The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1654: The price (two more seeking flowers)

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Li Xiaobai made a big opening and asked for the strongest martial arts practiced by the three men as a sealing fee. No doubt he was robbed in the fire. However, whether his request can be promised by the three men, depends on how they are select.

Everyone has his own best skills. Xuanming is best at using Xuanzhen means, but even so, he has decent attack methods. In fact, the great disciple of Xuan Ming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, is famous for his far-reaching sword skills. I do n’t know how many people are stunned by it!

It is said that Yunlong's sword skill was obtained by a great disciple Xuan Ming from a senior man's cave house ruins. This sword skill is extremely powerful, and it is a terrific sword-making technique, even the master of the Bagua Temple. He and Xuanming have all studied the swordsmanship and have benefited a lot.

Li Xiaobai was originally a sword-setter. He naturally longed for Yunlong's sword skills. This time he just caught up with this opportunity. If he doesn't try the sword skills he wants, then he can't really justify it.

In addition to Xuan Ming's Yunlong sword skills, Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing each have their own means of winning, but their means are secondary, and Li Xiaobai will not pay too much attention.

"How about Brother Xuanming? Either borrow your Yunlong sword skills for a few days, or I will make the matter public here, two choices, you can take care of yourself!"

Li Xiaobai is eating Dingxuanming this time. He really doesn't believe it. The other party dare not agree with his suggestions. You must know that no matter how precious Yunlong sword skills are, they are definitely not as good as their respective reputations, not to mention He also understands that the three palaces are colluded together, and God knows how many unsightly things can happen. Once exposed, I am afraid it is also a matter of great importance.

"Li Xiaobai, are you clear against us? You need to know that it is not a good thing for you to set up these three enemies."

Xuanming's face was iron-blue. Of course, he didn't want to take out his stunts and share them with each other. The Yunlong sword skill is the same skill as his killer. If this sword skill is out, then his skill is not necessary. Become a common thing? What else will he use to force others by then?

If he was asked to come up with some natural treasures, spar stones, etc., he basically can meet the requirements of the other party without a word, but what about Yunlong sword skills, he really does not want to go out take.

"Tree enemies? Hahaha, where is Brother Xuanming, I don't want to be against the three tree enemies, and we are definitely not enemies, but if everyone really becomes an enemy, then I'm afraid I can only say sorry. "

Hearing Xuanming's threatening words, Li Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, but he didn't take the words of the other person seriously.

If he was worried about making enemies, he wouldn't have to show off with the other side. Speaking of them, a mysterious person with Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, although they were not heavy, had not reached the point where he was daunting.


Xuan Ming also heard it. Today, if he does not surrender his own Yunlong sword skills, the other party may not give up at all, and what the event will eventually evolve into, it ’s completely beyond his expectations.

"Brother, those who make things happen at any cost are tipping. This Li Xiaobai is really intractable. Let's do as he pleases!"

When Xuan Ming hated the roots of his teeth, on the one side, Zhang Liang of Liangyi Dian couldn't help reminding him. He had to stand up and remind him at this time, because he and Ling Qing were the most worried about the incident. Once the incident was revealed, then waiting for their ending would most likely be a death.

So, even at the risk of being blamed, he must say what he suggests.

"Hey, it's nothing. I didn't expect it to become like this, it really hurts me !!!"

Xuanming could only sigh for a long time in his face, but in the end he could only confess his fate. In any case, he absolutely does not allow his own affairs to be exposed. In that case, I am afraid that even his master can not spare him, and by then, all responsibilities must be with him alone, and he, naturally, Become a traitor and sinner in Ziyun Palace.

Blame it because of his bad fortunes, and he suddenly encountered a guy like Li Xiaobai. Fortunately, he has controlled some young disciples before, which is not a complete loss!

"Brother Xuanming, have you considered it clearly? Time is limited. If you wait for others to wake up, people will talk a lot, and the three of them may be more than just paying a few martial arts!"

Seeing that Xuanming's face was changing, it seemed to have loosened, Li Xiaobai hit the iron while he was hot, and quickly banged.

