The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1907: On cooperation (three more)

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Chapter 1907 on Cooperation (Chapter Three)

In the gloomy mysterious space, the veteran of Ziyun Palace Mengchang was really dreadful at this moment.

He was really very careful, but even in such a careful situation, he still couldn't escape the fate of being calculated.

"How, how can this be? Who, who calculates me? Come out, come out for me !!!"

After a brief horror, the elder Meng Tia screamed in anger.

The moment before he was attacked by a lurking man in the dark, he actually felt that it was inappropriate, but at that moment, he focused on the cave and did not guess that someone would launch an attack from behind. .

He had explored the outside many times and found no one hiding at all, but what he never expected was that in the unknown corner, someone was actually hiding.

Of course, these are obviously not important anymore. What is important is that he is now trapped in the mysterious array. Next, how can he get out of this mysterious array.

"Who is it? Who counts the veteran and don't hurry out for me !!!"

The darkness around him made the heart of the elder Meng Tie unable to calm down anyway, because he already felt that the surrounding space of the mysterious array was really weird. With his own strength, I ’m afraid it ’s absolute. Hard to escape.

And, now thinking about it, his two previous guesses are obviously the first one. The other five demigods in Yuanji Palace are really in trouble, and in all likelihood, they are all in trouble. Like him, he fell into the enemy's mysterious array.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

In the time between the thoughts of the Mencius veteran, a light suddenly cut through the surrounding darkness, and then a young man, a man and a woman, appeared leisurely in his eyes.

"Oh, this veteran don't shout, are we here?"

Seeing the horror of the old man at the moment, Yuan Feng could not help but smile a little, and at the same time stepped forward, smiling at the other side.

The first impression of Yuan Meng, Yuan Feng, was good at present, because from Waner, he already knew that this person was a smooth person, and such a person is obviously easier for him .

This time a little bit of tricks tricked the Mengchang veteran into it. He didn't know if he should be grateful for this. To be honest, this trick of him has no technical content. If it wasn't for this Meng Chang veteran's fondness for the baby, he might not be able to achieve it.

Of course, there are some calculations in this, but these are not worth mentioning.

"Elder Meng taste, it hasn't been seen for a long time, the elder looks all right!" Just as Yuan Feng's words fell, Waner on the side also took a step forward, and smiled at the Meng taste elder.

She is also relatively familiar with the patriarch of Yuanji Palace, and if there is no immediate matter, there should be no interest relationship between her and the other party.

Veteran Meng Tsao is a smooth man, and will not easily conflict with others. Of course, this kind of person is very savvy. If there is a problem, it is also a secret calculation, but it will not conflict with people.

"Waner? Is it you?"

For Yuan Feng, Elder Meng Tie hadn't seen it, and he didn't care too much, but naturally he knew about Waner, and now he sees Waner again, and the other party has obviously become a superpower of demigod. He naturally dared not ignore it.

In addition, in the trapped mysterious array, Wan Er was taking someone out. Obviously, the only person who counted for him was Wan Er.

Now think about it, Waner's ability to hide her body is nothing, and I am afraid that no one in the whole world can reach it. He was attacked by the other side and he can only admit it.

"It was me, that made the elder Meng taste frightened, and hoped the elders would not be surprised."

With a slight smile, Waner behaved generously at this moment, not as serious as before facing other veterans.

"Hey, after a long day of trouble, the old man was actually calculated by the young master. So, I have nothing to complain about. With the power of the young master's nothingness, he planted it in the young master's hands, and the old man recognized him. "

His complexion changed, but the elder Meng Tia sighed for a long time. It seemed that he had no intention of blame the other side, but he admired the other side very much.

In fact, Meng Tsang looked very open. Now that she has been calculated by Waner and trapped in the mysterious array, it seems that she can't get away for a while and a half, then it is better to be obedient and correct her attitude.

"Hahaha, the so-called politician is Junjie. It seems that this Meng Tsao veteran is really a politician, yes, yes !!!"

The voice of the elder Meng Tsao dropped, this time, without waiting for Waner to speak, Yuan Feng on the side laughed loudly, and his eyes were full of bright colors.


