The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1873: Escape from the dead

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Chapter 1873 Escape From The Dead (Part Three)

This battle between Yuan Feng and Hua Tian Xing can be said to be unimaginable to anyone, and even Hua Tian Xing himself did not expect that a small, infinitely polar figure could stand dead with him for so long.

Of course, if you let him know that the little man in front of him is not Wuji, but a real yin and yang person, I'm afraid he won't be like that now.

However, no matter what, the realm between the two is far too much. When Huatian Xing uses his real means, Yuan Feng will be stretched and unable to do anything!

The blazing flames condensed into a huge fireball. Outside of the fireballs, a group of purple-black flames continually condensed from all sides and added to the fireball. At this moment, the entire large fireball has already reached thousands of kilometers. Even if the strength of Yuanfeng inside is strong, it is difficult to split the fireball away and escape from it.

"Burst burn, give me a hard burn, I'll see how long you can persist !!!"

Huatian Xing knows Yuan Feng's power, he knows clearly that if the fire is not enough, he will hardly burn Yuan Feng. At this moment, he can still feel that Yuan Feng is still struggling in the fireball. He relaxed a little, maybe Yuan Feng could get out of the fireball.

"This kid is just a freak. The swordplay realm is out of my mind. I don't think that my physical fitness is so horrible. Even my flames, even those in the demigod state, have to deal with it.

Through the raging flames, he could sense the situation inside. At this moment, Yuan Feng was still apparently trying to break through the fireball, but his flame had condensed hundreds of meters thick. If it was so easy to be torn, then It's really too much.

"I'll see how long you can hold on. Today, you don't want to escape my palm."

While controlling the flames to bake Yuan Feng, Hua Tian Xing was always watching the situation inside. He didn't want to burn Yuan Feng directly into ashes, if he could, he still wanted to catch it, because only the living Yuan Feng could give Waner to him. Furthermore, if Yuan Feng really died inside, and he put the Excalibur into the physical world before he was dying, then he would really want a bamboo basket to fetch water.

I do n’t know how much time has passed. Huatian Xing can feel that the movement in the fireball is getting smaller and smaller. It seems that Yuan Feng ’s energy has been almost consumed, and even the vitality in it has become Very weak.

"Yu, are you finally powerless? This time, see how you can escape my palm !!!"

Feeling the situation inside the fireball, Hua Tian Xing could not help but take a long breath, but also felt a sense of exhaustion all over his body. Obviously, condensing and controlling the fire like him consumes a lot of energy.

"Receive !!!!!!"

Now that Yuan Feng has been unable to resist, Huatian Xing can finally relax and collect his own fruits of victory! Speaking of which, he has a way to make Yuan Feng do things according to his wishes, and the prerequisite is naturally to catch Yuan Feng alive.

With a change of mind, the endless flames were immediately absorbed into his body, and these flames were actually condensed by his own power. At this moment, nothing more than turning into energy and returning to his own body. Of course, after burning for such a long time, the consumption of these powers can be imagined.


In the blink of an eye, all the flames were taken back by him as much as possible. The entire space became clear again at this moment, and Yuan Feng, who was trapped in the flames, appeared in Huatian again. In front of Xing.

At this moment, Yuan Feng was still alive, but his clothes had been burned and burned by the blazing flames, and there was a * on his body, and it was glowing red. But even so, he still clutched the Chixiao sword in his hand, and stared at the opposite Hua Tianxing unyieldingly.

"Ha ha ha, boy, how do you feel? Now, you have already taken it?"

Seeing Yuan Feng's weakness at this moment, Huatian Xing couldn't help laughing and laughing. No matter what, this battle, after all, he won. Immediately, he can **** the other's Excalibur and try to make the other hand Chuaner.

"I, I disagree ..."

A weak voice came out of Yuan Feng's throat, but it sounded abnormally hoarse. Unfortunately, although he was not convinced by his mouth, he had no strength to lift a sword, so he, Obviously, there is no qualification to continue to fight against Hua Tianxing.

"Don't accept it? What if you don't agree? I think you still come here honestly !!!"

Picking at the corner of the mouth, Huatian Xing did not say much anymore. In order to avoid night long dreams, he quickly controlled Yuan Feng in his own hands and said it. Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hand and offered it directly. A big palm print caught Yuanyuan.

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little excited. As long as he controlled Yuan Feng, he could first win the opponent's Excalibur, and then he would find a way to get Waner out, and maybe he could also swallow Yuan Feng together. Now think about it, wouldn't a character so scary be any special?

