The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1772: Horrible lineup (four more)

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Two waves of purple thunder landed in the entire Yan-wing Palace. It was just a few breaths. The disciples of the Yan-wing Palace were countless dead and injured. The strength of the entire martial art was instantly reduced by half.

Inherited for so many years, each building in the Yanji Palace can be described as the hard work of the strong wings. However, no matter how precious the building is, it is all turned into ashes among two purple thunders. , Has become the history of Yanji Palace.

Having said that, the building can be rebuilt without any more. However, a large number of disciples are gone, but there is no way to measure it with money and time.

"How could this be? How could this be !!!"

Twenty-strong demigods haven't fallen at this moment. However, for the powers of their level, such a thunder is obviously difficult to cause substantial harm to them.

However, although neither of them was a big deal, the changes in front of Yanyan Palace made them feel ashamed.

The emotion of confession is full of everyone's body and mind. No one thought that it was a simple decision before, which would bring such a devastating disaster to Yanji Palace. Everything is so unacceptable.

The hatred of Ziyun Palace is certain, but more, they still hate themselves. Once I hate myself, I make a random decision without investigating anything. Second, I hate myself for not being able to protect the Yanji Palace.

However, this is what happened in the world. In such a weak and strong world, no force can survive forever. Any unwise move may lead to the destruction of the martial arts. There are too many examples of this. Already. The only thing that made the strong men of Yanji Palace unexpected was that this kind of thing would also happen to Yanji Palace.

Two waves of thunder came, and the entire area of ​​the Yanji Palace has been turned into ruins. At this moment, it is impossible for even the Hushan array to operate. In other words, the current Yanji Palace is basically Like a naked girl, she has been reduced to slaughter.

What's more terrible is that not only the Yanji Palace itself has no defense, but there are also super powerfuls around the Yanji Palace, which is what makes them desperate.

"Come out, who is it, who is going to destroy my swallow wings palace, come out for me !!!"

Ling Tiannan has been crazy at this time. The Yanchi Palace has been passed down for many years. He has suffered such a devastating blow in his hands. In this regard, he really cannot tell the seniors of the Yanchi Palace.


While roaring angrily, Ling Tiannan's figure could not help but flash slightly, but he had already come into the air, and between his hands, he had an extra **** sword in his hand, and he was fierce in the sky. The ground chopped down.


The astounding Jian Mang chopped into the dark clouds in the sky. Suddenly, a loud noise spread from it, and a large cloud of black clouds was annihilated directly by the sword, making a clear sky in the sky.

"Om !!!" However, almost as soon as the sky was cleared, the surrounding black clouds quickly spilled over, filling up the blank spaces as if nothing had happened. Live the same.

"Brush !!!!"

Seeing Ling Tiannan sweeping to mid-air, and the other demigods scattered all over the place, they also swept above the sky. They knew very well that if the thunder of the right kind was allowed to bombard once, then the following Yan Wing Palace, I am afraid that it will really cease to exist.

"Everyone shot together to destroy the dark clouds above !!!!"

The purple thunder was apparently brewed from black clouds, and now they want to prevent the thunder from reappearing, of course, only by annihilating these black clouds.

"Brush brush !!!"

The sword light and sword shadow continued to flash. At this moment, the twenty and a half of the divine powerhouses were all expelled, but they had all done their best, and they wanted to return the Yan Wing Palace to a clear sky.

"Well !!! Boom boom !!!!!!"

Not to mention, as the Twenty Greats shot together, the dark clouds above the sky were indeed emptied piece by piece. Although the distance is far from being dispelled as much as possible, at least, if there is another Thunder coming, it will definitely not be as omnidirectional as before.

Twenty and half demigods are indeed cut off at the moment. They do n’t know how many enemies there are now. Perhaps the only thing the other party depends on is this doomsday thunder penalty. If they can break this mysterious array, Then, can the crisis of Yanji Palace be solved?

When they think of it, the crowd is working harder and harder, as if eager to break the mysterious array outside.

