The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1738: Play (one more)

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Veteran Feng Kun of the Anode Palace provoked the Ziyun Palace, but Ziyun Palace did not hesitate. Immediately, Mo Xie, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, stood up and accepted the challenge from the Anode Palace.

Above Wutai, the two powerful men stood opposite each other, but they did not start as soon as they came to power. In any case, of course, to reach their level, of course, you can't start without a word. If that's the case, it would seem that they are inferior.

"Friends of the anode palace, let me teach you some of the master's tricks. I haven't dealt with people for a long time, but it's really itchy!" Mo Xiedian looked up and down at the opposite Feng Kun, but it seemed war-fighting.

He did not deal with people for a long time, because in the Ziyun Palace, few people were willing to discuss with him.

No way, the five elements of the Five Elements Hall is really too weird. Even if you fight against him, even if you are better than him, it is basically difficult to get a favor from him, so even if he asks others to consult Everyone rarely agrees.

Through the opportunity of the exchange meeting, he just happened to be able to exchange ideas with outsiders.

"Everyone is the same, as long as it can make this seat happy." Elder Feng Kun did not pick people, he is not too familiar with the Lord of the Moxian Palace, even if he has heard the name of the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, However, he has confidence in his strength and naturally does not worry about his opponent being too strong.

"Hahaha, you must be sure. Your peace of mind, fight with Mo Xie, you will definitely feel very cool, hahaha !!!"

Hearing each other's words, the Lord of the Moxian Temple could not help laughing. However, after hearing what he said, for some reason, the elder Feng Kun across from him suddenly had a bad feeling.

Some of the strong men in Ziyun Palace, as well as some people with knowledge, could not help but look weird at this moment. It seems that Mo Xie is so cool and very cool that they should have different attitudes.

"That being the case, let's start !!!!!!!!!"


There are so many veterans of Feng Kun, no matter who he is today, as long as it is in the Ziyun Palace, he must defeat it, because he wants everyone to know that the golden power of his anode palace is absolutely No one or any force can match it. As for Feng Zishan's previous defeat, it was nothing more than a moment of carelessness.

The dazzling golden light soared into the sky, and it was as terrifying as if it was going to break through the sky. It instantly filled the entire Wutai, and even deterred everyone present.

"Buzz !!!!"

The huge energy fluctuations almost trembled the surrounding space. Obviously, Jin Kun's magical powers exhibited by Feng Kunshi were much stronger than Feng Zishan's before. However, this is a demigod. Realm strong.

"His, so powerful energy fluctuations, this Feng Kun's golden magical skill, really has reached Dacheng's realm!"

"I have heard long ago that Feng Kun and his sons in the anode palace are most good at Jin Yun's magical skills. His son has already shown it before. At present, it seems that his son is tough, and Lao Tzu is not showing weakness!"

"Although I can't break through the demigod for one turn, Feng Kun's strength at this moment is afraid that he can catch up with the demigod for two turns. Such a mighty force should be able to defeat this guy in Ziyun Palace?"

"Say it bad. Since this Ziyun Palace dare to come to power, I am afraid that he has a way to cope with the magical powers of Jin Mao. It is really hard to predict who wins or loses in this battle!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Feng Kun's body, all marveling at Feng Kun's magic. Speaking of which, this golden skill is also a wonderful skill, but this thing is good for studying skills. If it is really a life and death fight, the short board of this magic skill is really terrible.

You know, once the cool-down time of this magical power is reached, it will enter a weak stage, and that stage is very fatal. Therefore, in the real confrontation, Feng Kunke definitely dare not easily use the magic power of Jin Yi.

"Well, I don't think that in this era, there are still people who can temporarily increase their strength to the state of two-semi-semi-gods. Your Excellency is a good way."

Mo Xie's face could not help but be a little dignified. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he still had some pre-judgment about Feng Kun's strength. It seems that he did not want to enjoy this battle himself. After all, winning the test, or not losing it, is the key.

"Booming Boxing !!!!!!"

Feng Kun didn't say much to the other side. His golden clever time was limited. When the time passed into the period of weakness, he really wanted to be slaughtered. Therefore, he must defeat the opposite Mo Xie while the Jin Qin's magic has not yet cooled down.


The shock of the punch is like carrying the force of a million, directly locking the opposite Mo Xie. How strong the punch is, no one in the field can basically feel it because it is in this punch At the time of the explosion, the whole world shook slightly, apparently driven by the momentum of this fist.

