The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1998: Big Discovery (one more)

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Chapter 1998 The Great Discovery (1)

The rough voice sounded in succession, and soon, Yuan Feng finally found the source of the sound.

He stared at the huge World of Warcraft in front of him tightly. Yuan Feng was sure that the voice just made was definitely from this big guy, but what he never expected was that it looked very weird. Big guy, even has the ability to speak! !!

"Well, big guy, are you talking to me?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng couldn't help but relax himself as much as possible, and then smiled at the huge Warcraft in front of him. He is not unseen by the talking World of Warcraft, and speaking of it, his partner Dahei is a talking World of Warcraft, so he is not too surprised that the current World of Warcraft can spit out words.

Having said that, Da Hei is an ancient beast. He can speak very normally, and now this World of Warcraft can even speak, but it also shows that this big guy is extraordinary.

"Crap, who else am I talking to you for? For so many years, it's rare to see anyone other than that guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill. It seems that I should have the opportunity to leave this place today!"

The rough voice came out of Warcraft's mouth, and it even had a very happy meaning. It seems that this huge Warcraft is no worse than a human warrior!

"The guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill?" Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitated a little while hearing the words of Warcraft on the opposite side, and then shook his head with a smile. He knew that the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill should be the master of the Shifang Palace. Because the owner of the Shifang Palace is indeed too embarrassing to compliment him.

"Big guy, are you trapped here by that prickly-mouth monkey guy? But you don't know why he is trapping you here? Also, what is your identity, but you have a holiday with that guy?"

Yuan Feng's eyes were full of curiosity, and he really wanted to know where the talking World of Warcraft came from, and why he was trapped here by Bi Fang.

Talking Warcraft is still rare in general, and anyone who can speak can at least show that the level of Warcraft is very high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see.

"Your human kid has a lot of problems. Of course, what kind of identity am I? Of course, I ca n’t tell anyone. Why should I be imprisoned here? Hey, it was n’t because of the original injury that I wanted to come here to seek asylum. But I didn't expect to be found by the prickly-mouthed monkey cheek, and finally he was imprisoned here, this time, I don't know how many years have passed! "

Lin Jiashou's tone was full of sighs, and faintly filled with anger, and this anger was, of course, directed against the master of the Shifang Palace.

"Well, you guy is so funny, even after being injured, you dared to run to the Ziyun Palace to seek asylum. This is simply throwing yourself away!"

Hearing that Lin Jiajue was arrested because he ran to Ziyun Palace to seek asylum, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling anxious for the opponent's IQ. Which of these guys in the Ziyun Palace is not an insatiable man. When he came here to seek asylum, it was just like death.

"What do you know? I also found it because I felt the breath of Higher Warcraft. Who knows that when I arrived, I didn't find the existence of Higher Warcraft, and this fell into the hands of the sharp-billed monkey gill guy. "

Lin Jiajue was obviously a little dissatisfied with Yuan Feng's taunt, but he actually quibbled for himself.

"Well, that's the case. In that case, I blame you wrongly!" Hearing the big explanation, Yuan Feng nodded and understood.

The Ziyun Palace is extremely powerful. There is a powerful World of Warcraft in it. It seems that it is not impossible. At least, he believes that the old man in the red robe who exchanged martial arts with him was probably a World of Warcraft. It's just that the cultivation has reached the realm of transformation.

"Perhaps, the big man said at first that he felt the breath of the Higher Warcraft. Eight achievements refers to the old man in the red robe!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng couldn't help but think about these two things together, and this explanation seems to be more reasonable.

"Human boy, do n’t you human warriors have a sentence called meet or fate? It is rare that you and I can meet today. I want to ask you a favor. I wonder if you can help me?"

The world of Warcraft is relatively straightforward. It has been trapped for countless years, and it has been too late to see the hope of getting out of trouble. Therefore, no matter what the opportunity is, he must try to seize it, and if luck is successful, , Naturally is a great event.

From the front of Yuan Feng, he felt a breath of Zhongzheng peacefulness, and since he entered the place, Yuan Feng basically did not show any interest to him. Instead, he showed sympathy for it more than once. Under these circumstances, it was enough for it to ask Yuan Feng for help.

