The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1651: Cooperate (two more seeking flowers)

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Yuan Feng felt that he was paralyzed all over his body. The feeling of paralysis almost made him unable to do anything. Faintly, he even felt that his body seemed to have a tendency to explode. If Zhuan Xuan Gong is in his body, then it won't be long before he really loses his resistance.

"Good poison, what kind of poison is it? How can there be such terrible medicine? Thankfully, my body is strong enough, otherwise, I am afraid that the poisonous gas will invade the viscera, and it will be difficult to remove it by then! "

Mind turned, Yuan Feng at this moment really admired the poison of this gossip disciple. He knew in his heart that he had swallowed up the heavenly martial spirit, otherwise, this poison, he was not in any way Will absorb into their own body.

Of course, swallowing the martial arts spirit is only one aspect. In addition, his Nine Turns Xuan Gong has been cultivated to a very high level, and his body has become a whole, similar to a thing like a spiritual soldier. Almost to the point where there is no poison.

"Using poisonous poison to infect the target, and then using Xuan Zhen's prohibition to control the poisoning, this mysterious method is really weird. People controlled in this way, even if they are supported by the demigod strong, I am afraid that Nothing but helplessness? "

Feeling the change in his body, Yuan Feng was more and more amazed by Xuanming's method.

Like this weird method, it is really difficult for even the demigod strong, because no matter how strong your strength is, but it is external force, and this mysterious array is prohibited, once there is external force intervention, then Will be directly damaged, and once the mysterious array is damaged, the toxin will erupt instantly, and then even the true **** will be helpless.

Xuanming can learn this method of controlling others. In a sense, it can almost be compared with his blood curse magic power, but the blood curse magic power does not require any external assistance and does not need to be exhausted. Xuanming has no way to compare what elixir is made.

"Wake me up !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, Zhangjiao of Liangyi Hall and Ling Qing of Sixiang Hall have already shot, but they have injected a cool air into Yuan Feng's body, and this cool air is obviously to let He was liberated from the illusion and returned to the real world.


Yuan Feng was very cooperative. After this cool air entered the body, he was very cooperative and 'woke up'. After waking up, he first showed a bit of pain, and then he was confused, and finally It was terror.

"You, you ..."

While gritting his teeth to endure the pain, Yuan Feng's gaze glanced at the disciples of the three great aunts, with fear and fright on his face, and blankness and helplessness, but he was quite in place.

"Well, don't worry, you have poisoned me now. It's all controlled by the mysterious ban that I just performed for you. For the next time, as long as you obey and obey, you can survive."

Seeing Yuan Feng woke up, Xuan Ming's face suddenly showed a smile. Unlike others, Yuan Feng is a super genius. He actually values ​​Yuan Feng very much. If he can take Yuan Feng for his own use and wait for Yuan Feng to grow up in the future, then there will be It gave him a strong internal response.


Xuan Ming has made his words very clear, and Yuan Feng naturally heard it clearly, but he does not need to act too deliberately about this naked threat.

"I am the only one who can solve the poison in you. From now on, as long as you obediently obey, I can keep you safe. If not, your little head may be difficult to settle. Grow on the body. "

Xuanming was totally a face that fixed Yuan Feng, and naturally he would not find any difference in Yuan Feng. For him, a person in a habitat, he would do what he did n’t want to do. What? Where do I need to worry about what the other party is doing?

"I, I see!"

Between the changes in his complexion, Yuan Feng finally lowered his head honestly, completely expressing his fate.

"That's right, rest assured, follow me, it's definitely your advantage."

Picking the corner of his mouth, Xuanming no longer hesitated. Between his hands, he hit all the qi into Yuan Feng's body. Suddenly, all the toxins in Yuan Feng's body were used by him. The ban was sealed, but it could break out anytime, anywhere.

"Well, you don't need to say anything, just keep in mind that although you are still nominally a Liuhedian person, in fact, you are already a disciple of my Bagua Temple."

