The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1773: Shocking Battle (1 more)

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When thirty horrible figures appeared above the Yan-winged Palace, the entire Yan-winged Palace was silent at this moment, and the twenty Yan-winged Palace strongmen who had just been blasted into the ground by the Thunder, this will The child was suffering bitterly, and he really did not know how to fight the next battle.

Twenty to thirty, this is a battle without any odds. Moreover, the opponent's super array has covered the entire Yanji Palace, and God knows if there will be a new round of attacks.

The old veteran Yan was completely indifferent at this moment. He knew the horror of these guys in the Ziyun Palace. Aside from other people, he was the only one who was standing in the front of the sky and a horrible monarch. The cracking sky has made him feel despair.

He has n’t told anyone about the ability to use the realm method in Split Sky. It is conceivable that only one person in Split Sky can deal with three or four ordinary demigods, and the others are purple. It seems that none of the Yungong powerhouses is a good match. If Ziyun Palace has iron heart to destroy Yanyan Palace, this time, Yanyan Palace is in danger.

"Oh, God will die my swallow-winged palace!"

The palace master Ling Tiannan, now dressed up his whole shirt, and then the figure fluttered, approaching the crowd above the sky, and with his movements, the other Swallow-winged Palace strongmen followed suit. , One after another approached the strong men in the past.

"It's really unexpected. I have thousands of years of swallow-winged palaces, and there will be today's situation. The world is unpredictable. It is truly unpredictable!"

Almost came to the position of several hundred meters of the thirty Ziyun Palace strongmen, Ling Tiannan could not help but sighed for a long time, as if talking to himself, but also as if facing the thirty superpowers opposite .

He didn't know much about the 30 strong men on the opposite side, but there were several of them, and he was sure he had met them. You know, there are only a few of the demigods. Maybe at some point in time, they have had one-sided contact.

"Huh, the sky is alive, it is still alive, it is alive, it is impossible to live, the Yanchi Palace counted to the head of my Ziyun Palace, and it also caused me a huge loss in Ziyun Palace. All these things today are equal. ask for it."

On the side of the Ziyun Palace, the master of the Yiyuan Hall splits the sky to take a step forward, and the momentum of his body is so daunting to look at, even if Ling Tiannan sees it, he has a kind of heart-shaking feeling.

The strength of Split Sky is no longer comparable to that of ordinary demigods. Although everyone is still in a state of demigod, the true strength of Split Sky cannot be measured by a demigod. Just the means of his realm, it will be much stronger than others.

This time with thirty-five people came to the Yanji Palace. He was iron-hearted and wanted to destroy this great force. Once he had a bad breath for the Ziyun Palace, the second time he wanted to take over all the resources of the Yanji Palace. Be regarded as a compensation for the loss of Ziyun Palace!

Right now, their top 30 strong men are standing face-to-face with each other's 20 people, and there are also five big mysterious strong men, who are continuing to maintain the operation of the mysterious men. It can be said that they are not planning to give Yan at all. Wing Palace stays alive.

"Oh, the opposite is the Lord of the Heavenly Temple. I heard the name of the Lord of the Heavenly Temple for a long time. Seeing today, it is really well-known not to meet. Fortunately, fortunately !!!"

Ling Tiannan also stepped forward a few steps, first looking up at the opposite split sky up and down. Speaking of which, although he has heard the name of Split Sky more than once, he has never heard of the fact that the master of the palace of Ziyun Palace is so horrible. He has a feeling that even with his strength, I am afraid that he will definitely not be able to catch up with the opponent, or even cause trouble to the opponent.

In this regard, while he was uncertain, he also felt a deep sense of weakness.

At this moment, he was really curious. What kind of treasure did the prince Yan destroy the Ziyun Palace, and even made Ziyun Palace revenge so much? In speaking, this seems to be a little too serious!

"Ling Tiannan, if you replace it with the past, this seat would be very close to you. Unfortunately, you Yanchi Palace conspired with others to calculate my Ziyun Palace in the first place, destroying my Ziyun Palace. After the treasure, today, the Yanchi Palace must Perish. "

The main face of the Temple of Heaven is so solemn, but he has no intention of being indifferent to the other party. He came today with so many powerful people in the Ziyun Palace to completely destroy the Yanji Palace, but this is not because of any Things change.

"Master of the Heavenly Temple, please also Lord of Heavenly Heaven!"

Just when the voice of the split sky had just fallen, the figure of the veterans of the swallow wing palace, at this moment, came out of the crowd slowly, and stood still opposite the split sky.

