The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1841: Make up (three)

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At first, Helen Chuchu didn't know what Yuan Feng meant to submit to him. However, she was not puzzled for too long. After she said she was willing to surrender to Yuan Feng, the latter let her understand the meaning of so-called surrender.

Originally, she thought Yuan Feng was only asking her for a promise, but when Yuan Feng fainted her, she knew then that the surrender that Yuan Feng said was definitely not just for her. Promise it.

Sure enough, when she woke up from a coma, she knew what was going on.

Although I do n’t know what Yuan Feng did to her, she can feel that at this moment, she is already closely connected with Yuan Feng. It can be said that she was basically completely Feng was in control. Yuan Feng wanted her to live, so she could live. Yuan Feng let her die. I am afraid she would die immediately.

Also, when she woke up again, Yuan Feng was no longer alone, and two familiar figures appeared in front of her. The two are, of course, her eldest brother, Hellenji, and her prospective husband, Tang Fan.

At the moment, Helienji and Tang Fan stood honestly in front of Yuan Feng. Everyone lowered their heads slightly, and did not dare to make any sound. Just look at their appearance and know that They must be the same as her, but they were all controlled by Yuan Feng.

A bit of bitter laughter could not help but climb to his face. At this moment, there was really a feeling that I didn't know what to say.

Frankly speaking, living and practicing under the foot of this super-big Mac in Yuanji Palace, she has seen too many superpowers. Like her father and elders, it can be said that they are powerful people. The Helian family often has the superpowers of Yuanji Palace coming down, and she is fortunate to have seen it.

However, those so-called strong men, except for the high-level demigod strong, have never seen a guy as powerful as Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng had been imprisoned for strength, and she wouldn't say anything at will. At this moment, she and her brother were all controlled by each other's lives. In this way, she had never seen it before.

Of course, not only has she not seen or heard this method, even the well-known Hellenji and Tang Fan, they have never heard of this method. Anyway, in Yuanji Palace, there is absolutely no such method, because if there is such a method, I am afraid that the strong men in Yuanji Palace have already completely controlled their family power in this way. Come on!

Helenchuchu stood beside Helenji and Tangfan very obediently, but looked at them both with interest.

Whether Helienji or Tang Fan, these two were obviously ambitious masters, and even for the benefit of each other, even she became a bargaining chip for the two to exchange benefits. Well now, they are all now under Yuan Feng's subordinates. From now on, these two people will obviously not be able to do evil again, and never dare to do whatever they want!

Seriously, although she didn't want to see her elder brother fall, she didn't find it too unacceptable for the results in front of her.

"Chu ... Chu Chu, are you okay?"

Seeing her sister approaching her, and looking at herself with an indescribable look, Hellenji couldn't help looking red, but she was afraid to look at her sister.

To tell the truth, at this moment, he was really uncomfortable. He tried to calculate everything, even his sister did not hesitate to calculate, but in the end, such a result appeared.

Today, he is completely in control of Yuan Feng. What Yuan Feng lets him do, he has to do. He can feel that even if there is a slight change, Yuan Feng will feel it for the first time. By then, he will Very sad.

At this time, he really felt that he was a little bit sorry for his sister.

"I'm okay." She shook her head. He didn't even know what to say to her elder brother. In the end, she could only sigh softly, but no longer looked at each other.

As for Tang Fan on the other side, she will not take a closer look. For her, although Tang Fan is her husband, she will not be true whether it is the past, the present, or the future. Treat the other person as your husband.

"Oh, three of you, I want to come to know each other, and you all know where you are. Since that's the case, I won't say much!"

Yuan Feng was holding the hands with her shoulders at the moment. She was also looking at the three with interest. All three of them are under his control and are absolutely obedient. He can say whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants.

Among the three, Hellenchu ​​is one of the implicated ones. Of course, although the other party is also controlled, he will never make any attempt on this woman and make the other party too difficult. His goal was only Hellenji.

As for the other Tang Fan, if it can be used best, if it is not used, he will not treat the other party.

