The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1868: Fate (three)

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Chapter 186 Fighting Life

For a long time, in the whole world of no delusion, the strong man in the semi-god realm can be said to be a truly transcendent existence. In front of the strong man of this level, anyone below the semi-god is basically bowed down For the sake of it.

Hua Tian Xing has cultivated for so many years, but everyone who has seen him below the demi-god realm is all respectful to him, almost looking up at him with caution.

However, today, a young man in a yin and yang state dare to confront him and even rob him of his fat. Frankly speaking, this situation really makes him somehow unbelievable.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, no matter where you come from, I know you, quickly hand over Waner, and I will leave you with a corpse, otherwise, I will catch you alive and make you unable to survive, Please be dead, and all your relatives and friends will be arrested, letting you watch them die one by one !!! "

Hua Tianxing was really angry at the moment. He spent so much thought and paid so many resources just to be able to harvest a perfect nothingness for himself to devour. However, everything was ready now, and just when he was about to start a meal, the situation appeared before him.

A little guy in a yin and yang environment is indeed worth mentioning, but the problem is that the other party has brought his meal into the physical world. If the other party refuses to return it to him, then even if he kills the other party, that is also the case. Nothing helps.

The warrior's physical world is amazing, and the contents inside will disappear with the death of the warrior. If Yuan Feng is killed at this time, all his efforts and efforts will be wasted.

"Hua Tianxing, I have no relatives and no reason. I have no friends other than Waner. You threaten me with these words. If you have the ability, you will kill me. By then, all your contributions will be It turns into a bubble, but I want to see if my low life is worth your so much effort. "

Seeing Huatian Xing become angry and shameless, Yuan Feng's face flashed a cold smile. To tell the truth, Yuan Feng didn't think about it before, but only after he put Waner into the physical world, did he find out that he seems to have mastered it now?

Waner was taken into the physical world by him. In this case, the opposite Huatian Xing would surely throw a mouse jealousy, and in this case, of course, he would have more opportunities to escape.

"So, don't you plan to hand over Waner?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, Hua Tianxing's complexion became more gloomy. From the answer given by Yuan Feng, the other party made it clear that he was going to fight against him to the end, and if that was the case, then even if he was powerful, he would have no way to regain Waner in his own hands.

"Well, come here to pick it up if you have the ability, I'm afraid you don't have that ability !!!"

Behind both hands, Yuan Feng at this moment had a shameless look. Of course, in the depths of his eyes, he was already full of deep jealousy. He knew very well that he had no advantage at all in the presence of the host of Yuanji Palace. Not afraid to kill him, but there are many ways to deal with him.

"Hahaha, okay, what a little baby who doesn't know the heights and heights of the earth. Since you're trying to die yourself, then you should blame this palace for being polite and come here !!!"

Huatian Xing was extremely angry, and he had never seen such a young man who didn't know how to die, but then again, if those swords were really cut off by the young people in front of him, then he really needs to deal with Yuan Feng Don't be shy.

Of course, it's dangerous or not. He would know at first glance how unusual a talent a young man can possess with such a precious sword.

In other cases, he didn't pay too much attention, but the golden long sword held by Yuan Feng was really a rare treasure. He believes that of all the spirit swords he has seen, this one in Yuan Feng's hand is definitely the most precious.

Even if he failed to grab Waner this time, as long as he got the sword, he would almost be able to make up for his loss.

"Om !!!!!!"

He slammed his hand suddenly, and suddenly, a huge palm shadow was grabbing directly towards Yuan Feng.

The strength of the demigod is placed there. As he caught it, an illusive palm print was suddenly wrapped around Yuan Feng, and even the surrounding space was fragmented by his grasp. It will almost become a small black hole.

"Well, when am I an unarmed baby? Dust Maple Sword, Xieyue Sword !!!"

Seeing that the other party casually used a trick, it seemed that he wanted to subdue him directly with such a trick, and Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a sneer. It seems that the other party really treats him as an ordinary person in the yin and yang state, but he wants to let the other party see what kind of means he has in the yin and yang state.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

The Chixiao sword crossed a graceful arc. Suddenly, a golden sword-mantle, like the Milky Way falling from the sky, suddenly fell from the sky.