Today's events have developed to the present day, his responsibility is really too great. Obviously, if it is not because he destroyed the treasure of the Ziyun Palace, today's Yanji Palace will certainly not suffer such a crisis.

"Jiyan, you still have a face to live in the world? If I were you, I would have apologized for my death."

Seeing Yan stood out, the sky's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of hatred, and then the words went coldly. He really regarded Yan Ji as a good friend. Unfortunately, now, he really wants to kill the other party directly.

"Apologize for death? Indeed, it has brought such a great disaster to the Yanchi Palace, and the old man died!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple said so, Yan could not help but smile bitterly, his heart was really mixed. Speaking of which, he was really guilty of evil. It was because of his temporary move that countless disciples of Yanji Palace followed him to be buried. Speaking of which, he really did not die.

"The Master of the Heavenly Temple, I have made many mistakes, it's all my fault. The old man's resources today confessed his death. He also asked the Master of the Heavenly Temple to be able to open up one side and stop killing me at Yanyan Palace!"

Yan Ji is basically holding a mortal heart. Once, Yan Chi Palace has fallen to this place because of him, and he has no face to live. In the second place, Ziyun Palace uses so much power, how can it give him a way to live? ?

However, although he must die, he still hopes that the Yanji Palace can be preserved. After all, even if he doesn't talk about his feelings for the Yanji Palace, there are still many of his disciples and descendants, and later children. Too!

"Hahaha, joke, Yan Ji, at this moment, do you think your remarks will be useful? Before, whether it was your own act or the collective decision of Yan Wing Palace, today, Yan Wing Palace must be at There is no delusion. "

Hearing the words of Yan Ji, the Master of the Heavenly Temple couldn't help laughing. He has used so much power this time, of course, it is impossible to finish it. If he does not win the Yanji Palace, then this time the Ziyun Palace will lose even more.

"Broken Brother ..."

When his face changed, Yan Ji was really anxious. He didn't want to watch the swallow-winged palace die, so he didn't want to!

"Hey, it's OK, don't tell them more about Yan, the veteran Yan, but it doesn't help that much." Just as the veteran Yan was still going on, Ling Tiannan suddenly set aside Waving, but interrupted Yan Ji's words.

He could see that Ziyun Palace would definitely not close it this time, but to keep Yanyan Palace, they could only rely on their own efforts.

"Friends of the Ziyun Palace, this palace doesn't know what treasure Yan Yan has ruined you, but as long as your school sends out the way, I Yanji Palace is willing to double the compensation, I wonder what your friends like?"

If it starts, Yan Yan Palace has no chance of winning. Of course, if he can, he also hopes to solve the current problem by other means. Although the swallow-winged palace has suffered heavy losses at this time, these people are still there, and it is possible to support the swallow-winged palace again.

If it really hits them, and it hurts the dead and wounded of these people, then Yanyan Palace is really hopeless!

"Compensation? It is indeed compensation, but the only thing that can compensate me for the loss of Ziyun Palace is Seoul's life, do it !!!"

The lord of the split-day palace picked a corner and stopped talking to the other party at all. As soon as he raised his hand, he gave an order. Immediately, the 30 strong men, including him, found him in the flash. Twenty Yanyan Palace people began this earth-shattering battle.


Thirty and a half demigods shot together. The momentum was really impossible to describe in words. At this moment, everyone in the Wings Palace was just bombarded by Thunder, and their physical conditions were not very good. Under this situation, For almost a moment, Yanyan Palace was completely passive.

"Well !!!"

The people from Ziyun Palace are all bursting into battle, especially at the level of the Master of the Heavenly Temple. In the blink of an eye, there are several demigods on the Yanji Palace. It was blasted into the ground by the strong men of Ziyun Palace.

"Yan-Ji, suffer !!!!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple did not find Ling Tiannan, the master of the Yanji Palace, but locked the mind to the senior patriarch of Yan for the first time. Obviously, he must kill the other party before he can solve himself Heart hate.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

The speed of the split sky is too fast. Although Yan Ji is also prepared, his strength is not as good as the current split sky, plus the moment when he was bombed by the thunder, and the guilt in his heart. The reaction speed is naturally much slower.

"Brush !!!" In the blink of an eye, Yan Ji's figure was wrapped in a strange energy, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. The master of the temple of Ziyun Palace.

"What? Boundary?"

The situation on the side of the split sky and Yanji was naturally seen by the public for the first time, and when everyone saw that Yanji was suddenly lost by the owner of the split sky palace, all the people in the Yanchi Palace All of them were stunned, and their backs were a little cold.

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