At least, the genius who devoured a realm of magic sword might also enable him to understand the artistic conception of realm of magic sword! If he is allowed to master the sword art conception of the realm of magic sword, plus the body of nothingness, and supplemented by the divine sword in the hands of Yuan Feng, ask, who would be his opponent in the whole world of no delusion?

Thinking of this, his face was already full of excitement, and at this moment, his big handprints had also captured Yuan Feng and grabbed the other side towards himself.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just when Huatian Xing was holding Yuan Feng, and when he was about to get Yuan Feng to his side, Yuan Feng, who seemed to be exhausted, was suddenly shocked. At the same time, that had been The Chixiao sword that was not released by him suddenly crossed a gorgeous arc and cut out a beautiful golden swordman.

"What? Not good !!!"

The color of excitement suddenly solidified on his face, and then Hua Tianxing suddenly realized that the situation was not good. He didn't even want to think about it, and his body flickered to the side.

However, even at such a short distance, no matter how fast his speed is, it is absolutely impossible to get past the spurs urged by the realm of magic sword, accompanied by the golden spurs flashing, with a scream of screaming, accompanied With a gorgeous blood flower, bloomed in the entire space together.

"Ah !!! Damn it! Damn it !!!"

The pain in the heart caused Hua Tianxing's face to be extremely distorted, but at his left arm, his entire left arm was chopped off and turned into a mist of blood in the air, dissipating in Into the blazing space. This sword actually cut off one of his arms! !! !! !!

"Ha ha ha ha, Hua Tian Xing, Xiao Ye has no time to play with you today, let's come to Japan, there will be a period later !!!"

One sword cut off Hua Tianxing's arm, Yuan Feng's laughter was passed on immediately, and at this moment he had receded into the distance, and the crimson color on his body had disappeared. It's also a mental illness, how can there be a trace of exhaustion? Obviously, his previous performance was simply a pretense!

Laughing at Hua Tian Xing Chang, Yuan Feng no longer stayed. When he was in shape, he flickered upward.

"Ah !!! Damn guy, want to leave? It's not so easy !!! God of Destruction !!!!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng about to escape, of course Huatian Xing would not agree. His left arm is gone, but he still has one arm, and with this arm alone, he can still destroy the other side.

"Booming !!!!!!"

With his right hand waving, a horrifying thunder suddenly fell from the sky. This thunder seemed to have been summoned, as if from nine days away, and with the thunder coming, with Yuan Feng as the center, all the space All seemed to have solidified at this moment, and that terrible coercion made Yuan Feng's figure stop suddenly.

"His, this is ..."

With his eyelids jumping, Yuan Feng's scalp was a little numb, and he realized that, like the previous confrontation, Huatian Xing didn't kill him at all, but this time, it is completely different!

The threat of death invaded the whole body. At this moment Yuan Feng knew that the next time was to really test him.

"Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, it's up to you !!!"

At this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much. Before he thought about it, he had already turned the Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to the extreme. The Chixiao sword in his hand cut off a sword sharply against the Thunder.


The golden swordman collided with Thunder, but was instantly scattered by the power of Thunder. Of course, Jianmang dissipated, and the horrifying thunder force was obviously weakened a lot, but it continued to blast towards Yuan Feng.

"Well !!!"

Finally, the horrible Thunder finally exploded on Yuan Feng's body, and with the Thunder's addition, Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly became pale, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Ugh !!! Kacha !!!!"

The blood squirted, Yuan Feng felt that he was hit by a huge force all over his body. Fortunately, his body had been transformed by Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, without the existence of meridian bones. Otherwise, this time, he absolutely wanted to Whimpered.

"Lin Yun, it's time for a few of you to dedicate yourself !!! Explode !!!"

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong runs at a rapid speed, while Yuan Feng dissipates the power in her body, and at the same time, she yells loudly into the sky.

"Booming !!!!!!"

As his drinking fell, a loud noise came from above the sky, and then a terrifying force broke through his palace from the outside, just to see the clear blue sky above.

"Happy work, go !!!!!!"

Seeing that it was penetrated from the top, Yuan Feng didn't want to think about it. Between the moments of his mind, his body disappeared directly. At this moment, Xiaoyao ’s magical power was run to the extreme by him. The speed was not ordinary people Conceivable.

ps: The third is, brothers and sisters, if you have flowers, give them to the little smoke. !! !! Roar! !! !! Rising rhythm! !! !!

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