Where the golden swordman passes, all the space is collapsed in an instant, the entire illusory space is annihilated by the golden swordman at this moment, and the demigod Hua Tianxing Superpower of the realm.

Yuan Feng's strength has far surpassed those of the Promise, infinitely close to the superpower of Demigod, and at this moment, he is running the sky martial spirit, urging the Chixiao sword in his hand, only in the output of attack power Above, it is a super strong who is hardly weaker than demigod.

How powerful is the Chixiao sword? And this ancient sword in the Three Realms was motivated by the ancient spirit god, such as the swallowing martial arts spirit, which can be said to complement each other, and its power is far superior to that of ordinary people.

One person, one sword, plus the invincible sword mood of Yuan Feng's sword realm, it can be said that today's Yuan Feng is enough to make any demigod strong person feel daunted.


One sword wiped out the entire space, but Yuan Feng didn't stop at all. He knew that Huatian Xing was definitely not so easy to win. So, for him now, it is naturally thirty-six measures.

Thinking of this, he was a single-handed sword, and he saw one direction, that is, he was going to sweep away.

"Boom !!!!!! Hey !!!"

However, just when Yuan Feng was about to fully run his free-spirit magical power to leave the place, the entire space burst suddenly, and then, the Yuanji Palace master Hua Tianxing, who had just disappeared, disappeared again. Appeared in front of him.

Hua Tian Xing was a little bit embarrassed at this moment, but apparently did not suffer much damage. However, although he was not injured, he was already extremely angry at this moment.

"Okay, okay, a kid in the yin and yang realm has an attack power that is comparable to that of a demigod. Is it the relationship between the sword in your hand, kid?"

When his body shook, Hua Tian Xing shook the dust off his body and yelled at Yuan Feng who was about to run away but was forced to stop.

Today, he can be regarded as an eye-opener. A little guy in the yin and yang realm has such a terrifying power, and he is also in the sword art mood of the sword realm. This is something that I dare not imagine.

Originally, he felt that the other party should have hidden Xiuwei, but now it seems that the other party is indeed the state of yin and yang, which is not false at all.

But such a young man had just hurt him, and he really couldn't believe it.

Thinking about it, all these problems should be on the sword in Yuan Feng's hand. Only because of the spirit sword, a man in a yin and yang state can cut off such a horrible attack, otherwise In that case, he couldn't think of any other reason.

To say that a person in the yin and yang realm can really use the attacking power of the demigod strongman. I am afraid that any demigod strong man will smile slightly when he hears it, and it is impossible to put it in his heart.

"Great, is this the Demigod Realm? I used a blow of 90% strength, and I didn't even get a little damage to him? It was really amazing."

Yuan Feng was also dignified at the moment. Although he knew that he was not Hua Tianxing's opponent, he did not expect that the gap between them should be so large. Now it seems that he wants to kill a strong demigod. It is simply not a realistic thing. Even if there is a sword sword in the realm of magic sword, even if there is a magic weapon such as Chixiao sword to help, it is just a dream.

"It seems that we have to find a way to leave. It is unwise to work hard with this person!"

At this moment, he already had a hint of enlightenment in his heart. He knew that it would be impossible to be hard. The best choice at the moment is to take the 36 steps.

"Hum, Demi-God Stronger, but so, today, I will use my spiritual sword to try to kill a Demi-God Realm, so that it can taste the Demi-God Strong . "

In any case, Yuan Feng holding the Chixiao sword is still very confident. The Chixiao sword is a magic weapon. In the past, he was afraid to use it easily, but the situation is critical now, if there is no Chixiao sword to help It is absolutely impossible for him to defeat the opposite Hua Tianxing.

Speaking of them, the demigods have reached the level of going to God. In front of them, no matter how powerful the spiritual soldiers are, if there is no super strong to use, it is still difficult to exert their power.

"The arrogant boy, doesn't seem to come up with some real skills, do you really think that this palace is a stigmatizer? Get me up !!!"

Today, he can't let Yuan Feng escape under any circumstances, so the most important thing right now is to block all the space here and not give Yuan Feng any chance to escape.

"Buzz !!!!"

With Huatian Xing's actions, the entire space began to change suddenly. Obviously, in his old nest, how could there be no mysterious array?

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