The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1891: Fatal choice (four more)

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Chapter 189th Fatal Choice (4th)

Here is a vast expanse of vast mountain forest. The entire forest is located at the intersection of the area under the jurisdiction of Yuanji Palace and the area under the jurisdiction of another super power. It can be said that it is a three-independent boundary. And such a transitional mountain forest has naturally been exhausted by the two major forces.

Because of this, no one in this vast mountain forest will come here for activities. After all, not only is the sky and earth aura, but there is no oil or water to fish for, and no one will stay here except passing by.

On this day, this jungle, which has been deserted for too long, has ushered in a group of guests who are absolutely enough. There are four people in the whole team, each of them carefully converges, and sneaks into the dense forest. In addition, then stood still.

"Three veterans, what we have to face here is a demigod with a body of nothingness, and a magical soldier with the same hand, and the strength is also an unfathomable star. Therefore, the three veterans must be You must do your best, and there must be no slack, especially Elder Li Jin, you and Waner have never dealt with that girl very much, you must be careful that he will treat you hard. "

The four strong men stood in a row, and the one and a half old man in the most central position couldn't help but stand up and preach to the other three. And from what he said, this one is naturally the master of the Yuanji Palace, Hua Tianxing.

Not long ago, the master of the Yuanji Palace suddenly felt Wan'er's breath, and then he immediately assembled the people who had already been arranged and chased directly towards the goal.

In addition to Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun, he also called an elder of Yuanji Palace, a demigod. This person is named Li Jin, who is a senior in Yuanji Palace. A super strong. The reason why he called him, but because this person and Waner have always been evil, this elder Li Jin, that really has always wanted to get rid of Waner and then quickly.

Obviously, Huatian Xing's painstaking effort to eliminate Waner.

For Waner's rebellion, he simply talked to the other party, but for Elder Li Jin, he didn't need to know too much, because as long as he gave him a reason, he could wholeheartedly treat Waner. Shot.

"Master Gongzhu rest assured that nothingness is a rare genius constitution, and I will be careful to guard against it." Nodded, Elder Li Jin did not dare despise Waner, but the thought of the little girl actually reached When he was in the demigod state, he couldn't help feeling unhappy.

Speaking of which, his resentment with Wan'er was actually because of something that was not a big deal. When Waner first came to Yuanji Palace, she was just seen by his younger son, and that sight surprised his little son. It is a pity that Waner has no interest in men and women at all and naturally ignores them.

However, the little boy of the Li family did not stop there. Instead, he relied on Elder Li Jin's favor to secretly invade Waner.

The results can of course be imagined. With Waner's nihilistic power, she easily broke the conspiracy of the other party, and even killed the other party directly. It was also in that incident that Waner's Nothingness was revealed.

Although there are many elder Li Jin's sons, his young son is indeed one of his favorite daughter-in-laws. If he had the absolute shelter of Hua Tianxing, he was afraid that he would have tried to wipe out Waner and avenge his young son. Already.

This time finally has the opportunity to avenge her revenge, but unfortunately Waner has become a great success. Li Jin also knew in her heart that it was definitely not difficult to destroy Waner.

"Okay, now that everyone is ready, let's take a shot. This time, we must not let the two escape."

With a sharp fist, Hua Tianxing at this moment was full of confidence in today's action. It was three to two before, and there were also factors that made Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun carelessly. Of course, he was not very calm in the previous actions. These were the reasons for the failure of the previous action.

But this time, they not only increased their investment, but also everyone was waiting for it. If they weren't sure about the other two young people, then they really didn't have to hang on.

Looking at each other, the four strong men all converged their breath to the extreme, and began to approach the target in secret.

This virgin dense forest has been mined with nothing left. There is a barren scene after mining. The four strong ones are scattered, and they move closer to the inside carefully, but the spirit is very tight.

No one dares to underestimate a demigod who is a nihilistic body. Although Waner is a new demigod and the attack method is relatively simple, but the nihilistic body is a nihilistic body, only a name, It's enough to be careful.

Not long, the figures of the four strong men have penetrated into the dense forest, and soon came to a hidden cave entrance.

