The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1874: Shocked Yuanji Palace (four more)

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Chapter 187th Shocked Yuanji Palace

Yuanji Palace, the loud noise, suddenly came from the place where the palace owner Huatian Xing was located. All the powerful people in Yuanji Palace could feel that the direction of Huatian Xing's palace was a horrible one. The breath spread to every corner of Yuanji Palace instantly, and some disciples who were cultivated underneath were even stunned.

"What's going on? Why is there such a big movement?"

"Is it the direction of the Lord's palace? This is the energy fluctuation of the demigod strong. Is anyone doing something with the Lord?"

"It's ok, who is so bold that he dared to run into my Yuanji Palace to spread the wild, it's just impatient."

"Is there any reason to dare to invade my Yuanji Palace, I want to let you come and go !!!"

Everyone was astounded by this sudden energy wave that escaped suddenly. No one thought that in the Yuanji Palace, there would be such a situation now, which is something they dare not imagine.

The time spent speaking, all the strong men in Yuanji Palace are rushing towards the palace of Yuantian Palace's main owner, Hua Tianxing. They want to see what kind of people are, and dare to deal with them. Master Gongzhu hands.

In a blink of an eye, a number of Yuanji Palace powerhouses appeared above the palace of Yuantian Palace's master Hua Tianxing, and when everyone saw that Huatian Xing's palace was broken down, everyone's Under my eyes, there was a flash of shock.

"Dear guy, you have penetrated the palace of the Lord Lord? Who is sacred, and there is such a courage !!!"

The powerful men looked at each other, but they all saw a deep shock from each other's eyes. When speaking, everyone gestured to each other, and they were about to be swept towards the palace below.

"Well !!!"

However, just as the crowd was about to fly down, a sound of breaking air suddenly came from the palace, and then, a whole body was embarrassed, and there was also a Yuanji Palace with a left arm. Lord Hua Tianxing suddenly flew out from below and appeared in front of everyone.

"His !!!!!! This ... this ...

When seeing Hua Tian Xing came to the sky, this time, everyone present was flashing a horror in his eyes, all eyes were on Hua Tian Xing's left arm as much as possible. There, the bare arms are particularly eye-catching, but also unusually sultry.

"Palace Lord !!!"

After a brief shock, everyone hurried forward a few steps and came to Huatian Xing's approach, one by one, their faces were more and more shocked.

"Palace, what's going on here? Your arm ..."

An older veteran stood up for the first time, and on behalf of the crowd asked the doubts in his heart, while asking, his body trembled a little. Everyone knows that the strength of Huatian Xing is definitely the strongest one in Yuanji Palace, but even so, his arms have been cut off, which shows how strong the intruder is.

It can be seen that the spirit soldier who cut off the arm of Huatian Xing must be an incredible weapon for the magic soldier, because if it is an ordinary spirit soldier, Huatian Xing could have grown his arm back, but this spirit soldier is not Knowing what effect it had, even a strange energy film was formed at the broken arm, but Hua Tianxing was unable to grow a new arm.

"Ah !!! Someone sneaked into the palace of this palace and sneaked into this palace, all chased me and chased me back !!!"

Hua Tian Xing looked pale at this moment, the whole person seemed to be crazy. This time he was really ashamed and dropped home. A young man who was endlessly cut off one of his arms and escaped from under his eyelids. This was a shame to him!

Fortunately, the scene of Shicai was not seen by others. Otherwise, he really had the heart of death.

He acknowledged that at the beginning, he did not really kill, which gave the other party a chance to conceal his own. However, the last move to destroy the **** of thunder was the most powerful of his many killing moves. He originally thought that one move would be able to obliterate the other.

However, what made him unexpected and absolutely unbelievable was that his horrific blow was actually carried down by the other party. Not only that, but after resisting such a powerful blow, the opponent used an appalling body skills and disappeared in a blink of an eye. All of this is just like the sky and the night.

However, no matter how unbelievable, everything happened before his eyes, but he could not tolerate it.

"What? How dare to secretly conceive my master of the Yuanji Palace, everyone chased after him, we must not let him escape !!!"

