The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1922: Minor punishment (three)

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Chapter 1922 Slightly Penalties (Third)

When Wan'er and a group of elders in Yuanji Palace studied exactly who killed Hua Tianxing and others, Yuan Feng did not stay with Wan'er to guard her because he knew that Wan'er at that time , Can already ensure that there is no danger.

While Wan'er held everyone back, Yuan Feng went around the entire Yuanji Palace, basically visiting every corner of Yuanji Palace.

For him now, there is really nothing that can threaten him in the Yuanji Palace, not to mention that these people in Yuanji Palace cannot find him, even if he did, he can easily Go away. To put it bluntly, even if he can't be regarded as the invincible invincible, but some people want to keep him, the difficulty is not a little bit.

After exploring the entire Yuanji Palace, Yuan Feng found that the inside of this Yuanji Palace is indeed good. At least, if Ziyun Palace wants to destroy this Yuanji Palace, it will definitely not be like destroying the Yanji Palace and Luan Xinggong is so simple.

Of course, the problem must exist, but when Waner has completely taken the seat of the palace master, he will point out these problems one by one for Waner, and then Yuan Yuan Palace will rectify up and down together. Consolidating the power of Yuanji Palace can also let everyone see Waner's talent.

After a large circle, Yuan Feng finally focused his attention on the main palace hall of Yuan Tiangongyuan's main palace, Hua Tianxing. The last time he came to the main palace hall in a hurry, he just wanted to find Waner, so she didn't have the energy to look around. Moreover, at that time, he was weak and did not dare to be too presumptuous.

However, this time is different. Today, not only does he have far better strength than ordinary people in the demigod, Hua Tianxing's palace, but also no demigod power sits here. As a result, he Of course, you can toss as much as you want.

The two named disciples of the gatekeeper Hua Tianxing had already been secretly controlled by him at this time. After controlling the two, Yuan Feng searched arbitrarily in the main palace hall.

Not to mention, after this exploration, he really found him an extremely interesting place. Unfortunately, this place has the seal left by Hua Tianxing. Although he can break it with brute force Open, but if you really do that, I am afraid that the elders of Yuanji Palace will be alarmed at the first time, and then it will be really troublesome.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Feng put it aside for a while and left it to Waner.

"Waner, this is it, do you know that there is such a closed space here?"

Pulling Waner all the way deep, soon, the two came to a different dimension of the palace master's hall. At first glance, this space is operated by Huatian Xing, but it is difficult for ordinary people to find it.

"Well? This is ......... I haven't really been here yet!"

Being pulled by Yuan Feng to this place, Waner's eyes could not help showing a hint of curiosity.

In the eyes, there is a dazzling purple everywhere, but in front of them, there is a light gate, this light gate looks glorious, at a glance it is from the hand of the demigod strong. And who can leave the light gate here, in addition to Hua Tianxing, there will be no other people.

"Have you ever been here before? It seems that this should be a place that Hua Tianxing himself opened up, maybe it is his small vault!"

After hearing Waner's answer, Yuan Feng's face couldn't help but a look of anticipation. He was very clear that Hua Tianxing would not open up such a space for no reason, and he wasted so much thought The seal, maybe, is where all the private possessions of Huatian Xing are located.

"Waner, look, but is there a way to break this seal?"

It can be seen that the light door in front of you is undoubtedly the passage to the inside, but this light door seems to be integrated with the surrounding space, and it is not easy to open it.

He thought of many ways, but in the end he could only think of a hard way, but this way, he couldn't try it at will.

"Let me see !!!" With his eyes narrowed, Waner slowly stepped forward, but reached out and touched the light door, and tried to crack it with his own strength. It is a pity that the seal left by the demigod can not be broken so easily.

"Master, this seal is very strange. I am afraid that only the person who arranges the seal can open it. However, such a seal cannot stop Waner."

Frowning brows slowly stretched out, Waner at this moment was showing a smile, and her eyes were full of confidence.

She did not have the ability to break the seals left by other demigods. However, as an ethereal body, she was not afraid of any form of matrix ban, because for her, The intangible things can be treated as if they did not exist.

