The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1999: Get out of sleep (two more)

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Chapter 199 Out of Plight (Part Two)

Subconsciously took over the octagonal spar handed over by Yuan Chung. Yuan Feng was really frightened for a moment.

If he heard it right, this weird-looking octagonal spar is the big one in front of him, impacting the baby left after the demigod.

In other words, this weird Linjia beast is promoted by this octagonal spar to the demigod! !!

Although the Linjia Beast was very weak at this moment, he could still see that if it was in the heyday, this big guy is definitely a half-godled Warcraft.

"This, isn't this a joke? The baby who hit the demigod has given me this way?"

As we all know, babies who can be attached to the demigod can be said to be real babies, and babies of this level, let alone give them away, even if they are used by themselves, I am afraid to be careful and careful Are you careful?

The mind pierced into the octagonal spar, Yuan Feng could feel that the energy in it could be described as shocking, and the level of these energies was definitely the level that touched the demigod. To say that this thing can be used to impact the realm of demigod, he would never doubt it.

"Boy, don't hide it. I originally intended to keep it for my offspring, but now I'm trapped here, there is no chance of leaving this place, and leaving it to you will at least increase my separation. Chances here, so you do n’t have to worry about that. "

Lin Jiashou, as always, is true, but he has spoken all his own words. Originally, this thing, it was not willing to share it with Yuan Feng, but the thought of leaving this thing on yourself was also a waste. It might as well be given to Yuan Feng. .

Furthermore, if Yuan Feng can really advance to the demigod with this thing, then he will have more opportunities to escape from difficulties. After all, this is also helping itself.

"Aren't you afraid that I took your baby, but won't I help you?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng temporarily suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then asked the Lin Jiajue.

This spar called the blue sky dome is too precious for him now, because he is about to impact the realm of the demigod, what is missing is this super treasure, and the thought of the other party can put it like this The baby's things are given to himself, and in his heart there are bursts of incredible.

"Hey, our ethnic group is not that strong, but when it comes to insight, our ethnic group is definitely top-notch, and I can see that you are not the kind of person who forgets justice, of course, if you really Took my baby, but didn't do anything for me, and I have nothing to do with you, just do something wrong! "

Lin Jiajue looked very open. In the final analysis, it could not escape from captivity, so no matter how good the baby was on him, it was also useless, even if it was really gone, it was not sad.

"Oh, I've really had to help you with this !!!!"

When the words of Lin Jiajue fell, Yuan Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, but secretly admired the mind of this big guy. He could hear that even though the other party was saying nothing, but every word the big guy said was actually prompting him to help.

"Big guy, your baby is really what I need most right now. Since you gave it to me, I won't be kind to you."

Gently stroked the octagonal spar in his hand. When Yuan Feng raised his hand, he carefully closed it up. He knew that with this thing, he succeeded in hitting the demigod success rate, but he was able to It ’s a lot! At least, if this thing is swallowed and absorbed, his strength can definitely be more than doubled.

"It should be so." Seeing Yuan Feng put away the blue sky crystal, Lin Jiajue's eyes flashed a bit of flesh pain.

You know, even if it is placed in the world where it is, it is extremely valuable. In order to get this blue dome, many of its partners have lost their lives because of this. It was finally fulfilled.

In any case, in order to increase his chance of escape at the moment, he can only endure it!

"Boy, I entrust you to do things, I hope you can remember in your heart, of course, it is best to first level the demigod, after the demigod is reached, it should be possible to complete it."

It's been too long for too long. Yuanfeng's appearance is basically its only chance, because it really doesn't know how long it can hold on, maybe it won't take too long. Its power will become more and more exhausted. By that time, before anyone comes to rescue it, it will already hang itself.

"Hey, big guy, I haven't heard of what Beast God Mountain you are talking about, and it took me so long to find such a mountain, and I really don't have that time."

After receiving the octagonal spar, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile with a smile at Lin Jiajue.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, Lin Jiajue's head, which had been drooping, couldn't help but lift it, but looked at Yuan Feng with some unfriendliness.