After hearing Huatian Xing's words, the presence of the demigods who were strong was almost irritable. Huatian Xing was the master of Yuanji Palace. The comer dared to attack him and cut off one of the other's arms. If it was passed out, where would Yuanji Palace's face go? Therefore, they must stop people and leave each other in Yuanji Palace.

"Well !!!"

In the time of speaking, everyone flew away and chased them in different directions. They only felt that something had happened on the side of Hua Tianxing's palace before, but there was no sign of anyone escaping, so at this moment, they could only chase around and determine the direction of the other party's escape.

Hua Tian Xing didn't move, not that he didn't want to chase, but that at this moment, he really wasn't suitable to chase.

The arm of the left hand is difficult to reshape. He knows that it is because the opponent's spirit soldier has poured the power of the law of the magic sword realm and mixed the power of the excalibur itself, and the level of these powers is absolutely not Demi power. The first thing you want to do to grow your arms back is to deal with these difficult energy.

"Damn, **** it !!!! How could this happen? How could this happen? A little guy who was less than a demigod actually cut off my arm and snatched my disciples? "

Fisting in a hate, Hua Tianxing felt itchy at this moment. Although outsiders didn't know that he had been shaped like this by someone below the demigod, he couldn't accept this fact in his own heart. For a while, he couldn't let it go. .

"No matter who you are, no matter if you escape to the ends of the earth, I Huatian Xing vowed that I must find you out, broken pieces !!!!!!"

The discomfort in the chest finally turned into an angry howl and passed away from afar. At this moment, all the disciples in the Yuanji Palace, even the characters of the Promise, are all embarrassed, and no one dares to be here. Ran out at this time to make fun.

Chang Xiao fell, but Hua Tian Xing no longer stayed in the sky. Between flashes, he returned to his palace. In any case, he first wanted to grow his broken arm, otherwise, At this time, if someone asked him for trouble, he had a big disadvantage with one arm.

Besides, the dignified Yuanji Palace's owner, if he only has one arm, looks really ugly, right?

The ordinary broken arm also said that in this situation, he didn't know when he could grow his arm.

As for the other people's pursuit of Yuan Feng, he did not have much hope, because he had already seen it before, and the physical skills used by Yuan Feng when he escaped could be described as unpredictable. This flash of speed is definitely not worse than those of them.

Although it was hard to imagine, this was what he saw with his own eyes, for fear that there would be no mistake. Therefore, it is not very likely that others want to chase Yuan Feng back.

However, these are not a big deal. He Huatian Xing is not so troublesome. This time it is indeed that he is too undervalued, but next time, he will not give the other party any chance!

A group of strong men from Yuanji Palace scatters and scours everywhere, searching for invaders who attacked Hua Tianxing, but unfortunately, as Hua Tian Xing thought, their pursuit this time will naturally end in failure. Already.

When Yuan Feng was working to the extreme, she was almost ten thousand miles away, and before they had delayed so much time, Yuan Feng didn't know where it had been flying!

Furthermore, when Yuan Feng escaped, he was running at the same time as the magical powers of bliss and shadowless powers, but he did not leave even a trace of breath. If they could be caught up by them so easily, then he would not Dare to run to Yuanji Palace casually.

Soon, all the strong men in Yuanji Palace returned to Yuanji Palace, but they all waited outside Hua Tianxing's palace and did not enter the palace to bother.

They all saw the situation before Hua Tian Xing. Obviously, Hua Tian Xing at this moment must be reshaping the arm. What's the matter, naturally, we should wait until the other party reshapes the arm.

However, everyone at this moment was really full of curiosity. They wanted to know who was actually able to mix into Hua Tianxing's palace and secretly attacked their master.

Of course, the arrival of the other party will not be for no reason. It must have his purpose, but I do n’t know if the person has achieved the purpose, and whether the master of the palace has broken his arm or not. Other losses.

With these questions, everyone was honestly waiting outside the palace. As for the disciples in the Yuanji Palace, they were all ordered to stay in their palace, and no one could act lightly.

Suddenly, the entire Yuanji Palace became frightened.

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