The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1672: Show one hand (three)

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On the Central Military Platform, Yuan Feng has already formed a confrontation with the disciples of the Black Palace, Xiao Jin. The third battle of this exchange meeting is about to begin.

For Xiaojin Palace disciple Xiaojin, his mission here is to firmly occupy this martial arts platform, whether it be Ziyun Palace people, or other tyrannical disciples, in short, there is him Now, this Wutai can only be controlled by him. If others want to drive him down, he will have to pay a heavy price.

How much blood and sweat he was able to stand behind was only known to him.

For this exchange meeting, Hei Ling Gong is really called Xia Ben. He can stand here alive this time, but he came over on the bones of tens of thousands of people. I am afraid that any force will There is no way to compare them.

In order to hone him, the strong man in the Kuroshio Palace not only arranged tens of thousands of habitats for him, but also arranged 20 opponents of yin and yang, but the end result was that he not only changed from tens of thousands Among the strongest in the Habitat and Habitat stand out, they have beheaded and killed a few of the 20 strong Yin and Yang states.

No one can imagine what a horrible process it was, and experienced such a process. He believed that there would be no habitat in this world and he could be defeated.

"Hey, this friend, you have won two games in a row. I urge you to go to rest and rest. It's not too late to come back and continue the fight. What do you say?"

Standing opposite to the sturdy black palace, Yuan Feng acted very casually. No matter what, he knows his own strength, no matter how strong the disciple in front of this black palace, but in front of him, still a little too weak.

Frankly speaking, in the level of habitats, the swift energy in front of them is basically invincible. At least these people in the habitats, at least, can't beat them. If he can, he really hopes that the other party will step down, allowing him to solve some ordinary habitat people first, and then come to the stage to discuss it.

The rules of the exchange meeting are relatively flexible. If someone is not defeated, but feels tired, then you can step down for a while and wait for the rest to continue the test.

"Hmm, why don't you let me rest?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xiao Jin's face couldn't help flashing a look of contempt. When he wanted to come, Yuan Feng let him go to rest, which was obviously afraid of his performance, and of course he couldn't agree.

Not to mention two. Even if all the people in the habitat were present, he would still need no rest.

"Boy, don't delay time. Today, I will solve all the people in your habitat in Ziyun Palace, so that you can see the strength of my black palace."

Xiao Jin's heart can't wait. He wants to dominate this martial arts, and the more people are bombarded by him, the more he can prove his strength. Correspondingly, the more rewards he can get after returning to the Black Palace.

For this exchange meeting, he has been suppressing his realm. He also wants to end this exchange meeting, so that he can impact the realm of yin and yang, and once he is promoted to yin and yang, his What realm the strength will be, even he can hardly imagine.

"Also, since you don't listen to my Jin Yuliang words, there is nothing I can do, I hope you don't regret it."

After hearing Xiao Jin's words, Yuan Feng could not help but let go of his lips. He really had the intention to give the other party a chance, but the other party did not appreciate it. In this case, he could only use the other party as a stepping stone and became famous in Ziyun Palace.

"The visitor is a guest, please !!!"

He arbitrarily adjusted his sleeves, but Yuan Feng didn't launch the attack first, but raised his eyebrows and gave the first hand directly to the other side. The generous approach was to make everyone present couldn't help shaking it. head.

"This disciple of Ziyun Palace is interesting, knowing that the other party is stronger than himself, and even gave the first hand to the other party, this is just killing himself!"

"This disciple of the Heilu Palace is an attacking genius. Once he is attacked, even the people in the yin and yang environment will be tired of coping. It seems that the boy in Ziyun Palace is really going to dig his own grave."

"Oh, it's a loser in both vertical and horizontal. It seems that the little guy in Ziyun Palace should want to show his character. In this way, the opponent may show mercy to his men."

"I don't think so. The disciples in Heiluangong are cruel and hard-hearted. They don't look like people who can show mercy. Look at this. The little guy in Ziyun Palace has some hardships to eat."

The situation of Yuan Feng's performance is really too ordinary. The twenty-four major forces present, in addition to the Ziyun Palace, the other twenty-three major forces, whether ordinary disciples or ancestors of demigods, However, no force is optimistic about Yuan Feng.

