The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1867: Confrontation demigod (second more)

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Chapter 1867 Confrontation Demigod (II)

In the imaginary space, Hua Tianxing was looking dignified at this moment, but his eyes were shining with a thick dread.

This is his cultivation dojo. On weekdays, no one can easily enter his territory. However, at this moment, at this critical moment, there is a terrible sword state like the state of the sword. The genius came to this place, which was hardly acceptable to him.

His palace is heavily guarded, and he has a lot of reasonable eyeliners. He can come here from so many levels, and the strength of the people has really shocked him.

Moreover, if it is okay to switch to weekdays, it may be that he is at a very critical moment. If someone is running around to make troubles, it is really very dangerous for him.

"He Fang sacredly came to the cold house, and please show up."

Avoiding the attack of the golden swordman, Hua Tian Xing's eyes looked around very vigilantly, he could feel that at this moment, there must be an unknown strong man circling around, it can be his strength, for a time He couldn't find where the other party was. This situation really made it difficult for him to calm down.

On the other side, Wan'er was looking around in amazement, wondering what was happening. It was just that she had all seen the golden swordman before, and she could not help expecting it in her heart.

When she was in the Ziyun Palace that day, she saw with her own eyes the Yuan Feng's artistic conception of the successful sword realm, and the sword awn that she just saw was obviously the sword art of the realm of magic sword. With a touch of connection, she is really full of deep expectations.

"It is impossible. Although the master realized the sword art conception of the sword realm, his cultivation is only the habitat, and it cannot be his."

This extravagant hope had just spawned, and it was immediately suppressed by her. Although Yuan Feng did indeed follow the sword art conception of the realm of swords and swords, but Yuan Feng's practice is too low and too low. How can the cultivation of the habitats come to such a tightly guarded place? This is obviously unlikely.


Just as Waner kept rolling, expecting, and fearing, a figure suddenly appeared from the sky, and the time came to speak, and the person who had come was already standing in her body. Before, gave her a back that was too familiar to him.

"Hua Tianxing, the master of the Yuanji Palace, did not expect that there is such a shameless person in the world, and I have really seen it today."

The anger-filled drinking suddenly spread, echoing in this vast illusory space, and with the sound of the sound, Yuan Tiangong's main body, Hua Tian Xing, could not help but change his face, the first time he looked at this sudden Appearance.

"Well? This is ........."

For Hua Tian Xing, everything he saw at this moment really made him a little bit surprised, because the situation now appeared to be a little different from what he imagined.

In the eyes, a young man was glaring at him at the moment. It seemed that the young people's cultivation years were obviously not long, and the cultivation was only a poor yin and yang environment.

In the man's hand, a golden long sword is as dazzling as the scorching sun in the sky. You don't need to look at it to know it. This is definitely a horrible blade. If he can get such a magic weapon, His combat effectiveness is bound to be greatly improved.

However, at this time, a young man in a yin and yang state appeared in front of his eyes. He felt that the matter was a little too strange. He didn't believe that a young man in a yin and yang environment could come here by his own strength.

However, it was precisely because the sight in front of him was too weird, that made him dared not to act rashly for a while, but he could only watch the other side while watching the surroundings carefully.

Hua Tian Xing really did not dare to act lightly, but at this moment, Yuan Er behind Yuan Feng had already been in tears with excitement.

"Master, master ... am I dreaming?"

Wan'er really felt like she was in a dream, she just expected that the person who came was Yuan Feng, but overturned her guess again and again. Right now, a big living person appeared in front of his eyes, but she no longer had to guess wildly.

"Master !!!!"

Exhausting her whole body, Waner struggled to stand up, shouting shivering at the back in front of her eyes.

If we have had the happiest moment in my life, then this is the moment right now. Before she died, she could even see her own young master, which was the happiest thing.

Hearing the call behind him, Yuan Feng also slowly turned around and looked at the familiar little girl behind him.

"Waner, I'll pick you up."

The coldness on his face disappeared. At this moment, Yuan Feng had a smile on his face, and while he was talking, he was a prober, and he directly sucked Waner into his arms.