"Little guy, one of you human warriors is called Cross River Demolition Bridge. Wouldn't you also be this kind of person?"

Lin Jiajue's large eyes were faintly angry, and there was an incredible look in the depths of his eyes. It still didn't really see that Yuan Feng was such a disrespectful person.

It thinks it has a strong sense of insight. If this can be seen, I am afraid that it will really make it dead.

"Hahaha, okay, I'm not joking with you, I mean, I don't have time to help you find any beast **** mountain, or you should find it slowly."

Seeing Lin Jiabei's expression, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, but he didn't wait for the other party to figure out what was going on. In his hands, there was an extra red sword.

"Be careful not to move, wait for me to help you cut off the chains and set you free !!!"

As soon as she looked, Yuan Feng couldn't help getting serious. He has already received the compensation of the other party, so naturally there is no reason to help. Having said that, even if the other party did not give him any compensation, he would basically release it.

"This this……………"

Although the Lingzhi beast's wisdom is no different from that of a normal person, it is still a little bit lost at this moment.

Almost subconsciously, its eyes were attracted by the excalibur in the hands of Yuan Feng, and with its eyesight, the power of this excalibur could be seen at a glance. Obviously, this excalibur can definitely link these chains. Cut off.

"Brush !!!!"

Just when the big man was shocked by Yuan Feng's excalibur, and he couldn't return to the words of Yuan Feng, the latter suddenly moved.

"Ding Ding Ding !!!!!!"

With the flashing of several swordsmanships, a crisp sound was transmitted in this underground space, and then, the chain that tied the beast to the sturdy chain was like a ball. Like hemp rope, it was cut into pieces and separated from the body of the Linjia beast.

"Hey, okay, big guy, you are free now !!!"

With a few swords at hand, he cut off all the chains. As soon as Yuan Feng raised his hand, he closed up the Chixiao sword and smiled at the opposite Linjiamon.

Speaking of which, the chain used by this party to restrain the Linjia Beast is really not an ordinary chain. Ordinary spirit soldiers cannot cut it off at all. However, this time I met his Chixiao sword, then I really can't afford to talk about it.

In front of Chixiao, such a chain is really as resistant as grass.


The chain has fallen off from the body as much as possible, however, at this moment, the Linjia Beast is still difficult to recover, still lying on its back, and dare not move easily.

Without the shackles of the chain, it felt so relaxed all over his body. However, after carrying the chain for so many years, suddenly it was relaxed now, and it was really a bit uncomfortable.

"Me, am I free again?"

For a long time, the big man moved his body slowly. Suddenly, a relaxed feeling spread all over the body, which made it have the urge to moan.

Happiness is coming too fast and exciting. At the previous moment, it was still worried about whether it is possible to get out of difficulties in this life, and at this moment, it turned out miraculously. In this regard, it is really impossible to return to God for a while.

How many years have you been in the Ziyun Palace and been imprisoned by mistake? How many years now? In the meantime, its injuries not only worsened, eventually leading to weaker and weaker forces, but today, it can finally break away from the sea of ​​suffering and return to freedom!

"Big guy, how do you feel? Is it more comfortable without these chains?"

Seeing Lin Jiajue out of captivity, but hesitated to move his body, Yuan Feng could not help but smile slightly and asked the other side. He can understand the other party's feelings at this moment, and think about it from the ground. Even if he has been trapped for countless years, once he is out of the trap, it is difficult to return to God!

"I'm really free !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng ’s inquiry, Lin Jiajue was able to determine that he had really restored his freedom. Even the imprisoned force was slowly recovering at this moment, although there was still a gap from the semi-divine realm. But returning to the demigod state is nothing more than a matter of time.

Subconsciously shaking his body, the unconstrained feeling really gave him the impulse to soar into the sky, soaring into the sky.

However, it also knows that it is not a moment of ecstasy at this moment. When talking, it is looking at Yuan Feng, but the eyes are shining with inexplicable light.

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