"Li Xiaobai, my Yunlong sword skills can be borrowed for you to read, but you must ensure that from now on, you will not be threatened with this matter, let alone say a few words about it, otherwise, even if the fish is dead , The three of us will also tell you. "

Under the eaves, who can not bow? By now, he really can only admit his fate.

"Hahaha, that's natural. I haven't been as shameless as Li Xiaobai. You don't need to worry about the things you worry about."

Hearing that the other party agreed to himself, Li Xiaobai laughed suddenly, apparently very happy. He really longed for Yunlong sword skills. He can get this stunt this time. He believes that his strength can definitely be greatly improved.

"Yunlong sword skills are on my body. After I get out of here, I will give them to you, Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing. Give your things to him first!"

Here he is just a projection avatar, and of course it is impossible to bring Yunlong sword skills, but since it is a promised thing, of course he will not break his word.

Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing didn't hesitate. During the talk, they handed over their special skills and handed them to Li Xiaobai. For the martial arts of the two of them, Li Xiaobai only glanced at them and collected them. Get up, obviously not too interested.

"Brother Xuanming, after I go out, I will wait for you to hand over Yunlong sword skills to my hands. At that time, this incident was truly a period."

After collecting the martial arts skills of Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, Li Xiaobai picked up the corners of his mouth, and then returned to his original position while talking, then closed his eyes and closed his eyes.

He is not worried about Xuanming's remorse, because the initiative is in his hands. If the other party really repents, then he really doesn't mind making the matter public. By that time, Xuanming would not be a loss. The military skills are so simple.

Speaking of Li Xiaobai's encounter with Xuan Ming's trio, he can actually ask for more, but he doesn't know the true relationship between Xuan Ming's three, if he knows the real situation among them, then But not just the martial arts of three people.

Having said that, when he wanted to come, the gains were not small. Needless to say, three martial arts techniques. In addition, he found a collusion between the Bagua Temple and the other two palaces. In this way, he can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble in future actions.

In the end, although the three men handed in what he wanted, the three men's handles were still in his hands. Even if he did not threaten the three men with the incident, he could rely on the incident to make the three men jealous. At least, these three guys will never come to provoke him easily.

"Brother ..."

Seeing that Li Xiaobai stopped talking about the three of them, Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing looked at each other, and finally looked at Xuanming and asked tentatively.

"Don't say it, go back and stand still, for the next time, I don't want to have any accidents."

He bit his teeth bitterly, and Xuanming waved his hands to signal that the two can return to their respective positions and stand up. At this moment, his plan obviously cannot be continued, and this time the spiritual spirits practice. But it's about to come to an end!


Both of them didn't dare to say a word, and nodded in a flash, returning to their previous positions, as if nothing had happened.

"Li Xiaobai, I remember you !!!"

After the two great disciple disciples returned, Xuanming couldn't help glancing at Li Xiaobai, who had already returned to his original position, and his eyes were full of hatred. He has planted such a large amount of money this time. Sooner or later, he has to settle the account with the other party, but now is not the time.


When speaking, the image of Xuanming disappeared suddenly, apparently returning to his own body, or it was directly dissipated.

"Well, I can't think of it. This time, I can still have this gain. It seems that this time it is really a good luck."

After Xuanming's image disappeared, Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the direction in which the other party disappeared. He was indeed lucky this time. Not only did he get three powerful martial arts to enrich himself, but he also discovered the ambiguous relationship between the Eight Diagrams Hall and the Liangyi Hall and the Four Elephant Hall. This was for himself and for the Sancai Hall. It's a very important thing.

In addition, after he tells his master about this, he will probably get the reward from the master of the Sancai Temple, and the reward that can be exchanged for such precious news is not ordinary people. imagination.

"I have never heard of the connection between Liangyi Temple and Sixiang Temple, and I do not know whether this corner and Ling Qing represent themselves or the great forces behind them. This matter is worth considering."

Glancing again at Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing who had been pretending to look like him, at this moment, he was actually awake secretly.

In any case, if the three palaces really collude, it is not good news for the Sancai Temple.

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