Of course, among these, there are a few people who are more familiar with Yuan Feng, so they naturally want to exclude them.

"Well, when confronting the enemy, it is foolish to leave the opportunity to the opponent." When seeing Yuan Feng gave up the opportunity to himself, Xiao Jin couldn't help sneering a smile, "You chose the road yourself, give me Go on !!! "

He will not be polite with Yuan Feng. He can live to this day, with his tenacity and unscrupulous methods. Regardless of the rules and morals, all of them will go to hell!

"Well !!!"

With a sharp kick, Xiao's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage. At once, his shadow was almost everywhere on the entire central five platform, making it impossible to see which one was true. Of him, which one is his image.

"Well, this son is really no small matter. Such a spooky body speed is really a person who is not lost in the yin and yang realm."

"It seems that this person not only hides a lot of strength, but also hides a lot of means. So, at this exchange meeting, the level of this habitat, I am afraid that it will be difficult for someone to shake the status of the Kuroshio Palace."

"Yes, there is a disciple in the Habitat Palace. I am afraid that the strength of that one may not be weaker than this one. With these two people in, the people of the other habitats may be amazed! "

"This is not a big deal. The headache is the Ziyun Palace. After all, no one other than Ziyun Palace dares to say that it is better than the Heizu Palace. Our forces lose to the Heiyun Palace, but it is fundamental. no big deal."

"Oh, let the people in Ziyun Palace have a headache!"

In the eyes of everyone, the disciples of the Black Palace who have such strength are supposed to be the strongest of the Habitat disciples, and they have nothing to regret when they lose to people of this level.

On Yuanji Palace, the masked woman has been watching the situation on the stage. When she saw the man in the Black Palace suddenly shot, almost to kill the opponent directly, she almost stood up and rushed to the stage herself. go with. However, when she saw Yuan Feng's smile without any fear at all, she kept controlling herself.

Others don't understand Yuan Feng, but she can't understand it anymore. She believes that Yuan Feng will never do things that are not sure. Moreover, this time is not the time to take a shot. If it is absolutely necessary, then Needless to say, she will shoot the first time.

"Sister, Brother Yuan Feng ..."

Behind the masked woman, Jing Tian's brow frowned all the time. Speaking, until now, she did not understand the situation of Yuan Feng. According to the truth, the current test is a test between people in Habitat. Involved in the moment, she really did not understand the situation.

"Sister, everything will be said after Yuan Feng's son has finished stepping down. It seems that you and I underestimated Yuan Feng's son. I'm afraid there are many secrets hidden in him. If you don't want to cause him trouble, you I have to keep my mouth shut. "

Seeing now, of course, Zhao Zijun also found the problem. In her and Jing Tian's heart, Yuan Feng is naturally an infinitely powerful person who hides cultivation, but for a long time, Yuan Feng has appeared in the realm of the outside world, both in the realm of life. They thought they were the vision of the two of them. Not enough. I can't see Yuan Feng's hiding method, but now that so many superpowers are present, there seems to be no reason to not see Yuan Feng's hiding.

Obviously, there is only one explanation for the situation at present, that is, Yuan Feng's cultivation is really only in the realm of habitats, because only in this way can so many strong demigods not see any problems.

"I know!!"

His face remained calm, but Jing Jing at this moment nodded solemnly under his heart. Naturally, she also understands the seriousness of the problem. This matter is very important. In any case, she and Zhao Zijun must not break Yuan Feng's affairs ...

"Ha, come up with so many obstacles. Is this your trick?"

On Wutai, when the disciples of the Heilu Palace shot out vigorously, the opposite Yuan Feng still kept the expression of light and light, at this time, he was able to laugh out loud, and did not know Frightened and stupid, still really confident.

"Get out of me !!!"


However, Yuan Feng did not give everyone too much time to hesitate. Almost as soon as his laughter fell, his feet also moved abruptly, and then the entire person disappeared directly. The ground, then also left a shadow on Wutai.

"Well !!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng disappeared, a muffled sound suddenly struck Wutai, and then a blood spurting sound was introduced into the ears of everyone present.


With a muffled sound, a scarlet blood flower bloomed directly in the air, and then, the disciple of the Heihe Palace appeared again in front of everyone, but this time the disciple of the Heihe Palace , But it was lying in front of everyone's eyes.

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