The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1946: Peerless Shuangjiao (second)

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Chapter 1946 The Peerless Shuangjiao (Part Two)

At this moment, the violent heaven and earth aura finally recovered its calmness slowly. However, at this moment, the aura in the entire space is almost empty, and basically all have been drained.

Outside the cave, Yuan Feng and Wan'er stood side by side, but stared at the cave tightly, waiting for the situation inside. At this moment, the whole cave was quiet, and it was just a needle drop.

"Success? Or failure? Why is there no trace of movement?"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but clenched his fist subconsciously, but he couldn't help worrying. Shicai, he felt a flash of light, and then there was no more movement. As for the last shock of Chu Yichen, he did not feel whether the other party had succeeded or failed.

This can't be blamed on him, like when Waner was promoted to demigod, after the success, the powerful energy fluctuations of the person who belongs to the demigod can be seen by individuals.

But at this moment, there was no energy fluctuation in the early cave in the cave, giving the impression that it was not a warrior, but an ordinary person who did not understand cultivation. In such a situation, naturally, he couldn't determine at all whether the first 婼 chenchen in it had succeeded or failed.

"It's weird, why isn't there any movement?"

Wan'er was also a bit surprised at the moment. She also tried to feel the situation in the cave, but she could not feel anything. However, there must be someone in the cave, which is beyond doubt.

The two waited for a while, and looked at each other, both seeing a deep surprise from the bottom of each other's eyes.

"I can't control that much, Waner, let's go in and see !!!"

With a little thought, Yuan Feng didn't want to wait any longer, because he knew very well that no matter if Chu Chenchen had succeeded or failed, it was already a foregone conclusion. Going in at this time had no effect.


However, as soon as Yuan Feng gritted his teeth and thought about entering the cave to see what happened, a ray of light flickered out of the cave suddenly. The time spent talking and a glorious shadow had already appeared in him. In front of He Waner.

"Brother Yuanfeng, you finally came to see Chen Chen, Chen Chen really misses you !!!"

With a fragrant wind, Yuan Feng only felt the warmth in his arms. When he went to see it again, Chu Yanchen, who had already grown slender, had already penetrated into his arms. Folding back and forth in his arms.

Although now she has faded a layer of innocence, but now it seems that her mentality has not changed much, at least on the surface.

"Ha ha ha, have grown into a big girl, even such a child with a heart, quickly, quickly, let Brother Yuan Feng look, is it more beautiful than before !!!"

Feeling the uneasy twisting of Jiao's body in his arms, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh aloud, while smiling, patting the top of the other's head, but his eyes were full of joy and compassion.

Chu Yanchen ’s performance just now has already demonstrated her current strength. Obviously, she is indeed a superpower of the demigod at this moment, otherwise, it would not be possible speed.

At the thought of Chu Yichen's miraculous promotion to the demigod, his heart was really a bit hard to imagine for a time, and it was really unbelievable.

That's a demigod. How many demigods can there be without imagination? And Chu Yanchen did not have the guidance of a famous teacher, and did not have all kinds of valuable resources. With his own efforts, he reached the state of demigod in a few years. No one would believe it.

However, the fact was right in front of him, and apparently could not tolerate his disbelief.

Looking down at Chu Yanchen in his arms, Yuan Feng felt that unlike other demigods, Chu chenchen was a demigod, but the energy fluctuations in his body were even more ordinary than in a normal one. The warrior is still vague, and it feels like she is an ordinary person now.

I have to say that this situation is really quite weird, but the people in the demigod are a kind of transcendent existence, and every person in the demigod may have its own characteristics!

Chu Yanchen is not an ordinary person. When he was in Fengtian County, he found that the speed of the other person's cultivation was different from that of ordinary people. The situation where he could casually practice several times faster than other people can only make people Unable to reach.

At the beginning, even his super genius, in the realm of cultivation, has always been suppressed by the other party. Now that the Wu Realm has arrived, the environment here is completely different from the lower realm. In such an environment, Chu Yanchen can be described as a fish and water. Naturally, you can cultivate as you want.

