The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1908: No choice (four more)

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Chapter 1908 has no choice (four more)

At this moment, the elder Meng Chang only felt that his head was buzzing, but he had lost his ability to think.

Originally, when Yuan Feng said he wanted to talk to him about cooperation, there was still a sense of disdain in his heart, but after Yuan Feng's words fell, he suddenly realized that it seemed that Yuan Feng said he wanted to talk to him Cooperation is not a joke at all. Even when the other party said that he would cooperate with him, he did not even ask for his consent.

"The Palace Lord, Lord Palace Lord ..."

Frankly speaking, he really didn't believe the fact that Yuan Feng had said, but judging from Yuan Feng's expression, it didn't seem to be false.

However, thinking of the arrogance of Hua Tian Xing and others, he finally shook his head sharply, facing away from the dizziness in his mind while facing Yuan Feng said:

"This little brother, you can eat more food, but you can't talk nonsense. What is the strength of the master of Yuanji Palace? Also, Elder Li Jin and Elder Zhao Gang are both powerful men. How could they be bothered by you? Beheaded? In addition, Elder Peng Ji is just being upset. Elder Gongsun Yun is resourceful. I don't believe you can control them. "

Secretly **** his fist, the elder Meng Ta seems to be questioning Yuan Feng, but in fact, he is nothing more than making an excuse for himself.

He is unwilling to believe that all this is true, unless Yuan Feng comes up with valid evidence, otherwise he cannot trust the other party.

"Oh, Elder Meng taste, how could I make a joke about this kind of thing? No, this is the spirit soldier who was beheaded and killed by the three of you. Don't you think you don't know?"

Seeing the elder Meng Tsao so fast that his conviction was strengthened, Yuan Feng shook his head and smiled, then raised his hand and summoned three spirit soldiers. These three soldiers are exactly the possessions of Hua Tianxing, the master of Yuanji Palace, and two other veterans.

"His ......... This, this ........."

After Yuan Feng took out the three spirit soldiers, the elder Mengchang had just stabilized some of his spirits. At this moment, he was severely hit again, and his cold heart was like a layer of ice. .

"It's Master Gongzhu's spirit sword, as well as the spirit swords of Elder Li Jin and Elder Zhao Gang. Is this, what ... is everything he said true?"

When I saw the three strong soldiers, this time, even the veteran Mencius could n’t believe it. After all, the soldiers are the possessions of people in the demigod. Now they are separated from the master, but it is impossible. There is a second possibility.

Moreover, these three spirit soldiers are all dull at the moment. At a glance, they are nourished by the master's energy and spirit. Obviously, their masters are really dead now!

"You, you ..."

Subconsciously reaching out to Wan'er and Yuan Feng, the old man Meng Tia was really a little hesitant for a while.

Yuan Tiangong Palace's master Hua Tianxing, among the numerous large ponds around it, are all very famous, but now, they are such a super strong man, and there are two Yuan Yuangong veterans who are equally famous. All of a sudden fell.

I have to say that such a fact really made him a little hard to accept.

It's not that he has deep feelings with Hua Tian Xing and others, but when these people die, ask who else in Yuanji Palace can stir up the beam and continue to maintain the glory of Yuanji Palace?

If Yuanji Palace is gone, then they, the elders of Yuanji Palace, may only be displaced or even chased by former enemies. The situation will never be better.

"Meng Tie, the veteran is a little calm and calm, and Hua Tian Xing's mischief is actually a shameful thing. Waner and I killed him. That is also the way of heaven. As for Li Jin and Zhao Gang, Helping you is abusive. Although their sins will not die, they are obsessed with ignorance and do not know how to repent. I was killed in a fit of anger. Speaking of them, it's really not right to think about it now! "

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng was as if he really regretted beheading Li Jin and Zhao Gang, except that he was as shrewd as Meng tasted. He could naturally hear that Yuan Feng was warning him.

Yuan Feng's implication is already obvious. He is telling the other party clearly that if the other party makes him unhappy, he will probably kill him in an angry way and will never leave any feelings.

"Yoo !!!!!!"

Taking a deep breath, the elder Meng Tsang tried to calm himself down, because he knew that the next time was definitely his most important moment, and at this moment, he had to keep a clear head to deal with it. There is a sentence that is wrong, maybe it will lead to the killing of the body.

At this moment, he gradually no longer suspected that Yuan Feng had the ability to kill Hua Tianxing and others. After all, Hua Tian Xing said that Yuan Feng, a young man, was very horrified, and Waner was beside him. The super strong is on the side to help, and with this impenetrable super array around, everything is possible!

