The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1688: Seeing people's eyes (three)

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The first battle of this level of yin and yang was unfolded between the Yan Palace and the Anode Palace. Speaking of which, this battle was not an exciting one. However, after watching such a battle, some people were not happy at all.

"A good anode house, a good swallow-wing house. Is this what is called so-called learning? This is purely intentional and effortless!"

On the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, at this moment, each of the five strong men in the Ziyun Palace is slightly blackened, even if it is the best tempered fairy, it is a bit unhappy. .

In the battle of the level of Sheng Habitat, the major forces' battle with the Ziyun Palace was basically the best effort, and it could even be said that they had killed their lives. But after reaching the level of yin and yang, these forces turned out to be Without intention, there is no desperate meaning.

Take the fighting of the two major forces, the Anode Palace and the Swan Wing Palace, for example. Each of the disciples of these two forces still has absolute strength to continue fighting, and even if they are difficult to separate the victory Negative, but after all, it can be distinguished. They believe that if they change to fight with Ziyun Palace, these two guys will never stop.

"Okay, very good. It seems that these forces really want to fool me with Ziyun Palace."

In the corner of the Master of the Temple of Heaven, Yu Guang glanced at all the people present, and they could see that these guys had no objection to the decisions of the two major forces of the anode palace and the swallow wing palace. Wake up.

"Brother Tiantian, these guys came to Ziyun Palace for eight achievements. It seems that if my Ziyun Palace is not good, they will not be desperate for each other."

Sima Yuanyi, the master of the Liangyi Hall, naturally saw the problem. While facing the split sky, he could not help but be secretly vigilant, thinking about today's situation.

"According to the information we have, before the start of the exchange meeting, many of these big forces did contact in secret. It is estimated that they have negotiated to pit my Ziyun Palace once."

The master of the Seven Stars Palace, Kui Dou, has narrowed his eyes now, reminding the other four.

Long before the exchange meeting began, the eyeliners dispatched by the Ziyun Palace had already returned the news, saying that some major forces had moved around, which was not very peaceful.

Originally, Ziyun Palace only felt that it was the fact that these forces came to Ziyun Palace to participate in the exchange meeting. If they want to go with their peers, at best, it is to discuss taking care of each other. There should be no more situations.

However, it now seems that some of these major forces are not occasionally engaged in private exchanges. I am afraid that all the major forces have secretly passed through.

"I want to say that there is no real battle between life and death between these forces. Only when I shoot at Ziyun Palace, they will really use their full strength."

The Lord of the Five Elements Palace Mo Xie pouted his lips, further confirming everyone's speculation.

None of you here is a fool. Who can't see the ambiguous relationship between these forces? Right now, the pressure has basically been concentrated on Ziyun Palace. How to deal with the partnership bullying of so many forces, it will take a few more thoughts of the Ziyun Palace's strong players!

"Let's first see if there are any characters in the yin and yang realm of Ziyun Palace who can pick up the beams!" The eyes shifted, and the master of the Yuan Temple could not help but shift his attention to the young people again.

Speaking of which, at this moment, he did not know if there were disciples in the yin and yang environment of Ziyun Palace who could excel and be as powerful as those in the habitat, so what he needed to do at the moment was to first determine Zi What kind of goods are these disciples in Yun Palace?

"Wang Zhong and Xuan Ming, both of you have participated in the final selection of young disciples. If you want to come, you should know, is there a group of Yinyang disciples who can have a hand?"

Between the eyebrows being raised, Split Sky was looking at Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Xuanhe Palace, and Xuan Ming, the great disciple of Bagua Palace.

At that time, the last young disciples were selected by Ziyun Palace to participate in the exchange meeting. Each palace sent its own legendary disciples to participate. Among the top ten palaces, the Liuhe Palace and the Bagua Palace were launched by their own big disciples. Yeah, it ’s arguably the strongest of the ten.

Earlier, Wang Zhong, a disciple of Liuhedian, had recommended Yuan Feng for him, and it turned out that Wang Zhong's recommendation was simply suitable. Now, if there are people available in the yin and yang level, I want to come to these two. People must know something.

"If you go back to the Lord Lord, my Yin Yunyang disciples in Ziyun Palace are relatively average in strength. Do you want to say that they are top-notch? I think Liu Xuan, the grandson of Elder Liu Ye, should be the strongest one. . "

Hearing the voice of Split Sky, Xuan Ming, a great disciple in Bagua Temple, raised his eyebrows first, and then returned to Split Sky.

