The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1687: Different treatment (second more)

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The first round of the exchange meeting was easily won by the Ziyun Palace. This is also regarded as an excellent start for the Ziyun Palace. With the victory of this first game, the Ziyun Palace will exchange and discuss in the next. Among them, there can be no doubt that there is more confidence.

"You, the level of Habitat, is not a very important link at all. My Ziyun Palace is fortunate to be a little better this time, but there is nothing to show off, and everyone who wants to come here will understand."

After completing the first round of the competition, the Master of the Heavenly Temple stepped forward again and presided over the next communication. Although he said nothing to show off, what he was doing now was undoubtedly showing off.

Speaking of which, he can't really blame him. It is not very easy to win a victory among so many super powers, and such a victory is indeed worth showing off.

"Hum, hypocrisy, and they are so happy that they dug their tails into the sky, and said nothing to show off."

"Bai Yinan in Xuecang Palace is hypocritical enough. I didn't expect this split day to be under that Bai Yinan."

"Hey, forget it, who made Ziyun Palace so powerful as a young disciple? This is jealous and jealous, but let him show it for a while. The next communication, his Ziyun Palace is not There will be such good luck. "

Listening to the words of Split Sky, all the powerful men present could not help but shake their heads and sigh. They also understood that Split Sky was purely showing off, and they themselves were really jealous.

Talented disciples like Yuan Feng, if they are nurtured a little, will be able to achieve a very high level, and it will be impossible to become a stronger player in the future.

Unfortunately, such disciples appeared in the Ziyun Palace instead of within their martial forces.

"You, Ziyun Palace has already thrown bricks and stones to attract jade. Then, at this yin and yang level discussion and exchange, my Ziyun Palace will not go out first, everyone please !!!!"

With the previous lesson, of course, this time, Zitian will not let the people of Ziyun Palace come out first. Speaking of which, it is not proper to look at it when it comes out first. After these other forces fight for it, Ziyun Palace will do its best. OK, it's much safer.

In addition, his previous attention to the two levels of Habitat and Yinyang Reality was too small. At least, he also had to ask the situation. In the end, was the realm of Yinyang Realm able to suppress the scene? Disciples, if they are okay, if not, the level of contention in the yin and yang realm will simply give up.

In fact, from the beginning of the exchange meeting to now, where are some of the great powerhouses of the Ziyun Palace, you still can't feel it. At this session of the exchange, these external forces are obviously secretly targeting the Ziyun Palace. The reason is not easy to say, but in any case, this is obviously not a good phenomenon.


"Predecessors, brothers and sisters are polite. In Xiaoyan Palace, Feng Xiao, today is a grand event, but I am willing to discuss with the teachers and brothers present. I wonder which brother or brother came to the stage to enlighten me?"

Soon after the master of the first palace of Ziyun Palace finished talking about the sky, there was a short silence in the entire space. However, this silence was quickly broken by a clean male voice. At the same time, one by one The young man who hit the blue shirt and the eyebrows was already on the Central Wutai.

It can be known from the words of the young man that he is a member of the Yanji Palace, and among the major forces, the Yanji Palace is completely the highest-ranking existence. The disciples of the Yanji Palace are quite sufficient.

"Brothers of the Swallow-wing Palace, have some tricks with you underneath."

After Feng Xiao from the Yanchi Palace appeared on the stage, someone immediately followed and flew onto Central Wutai. It seems that there are actually many people who want to take the opportunity to show up at the exchange meeting.

Speaking of which, at this exchange meeting, everyone basically wanted to act against the Ziyun Palace. However, in the hearts of these young disciples, they still hoped to have more contact with the strong players of the same level and then Improved from the study.

They are the real leaders among the major forces. However, in their respective forces, it is difficult to find an existence that can compete with themselves. It is a pity that such a good opportunity is wasted.

Habitat level has no chance to repeat. Right now, they don't want to continue to waste the communication at this level of yin and yang.

Of course, at this time, it is undoubtedly the consent of the powerful demigods of their own power. If not, they would certainly not dare to make their own claims.

"I don't know how you call it? Which disciple is it?"

Yan Feng Palace Feng Xiao was also very polite, and asked with a smile while arching hands.

"Feng Zimo, disciple of the anode palace, you and I are both named Feng, but it's a bit fate."

The visitor also bowed in return, and at the same time smiled and reported the source of his name. Not to mention, they happen to have the same last name, which is indeed a fate.

"Anodic Palace? It should be a new force emerging, but I have never heard of this name before."

