The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1673: Shocked on the spot (four more)

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Above the Central Wutai, all the afterimages had disappeared, but the disciples of the Heiji Palace were lying on the ground at this moment, all twitching slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Jin didn't faint, but it can be seen from his pale complexion and trembling figure. At this moment, he was obviously seriously injured, at least for a while and a half Can't get up.

"This, how is this possible?"

"Did I read that right? This is ..."

"How could this happen? One trick? After only one trick, they defeated the disciples of Heizhi Palace? This, this ..."

Throughout the large space, it was now in a dead silence. No one thought that what should have been a one-sided battle would eventually be such a result. Although it is indeed one-sided, this one-sided side is a little different from everyone's guess.

"Too much exaggeration? The Ziyun Palace even has secret weapons? You just brought your opponent down?"

Everyone's eyes were on Wutai. To be honest, many of the talented people had not met yet. In fact, many people hadn't had time to see what happened. But in this moment, the battle was over. Already.


Just when everyone looked at Wutai, and one by one hesitated, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and then the figure of Ziyun Palace disciple Yuan Feng appeared in Xiaojin. Beside him also appeared in front of everyone present.

"Oh, I said it was a long time for you to take a rest. It's a good thing. Outsiders have to say that I can't win. It's really depressing."

Yuan Feng's body appeared on Wutai, but there was no slight injury on his body. It was just that the clothes were slightly shabby, which should be caused when Shicai played against Xiaojin.

"you you…………"

Above the ground, Xiao Jin seemed to have slowed down a bit, but struggling to support his body, stood up stiffly. However, although he was still able to stand up, the fact that the talented short-armed soldiers were in contact with each other obviously made him not badly injured, and his whole body was a little confused.

At this moment, Xiaojin really has a feeling of being afraid. Although outsiders should also be able to see that he and Yuan Fengshi fight, but in fact, even those demigod strong, it is absolutely impossible His feelings are so real.

In his feelings, the punch that Yuan Feng had just blasted on his chest was like a punch punched by a prodigal powerhouse. If he didn't feel wrong, the other party seemed to be merciful, otherwise At this moment, 80% of him cannot stand up.

"I urge your Excellency to step down and heal your injuries soon. If your injury is delayed for a long time, I am afraid that the future potential will be affected."

Seeing that the other party still wanted to speak, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his hands, signalling that the other party could step down. The victory and defeat have been divided. This battle is clearly his overwhelming advantage. If the opponent does not know him, he will not mind sending the other party down.

Xiao Jin's complexion changed for a while. He certainly didn't want to give up like that, but the horrible injuries in his body made him really lack the power to fight again. Almost subconsciously, he turned his gaze towards the direction of the Black Palace.

"come back!!!"

When Xiao Jin's gaze looked at the Black Palace, the first two old men in black sitting in the front row beckoned to him, his tone was extremely indifferent and authentic. It sounds like the other side didn't seem to be angry because of his defeat, and there seemed to be some understanding in his words.


Hearing the old man in black ordered, Xiao Jin's eyes flashed with relief. Seriously, although he is used to the days of no security, in fact, he really does not want to die. If the old man in black does not order, then this time, he can only die on the battlefield in the end. .

There are people outside the world and people outside. Victory or defeat is a routine thing. Although he felt very strong at first, he knew in his heart that there are too many people in this world who are stronger than him. At least, the other guy in the Kuroko was much stronger than him.

"You're strong. I'm not your opponent. There will be periods."

Looking back at Yuan Feng, Xiao Jin briefly spoke to the former, then flashed in shape, and flew back directly to the direction of the Black Palace.

The losers have already lost. They are embarrassing when they stay, but they can only be ridiculed.

"Eh, it's a very upright guy." Hearing the other party naturally admitted that he was inferior to others, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips and expressed his affirmation to the other party.

It is not terrible to lose. The terrible thing is to lose, but not to admit that you have lost. That is the most sad thing.

"Hahaha, okay, okay!"

At this moment, on the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, the laughter of the Lord of the Yuan Temple was suddenly transmitted. Obviously, the Lord of the Yuan Temple was not in a good mood at this moment. .