At this moment, Wan'er had poisoned her viscera, but she was extremely weak. Of course, even if it wasn't, she would obediently let Yuan Feng do it.

Taking the little girl into her arms, Yuan Feng could not help but caressing the other person's cheek with distress. At this moment, his heart was full of deep self-blame. He came a little late, and if he came a little earlier, Waner would not suffer the crime of this child.

Fortunately, it seems that he came in time, at least, Waner is still alive, and in his arms.

"Master ........."

Tears burst out of contention, Waner at this moment was no longer the master of Yuanji Palace. The familiar embrace and familiar atmosphere let her instantly travel back to the good times in Fengtian County. At that time, she and Yuan Feng depended on each other. Although the days were very hard, each day was so full.

Over the years, although her strength is getting stronger day by day, but without Yuan Feng beside her, she doesn't feel a little happiness at all. It is a pity that although she met Yuan Feng at this moment, it seems that there are not many good times like this.

"Waner, Master is late, but rest assured that you are with me. From now on, no one can hurt you any hair."

Gently wipe away the tears in the corner of the little girl's eyes, but Yuan Feng's gaze was slightly frozen. After practicing for so many years, he is to protect his relatives and friends from being harmed by others. As one of his closest relatives, Waner will never allow anyone to hurt Waner in the slightest.

"Master, I ..."

There were too many words lingering in her mind, but at this moment, she could not say a word.

"Well, don't say so much now. You are very poisoned. Don't adjust your power and adjust your breath. When I have cleaned up this old immortal, I will take you out of here."

With a slight smile at Wan'er, Yuan Feng prevented the other party from continuing, because the current situation is obviously not the time when the two recounted their old ways. How can they leave this place? He may have to work harder!

"Master, you shouldn't be here."

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wan'er's complexion changed drastically, and she realized that it seemed that Yuan Feng was here to run away and die, because the one standing opposite was a terrible half. Divine Power.

"Be obedient, wait for me to solve this old guy, and help you clear the poison from your body." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng didn't explain too much to the other person. He suddenly lifted it up when talking. Hands, directly into the physical world of Waner.

The next thing must be dealt with by himself. As for Waner, he just hopes that the other party can stay a little longer, and when he can empty his hands, he will help the other party to solve the poison in his body.

After receiving Waner into the physical world, Yuan Feng turned her head and continued to look at the opposite Huatian Xing. At this time, Huatian Xing also found that there was no other person around, but it was It just happened to focus on him. By the time he saw Waner put away his eyes, the latter's eyes had already been filled with cold colors.

"Presumptuous, where the wild boy came from, dare to grab my Huatian Xing !!!"

Hua Tian Xing was indeed furious enough. He just thought that someone was watching him around, so he didn't care too much about Yuan Feng's small role in yin and yang. By the time he reacted, Waner had been paid by Yuan Feng. With this physical world in mind, this scene made him breathless and almost fainted.

Wan'er was included in the body world by Yuan Feng. Then, the next time, he wanted to devour Wan'er, but he had to find a way to get Waner out of Yuan Feng's body space. However, looking at the relationship between Waner and Yuanfeng, the two are clearly acquainted, and the relationship is obviously not ordinary. If you want to get Waner out, the difficulty may be imagined.

"Huh, Hua Tian Xing, I am here today, you don't want to hurt Waner a little hair, and also, you hurt Waner before, I will make you pay back twice."

With the Chixiao sword held tightly, Yuan Feng at this moment was Hua Tianxing who did not lose in front of him. Although he is definitely inferior to the opponent in terms of strength, at the moment he has found Waner and put it into his own physical world. He really does n’t believe that he will do his best if he can't do without this place. .

Hua Tian Xing's damage to Wan'er must be doubled by the other party to pay back, otherwise, he is too bad to be the master!

"Boy, where did you come from? Did you know that what you just did, what you said, has caused you to kill yourself?"

Seeing Yuan Feng confront himself without fear, even without any fear of himself, Hua Tianxing's complexion could not help but look abnormal.

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