The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1890: Trace reappearance (three)

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Chapter 189: Traces Reappear (Chapter Three)

Yuanji Palace, in the main hall of the palace's Huatian Xing, at this moment, as the palace's owner, Huatian Xing is talking to his two close relatives, but from the expressions of the three present It can be seen that their mood is obviously not very high at this moment.

"Gongzhu, that girl and that abominable boy, haven't you already run into other spheres of influence? Why is it that you still can't sense their breath after so long?"

Elder Gongsun Yun simply sighed and sighed to the extreme. Unexpectedly, that day, his arm was cut off by a little man who was less than half a dice, but he was always worried about it, and he couldn't wait to find out the person who had cut off his arm immediately.

However, it is a pity that more than a month has passed, but the young people who cut off their arms and Waner who betrayed them from Yuanji Palace seem to have disappeared out of thin air. nothing.

Such a situation naturally makes him unspeakable, but he has no way to dig them out, so he can only be anxious.

"The elders of Gongsun are calm and restless. They have my means on them. No matter where they go, even if they reach the end of the earth, I can find them out. In my opinion, I am afraid they are passing something special. Means to hide themselves for a while, but they can't hide for a while, and this palace will find them sooner or later. "

Hua Tian Xing was not too anxious. In fact, he left a means on Wan'er's body, and it was not only a means, but also left his unique thunder force in Yuan Feng's body. In principle, no matter where the two men ran, he could actually find them.

Of course, in the recent period of time, he has been difficult to determine the position of the two. In this regard, his guess is that the two should have used some means to temporarily block his perception. However, this method cannot be effective all the time, he did not believe that the two can always hide like this.

In addition, Waner's nothingness is too eye-catching. Even if he can't find them by the means he left on Waner, they will have more opportunities to find revenge on them.

"Hey, Lord Gong's confidence is quite sufficient, but when will this wait?"

With a long sigh, Gongsun Yun couldn't help but pat his thigh, his face was full of hatred. He really didn't want to let the person who hurt him live a little longer. If he could, he would like to take a shot now and destroy Waner and the young man.

"Master Gongzhu, did Waner really betray Yuanyuan Palace? Why do I always think that Waner's girl is not this kind of person?"

Just as Gongsun Yun kept sighing and sighing, Peng Ji's voice suddenly came. Obviously, even now, he still doesn't believe that Waner will betray Yuanyuan Palace.

No way, he and Waner have been together for too long. Based on his understanding of Waner, how can he not believe that Waner will betray Yuanyuan Palace, and if he really betrayed, it is definitely unknown. Cause.

If Waner was to come to Yuanji Palace to be undercover, then he was added to Yuanji Palace. This is obviously inconsistent with what Hua Tianxing said about Waner's life. Moreover, Waner ran to Yuanji Palace to be undercover. There is no meaning at all, and if it is really undercover, how can it be suddenly exposed when the demigod is achieved?

Think with a stupid head. If a strong man in a demigod is undercover in a certain powerful force, then even if you want to destroy this powerful force, is it absolutely impossible?

"Well, Elder Peng Ji, I know that you love Wan'er's girl very much, but it's already time, does Elder Peng Ji still have to speak for her? Did you forget that she had cooperated with others before, That's why you cut my arm? "

Hearing Peng Ji veteran again mentioned this matter, waiting for Hua Tian Xing to speak, Gongsun Yun on the side was a little displeased at first, and asked directly to Peng Ji veteran.

He knew Peng Ji's feelings for Wan'er, and to tell him, if it wasn't for Hua Tianxing's task to support the five disciples Han Shu, he would actually like Wan'er very much.

However, this time it was because of Wan'er's reason that he broke his arm. In this regard, he could never forgive the other party. This is what Veteran Peng Ji said. If it was replaced by someone else, he would definitely hesitate to fight with the other party without hesitation.

"Brother Gongsun, Waner grew up watching me. I don't believe she will do things that I am sorry Yuanji Palace, I am sorry Lord Lord, so I think there may be some misunderstandings in this place. Does n’t this elder even have the right to know the facts? No more? Besides, the reason why you and I were cut off is that we can only blame us for being too careless, and even worse, it is that you and I are not as good as others. Do you have to push this responsibility to Wan No child? "

Peng Ji also did not give up this time, because he always believed that Waner would never do anything to be sorry for Yuanji Palace. As for the hatred of the broken arm, he would find the young man who cut off his arm to liquidate, but he would not put the responsibility on Wan'er.