The person he recommended was the one who performed the best in the final selection before. This son is the grandson of an elder of Ziyun Palace. Among the disciples in the yin and yang of Ziyun Palace, he is not only famous. In the previous selection battle, Liu Ye showed great courage, and more than 50% of those foreign new disciples died in his hands.

"Oh? Elder Liu Yan's grandson Liu Yan? Quickly point me, who is this person?"

Hearing the recommendation of Xuanming from Bagua Dian, Shi Tian couldn't help his eyes brightened, and he hurried to find among the young disciples. He knew Elder Liu Ye, although he had never heard of Liu Ye, but since he is the grandson of Elder Liu Ye and he is also recommended by Xuan Ming, it would definitely not be too bad to want to come.

"No, that's this person!" Xuan Ming didn't hesitate, and immediately picked out a disciple in the yin and yang realm and gave directions to the Master of the Heavenly Temple.

"It's good, it's a talent, and the foundation is very solid."

Seeing the disciples pointed out by Xuanming, the bottom of Li Tian's eyes can't help flashing a hint of satisfaction. It's just that satisfaction is satisfied, but for the disciple in the yin and yang environment in front of him, he can see it, but he is strong and strong, but if he has the highest strength and can overpower everyone, it doesn't seem very realistic.

I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, I am afraid of comparing goods. When you compare this Liu Ye with Feng Xiao and Feng Zimo who came to power before, it is not difficult to find that this Liu Ye may not be able to defeat the two, or even be able to follow The two men were tied, but they are still unknown.

In fact, at this moment, split sky and others have understood that the major forces have made extremely detailed preparations for this exchange meeting. Even the disciples in this habitat and the yin and yang environment have It was deliberately specially cultivated.

Ziyun Palace did not pay attention to the young disciples at first, but these great forces are probably training new disciples for today.

Speaking of which, there are also many talented disciples in the Ziyun Palace, but no matter what the super disciple ’s younger disciples are, they have long been turned into endless figures by those superpowers. Who will deliberately let himself Disciples stay in the habitat or yin and yang, waiting for this exchange meeting?

By the time Ziyun Palace realized the problem, it was no doubt late. Having said that, the temporary gathering of these people before Ziyun Palace can also be regarded as making up for the previous mistakes, but the effect is slightly worse.

"Wang Zhong, talk about your thoughts. You have also participated in the selection before. Which do you think disciples in the yin and yang environment can be better than others?"

Xuanming's answer was, at best, reluctant satisfaction, but he knew in his heart that with this strength of Liu Yan, the level of yin and yang would have to be cast.

Right now, he can only put hope on Wang Zhong. No matter what, Wang Zhong had previously recommended Yuan Feng as a genius, and he didn't know if he could infer an unexpected surprise for him.

"Master Dian, among the original disciples of Ziyun Palace, Liu Ye's strength is indeed second to none, and since Brother Xuanming has already recommended this person, his disciples are naturally not good and they also recommend the same adult."

When Wang Tian asked himself, Wang Zhong's brow frowned, and then he continued, "Master Dian, the new disciples recruited in this session, the disciples think they are all very good. I'm not sure about these Among the newcomers and disciples, choose one for the Lord Lord! "

Xuan Ming took up the best place, Wang Zhong will never recommend the same person as the other person. Moreover, he actually understands these people in Ziyun Palace. Over the years, Ziyun Palace has been so powerful that people dare not challenge it, which has made Ziyun Palace disciples even more proud and indulgent, ignoring the grinding of their own strength. practice.

To put it bluntly, today's Ziyun Palace actually has some sense of inability to follow.

On the contrary, these disciples recruited from the outside, not only know the effort, but also may not be worse than the internal disciples of Ziyun Palace. Most importantly, the development potential of these people is more than that of Ziyun Palace. Much stronger.

"Oh? Are the newly recruited foreign disciples? Tell me about your candidate!"

Hearing Wang Zhongzhi's words, the split sky was shocked, and his eyes couldn't help expecting it. Yuan Feng before was an alien newcomer, and at this moment, Wang Zhong was going to recommend a newcomer for him, and of course he was full of expectations.

"The lord of the palace, the one I chose was him! However, the disciple had not asked the person's name before, so he didn't know what his name was!"

Wang Zhong's eyes suddenly condensed on a man who looked pale and inconspicuous, and this man in white was undoubtedly the one he chose.


When Wang Zhong promoted the people, Li Tian and several other strong men all looked at the young men in white who were inferred. In this view, the eyes of the five strong men became more and more Bright up.

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