven't you heard that Master Tianmon Boa is calling you? Haven't you just rolled over, can we even let us personally ask you to come over?"

Seeing that Yuan Feng was backing up, and was always looking for a chance to escape, the two men beside Tian Yao Python were frowned, and one of them drank in a low voice at Yuan Feng. It was full of hostility.

As human beings, the two people on the side of the Tianmon Python obviously don't like Yuan Feng very much. Speaking of them, the Tianmon Python is very fond of them, which also makes them very high in the World of Warcraft. However, At this moment, they found that the Tianmon Python was very interested in Yuan Feng, and they could not help feeling a little threat.

The two brothers looked at each other, but they saw a trace of coldness from each other's eyes.

"Be gentle, don't scare this little guy."

When the two men yelled at Yuan Feng loudly, they didn't wait for Yuan Feng to speak in the distance, but Tian Yao Python on the one side waved his hand first to signal that they should not be so rude.


Seeing that the Tianmon Python blamed them again because of Yuan Feng, the two brothers couldn't help twirling their lips, and they naturally became more angry with Yuan Feng.

What are their identities? Among the human warriors in the entire beast **** world, they are very rare masters of Xuanzhen, and their strength is very powerful, but at the moment, they are compared by a little guy who has only a limitless state. The thought of this, They are upset for a while.

"Okay, you are all of the same kind. You two should bring your juniors together. Go and bring the little guy over, but you must be careful not to hurt him."

Tian Yao Python also found the unhappiness of the two great human powers. Seeing this, she couldn't help but hurriedly laughed and said softly to the two. She also needs the help of these two powerful human beings, so of course she does n’t want to offend them. You know, these two guys are not as easy to seduce and control as those of Warcraft. If they are not good, she will lose Two powerful helpers now.

Judging from the current situation, it would be difficult for her to win the Chiyan Jinlin family without the help of these two powerful men.

"Okay, I'll take him over here."

When the voice of the Tianmon Python fell, the younger man who looked younger among the two brothers could not help but stare, but took up the task with great joy.

Let them take the shot to capture Yuan Feng. Among them, they obviously have a lot of opportunities to show their secret hands, and of course they are very willing to do such a good thing.

During the talk, the younger man flashed in shape and went straight to the opposite Yuan Feng.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

When the man flashed to Yuan Feng's approach, Yuan Feng seemed to be startled by the arrival of the other party, but hurried back, while retreating, full of fearful authenticity.

"Hey, boy, I don't want to do anything, just take you to see Master Tianmon Boa, come here, obediently follow me, otherwise, I will be polite to you."

The man was talking, but his body was approaching Yuan Feng. He didn't take the shot directly to capture Yuan Feng, because then, Yuan Feng didn't even have a chance to respond, and in that case, he would have no excuse to kill the other side.

Obviously, he didn't think about doing things according to the idea of ​​Tian Yao Python. For a guy who might threaten their brother's existence, he must find a chance to kill him.

"Don't you come over? Otherwise, I, I will be polite?"

Yuan Feng also flashed a hint of bright light in the depths of his eyes, but backed up very cooperatively. He can imagine the other person's mind, and of course he is so happy about it.

"You're welcome? Hahaha, you're welcome with me?" Hearing Yuan Feng's trembling words, the man burst into a loud laugh, and in his heart, a small, infinitely polar guy, it wasn't just a pinch , Can it be broken into pieces? If it weren't for the face of the Tianmon Python, he would have already started.

"It's now!!!!"

However, when the man was screaming in the sky and he didn't put Yuan Feng in his heart at all, the opposite Yuan Feng had a flash of light flashing from his eyes. In the blink of an eye, his figure was Suddenly disappeared in place, even the breath suddenly disappeared.


Yuan Feng disappeared suddenly, and the man who was screaming in the sky didn't find it for the first time. However, those who watched in the distance all saw the disappearance of Yuan Feng. When he saw Yuan Feng, he disappeared. At that time, both the strong men on the side of the Tianmon Python and the masters of the Chiyan Jinlin family were all shocked.

"Second brother be careful !!!"

The first to come back is naturally the younger of the two men. When Yuan Feng's body disappeared, his heart could not help but have a bad feeling, so he hurried to remind his brother Road.

However, the reminder came to mind at this time, which was obviously a bit late.


The younger man suddenly heard his elder brother's voice, and actually looked back subconsciously, but just when he just stopped laughing and wanted to look back, a terrifying spirit was Suddenly appeared from above his head, and before he understood what was going on, he felt that his body was cold, and then his consciousness began to blur slowly.

"Uh !!!! This, this ........."

The man hasn't figured out what happened, all his consciousness is gradually detached from the body, at the same time, his body is also suddenly divided into two from the middle, and randomly bursts into a ball of blood The fog dissipated in the surrounding space.

"What? This, this ........."

Seeing one of the two human powerhouses around Tianmon Python, it even burst into a mist of blood, but all the powerhouses present were a bit lost.

The authorities were amazed by the onlookers. The younger man did not know what had happened until his death, but they, the onlookers, saw what happened. However, because everything happened too quickly, they only saw a flash of Jianmang flash away. Then, the guy sent out by the Tianmon Python was divided into two by Jianmang.

"Second Brother !!!"

Seeing that his brother was killed in the middle of his speech, the other man beside Tian Yao Python suddenly made a deafening roar. Until now, he couldn't believe that his brother had died like this.

For many years, their brother, the two beasts and gods, had countless years, but today, he watched his brother be killed. He really has no way to accept this.

In addition, due to the change, he didn't know who killed his brother until now. As for Yuancai, although he was also skeptical, when he thought of the other person's infinite practice, he felt that Some are unlikely.

"You guys, what are you waiting for? Reinforcement is here, kill !!!"

All the strong men were almost shaken by this sudden scene, but they all forgot what they should do at this moment. However, others were dazed, but the three elders of the Chiyan Golden Scale family, Jin, he But always kept absolutely sober.

It knows Yuan Feng the best. At the time, Yuan Feng showed the power of the semi-god in front of it, and it also showed a terrifying weapon of God. When he saw Yuan Feng started acting, he already knew What did Yuan Feng do?

Therefore, when Yuan Feng slayed and killed the strong man on the side of the Tianmon Python, it suddenly drank, but it was the first one to show its original shape and slammed towards the opposing Tianmon Python family. Go up.

"Kill, our reinforcements are here, kill me all these smashes !!!"

Dajin started to take a frantic shot, and the other strong players of the Chiyan Jinlin family went back to the gods one by one. Without saying a word, they slammed into the opposite side, and this time they took it. Absolute opportunity, in the blink of an eye, the side of the Tianmon Python family was caught in absolute passiveness.

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