"I am not a person who likes to bully people. From now on, the three of you will address me as a young master, and as long as you do n’t do things that make me unhappy, you will still be yourself before me. I It wo n’t interfere with you too much. Of course, if there is something for you to do, just do it. "

For Yuan Feng, no matter what the other person's avatar is or what kind of strength, as long as it is controlled by his blood curse and magic, then it is his subordinate, and even his slave. I want to come to this world, I am afraid that there is no slave owner who speaks as well as him!

"Little Lord!!!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Helenji and Tang Fan both looked for the first time, and then hurried down and shouted congratulations to Yuan Feng.

After so many years in Yuanji Palace, they have long practiced their ability to slap horses. At this time, of course, when they are loyal, what else can they think of?

He Lianchuchu didn't say anything, but she also kept Yuan Feng's words in her heart.

Yuan Feng did say that it would not be difficult for her, but as a servant controlled by Yuan Feng, she still had some self-knowledge. Having said that, Yuan Feng impressed her quite well. With this little voice, she believed that she should be able to call out.

"Hey, okay, it seems that both of you should be smart people. This is the best. I like to deal with smart people."

Yuan Feng's response to these three was quite satisfactory. The others didn't care. He just needed the three to obey his orders. Don't play tricks with him. Now it seems that these Helenji and Tang Fan are absolutely afraid of death, and such people, of course, dare not hide their conscience with him.

"Young Master, your old man is invincible. Brother Helian and I will obey and obey in the future, and dare not violate it in the slightest."

Tang Fan did not care about Helian Chuchu's presence at the moment. He really didn't want to die, and since he didn't want to die, of course he must show enough sincerity.

"Yes, yes, Young Master, Tang Fan and I are both disciples of Yuanji Palace Demigod. If the Young Master has anything we need to do, we can use our own strength to help the Young Master as much as possible. Do it. "

Of course, Helianji will not be beaten by Tang Fan. His face is worthless, not to mention that Helianchu Chu is also controlled by Yuan Feng. Naturally, they need not avoid each other.

Having said that, although Helend Chuchu has not had much contact with Hellenji and Tang Fan, in fact, she can actually imagine what kind of virtue the two men have. At this moment, the two men's The performance was completely within her expectations, so she saw that she was mentally prepared to see the two people's unbearable performance.

"Okay, it's rare that you two can be so attentive. Don't worry, what you need to do is absolutely impossible to run away."

With a sharp wave of his hand, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced back and forth over Helianji and Tang Fan several times, and he was really satisfied.

These two subordinates are really powerful. At least, among the so many strong men he controlled in the past, these two are definitely the strongest two at present. With these two people to help them, they will be in Yuanji Palace in the future. Here, he can definitely do much better.

After looking at these two people, Yuan Feng looked at Hellenchu ​​again. This woman, he obviously did not need it, and he had promised to pay each other a condition. At this time, it was also time to cash in. His promise.

"Tang Fan, this Chuchu girl doesn't seem to be willing to marry you. I think that's fine. From now on, all your actions must obey the orders of Chuchu girl. What she wants you to do, you What you do n’t let you do, do n’t do it. As long as you dare to make any mistakes, I will immediately sense it and kill you directly. ”

He Lian Chuchu has already married Tang Fan, which is already known to everyone, and of course he cannot let the other party cancel the marriage contract between them. After all, in that case, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble.

However, as long as Tang Fan was completely obedient to Helianchuchu, even if Helianchuchu married the Tang family, it was no different from not marrying there.

Wanting to come to such a relationship should be considered to make up for his apology to Hellenchu!

"Eh, this ..." Hearing Yuan Feng's orders, Tang Fan first hesitated a little, and then he pulled the corners of his mouth involuntarily, apparently he was unwilling to agree to Yuan Feng's order.

However, Yuan Feng's words are imperial to them. Even if there are 11 million unwilling, it seems that he has no reason to disapprove at this moment!

"Everything is ordered by the young master !!!"

With a sigh of sorrow in his heart, Tang Fan knew that instead of marrying a wife to go back this time, he married a grandpa to go back!

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