The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1737: Challenge of the anode palace (four more)

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The blue sea of ​​Luan Xinggong was defeated. This scene is inevitably a little ridiculous, but the superpowers are present, and naturally everyone will not hold on to one thing. Gradually, everyone will forget about it and start again. Focused on the communication meeting.

The patriarchs of the Yanji Palace have returned to the square platform of the Yanji Palace. However, although they won the competition, the elder of the Yanji Palace did not have much joy.

Obviously, although he won, Lan Haiping did not promise him to fulfill his promises, but instead wanted to fight with him again. This is probably enough to make him depressed for a long time.

Of course, this time I promised in front of so many people that Lan Haiping would not have shot at the disciples of Yanji Palace, and if the other party really did not change, he would not mind launching Yanji Palace Strength, fight with Luan Xing Palace.

"Everyone, the discussion between Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace has ended. The old Shiji Yan and the Luan Xing Palace have all shown their true skills, especially the senior Shi Yan and Shicai's rune attack. I have never seen it before. "

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple stepped forward again and made a summary of the previous battle. In fact, the only thing he remembered about the battle of Shi Cai was the rune attack of only the seniors of Yan. Now, he again mentioned this rune attack, and he obviously did it intentionally.

Speaking of which, everyone's attention was mostly attracted by the defeat of Lan Haiping, and in fact, the rune attack of the seniors of Yan, in fact, is far more worth studying than the defeat of Lan Haiping.

The longer you live, the more you can feel the power and extraordinaryness of that rune attack. As the oldest demigod in Ziyun Palace, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple has some impression of this rune attack. . It is a pity that he has not remembered what kind of classics he has seen.

There is no change in the delusional realm. It is difficult for the major demigods to improve and it is not fake. In fact, even in this way, the demigods of the major strengths do not have a way to improve their strength and communicate. The existence of the meeting is actually to be able to obtain other people's promotion methods and enrich their own promotion methods.

If everyone can learn the rune attack of Yan Ji, then the strength of each of them will no doubt be able to go further.

"Oh, a little trick, just make you laugh!"

When the Lord of the Heavenly Temple mentioned his rune attack, the old veteran Yan smiled slightly, but did not intend to say anything more! Obviously, this rune attack should also be his secret. Others want to know that he will naturally not agree.

"Hahaha, Brother Yan just jokes, if this is still a small means, then I am afraid that everyone has no greater means?"

With a loud laugh, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple was not entangled in this matter, and in speaking, he looked at the people present, and then said, "You, Brother Yan, have shown your hands, who else wants to come to power and People can learn from each other, and everyone should hurry up so that everyone can open their eyes. "

When the words fell, he sat back in his seat, but had no intention of coming on stage.


Just when the voice of the Master of the Heavenly Heaven Palace had just fallen, a sound of breaking air suddenly sounded, and the time between speaking and speaking on Wutai was already more than one figure.

"The old man is not talented. I want to have a few tricks with the superiors of Ziyun Palace. I don't know which friend of Ziyun Palace is willing to fight on the stage?"

The person on stage was full of war-fighting. Listening to his tone, it seemed to be the same as the Ziyun Palace, but when they saw him, everyone in the scene couldn't help narrowing their eyes, and there was a hint of understanding under their hearts.

"Anodic Palace Feng Kun? Oh, finally, can't help this shot against Ziyun Palace?"

"It turned out to be this old guy. The disciples of Shicai ’s anode palace were defeated by the disciples of Ziyun Palace, but the original opportunity was missed. It seems that he is going to find it back!"

"The golden concubine of the anode palace was born well. It is said that this veteran Feng Kun was the master of the golden conquest. This man shot, and the Ziyun Palace suffered."

"Yes, everyone is in a state of demigod. Now, although the strength is still high or low, they are not much different in the final analysis. Once Jin Jin's magical powers are exerted, the power of this veteran Feng Kun should be comparable to that present. All of you will be much stronger. "

"It also depends on the opponent. The disciple in the previous anode palace hasn't got the magical skills of Jin Mao, but can he still be defeated by the disciples in Ziyun Palace? If this Feng Kun encounters Ziyun Palace, he is good at Xuanzhen. Yes, I can only admit it. "

"No, since you already have a lesson learned, do you think Feng Kun will allow the people of Ziyun Palace to set up a battle? Look, I don't know if Ziyun Palace will fight. If so, the outcome will be unpredictable!"

Many of the people in the anode palace, Elder Feng Kun, are familiar with it, and many of them have heard of the golden chants of the anode palace. Of course, even if I hadn't heard of it before, I saw Feng Zishan's show, but all of them had some impressions.