However, the outsiders silently arranged this doomsday thunder and punishment array, if it was so easy to be broken by them, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Every demigod is using his own energy to feed, but no matter how hard they try, after all, the third wave of Thunder cannot be stopped.

"Om !!! Boom !!!"

After a few more breaths, another boom came from the dark clouds. Afterwards, the third wave of purple thunder most people did not want to see came after all in their horrified eyes.

However, the purple Thunder that came this time is essentially different from the previous two moves. The previous two sets of Thunders were in the dozens of millions, but the Thunder that came this time was definitely less than a hundred. What's more terrible is that these hundreds of thunders are all aimed at the most powerful gods, not the old nest of the Yanji Palace.

"No, everyone be careful !!!"

Seeing the hundreds of thunders descending on themselves and others, Ling Tiannan drank first, then stunned, and waved a sword at a thunder that went straight to him.

Others also responded very quickly. During the talk, they launched attacks on the thunder that bombarded themselves. As for dodge, at this moment, they have no chance to dodge, and once they do, these condensed Thunder, I am afraid that the remaining Yan Wing Palace will be destroyed by half.

"Boom boom !!!!!! Hey !!!"

The sword light sword shadow and a huge purple thunder bombarded together. I have to say that the strength of these demigods is indeed good. Seeing that the third wave of purple thunder was half taken by them. Only half of them fell into the swallow-winged palace.

However, although these people took over a half of the thunder, the huge power of thunder was to smash all the top 20 strong people into the ground. Everyone was dazzled by the huge thunder and was covered with body. They are paralyzed.

"Om !!!!!!"

After the three waves of thunder, the dark sky slowly began to clear up. Of course, although the sky recovered a bit of clarity, the entire space is still the space in the Doomsday Thunder, but it is not normal. Space.


Seeing the sky slowly become clear, one by one, the demigods that were bombarded to the ground, all looked at the sky, but the bottom of each person's eyes revealed a touch of complexity.

In fact, they also understand that although the Doomsday Thunder Penalty is very powerful, it is said that they can also use the potential of the heavens and the earth to attack, but the large array of this level, especially the large-scale array, is also bound to consume Very scary, able to launch three attacks, I am afraid it is already difficult.

Maybe, just to maintain the operation of this large array, I am afraid it will require a large amount of energy and a lot of super strong.

"Stop, finally stop !!!"

No matter what, when the sky became clear, but there was no such apocalyptic scene as before, the strong men in the swallow-winged palace present were involuntarily exhaling breath.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!!"

However, these people have not been happy for too long. Almost at the same time when the sky was clear, a strange wave of energy came from the sky, and then, one after another, they flickered out of the sky. Almost a few breaths of time, a total of thirty figures appeared above the sky.

These thirty figures were scattered in the air slightly chaotically at the moment, each person's face was indifferent, and in the body of these thirty figures, there was an unusually horrible energy wave. . Obviously, these thirty figures are all superpowers in the demigod state.

"His ......... This, this is ........."

Seeing a full 30 horrible figures appearing in the sky, the people in the Yanji Palace who had just relaxed a little bit, took a deep breath again, and all trembled.

Although I had already guessed, this time Ziyun Palace came to take revenge, it would definitely not use too little power, but even if they think about it, they never expected that Ziyun Palace would send out such a terrifying force, Advent Yan Wing Palace!

Thirty demigods, if you want to come outside, there should be a few super mysterious masters who maintain the mysterious array. The sheer amount of such horror makes them feel desperate.

"How, how can there be so many?"

The senior patriarch of Yan was completely scared at this moment. When he calculated the number of strong men in Ziyun Palace, he concluded that even if Ziyun Palace was sent to deal with Yanji Palace, it should not exceed two. The number of ten is correct, but the scale in front of him is beyond his expectations too much.

"It's over, Yan Wing Palace, it's over !!!"

Thirty demigods had no momentum against 20 opponents, and they were even injured by Thunder. The results of this battle can be imagined with toes.

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