The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1842: Who is the winner? (Four more)

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In the dense forest, Yuan Feng and his three newly-accepted subordinates said a few words briefly at this moment, and at this moment, among the three subordinates they just controlled, the happiest one is undoubtedly to be Herian's young lady is so beautiful.

For Helian Chuchu, Yuan Feng had controlled her, but her heart was still somewhat inconsistent. After all, her life was controlled by others, and it was absolutely impossible to change who she was.

However, when Yuan Feng personally ordered Tang Fan to obey her orders and not to force her to do anything, Helene's resistance was swept away. Instead, it was An unspeakable joy and gratitude from the heart.

Hellenchu ​​Chu knew clearly that she would marry Tang Fan. In the future, her life would never be better. She knew that the other party only looked after her beauty, and when the other party got her in her hands, God knew what to do with her! By that time, she will be able to beat and fight, and no one will support her. How miserable will be at that time, just thinking about it makes her want to cry.

However, this time with Yuan Feng's order, then, from now on, she can completely control Tang Fan. If she wants the other party to do anything, the other party must do what she tells her. By then, she still has to worry about Scolded by the other party?

Frankly, if she had known such good things, she would have cooperated with Yuan Feng's actions very much before, and even thanked Yuan Feng a lot and prepared a gift for Yuan Feng.

The thought of not only not having to face miserable hard times from now on, but even calling Tang Fan, her heart was full of excitement, and the smile on her face could not be closed for a moment.

"Hehe, Chuchu, are you satisfied with my arrangement?"

Looking at Helian Chuchu's happy appearance, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a hint of smile. He could also feel the joy of Helian Chuchu, but he didn't really think about it.

"Thank you so much for your success, Chu Chu is grateful !!!"

Sincerely owed to Yuan Feng, at this moment, Hellenchu ​​really felt lucky.

When she thought about it, being able to have such a so-called young master was not a bad thing at all, but a great thing that God gave her. With all this, she will sincerely thank God.

"Hahaha, good to say, but then again, girl Chuchu, you should also know what I mean, so you can't do too much. If you hit my bottom line, I won't agree."

The ugly words still have to be said in the front. He asked Tang Fan to obey Hellenchu ​​Chu's order. He undoubtedly wanted to help Hellenchuchu get rid of Tang Fan's control and torture. If he did, he would be really rude.

"Young Master rest assured, Chu Chu knows the measure."

Where did Hellenchu ​​Chu understand Yuan Feng? In fact, her request for Tang Fan will not be too difficult. As long as the other party does not entangle her and does not let her do things that she does not love to do, then she will not embarrass the other party.

"So much the better!!!!"

Nodded with satisfaction, Yuan Feng's expression was slightly correct, and then he looked at Hellenji and Tangfan again, "Helenji, Tangfan, today's thing, don't say more, I think you should come You know what to say when you go back? "

"My subordinates understand that when the Tangfan brothers and I take Chuchu back, we will find excuses to explain to others who have taken away Chuchu before. Let ’s just rest assured."

Hellengy hurried forward and replied honestly. The excuse he said is actually very simple. If someone asks him, he can directly say that he and Tang Fan have beheaded the masked man and rescued Hellenchu, but in this case, he I really didn't dare to tell Yuan Feng straight.

"Okay, as long as you understand!" Yuan Feng said nothing, he believed that the two must know how to do it. As for whether he would say something bad about him, of course he would not care about these things.

"You haven't been out for a short time, Hellenji. Later, I'll let you help me figure out how to do something, and for now, let's take care of the Chuchu girl's marriage for a while. After the end, I Will tell you what you need to do. "

The three have been out for so long, and it is time to let them go back. After all, if it is too long, the Helian family and the Tang family may be recruited, and if it is a powerful person who has shocked the demigod because of this It must be a big trouble for him.

"Well, in this case, the subordinate has retired first. If the young master has any instructions, he always tells his subordinates that his subordinates should go to the fire and do whatever they want."

Helenji heard that Yuan Feng really had something to do, but Helenji was not surprised, and then he rushed to answer it.