To be honest, in the same state of cultivation, if one party uses the method of temporarily increasing strength, the possibility of natural victory will be greater. This is a matter that does not need to be doubted at all.

"Well? Has anyone provoked me to the Ziyun Palace? This really doesn't stop people!"

"Oh, sooner or later, since the exchange meeting was organized by my Ziyun Palace, how could these people make my Ziyun Palace lightweight? Speaking of them, weren't they all operating on the Ziyun Palace before?"

"This is true, but unfortunately, even if all of them are united, they will eventually be eaten by a few of my disciples in Ziyun Palace."

"Before, our genius disciples had a long face for the Ziyun Palace. The next time, we old guys, couldn't perform too badly."

"Yes, what the disciples can do, we people can naturally do it. Let these guys know that trying to challenge the majesty of Ziyun Palace is simply asking for trouble."

Seeing that someone was provoking Ziyun Palace, the strong men of the five big Ziyun Palaces all raised their eyebrows, and then they talked in secret.

Of course, they are not afraid of any challenges. You should know that this is the base camp of the Ziyun Palace. As the host, they have taken advantage of the time and the place. If they are afraid of outsiders under such conditions, they are really too Nowhere.

"Basically it is certain that this person's Jinzhang skill is very good. Once it is exerted, the power will be greatly improved. Therefore, to fight him, there must be a way to restrain his Jinzhang skill."

"Qiao Ke has already pointed out a feasible way for us to deal with the magical powers of Jin Mao before, but if I still use this trick later, I am afraid that the other party will be prepared, so it will be difficult to show."

"That being the case, leave this battle to me!"

After a brief analysis of the possible situation in this battle, Mo Xie, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, stood up and took the challenge of Feng Kun, the anode palace.

Speaking of which, if the Master of the Heavenly Temple appears, the probability of winning will be greater. After all, the master of the Heavenly Temple as the spokesman of the Ziyun Palace has no doubt about his strength.

However, everyone knows that the Master of the Heavenly Temple will not be easily shot. After all, he will host the entire exchange, and his goal is not the veteran Feng Kun of the anode palace.

"Brother Mo, you are sure to deal with this person?"

Hearing that the Lord of the Moxian Palace wanted to stand up to face the battle, the big players were all eyes narrowed and asked each other.

No matter what, Feng Kun of the anode palace is not easy to mess with. Although everyone has confidence in the strength of the Moxian Temple master, it is inevitable that there will still be some vague anxieties.

"Hehe, this person is strong in strength, but as long as his power is not available, it will not be a big deal. Anyone who wants to come and know what my Five Elements Hall is best at?"

The Lord of the Moxian Temple is full of self-confidence. Since he dares to stand up, he naturally has confidence in himself. Although this battle with the other party may not be justified in terms of ornamentality, at least he believes that he will not lose. That's it.


Hearing the words of the Lord of the Moxian Temple, the remaining four were slightly surprised, and then a calm smile appeared.

"Oh, it is true. In this case, let Mo Xie fight in this battle. The few of us would like to wish Mo Xie the banner to win, and let Feng Kun know the power of my Ziyun Palace."

The Master of the Heavenly Temple nodded, but finally agreed to Mo Xie's request for battle. Speaking of which, he measured the strength of the five of them, and he will never play, and the other four are very strong except him. Maybe Mo Xie is not the strongest of the four, but he is really Is the most suitable to meet Feng Kun.

"Everyone waits to see my performance."

With a slight smile, the master of the Moxie Temple stood up and walked to the edge of the square in a few steps. "A friend of the anode palace, Moxie of the Ziyun Palace, came to teach your master's tricks."

The voice dropped, his body flickered a little, and he appeared on the Central Military Platform in an instant. The ghostly speed of the dragon that saw the end but did not end, almost made the eyes of all the great gods in the presence shrink. It was all a bit stunned.

"His ......... It's so fast, it didn't bother to break through the space, but its own speed. It seems that this person is a strong man with speed expertise!"

"The Ziyun Palace Moxie was originally the master of the Five Elements Hall of the Ziyun Palace. This person is good at the five elements, and his body is ever-changing. He is said to be the most elusive strongman. With restraint at speed, Elder Feng Kun of the anode palace is in trouble. "

"Hey, Elder Feng Kun is a bit suffocated. He should wait for Ziyun Palace to come out first. Now he is so targeted. He has little hope of winning this battle."

When the Lord of the Moxie Temple stood out, the crowd present was a little stunned, and some of the information was more informed, but at this moment, he couldn't help worrying about Feng Kun.

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