"Help you? Oh, let's talk about how I can help you first, if I can, I would be happy to help you."

The big man in front of him reminded him of Dahei. At the beginning, he had not seen Dahei for a long time, and he didn't know what happened to Dahei now.

The front of this World of Warcraft is also able to spit words, it sounds very similar to Dahei, naturally, he has a good impression on this big guy.

"Looking at your cultivation, I'm afraid that it won't be possible to help me get out of trouble. In that case, then you can help me with a message. As for whether it can be transmitted, hey, it's up to God."

Lin Jiashou blinked his eyes and finally sighed. Obviously, he really didn't have much hope for Yuan Feng's help. After all, the place where he wanted Yuanfeng to communicate was too far away. With Yuanfeng's strength, I was afraid there was no way to get there.

"Oh, it seems that you don't have much confidence in me, let me tell you what letter I want to help you? Where should I go? I will help you as much as possible."

Seeing such a big head expression, Yuan Feng became more and more curious. It can be heard from this big word that this guy seems to have a companion, and a talking Warcraft companion should also be a talking Warcraft!

"Also, hope is better than no hope." Lin Jiajue also seems to have figured it out, and after a moment of hesitation, it continues. "Little guy, I need you to go to a place called Beast God Mountain, and Wherever you go, you just need to take out my scales, and then tell me the situation of being trapped here to the person who was attracted by the scales. This is a favor, and you will be done, of course, if I can really get out of trouble If so, I will give you the greatest reward. "

Speaking, above its back, suddenly a special scale fell off and fell directly in front of Yuan Feng.


Seeing that the scales were in front of him, Yuan Feng almost subconsciously squeezed the scales into his hands. With his eyesight, he could see this unusual scale at a glance. Obviously, this is an extremely precious scale, but it is It is completely different from other scales of this Linjiaju.

"Going to the Beast God Mountain? Tell you what you were trapped by the scales? It doesn't sound difficult!"

Fiddled with the scales several times, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but wonder what the beast **** mountain is and where it is located.

"It's not difficult? Hey, the little guy doesn't know. The Beast God Mountain is very far away. Even the strongest in the semi-god realm, it takes several years to reach the day and night, and the period is even going through various Difficulties and obstacles. I wouldn't let you do this if it wasn't because there was no way. "

Lin Jiajue is very real. What he thinks in his heart is how to say it. In fact, let Yuan Feng help, he really has the idea of ​​a dead horse as a living horse doctor. There is a glimmer of hope anyway, indeed Better than no hope at all.

In fact, a person without a state of bounds is really difficult to reach the Beast God Mountain, and even the strongest in the semi-god realm may not be able to enter the range of the Beast God Mountain.

"The demigod powerhouse travels day and night, and it will take several years to arrive? This ... it seems that it is really close!"

After hearing the explanation from the other side, Yuan Feng realized that the so-called beast **** mountain had such a long distance. It seems that he really underestimated the weight of this busyness.

"I know this is not easy for you. Unfortunately, I am locked by these chains now, let alone the power of the demigod. Even the power of the Promise is very difficult to exert, but it really cannot help. What are you! "

The big man shook his head, but then suddenly he looked firm, suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out a crystal-clear multicolored jade.

This is a piece of multi-colored jade that is almost the size of a fist and has an octagonal shape. The entire jade's light is flowing. At first glance, it is not ordinary. There is a very strange energy wave around the stone.

"Well? This is ..."

Seeing that Lin Jiashou even took out such a multicolored spar, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but shrink slightly, but he could not help but give birth to an impulse to own it.

"Boy, this is the blue sky dome that I left after hitting the demigod, and today I will bear it and give it to you. If you are lucky, maybe you can also hit the demigod, if you can Promote demigod, then my busyness will make it easier for you to help. "

When the voice fell, it was a slight effort to directly pass the colorful octagonal spar to Yuan Feng's hand.

"Uh, this ........."

Subconsciously took the octagonal spar. Yuan Feng was completely frightened for a moment.

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