"Come on, there is something, I will pass it directly to you through the magic, you don't need to find me." Smiled at the three of them, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, flew directly, flew directly There was no trace of leaving.

"Congratulations to the young master !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng disappeared, but there was no trace of breath left, Helienji and Tang Fan both hurriedly bent down to the empty space, saluting respectfully. It's a pity, Yuan Feng at this moment, I don't know where it has appeared, their salute, the other party may not see it!

"Huh, it ’s really that the dragon is blind, but when it comes to Yuanji Palace, when is there such a terrible superpower?"

After Yuan Feng left, Helienji and Tang Fan could not help but glance at each other, but they all saw a strong shock from the bottom of each other's eyes.

Before Yuan Feng was on the scene, they didn't dare to have too many expressions. But at this moment, Yuan Feng left. Naturally, they could also express their emotions. After all, Yuan Feng couldn't follow them all the time.

"It's too scary. This young master of ours is really incredible. I dare say that no one in the entire Yuanji Palace or below the demigod can be his opponent."

Tang Fan also sighed sincerely. He didn't dare to think much about it. He was afraid that his thoughts would make Yuan Feng unhappy. When the other party was unhappy, he would kill him directly.

Yuan Feng's magical powers performed on them, although they can't fully understand the effect, but faintly, they know that Yuan Feng must be able to monitor them through this magical power, so all their words and deeds must be careful and careful. Must not anger Yuan Feng, make Yuan Feng unhappy.

"I still use you to say, let alone people below the demi-god realm. Even the ancestors of the demi-god realm may not be able to defeat our young master. It seems that I really met today when I wait. Super genius, super strong! "

Hellengie's eyes were full of fiery color. He had never seen such a terrible strong man. He thought that his strength was not bad, but in the other's hands, he even took a trick. But, what is this concept? He really can't understand it.

You know, although there are many disciples in Yuanji Palace who cannot beat him, no matter how bad he is, it is absolutely impossible to be as bad as this.

Moreover, the opponent has such a means that others have to surrender. If he can have such strength and such means, then who else should he be afraid of in Yuanyuan Palace? I am afraid that even if he is the head of the Yuanji Palace, he will be trained as a successor!

"Do you two still want to stay here for a little longer? I am afraid that you have lost the chance to speak because of the bad thing about the young master!"

Just as Helienji and Tang Fan talked, aside, Helian Chuchu, the smile on his face hadn't dissipated, but now he couldn't help but interject, but his eyes were dark.

At this moment, Hellenchu ​​was really no longer afraid of the two in front of her. Tang Fan could no longer pose a threat to her. As for Hellenji, she would never dare to do anything to her. After all, Yuan Feng's previous protection for her had never been covered up.

"Uh, this ........."

After hearing the reminders from Helian Chu, Helianji and Tang Fan realized that it seemed that Yuan Feng had let them go back quickly. If they were delayed because of their negligence, it would be really difficult to make a deal.

"Chuchu, when you return later, you will say that you were robbed by a tartar, and Brother Tang Fan and I are struggling to rescue you. As for the person who robbed you, we have been killed by the two of us. Know, Are you there? "

Herenji treats her sister differently now, because he has realized that this sister who looks like himself really has a high status with Yuan Feng. If he can make his sister and Yuan Feng If these characters have some intersection, then it is simply too wonderful for him.

As for what Tang Fan is like, it has long been out of his eyes, not to mention that his sister can now completely command the other party, without worrying about the other party daring to have any resistance.

"I don't have to say it, I know what to say."

With a slight smile, Helianchu nodded and then glanced at Tang Fan who was afraid to look at himself, and then smiled, "Let's go!"

The words fell, and she didn't wait for the other two to say anything more. She should have swept away from the sky first, and judging from her light body, she was obviously in a good mood.

"Let's go, it seems that this time, Tang Fan's wedding banquet is more exciting!"

He Lengji didn't say much. He told Tang Fan that he was in shape, and chased directly toward He Lianchu. He left Tang Fan alone, but he couldn't get back.

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