"A good attack, the power of this punch is definitely more than a turn of demigods."

"His ......... No, this fist is definitely not simple. It seems ...... as if the entire Wutai space has been frozen?"

"It's really like this !!! A terrible punch, I didn't think this veteran Feng Kun still had this hand. This punch solidified the space. In this way, even if the speed of Mo Xie is fast, it will not play at all. There's room for it, it's amazing, it's amazing! "

"Hahaha, let me just say that when Shicai's Moxie came on stage, his amazing speed was already revealed. In this regard, Elder Feng Kun should not have any precautions. It seems that he has already thought about countermeasures long ago. . "

"Okay, maybe you can really defeat the Lord of the Five Elements Hall with one stroke!"

Everyone is a well-informed person. Naturally, at first glance, Feng Kun's fist is seen. Obviously, Feng Kun dares to challenge the Ziyun Palace directly, but he does not even choose his opponent, so there must be him. The idea, if there is really no preparation at all, then he is not worthy of being a veteran of the anode house.

"Hum, want to show speed in front of me? Dreaming !!! Give me death !!!"

Feng Kun's eyes are full of embarrassment. As others have thought, why don't he know that his absolute strength is most worried about being restrained by speed?

However, even if the opponent has speed, that depends on whether he can play. Under his attack, the entire space has been blocked. He wants to see how the opponent uses speed to compete with him.


Sure enough, when I saw Feng Kun's punch pounding at himself, the main character of the Palace of Five Elements Mo Mo, his face suddenly became serious, looking at his posture, as if his body was imprisoned, the speed of the body, but Some cannot play.

"Can't hide? Really can't hide?"

Everyone was watching the situation on Wutai. When they saw that the Lord of the Moxie Palace wanted to avoid Feng Kun's fist, but there seemed to be no way to avoid it, everyone's eyes suddenly showed a touch of excitement. Everyone was looking forward to the next moment when Mo Xie was blown up by Feng Kun.

If the victory can be separated by a single move, then this time, the Ziyun Palace will inevitably be shamed and left home, and these people will naturally be able to breathe a big breath and restore some of the situation suppressed by the Ziyun Palace. .


Under everyone's attention, and in Feng Kun's excited smile, this fist finally blasted to the Lord of the Moxie Temple. The amazing momentum blew a whirlwind in the whole space.

However, just when everyone thought that Feng Kun's fist was about to work, everyone was surprised to discover that when Feng Kun hit the target, the latter turned out to be like a soap bubble, directly in the air. Dissipated.

"What? This is ...... afterimage?"

The scene in front of them immediately widened the eyes of everyone present, and everyone couldn't believe the scene on the stage.

Obviously, the target in Feng Kunhong is not the Lord of the Moxian Temple at all. It seems that this is simply a residual image left by the Lord of the Moxian Palace, and the appearance of this residual image is basically a kind of Maybe, that is, the speed of the Lord of the Moxian Temple is too fast, but the original image has not yet disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha, veteran Feng Kun, your fist is really good enough, but with such a slow fist, do you want to hit someone or tickle someone? Hahahaha !!!"

When everyone was dismayed, a long laugh suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and when they heard this laugh, everyone's eyes looked at it sharply, but they just happened to see it. The terrified Mo Xie, the master of the Five Elements Palace, was standing ironically over Wutai at the moment, but behind him, he still had a very strange pair of wings.


Seeing that Mo Xie did not know when he left the spot, he was not even blocked by Feng Kun's punch. All the people present, including the elder Feng Kun in the anode palace, were shaken by this scene.

Basically, no one could see what was happening. Everyone saw Feng Kun hit the target with a punch, but the target broke apart and disappeared. Obviously, from the beginning, the Lord of the Moxie Temple was playing with everyone, but it was ridiculous that they were really deceived, and thought that the other party was really defeated by Feng Kun!

"This this………"

Everyone was talking at this moment, especially Feng Kun on Wutai, and his face became instantly green.

For a long time, from the beginning, the Lord of the Five Elements Hall did not take him seriously, and even more terribly, the other party did not know what method was used, and he was not affected by his fist. Affected. In this case, the problem is really big.

ps: At the end of the month, everyone has the flowers to support Xiaoyanha. Xiaoyan is trying to add more, thank you! !! !!

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