"Little brother, as you said, everyone is a sensible person. Since Hua Tianxing is a wicked person, then he will die if he is dead. There is nothing to be surprised about, just don't know, the little brother said before Want to cooperate with me, I wonder what the content of cooperation is? "

If, as Yuan Feng said, Hua Tian Xing and others are dead, controlled and controlled, then he really has no choice, just don't know, Yuan Feng said cooperation ,What exactly is it!

Hua Tian Xing died when he died. Li Jin and Zhao Gang did not have a life-and-death relationship with him. It was also nothing to do with him. At the moment, he only needs to ensure that he can live, which is enough.

"It's not a big deal. I want Waner to return to Yuanji Palace and sit in the seat of Yuanji Palace. However, it requires the full support of the elder Meng Qi, and when Waner takes the seat of the palace, I Will make her take care of you a lot. "

Yuan Feng's tone is exactly the tone of the command. In fact, he is indeed ordering the other party, and if the other party does not agree, he can only use his own way to reduce the other party's cultivation to half. Below God Realm, and then controlled the other side, and let the other side stay in the Promise for a while.

"Support Waner as the new palace master? This ........."

Hearing Yuan Feng said this, he only knew that Yuan Feng was the new palace master who wanted Waner to be Yuanji Palace!

Gaze turned, at this moment Meng Chang could not help thinking seriously. To be honest, who will do the seat of Yuanji Gong ’s seat? He did n’t really care about it. After all, the cultivation has reached the level of them, in fact, the requirements for foreign objects have become lower and lower. It is nothing more than fighting for some benefits for his successors.

At the moment, Yuan Feng wants him to assist Waner to take the seat of the palace master. He doesn't have any conflicting feelings. For him, Waner as the palace master and Hua Tianxing as the palace master is basically Not much difference.

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal, and this is the cooperation that the elder brothers said!"

His complexion changed and changed. In the end, the elder Meng Qi laughed suddenly, and looking at his expression, it was clear that he did not intend to reject Yuan Feng's proposal.

"Oh? So, did Meng Tsang agree with my proposal for cooperation?"

Upon hearing the answer from the elder Meng Tsz, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked with a little joy.

"Everyone understands people. Did the little brother give me a chance to choose?" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the elder Meng Tia could not help but wink at Yuan Feng, but there was really nothing to worry about.

Now that we have decided to cooperate with Yuan Feng and Wan'er, there are some words that are not a big deal even on the bright side. Even if he is so discerning, it can better illustrate his sincerity.

"Hahaha, the veteran of Mencius really is an easy-going person, good, good !!!"

Yuan Feng is not embarrassed anyway, anyway he has taken the initiative, what he wants to do, the other party's heart should have been clear.

"Elder Meng Tsang, since everyone is understandable, let's just say that it is impossible for you to cooperate with us without any credentials, so let's take an oath here today and swear to do your best from now on Aid Waner, if the old man of Meng Tie changed his mind, no matter where you went, I would find you out. Of course, what you said today, I will let other people in Yuanji Palace know. "

Since it is to cooperate, of course, it cannot be without evidence. After all, if Meng tastes remorse in the future, he must not have evidence to prove that the other party cooperated with them.

"Oh, naturally this is okay. Since I agreed to cooperate with Meng Ta, then I will never betray my faith." With a slight smile, the elder of Meng Ta agreed directly, showing his sincerity.

"Well, in this case, please ask the veteran Meng Ta to swear on this spar of memory. I will record every word and every word you say, and hope that the veteran Meng Ta will understand."

As the words fell, he raised his hand and took out a memory spar. Memory spar is a kind of magical treasure. As for its usefulness, it is to store what people say, and then urge it with the qi, then it can be restored. Speaking of it, this thing is not a treasure , But it is very practical.

"That being the case, the veteran vows this, and only hopes that the two can also abide by the agreement. Don't let good cooperation eventually evolve into a life-and-death battle between you and me."

With his eyes narrowed, the elder Meng tasted that he really had no choice. In this case, he could only obey Yuan Feng's intentions and cooperate with each other this time.

However, after all, who knows, this cooperation will not be a good thing for him?

ps: Although the update time is not very stable, Sijia has always maintained it. Brothers and sisters, come to support a few flowers, stay up late at night to code, and ca n’t afford to hurt! !! !! !! Ask for flowers for support! !! !!

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