The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1945: Demigod Realm (one more)

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Chapter 1494 The Demigod Realm (1 more)

In the whole Qingwu Palace, a gust of wind was blowing at this moment. The heaven and earth aura in all the Qingwu palaces converged in one direction. The huge suction force, however, could not be blocked by any force.

Everyone in the Qingwu Palace can feel that at this moment, there are absolutely great changes in the Qingwu Palace that are indescribable. However, it is not clear to everyone what the situation is.

"What's going on? Why suddenly there is such a big fluctuation in the heaven and earth aura? Was this a breakthrough for someone to repair?"

"It seems to be, but what kind of realm can cause such a large energy response? Is this an exaggeration?"

"I was initially promoted to the state of Promise. Although the movement is still not small, compared with the current movement, it is really a little witch seeing a big witch, is it ... Is there someone who is impacting the demigod?

"His, this ... it seems like it's not impossible. Only when you want to come to the demi-god realm can you have such a terrifying power!"

"Demigod Realm? Good guy, is it really necessary for Qingwu Palace to have a Demigod Realm born? This, this ........."

In the entire Qingwu Palace, the number of strong men in the Promise is not bad, and at this moment, whoever cultivates to reach the Promise, whether it is the central main hall of the light dance palace in the deep, or the five auxiliary halls in the outer periphery of the deep, But they can all feel the change around Qingwu Palace.

Promise strong, they are all aware of the situation at the time of promotion to the Promise, it is clear that the current change will definitely not be the change when the promotion to the Promise.

At the same time, in a closet space of the Central Palace.

"So powerful energy fluctuations. This is ... the energy fluctuations of the demigod's promotion? What's going on, is there anyone who wants to be promoted to the demigod?"

Wan'er's eyebrows were raised slightly, and the whole person suddenly stood up from the futon, but his expression was inexplicable.

After following Yuan Feng to Chu Tianyu's residence, Yuan Feng told them to go back for a while, and after greeting Jiang Qingwu and others, she returned to the place arranged by Yuan Feng for her to practice alone. .

At this moment, the change of the aura of heaven and earth in Qingwu Palace was sensed by her for the first time, and as a demigod, she was very clear that what could cause such powerful energy fluctuations was only the impact on the demigod You can do it at the moment.

"Someone in the Qingwu Palace shocked the demigod? Who would it be? Is it the young master?"

Although she didn't know too much about Qingwu Palace, she knew that Qingwu Palace had just been established not long ago, and there were not many strong men in the palace. If you can say that it can impact the demigod, it seems that there is only Yuan Feng. Super genius.

It's just that Yuan Feng's time to advance to Promise is too short. Moreover, Yuan Feng's qualifications are sky-high. If he wants to be promoted to demigod, it can't be achieved in a short time. Therefore, if Yuan Feng is hitting the demigod, the possibility is not too great.

"Let me see who is in the realm of demigod, and am I going to help !!!"

With a stunned look, Waner no longer hesitated. Between the moments of her mind, she released her mind in the direction of the confluence of heaven and earth, so that she could understand things.

She must know who is in the promotion of the demigod, and whether it will have a bad influence on Qingwu Palace. If there is any influence, she will say nothing and will prevent her from advancing.

The mental strength of the demigod is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and Yuan Feng has given her the right to act in the Qingwu Palace. Soon, her mind is converging with the heaven and earth. Direction, found the center of the confluence of heaven and earth.

"Well? Here ...... it seems to be Chu Tianyu's place where the young master took us !!!!!!"

Heart wandering, Waner found that the place where the heaven and earth aura converged turned out to be the space of Chu Tianyu that Yuan Feng had taken her to before.

After calming down, Waner was shocked at the bottom of her heart. She quickly positioned the target position more precisely, but when she found the target position, the first thing she saw was not someone else, it was her family. Master, Yuan Feng!


Seeing Yuan Feng, Waner was immediately certain that it was not Yuan Feng herself who had hit the demigod.

"It turned out that the young master had arrived first. It seems that this person who is hitting the demi-god should also know the master." Seeing Yuan Feng staying outside the cave of the man who hit the demi-god, he couldn't help but slightly She let go of it, at least she knew that it was the light dancing palace's own person who hit the demigod.

"Waner, come to me !!!"

Almost when Wan'er's mind had just discovered Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng's voice rang out in her ears. Obviously, when it comes to the strength of the mind, Yuan Feng may be better than her, but she has already felt her exploration.