"Is it ignorant? The anode palace has risen for many years, but it has been relatively low-key. It is said that there is a magic skill in this power that can make the cultivation of manpower infinite and multiply its strength, but the cooling time of this magic power is extremely terrible. This is a little lacking. "

"Such a thing like this? So, should there be a chance to see the magic of the anode palace today?"

"I hope so. There are countless superpowers. There are many methods that we have never seen before. It is also good to be more eye-opening."

The name of Yanji Palace is familiar to everyone present, but this anode palace, except for those who are super strong, disciples below the Promise and Yin and Yang, few people have heard of this power.

"It turned out to be Brother Yang Mozi of the anode. I don't know if the brothers are going to fight with bare hands, or do they want to compare the skills of the soldiers?"

"Just feel free. Since the brothers asked, let's do a few tricks with bare hands, and let me see the incomparable stunts of the Yanji Palace."

If you compare the blade, the rank of the spirit soldier has a great influence, so it is better to compare the fist. Speaking of which, the really powerful means are actually performed by fists and feet, but rarely by spirit soldiers.

"Brother Zimo is polite. In this case, let's get started!" Feng Xiao had no idea how to fight. It didn't matter to him. He practiced in Yanji Palace for so long, confident that he was in the yin and yang environment. Levels can definitely overwhelm the group. As for the use of weapons, there is basically no difference.

"Boom boom !!!"

The two young people were very polite, and they talked about releasing their momentum, and they fought one place in an instant.

Feng Xiao, who is the first to step up, is definitely not an easy generation, and Feng Zimo, who is the first to challenge the stage, is certainly not an ordinary person.

At the beginning of the fight, the two were tempted a lot, and no one would take out the best thing they had at the bottom of the box. However, as the two have been fighting for longer and longer, they both understand and want to not show something. It's obviously unrealistic to kill the other person with real skill.

Therefore, when the battle came to the back, the two of them would use their unique skills to the bottom of the box and then go out and use the same. In an instant, the battle between the two became better.

"That's right. The fighting between these two children is really remarkable, but the strength of these two is quite equal. It seems that it is difficult and difficult to separate them."

"Their cultivation and strength are the pinnacle of yin and yang, and it is hopeless to suppress them. In terms of their strength, it is not very realistic to separate the victory and defeat."

"Why do you have to separate the winners and losers? The exchange meeting, the focus is on participation and exchange. It is enough for everyone to make a style and level, but there is no need to fight for your life, then the meaning of the exchange meeting is lost."

"That's it, look, this game, in the end, I'm afraid it will end in a tie!"

For the battle between the two men of these two forces, everyone present nodded frequently, but, unlike the previous battle with the Ziyun Palace, the crowd at this moment did not have a concept of victory or defeat. Speaking of which, the current exchange meeting is just like the exchange meeting.


In the time spent talking, the two men on the stage punched each other again, and then they separated and took a few breaths.

In this way, the battle is quite exhausting. In fact, it is the most physical exhaustion. Obviously, both of them have the last trick. It is useless, but at this time, no one will be stupid enough to use the trick. After all, if they do their best now, then they are basically a scene of both losses.

The exchange study has just begun. If this hurts oneself seriously, then it is really worth the loss.

"Oh, okay, okay, I think this battle will be like this, fight again, I'm afraid there will be no results."

Just when the two young people were separated from each other, but just when they wanted to continue fighting, they laughed softly, but suddenly they came from a square platform, but they were the veterans of the Yanji Palace, and they suddenly opened their mouths.

"Brother Feng Zong of the Anode Palace, let these two children have a rest. Is this the end of the battle?"

Yan Ji's gaze looked at a square platform on the opposite side, where the square platform of the anode palace was located.

"Brother Yan said so, naturally there is no opinion."

The team led by the anode palace was a very rough middle-aged man. The self-introduction before him was completed on the stage, and this middle-aged man named Feng Yue rarely walked outside before. This time he brought four disciples to the exchange meeting, and he didn't really have much thought.

"That being the case, Feng Xiao, you and that little brother should return to their respective places. Next, let's enjoy the battle of other masters."

A consensus was reached, and the two on Wutai didn't say much, and arched their hands at each other, which was the end of this first game of peace and harmony.

However, after the two of them stepped down, the strongest of the five big Ziyun Palaces, above the square platform on the eastmost side of Ziyun Palace, looked more and more dignified.

ps: Please find a few flowers, brothers and sisters, give them some strength! !! !! Roar! !! !! !!

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