Hearing Yuan Feng laughed, the original Meng Tsao, who had all the attention on Waner, could not help distracting some of Yuan Feng's body, but when he saw Yuan Feng's appearance, he couldn't help but slightly Stagnation, but I remembered the entrustment before Hua Tianxing.

Before the action, Hua Tian Xing had told him and Zhao Gang that they must guard the surroundings and not let anyone escape, especially a young man who was not a demigod but was very weird.

He had just talked to Waner, but forgot Hua Tianxing's orders aside, and now he heard Yuan Feng laugh, and then he remembered this time.

"What's the name of this little brother? Are you a friend of the young master? But it seems very good!"

How savvy Meng tasted the veteran. After thinking about Hua Tianxing's entrustment, he understood that although Yuan Feng in front of him didn't look very eye-catching, he must not despise the other person. Especially now that he thinks about it, it seems that when Yuan Feng and Wan'er appeared together, Yuan Feng was walking ahead. As for Wan'er, it was more like a follower.

When thinking of this, how dare he show no respect for Yuan Feng?

Under the eaves, who can not bow? Today, he must be optimistic about the situation, and must not lose his life for nothing.

"Hehe, the junior is just a nameless pawn. This senior doesn't need to be polite. I heard Waner say that the elder Meng Tsao is a sensible person, and the junior person loves sensible people most."

Regarding the speed of change of the Mengsi patriarch, Yuan Feng had to secretly give thumbs up. The most important thing for people to hang around is to have the ability to respond to changes. The Meng Tsao veteran just ignored him, and didn't even take a look at him, but now he respected him. He may not have learned this transformation himself.

But to be honest, he really didn't have the slightest resentment against this approach of the other party.

"Where and where, the little brother laughed." After hearing Yuan Feng's words, the elder Meng Ta could not help but smile and waved, but he was more polite to Yuan Feng.

How keen his observation is, at this moment, he has fully realized that what seems to be between Yuan Feng and Wan Er in front of him is really not Wan Wan, but Yuan Wei, a strange young man.

Although he really couldn't see what Yuan Feng was afraid of, it was the fact that there was no need to question it at all.

Without knowing Yuan Feng's true identity and specific circumstances, he was afraid to talk casually at this moment. The so-called illness from the mouth to the disaster out of the mouth, this principle, he is still very clear.

"Well, veteran Meng taste, I have a good impression on you, so let's say that we don't talk secretly. I've said so much to veteran Meng taste this time, I just hope to cooperate with veteran Meng taste, of course Now, as long as the elders of Meng Qi have enough sincerity, Waner and I will not treat you badly. "

For one thing, Yuan Feng and Wan'er knew that if they killed all the demigods in Yuanji Palace, or turned into characters of the Promise, then the power of Yuanji Palace would become too much. It's too small, and even if Waner sits on the seat of Yuanji Palace, then I'm afraid it won't make much sense.

Therefore, instead of destroying the demigods of Yuanji Palace, Yuanfeng hopes to reach a consensus with each other or to cooperate with each other.

Of course, cooperation needs to be selected. People like Veteran Peng Ji are absolutely inconceivable. As for Gongsun Yun, although this person would agree, it is too risky to cooperate with each other. So there is no need to take that risk.

Former Elder Zhao Gang, this one is okay, but this person's mouth is not clean, and he and Wan'er were scolded as soon as he opened his mouth, and when he was angry, he had already put it right on the spot, even if he regretted it It's too late.

And now the old Meng Tsao veteran, they obviously can't kill him anymore. If this one is also killed, I am afraid that there are really few people in the demigod of Yuanji Palace!

"Cooperation? Hehe, this little brother doesn't know what the cooperation you are talking about? Also, if I want to cooperate with you, can the little brother convince me?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the elder Meng Tia couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He neither directly agreed nor said no, but continued to ask Yuan Feng.

"This ......... I'll talk about the cooperation later. I'd like to talk to Elder Meng taste the reason first!" After scratching his head, Yuan Feng groaned slightly, and then continued, "I have killed Huatian Xing, Li Jin, Zhao Gang, and controlled Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun. I don't know why, what did the elder Meng taste?

The words fell, Yuan Feng no longer talked, but just looked at the opposite Meng Tsao elder so quietly, while the latter was already caught there long ago, as if being struck by a thunderbolt. The same.

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