The reason why nothingness is desired by so many people is not just because it is very rare and simple. In fact, the most invincible advantage of people who are nothingness is that they can ignore any battle. Prohibition.

"Master, wait here for a while, Rong Waner goes in to see, and then he takes the master in."

When she heard about Yuan Feng, Wan Er didn't wait for Yuan Feng to agree, but her body flickered directly through the seal and entered the space channel.

"Waner ..."

Seeing Waner flashing directly into the passageway, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised, and hurriedly shouted at the other party. It is a pity that the little girl at this moment has entered the passage and the whole person has disappeared.

"This girl, it's really fast!"

Seeing Waner enter the passage, Yuan Feng shook her head and could not take the other party.

He knew that Wan'er's nothingness could enter into it. This point, Waner had told him before, and the reason for leaving this space to Waner was naturally because of this.

He actually wanted Waner to bring him in. In this case, even if there was any danger, he could face the other side and deal with it together.

However, Wan'er obviously had the same idea as him. He didn't want to let the other party take risks alone. Similarly, Wan'er didn't want him to take risks with her. If it was dangerous, she would take it alone.

"I hope there is no danger in it."

Looking at the seal in front of him, Yuan Feng couldn't do anything about it at the moment. Wan'er had already gone in, and he didn't have the ability like Wan'er. For the sake of the present plan, of course, he could only wait here.

However, this is the secret space left by Huatian Xing. Most of it should be the treasure hidden by the other party, and there should be no danger.

He stared at the seal tightly. Although Yuan Feng said nothing at the moment, he still had some concerns in his heart. After all, what was behind the seal was not clear to him now.

However, Yuan Feng didn't wait too long. After almost a few minutes, the seal in front of her eyes lightened again, and then Wan'er's figure slowly solidified in front of him.

"Young master, young master, there are a lot of ......... Uh ..."

Wan'er's figure was solid in front of Yuan Feng. As soon as he appeared, he could not help shouting excitedly at Yuan Feng. But, after waiting for the words behind her, she found out that at this moment, Yuan Feng's face was abnormally gloomy, and the whole person looked very bad. Seeing this, the words behind her were stingy go back.

"Young, young master ........."

She who has been with Yuan Feng since she was a child, naturally knows what Yuan Feng's expression means at this moment. Obviously, Yuan Feng is really angry at this moment, and with her understanding of Yuan Feng, now Yuan Feng, obviously not angry.

She lowered her head subconsciously. At this moment, she was like a child who made a mistake, but she did not even have the courage to look up at Yuan Feng.

"Well, you have hard wings, can you not listen to me?"

Yuan Feng's complexion was not clear, but she became increasingly gloomy. He has to teach the other party a little lesson so that the other party can remember.

After losing so much energy, even almost taking his own life, this saved Waner from the magic cave. If something happens to Waner at this moment, what he has paid before Isn't everything all wasted?


Seeing Yuan Feng was really angry, Wan'er's face could not help showing a hint of anxiety, and her voice was a little trembling. What she feared most was Yuan Feng's anger. This was the case when she was in the Yuan family in Fengtian County, but now, although she is already a strong demigod, she hasn't changed anything.

"Master, Waner knows it's wrong, I won't dare next time."

Of course, she knew where she was wrong. Although there was such a bit of grievance, she knew that Yuan Feng was also afraid that she would be in danger of being unable to solve it, so she would be cold to her.

"Hum, only once, not as an example. If a similar situation happens again, don't blame me for leaving you, just leave you in Yuanji Palace."

Seeing Waner's anxiety, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be unbearable. After all, in the final analysis, the other party didn't want to involve him in danger.

"Eun En, Waner knows that, from now on, she will never make an advocacy again." After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Waner knew that Yuan Feng should be forgiven her, and then slowly smiled. .

"Master, you must not guess what I have seen. It seems that this time, we really found the baby!" Seeing Yuan Feng no longer angry, Waner remembered it, it seems that there is still something to do Too!

"Oh? Baby?"

Wan'er's words fell, and Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a hint of light. At this moment, he became more and more curious about the seal behind him.

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