The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1923: Tianxiang fruit tree (four more)

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Chapter 1929: Tianxiang Fruit Tree (four more)

Here is a piece of green space. In the whole space, the thin mist is looming, giving people the feeling, but it is abnormal and mysterious.

The entire piece of space is not very large, added together, that is, a range of kilometers in diameter, and at this moment, in the center of this small space, a large plant that is almost ten meters high and has a clear blue color throughout the body The tree, now exuding a faint breath, grows in the center of the space.

On this big blue tree, the blue fruits one by one are like little lives, while exuding the light of orchids, while swaying a fragrant fragrance.

The emerald green space, the blue ancient trees, and the vitality of life lingering around the ancient trees. It can be said that this small space feels like a fairyland on earth.

"Yu, what a fairyland on earth to cleanse the soul. I never thought that in the Yuanji Palace, there was such an incredible place. This time, it really opened the eyes!"

Yuan Feng's figure is standing under the blue ancient tree at this moment, and looking up at the old tree, but his mood at this moment is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Just now, Waner took him into his physical space and brought him here from the outside. And when he saw this weird space, and the blue ancient tree in the center of the space, he was shocked for a long time, and he didn't return.

Waner told him before that there was a very good baby behind the seal. At that time, he didn't know what kind of baby he was, and when he saw the old tree in front of him, although he still didn't know exactly What is it, but just by taking a look at it and absorbing some special breath from the ancient trees, he is sure that this is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

"Master, this is the baby I told you, how about it, did the master feel the strong vitality on it? This time, we really make a lot of money!"

Waner was with Yuan Feng beside her. When she saw Yuan Feng staring at the giant tree in front of her, she knew that Yuan Feng must be attracted by this thing. Having said that, the baby in front of her is actually known, and for such a baby, let alone Yuan Feng, even if any warrior approaches, it will be deeply attracted by this thing.

"It's so full of life, it's an ancient tree with spirituality !!!"

Yuan Feng's eyes have never left the old tree, and at this moment, he has counted the fruit on the old tree, but there are as many as 81 fruits in total.

Each of these eighty-one fruits is exactly the same size. Judging by his observational power, it seems that the size of these fruits is exactly the same. And among these fruits, the huge energy and indescribable spirituality, even the super strong like him, felt a little moved.

"Waner, what is this baby? Do you know the old blue tree?"

After watching for a long time, Yuan Feng finally looked away from the old tree, and looked at Waner aside, and asked with bright eyes.

He really didn't expect that Hua Tian Xing even hid such a treasure in his nest. I have to say that this time, he really wants to make a lot of money!

In his sense, these blue fruits are full of energy and have a very special atmosphere. Not to mention ordinary warriors, even him, as long as he eats one or two, he will be able to Get no small benefit.

"Oh, it seems that although the young master is very powerful, he really has too little knowledge of some knowledge!" Waner couldn't help but smile when he heard Yuan Feng asked what kind of ancient tree he was in front of. However, it was a mockery of Yuan Feng's "ignorance".

"Uh, this ......... I have been here for a short time, and I say that my cultivation is made with real swords and guns, and of course it is impossible to understand these things."

Despised by her girl-in-law, Yuan Feng couldn't help flushing, but she was speechless. His strength is not fake, but that doesn't mean he will know all the heaven and earth treasures, right? After all, he didn't study these things.

"Waner, tell me, what exactly is this ancient tree? Also, I think these fruits are so precious, shouldn't they be ordinary products?"

He didn't even think about quarreling with Waner at the moment, and speaking, if Waner didn't say anything else, he would have to do it himself, first pick a fruit and try something new.

"Oh, okay, since the young master is so anxious to know, then I will tell you." With a slight smile, Wan'er's face could not help showing a hint of admiration, "Master, this ancient tree, famous For the fragrant ancient tree, and the fruit on it is the fragrant fruit with great fame! "

Speaking of which, Wan'er's little mouth can't help secretly pursing, looking like a little tortoiseshell cat.

"Well? Tianxiang old tree? Tianxiang fruit?"

When Waner's words fell, Yuan Feng, who was already looking forward, was shocked at this moment, and the whole person suddenly came to spirit.