Hearing Yuan Feng's subpoena, Wan'er didn't dare to delay in the slightest. For a moment, she hurried a flash and moved directly towards the place where Yuan Feng was.

When Waner showed up again, she had already come to Yuan Feng, and at the place where she was now, she could more clearly feel the horror of the surrounding aura.

"Sure enough, someone is hitting the demigod !!"

At this moment, Waner is almost completely certain that in the cave in front of her, someone must be in the realm of demi-god, no doubt, just don't know who it is.

"Master, who's in there? It seems like it's about to reach the level of demigod!"

Suppressing the surprise in her heart for a moment, Waner hurriedly looked at Yuan Feng and asked softly.

"It's Yunchen. I didn't expect this girl to be so good. It hasn't been long before I see her, and she started to impact the state of demigod."

Yuan Feng's complexion was a little stunned at the moment. Frankly speaking, he was more shocked than anyone at this moment, because he never thought of it anyway. At this moment, Chu Yanchen was able to reach Shocked to the point of demigod.

Before observing Chu Yichen's practice here, he only felt that the practice of the other party was a little weird, but he had never thought about it, and the other party was actually impacting the state of demigod.

At the moment, the world ’s aura is converging, and the energy fluctuation around the little girl ’s body is also getting stronger and stronger, and has already exceeded the level that the Promise can have. Obviously, the other party is indeed hitting the semi-god .

"Chu Chenchen? Ah, is that the young lady mentioned before?"

When she heard Yuan Feng's words, Wan'er was shocked enough, and she realized that it was Chu Tianyu's sister Chu Yanchen who was hitting the demigod.

As a demigod strong, she knows how difficult it is to advance in this realm. She can reach this realm, which was piled up by Hua Tianxing with countless resources. But Chu Yichen came here from the lower realm. There are no precious resources on her body, and she can understand the realm of demigod. Such a situation is really incredible.

"Waner, take out all the resources you can use. It seems that Chen Chen's impact on the demigod realm this time requires a lot of heaven and earth aura!"

Yuan Feng didn't explain much. He already felt it. At this moment, Chu Xunchen had reached a very critical moment. At this time, absolutely no mistakes were allowed.

The place where Qingwu Palace is located is a relatively barren land. The heaven and earth aura is already very thin. In order to prevent Chu Yichen's rushing level from being discovered by Ziyun Palace, he has already opened the corps. In the future, there is even less natural aura in the world.

Right now, he desperately needs huge energy to support Chu Yichen's rush.

"Waner obeys !!!"

Waner also understands that this time is not the time to ask Dongxi and Xixi. Since Yuanfeng is going to let Chu Yichen succeed in the grade, then how much strength she naturally has and how much strength she will never let Yuanfeng down .

"Brush !!!!"

While talking, Waner raised her hand and took out all the babies on her body. With one hand, all the babies were transformed into the energy of the sky and scattered directly into it. In the air, it was absorbed by Chu Yanchen in the cave.

The baby on her body is not too much to say. After all, before Yuan Feng hit the Promise, she had already come up with a lot of good things for Yuan Feng to use.

"It's a waste of money, and it seems that we can't care so much right now. No matter what, let the girl swallow it before talking about it. If the failure of the grading fails due to insufficient energy, it is really a shame!"

Seeing that Waner's energy was instantly absorbed by Chu Yichen, but it did not bring much good effect. Yuan Feng couldn't help but look calm. Without saying a word, he suddenly raised his hand and put All the resources in his body, including the Tianxiang fruit picked from Yuanji Palace, were exhausted.

"Broken me !!!"

A total of nineteen Tianxiang fruits, Yuan Feng didn't even hesitate, he just exploded it. Suddenly, a lot of energy filled the whole cave all at once.

Nineteen fragrant fruits, each fruit has more energy than all the energy of a Promise, and the nineteen fruits detonate together, the energy is so huge that it will condense into Water drops.

"Buzz !!!!"

Chu Yanchen did not allow any loss of these energies. In a blink of an eye, all the energies were swallowed by her again, and as all the energies disappeared, a ray of light suddenly came out of the cave. When it lights up, though, there is an amazing energy fluctuation that sweeps the entire valley and spreads out in all directions.

ps: On the first day of the beginning of the month, ask for flowers, please come on! !! !! !!

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