The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1655: Event escalation

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Wan Ling Di Xin Zhen finally restored peace, but after the previous events, many people's hearts may be difficult to completely calm down.

Xuanming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, naturally has to be depressed for a while. There is no way. Such a secret thing was discovered by Li Xiaobai, even if he didn't want to be depressed. It can be said that as long as Li Xiaobai does not die, then from now on, he is unlikely to have a happy birthday, so in the days to come, he said that he would have to move his mind!

As for Li Xiaobai, he broke the secret of Xuan Ming's trio. Of course, he must also be careful in the future. After all, Xuan Ming's nature has been exposed, and what kind of things he can do is really not easy to say.

But Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, they are better than others. After all, they have been controlled by Xuanming. In fact, life has always been worrying, and they don't care about more things. The so-called lice are not afraid to bite, basically this is the reason.

However, no matter whether it is the three major disciple disciples on the side of Xuanming or the Li Xiaobai of Sancai Hall, they will never think of this. In addition to their major disciple disciples, there is one person who has witnessed the whole In the process, if they were told about it, they would not know what they would think.

In the silent soul-cleaning heart array, Yuan Feng has now cracked several Xuan array restraints in his body, erasing a lot of black poisonous mist. However, everything that happened in Shicai stopped him from stopping. Breaking the battle, it was a good show for a long time.

"Well, San Xiaodian Li Xiaobai, this person is really deep enough. Not only is the strength of his mind far beyond that of ordinary people, I am afraid that the strength of this body is not lost to that Xuanming and Wang Zhong. It seems that everyone has been taken by him. Deceived! "

For Li Xiaobai, he had contacted the other party before, but at that time, he only thought that the other party ’s mental strength was stronger, and his strength should not be so abnormal. However, after a scene of proper talents, he just realized that this crazy student in Sancaidian was the real real person!

"Big disciples in the gossip hall, the hidden lunatics of the Sancai Hall, the Zhangjiao of the Liangyi Hall and the Ling of the Four Elephants, which are controlled by Xuanming, are really complicated and complicated. , Most people are afraid that it is difficult to straighten out! "

Judging from these things he found, the interior of the Ziyun Palace is really complicated. It is just the few people he has contacted that have performed so many unknown things. If the entire top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace are staged, If you count in, God knows how many secrets will be hidden behind people.

"Xuanming thought it was safe to control me, but Li Xiaobai was afraid that he had discovered something strange about me, and after going out, he was afraid to have to guard him."

After watching the play, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be a little secretly alert. This level of drama is not for nothing. He knows so many things now. If he changed it to Li Xiaobai, I am afraid it would not be so. Let him go easily.

Of course, this depends on what kind of person Li Xiaobai is, but no matter what kind of person the other person is, it is absolutely impossible for him to be afraid of the other person.

It is not only luck that he can rely on to reach this step today. If this Li Xiaobai dares to challenge him, then he does not mind making things bigger.

Imagine that if he told the disciple Wang Zhong, what happened here, by the way, he penetrated into other palaces through some of his subordinates in the Ziyun Palace. By then, Xuanming would not be able to turn his face with Li Xiaobai. What? After all, if the matter here is spread outside, it is basically the secret of Li Xiao's confession that no one would think of him.

"Take a step and count a step, at least, for the time being, this Li Xiaobai should not have shot at me."

With a smile under his heart, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it, and between thoughts, he continued to break the mysterious array in his body.

He has found the trick to break the Xuanzhen ban. It won't be long before he can break all the Xuanzhen bans. By then, his body will be completely clean ...

Beyond all spirits, the three great disciple disciples are still drinking and talking about Tianer. However, no matter whether it is Wang Zhong, a great disciple in Liuhe Hall, or Qiao Ke in the Five Elements Hall, they have not found it. Disciple Xuanming, the look on his face is obviously different from before.

"Brother Wang Zhong, brother Qiao Ke, the two drank first. I suddenly thought of something that needed to be dealt with. I went back and went, and I hope they will forgive me."

The three great disciple disciples talked fairly well, and at this moment, the great disciple Xuan Ming suddenly dropped the glass and smiled at the two.

"Eh? Oh, although Brother Xuanming has something to do, he still hopes to return soon. After all, this is my soul, Brother Wang Zhong and I don't understand anything."