This time it was really too big a surprise. I originally thought that Ziyun Palace was in the level of the habitat. I am afraid that it would be difficult for someone to stand up and pick the beam. However, I did not expect that at such a critical moment, a sudden Such an overbearing figure.

He just saw the fight just now. At that moment, Yuan Feng and Xiao Jin both blasted out hundreds of punches. Unfortunately, the hundreds of punches in Xiao Jin were all turned out by Yuan Feng. The fist took over, and Yuan Feng then sent first, and finally won the opponent's punch. It can be said that the victory of this battle shows Yuan Feng's strength and solid foundation.

With the birthplace disciples like Yuanfeng standing out, Ziyun Palace is completely able to have some ideas on the realm of habitation!

"Everyone, the exchange event is focused on the mutual exchanges between each other. Originally, my Ziyun Palace only wanted to send some small geniuses to progress with each other. However, since everyone has sent their own talented disciples, then my Ziyun Palace It can't be arrogant. "

The sound of the cracking sky spread away, but he glanced in the direction of the palace of Heijiong accidentally or unintentionally, and the provocative gaze was not concealed.

Yuan Feng's advent made him full of confidence in the next exchange meeting. He wanted to see if there was such a talented disciple in Ziyun Palace, and what other forces could be pretentious in front of Ziyun Palace.

At this moment, he couldn't help but grateful to Wang Zhonglai, the great disciple of Liuhedian. If Wang Zhong hadn't pushed Yuan Feng out, God knew that Ziyun Palace would have to lose a few games. At this moment, two district defeats, in his few words, were covered up, and instead showed the state and mind of the Ziyun Palace.

"Well, I have sent talented disciples to Ziyun Palace. In the next time, there are people in the power who want to learn from them, even if he comes to power."

The voice fell, and Split Sky was sitting on the throne with a smile on his face, watching the play securely.

Yuan Feng can beat Xiao Jin, so basically it is the top of these young disciples present. At least, if you want to drive Yuan Feng out of office, I am afraid that no young person at the scene can easily do it.

"Good guy, Ziyun Palace really dare to play. With such a strong disciple, it was only sent out at this time. Isn't this the focus of everyone?"

"It's a bit too arrogant. I sent two ordinary disciples to explore the situation first. This self-confidence really makes one have to admire."

"Huh, it's not necessary. I don't think that the split sky should know that Ziyun Palace has such a talented disciple. Otherwise, I'm afraid that he will be sent to power in the morning. How can I wait until I lose? Send someone out? "

"No matter what the matter is, this person's strength is indeed very good. It seems that if I want to make Ziyun Palace continue to be ugly, I am afraid that it will be more difficult!"

When the words of the cracking sky fell, all the majorists present could not help frowning. They originally intended to watch the show, but in a blink of an eye, it seemed that Ziyun Palace had taken their tricks.

"So strong !!!"

On the square platform of Yuanji Palace, the young master of Yuanji Palace, that is, the masked woman, was also staring at the sight, and his eyes were full of excitement. Looking at her posture, it seems that the person from Yuanji Palace has won. But then again, seeing Yuan Feng win, she is ten thousand times happier than seeing the people in Yuanji Palace win.

"I really don't know what happened after I left, but I know that he will not age and die like an ordinary person."

Looking at Yuan Feng, who was standing on the stage, the masked woman suddenly had the urge to cry.

All expectations are worthwhile. It is not thin to treat her in the sky. After all, she did not let her wait in vain ...

The situation turned sharply, and Ziyun Palace even sent such a domineering young disciple at this time, which undoubtedly made the major forces present a little dignified.

Although a young disciple cannot explain much of the problem, since Ziyun Palace can produce such a disciple, it shows that Ziyun Palace has the ability to train new disciples, which has actually made everyone unwilling to accept it.


However, just as the words of Split Sky fell, and each of the major forces was considering whether to send out the young disciples under his door, a black light appeared again on Wutai.

"Heirloom Lengke, please advise."

The black light appeared on Wutai, and then a cold voice sounding from the depths of **** was ringing in everyone's ears.

"There are disciples from the Kuroko Palace again !!!"

Hearing the voice from Wu Taizhi, all the people present were shocked, and the emotions just lowered a bit, but they couldn't help but rise again.

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