This opening is really very secret, and the outside is directly sealed by megaliths. It is almost a tight seam, and no gap can be seen.

If it wasn't for Huatian Xing's unique means, it would be certain that Wan'er was in the cave at this time. The other three would be hard to find. The cave is behind a huge rock.

"Three veterans, the traitor and the unknown boy, should be hiding in the cave now. After a while, the four of us rushed in together, we must hit them by surprise !!!"

Hua Tian Xing's voice resounded in everyone's ears, and as his voice sounded, the other three were all staring at each other, and each person's eyes were full of dignity.

Surprisingly and unprepared, this is indeed the best way to fight, especially against a genius who is based on nothingness, because once the opponent is prepared, then a strong person of nothingness is basically unbeatable .

"Everyone prepare !!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hua Tian Xing took a sigh of relief, and when he raised his hand, he was in a state of mind. Suddenly, the boulder at the entrance of the cave was lifted off directly by him, and the entire cave also appeared clearly. In front of the four.


Seeing the opening of the cave, all the four strong men did not hesitate. Between the movements of the body, the four entered the cave one by one, and headed directly to the target location with Huatian Xing as the head.

The eyes of the four were excellent. Almost as soon as they entered the cave, they had already seen the figure of a woman deep in the cave, and who would this woman be besides Waner?


I saw Waner in the cave, and the other party at this time was obviously shocked by the sudden entry of the four of them, but did not know their arrival. At this time, it was the most direct way to kill the other party directly. Good time!

"Boom boom !!!!!! Brush !!!!"

Each of the Big Four is already prepared for his strongest attack, and when he sees the target now, where can they have the slightest hesitation?

With the bang, the attack of the four strongest people greeted the unsuspecting Waner, but when the round of their attacks fell, a fact that shocked the four people appeared. Before their eyes.

"What about people?"

The four big powers joined forces to imagine how powerful they would be. However, it was such a horrible blow, but when the attack fell, Waner, who was originally sitting there, disappeared.

Of course they know that the other party will never be bombarded by them all at once, and the only explanation is that the other party is basically prepared for it. Before they shot, they have already activated their physique to prepare for it. Already.

"No, they are prepared !!!!!!"

The four were all old rivers and lakes. Of course, they immediately realized the problem. During the talk, the four hurriedly started to work their strengths and wanted to replenish the emptiness brought about by the blow.

For the proper blow, they used all their strength to kill Waner to the greatest extent. Because of this, at this moment, they will have a sense of emptiness. This can not blame them, after all, no matter who they are, when they see the target sitting in horror, they will use all their powers subconsciously.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, when the Big Four just realized the seriousness of the problem, the entire cave shuddered at this moment. Then, the surrounding space began to change dramatically, as if it was about to collapse. same.

"Is Xuanzhen? Not good, quickly withdraw !!!!!!"

The eyesight of the four naturally goes without saying that the changes in the surrounding space can be seen at a glance as a change in the mysterious array. Apart from that, they want to quickly escape from the area and leave the scope of the mysterious array.

"Will you go? All left for me !!!"

However, just when the four were just aware of the problem and wanted to escape with all their might, a coquettish sudden came. Then, a familiar woman appeared in front of the four, and it appeared at the same time, but still There are four terrifying swordsman. It was Waner who held Yuanfeng's Chixiao sword, and performed her strongest attack.

The Chixiao sword is a magic weapon. Not only Maple's hands can play a shocking effect, but in Wan'er's hands, they can also be used to great effect. This sword directly cut off the four strong Escape the idea.

"not good!!!!"

All four were able to feel the horror of Jianmang, so they didn't have any thoughts to manage the matter of detachment from the mysterious array, but they all fought to resist Jianmang. For them, falling into the mysterious array is not a big deal. After all, Waner is not proficient in the mysterious array, and another guy who is less than a demigod, is even more unlikely to arrange to kill the mysterious array.

"Om !!!!!!"

All of the four swordsmans were hidden by the four, but after they escaped the swordsman, they had already fallen into the mysterious space.

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