Hearing Xuanming's departure, Qiao Ke could not help raising his eyebrows and lowered his glass.

Wang Zhong didn't show much, but he nodded casually, obviously there was no opinion. Anyway, it will take a while to open up the Spiritual Heart Divine Array. If you want to come to Xuanming, you will know the weight and it will not be delayed.

"Two later, I'll come and go!"

He smiled apologetically, but Xuanming no longer hesitated. Before he left the palace, he flew straight to the Bagua Temple.

It can be seen that this man did go in a hurry, but judging by his performance alone, he couldn't see what he was going to do!

"Oh, it seems that there is an urgent matter to do, but at this time hurriedly left." Looking at the direction in which Xuan Ming disappeared, Qiao Ke couldn't help but twitched his lips and smiled.

"No need to worry about him. Without him, the two of us are more casual."

Wang Zhong's face flashed a little doubt, but he was immediately hidden by him. Speaking of which, he didn't like Xuanming in fact, because he always felt that the other side was different from the outside, showing humility, which obviously gave people a hypocritical feeling. At this moment the other party left, and he and Joke were happy.

"Brother Wang Zhong talked quickly, come on, let's say our, don't be ruined by him." Shaking his head, Qiao Ke also stopped talking about Xuanming, but continued to chat with Wang Zhong. .

Leaving aside the chat, the two disciples, Xuanming, a great disciple at the moment.

After leaving Wan Ling Di Xin Zhen, Xuan Ming rushed back to the Eight Diagrams Hall at the fastest speed. After returning to the Eight Diagrams Hall, he said nothing and went to see his Master, that is, the Eight Diagrams The temple's main lord Fuxi.

It is of course difficult for ordinary people to see Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace. However, as the big disciple of the Eight Diagrams Palace, Xuanming naturally has the qualification to directly meet Fuxi.

"Xuanming, what makes you so panic? This is not what a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Palace should have."

Fuxi, the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace, was meditating in his own hall at this moment. Suddenly he was interrupted by Xuanming, and of course he was not in a good mood. More importantly, he has been trying to cover up Xuanming's actions before, and this kind of shot is very tiring for him.

Of course, it ’s okay to be tired. The main thing is that judging from the performance of Xuanming at the moment, he knows that he may not be able to recoup the corresponding rewards with his previous efforts!

"Master, something unexpected happened, and I asked Master to come up with an idea for my disciples."

Xuanming's complexion was a little pale. Although he was definitely a super power when he was outside, he was still a child in front of Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace.

He didn't know how to deal with it. He knew he was going to be punished, but no matter what, he had to know his Master to avoid any unsolvable consequences.

"Say, hope is not a big deal."

He waved his hands, and Fuxi signaled that the other party could speak, and now he couldn't help but prepare for the bad news.

"It's like this ..."

After organizing the language, Xuanming then told his master about the events that happened before him, even the details in it were meticulous, for fear of omission.

Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace, has been listening quietly, but when Xuanming talked about Li Xiaobai's own action, Fuxi's face had already become a cold, looking to Xuanming It is also full of chill.

On weekdays, the Lord of the Bagua Temple looks kind, but when there are no outsiders on the side, he is completely different.

"This is the whole process. Now, Li Xiaobai of Sancai Temple is threatened by this matter, and has requested the disciple's Yunlong sword skills. The disciple has also agreed to his request. However, this matter is important, so I also hope that Master himself Definitely. "

After explaining the whole thing, Xuanming couldn't help feeling a horror. From what he knew about his master, the master of the gossip temple, Fuxi, was obviously really angry. Already.

Think about it, too, how could the other party not get angry with such a big thing? You know, if this matter is not handled well, it is not only him who suffers alone, but even the whole gossip hall, it will be a lot of drag.

Disciples who are secretly controlling other palaces, can the leaders of the Liangyi Hall and the Sixiang Hall agree? Can you easily pass the Bagua Temple? At this time, the other main hall owners are afraid that they will not miss the opportunity to beat the water dog.

Therefore, it is not a trivial matter to think of this matter. Even if he is punished, he can only admit it.

"Well, it's a simple thing that you have done so much now. It seems that I have over-relied on you as a teacher."

After listening to the whole thing, Fuxi's body suddenly had an unbelievable anger flowing. Obviously, from now on, the great disciples of the Eight Diagrams Hall, Xuanming, may be as hard as they want!

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