"Fart, Peng Ji, do you really want to be a girl and not even care about your own principles?"

Gongsun patted the armrest of the seat suddenly, but Gongsun Yun suddenly stood up, and there was a surge of momentum all over his body. Seeing his posture, it seems that he is going to start with Peng Ji!

"Well, what principles are you talking to me? Gongsun Yun, this is my Peng Ji principle. If you don't agree, we will see the truth under your hands !!!"

Slamming the seat suddenly, Peng Ji also suddenly stood up, but he was no longer losing momentum to the other side. You know, they are both the veterans of Yuanji Palace and the left and right arms around Hua Tianxing. The strength of the two is almost the same. Naturally, no one is afraid of anyone.

"Just hit, you think the patriarch is afraid you won't succeed?"

Gongsun Yun was already suffocating the fire. At the moment, Peng Ji was so agitated. Naturally, he was even more furious. He was talking about power and fighting with Peng Ji.

"Enough, are you guys noisy enough?"

However, just when the two veterans drew their swords and saw that they were about to hit their hands, the starting position was always Hua Tianxing with a strong complexion. At this moment, they drank suddenly and slammed on the armrest. His face was already full of cold colors.

Hua Tian Xing also understood that the two veterans were severed with their arms cut off, and their mood would never be too good, which allowed the two to vent. But at this moment, the two are about to start immediately. At this time, if he doesn't take another shot, then the two are really going to fight!

"Well, two veterans, do you feel that you are useless and useless? Why, the foreign enemy has not won yet, but your own people have turned around in the nest, and in the eyes of the two of you, do you have me ? "

Hua Tian Xing was really a little angry too. He was also suffocated with fire. You know, he couldn't find Waner and Yuan Feng, he was more anxious than anyone. After all, in his heart it was clear why Waner had betrayed, and if Waner spread his story, how could he continue to mix in Yuanji Palace then?

"The Lord of the Palace is angry, the Lord of the Palace please be angry !!!"

After seeing Huatian Xing getting angry, the two elders realized that their movements seemed to be too big. Then speaking, the two hurriedly gathered their hearts and bent down to Huatian Xing. Come.

For Huatian Xing, they are all grateful for Dade, this time almost hitting in front of each other, it is indeed ill-considered at this time.

"Master Gongzhu, I am too distressed to Waner's girl, this is the only question. I also hope Master Gongzhu forgive me."

Elder Peng Ji judged the situation, and it was natural to see what Hua Tian Xing was angry at a glance. Obviously, Hua Tian Xing at this moment was definitely angry because of his doubts.

However, if you want to talk about feelings, his feelings towards Wan'er will not be much less than Huatian Xing. For him, there is a dilemma in which the palms and backs of hands are all meat.

"Hey, Elder Peng Ji, I also know that your relationship with Waner is very good, but what I said is absolutely true, so it is not necessary for Elder Peng Ji to think more."

When he waved his hand, Hua Tianxing's anger was also down, but in fact, under his heart, he was a little worried. If Veteran Peng Ji has always had this kind of thought, then I really have some trouble to deal with Waner.

"Yes, since Lord Gongzhu has repeatedly emphasized, I will not say anything more!" Hua Tianxing has already spoken to this part, if he continues to question the other party, it is obviously too bad!

"Well, veteran Peng Ji can think so, it's really good, two veterans, the next time ... eh?"

After calming down, Hua Tian Xing Gang will continue to appease the two, but at this moment, his face was suddenly flashed with an inscrutable surprise, and the whole person became excited all at once. Up.

"What's wrong with the palace master? But did you find anything?"

Seeing Hua Tianxing show such an expression, the two big and half divine veterans were slightly surprised, and then they all looked bright and asked Hua Tianxing.

"Ha ha ha, two veterans, Waner's girl and the kid showed up again, walk around, quickly assemble people, let's set off."

With a long laugh, Hua Tian Xing said nothing, and when he was in shape, he started to act.

ps: There was a problem with the website during the day, and Sanlian even got up. !! !! Anxious for flowers, it's time to burst chrysanthemums! !! !! Roar! !!

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