Tianxiang ancient tree, he has heard of this thing, when he wanted to find some treasures to impact the realm, he checked some classics in Ziyun Palace, among them, he had seen the description of Tianxiangguo.

However, it is said in the classics that the Tianxiang fruit tree is very rare. Generally, it grows in the depths of extremely secret space. Without great opportunities, it is impossible to see.

Therefore, he just expelled it directly, without going into specific research on this thing.

However, one thing is certain: this day, Xiangxiang fruit must have a very magical effect on the realm of impact. This point, naturally, has been said above.

"It turns out that this is the Tianxiang fruit tree. Alas, it's a bit late to meet each other. If you saw this thing earlier, then I guess I have already reached the limitless state, right?"

Looking at the Tianxiang fruit of the tree, Yuan Feng shook his head secretly, but he couldn't help feeling a little bit. If he knew that there was such a treasure, he would have let Waner find a way to help him get a few, and if he swallowed a few Tianxiang fruit, he believes that no matter how difficult it is to break through the bottleneck of Promise, he will Successfully broke through.

"It seems that the master has heard of Tianxiangguo!"

Seeing the look on Yuan Feng's face, Waner knew that Yuan Feng must have known the sweet fruit of this day, at least it was heard.

"It's true that I actually saw the word Tianxiangguo in the classics of Ziyun Palace, but the real effect of this thing has never been felt before."

Nodded, Yuan Feng didn't deny it, but while talking, he also pursed his lips and wanted to pick one of the fruits from the tree and taste the taste.

Somehow, when he saw these fruits, he felt like he wanted to eat them, and the aroma released by these fruits was also full of temptation to him.

"Master, this day's reputation is very great. It's normal for the master to hear about it. In fact, Wan'er has enjoyed this day's xianggu before. Without concealing the master, the reason why Wan'er can break through to the limitless world In fact, it was because I ate two tianxiang fruit. I thought Hua Tianxing had only two tianxiang fruit and gave them to me. Now it seems that he has so many tianxiang fruit. "

At the beginning of the impact from yin and yang to infinity, she encountered her biggest bottleneck of cultivation, and when she was really unable to do so, Hua Tianxing rewarded her with two fragrant fruits, which helped her. Reached the Promise in one fell swoop.

That time she took Tianxiangguo, she can still remember her freshness, because the two Tianxiangguo not only helped her reach the limitless state, but also let her know that the world is so delicious.

"Oh? The endless state you reached with this thing?"

Hearing Wan'er's words, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed. Wan'er's situation is clear. With Wan'er's qualifications, it is very difficult to break through the bottleneck of repair. And two tianxiang fruit can help Waner successfully reach the limitless state. It seems that the effect of tianxiang fruit is really not to say!

It is conceivable that if these fruits are taken back and used by his elders, will not all his relatives and friends soon reach the limitless state?

"Yes, the fruit of this day is very effective. The master may not know yet. This day, the fruit of this day is a famous fairy fruit without delusion. It ’s just that it ’s very rare to have a strong man in the realm of God, but I did n’t expect that there is a tianxiang fruit tree here. ”

She has been practicing with Hua Tian Xing for so many years, and it is also the first time that Hua Tian Xing has planted such a baby.

"It turned out to be something that was inedible by the invincible existence of God's realm? In this way, this is a rare treasure!"

After getting Waner's introduction, Yuan Feng's eyes were full of bright colors.

"Waner, can you help me see if these fruits have matured? Also, you have eaten this thing. You should know how to eat this thing. The effect is the best?"

Now that he knows the magic of Tianxiang fruit, no matter what, he must let his relatives and friends have a taste of it. If he wants to have a Tianxiang fruit, these people can save thousands of years. It ’s time to practice!

People are more popular than others. Some people practice for a lifetime, and I am afraid they can only stay in a very low level. However, some people can rely on the horrible treasures and become human beings all at once. Yes, but there is no way to compare each other.

"Hehe, Master really asked the right person. In order to maximize the effectiveness of Tianxiangguo, I studied it for a while!"

Nodded her head, Waner was also able to think about Yuan Feng's thoughts. Jokingly, she introduced the use of Tianxianggu to Yuan Feng.

ps: Four more arrived, please support Huahua, thank you all! !! !! !!

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