It can be said that this is a very scary girl, and fortunately, this girl is all the way with him, and she is quite dependent on him.

"Hum, of course, Chen Chen is getting more and more beautiful, but brother Yuan Feng hasn't come to see me for so long. If you don't come again, I will be angry!"

Chu Xiaochen's small face suddenly stiffened, but she looked angry, except that she deliberately pretended to be so angry that she could only smile with a smile, but she was not nervous at all. stand up.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, am I here? Besides, if I didn't arrive in time, your little girl wouldn't have been able to advance to the semi-godder so smoothly!" Rubbed each other like a favor Yuan Feng's little head was in a good mood at the moment, and he would never be more real with each other.

"Cut, without Brother Yuanfeng, Wu Chen can be promoted to demigod, just to be slower, but it is only demigod, and it is not a big deal."

Chu Yuanchen didn't agree with Yuan Feng's words at all. In her mind, the state of the demigod didn't really seem to be a big deal. She had only realized this for a few years before retreating. This kind of realm, speaking, the realm of this demigod seems to be really nothing extraordinary.

"Uh, this ........."

Yuan Feng had no intention of inviting merit, but when he heard that the other party didn't accept his feelings, or even took the state of demigod to his heart, he really didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of others, the state of demigod is almost the same as invincible existence and immortal existence. However, in the eyes of Chu Yanchen, such a terrible state has become a trivial matter. In this regard, he did not know whether to say that the other party was naive or too conceited.

But having said that, the other party realized the demigod state within a few years. Speaking of it, people really have the qualification to not fear this state.

"Okay, okay, you girl is awesome."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng was completely defeated by the other party, but no matter what, as long as the little girl was promoted to the semi-godder, there was nothing to complain about.

"Well? Brother Yuanfeng, why is there another *? Yeah, this * is also a demigod!"

When Yuan Feng shook her head and sighed, Chu Yanchen's gaze turned to Waner aside, and when she saw Waner, a smile appeared on her face, and she took the initiative. The previous step, looked at each other up and down.

As a demigod, she can easily see that Waner is a demigod like her, and she has the ability to discriminate between good and evil since she was a child. Naturally, she can also see that Waner is A kind person, so the first impression is excellent.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce it to you, Yun Chen, this * is a close-knit girl from Brother Yuanfeng's childhood. I was only rediscovered some time ago. You will call her sister Waner in the future."

"Waner, this is the younger sister Chu Yanchen I told you about. This girl is not simple. You want to come and see it now. From now on, you two girls must get along well. What trouble is coming. "

Introduced the two to each other. Yuan Feng's eyes were full of emotion. Who would have thought that the two little girls who originally came from the country of Montenegro, now they have reached the state of demigod. If so, even he would be inferior!

It seems that the characters who came out of the country of Montenegro at the beginning were really not ordinary characters, and the original world where the Tianlong dynasty is located is really a world that the heavens care for.

"Hee hee, sister Waner, my name is Chen Chen. From now on, I will play with sister Waner."

Chu Jichen came to Waner's approach and took the other's hand kindly. She felt the kindness of the other person's heart and soul, and Waner was Yuan Feng's childhood playmate, so she naturally liked her very much.

In addition, the other party has the same cultivation realm as her, and there are more topics when you want to come together.

"I heard the young master say that sister Chen Chen is very talented. Now it seems that the master is still a little conservative, sister Chen Chen, congratulations on your entering the demigod."

Wan'er's face also showed a smile, apparently also very much like Chu Yichen.

I have to say that Chu Chenchen was very similar to her in Fengtian County, and the other party was able to reach the demigod through her own feelings, which also made her full of admiration for the other party.

In addition, both of them are women, and they both treat Yuan Feng as an older brother. The topics between them naturally increase even more.

Yuan Feng did not speak, but the smile on her face was unusually clear. The two demigods are strong. Today, in the Qingwu Palace, in addition to him, there are also two demigods in existence. It can be said that the current light dance palace can really ensure foolproofness. Ah!

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