Time is urgent, Xuanming didn't tell Yuan Feng more. After a few words, he suddenly raised his hand. Then, Yuan Feng's body flashed with all the lights, which completely wiped him out. Wrapped inside.

Between the flashes of light, Yuan Feng closed her eyes again very cooperatively, and continued to look dull on her face, as if she had fallen back into the illusion.

"Controlling this one is almost as good as dozens of young people in general control, Liuhedian, huh, I'll see how you still keep the iron plate."

After controlling Yuan Feng, Xuanming's face was full of joy.

Speaking of this, he has laid down the Spiritual Warrior Array. In fact, the most direct purpose is to control Yuan Feng. For some reason, he always feels that Yuan Feng, a new disciple, is likely to become famous in the Ziyun Palace. Even becoming the future superpower of Ziyun Palace, and controlling it at this time is basically an investment with low investment and high return.

Right now, Yuan Feng is controlled in his own hands. He really feels a sense of peace of mind. With Yuan Feng, other new disciples, as long as he picks and controls a few, it is almost the same. . In the end, he was more interested in the other preachers who were present.

Opportunities like this are difficult to find with lanterns. How can these proverbial disciples easily enter his mysterious array to cultivate in weekdays? Even if they entered the battle, these masters of disciples were basically taken by their respective masters to gossip hall, and in the process, he dare not do anything under the eyes of the demigod!

"There are a few of you. The previous names are not small, and all of them will fall under my seat today!"

After adjusting his mood, Xuanming didn't delay at all. He continued to speak to the next target while talking. As for Yuan Feng, he didn't observe it too carefully.

The target that the three of them chose this time has become the local disciples in Ziyun Palace. Among these local disciples, there are indeed many amazing talents, especially those in the yin and yang environment. There are a lot of people who can be ordered.

It was just that when the three of them continued to be busy, they didn't find out that Yuan Feng, who had just been subdued by them, was not as honest as they had imagined, and it was nothing at all. In the illusion.

"Swallow the sky martial spirit, move me !!!"

Yuan Feng was really not idle at this moment. When Xuanming wrapped him with a light, he was the first to turn the Devouring Wuling up to prevent himself from being invaded by the other side's illusion.

Xuanming's large array is indeed remarkable, and at this moment, he is just in the weak period after being invaded by poison. If he is not careful, it is likely to capsize in the gutter.

"Brush brush !!!"

Swallowing the Wuling is naturally extraordinary, with only a slight movement. Those outside worlds are completely blocked, and it is no longer possible to affect him in the slightest.

"Yu, I never thought that I always controlled others. Today, I was controlled by others, alas, this feeling is really different!"

Getting rid of the invasion of the illusion, Yuan Feng continued to pretend, while secretly feeling with emotion.

There are many arrogant powers like clouds, and a variety of methods are emerging one after another. The blood curse power can indeed control others for their own use, but he has always known that in addition to blood curse power, there must be other means to achieve the same The effect, this is not, Xuanming this time, he gave a lesson for free.

"I don't know how this mysterious elixir was made. So horrible elixir, in terms of value alone, I'm afraid it will be worth hundreds of millions of pistols, right?"

Subconsciously, he focused his attention on the poisons he had. Although these toxins that had invaded the body were hidden by Xuanming, his body was different from ordinary people and had the unique characteristics of devouring the martial arts. Naturally, it is impossible to discover where these toxins are.

Undoubtedly, the locations of these toxins are basically the dead points of human beings. Once the venom of these locations erupts, it is naturally a state of death.

"The prohibitions of these mysterious arrays are also very delicate. If they are accidentally touched, they may also detonate these highly toxic drugs. It seems that for this mysterious array prohibitions, this mysterious soul has also worked hard."

The mind walked all over, Yuan Feng looked up and down, inside, and outside, whether it was the poison in his body or the prohibition of the mysterious seal that was sealed with poison, he had basically been straightened out by him. And for these means that have been applied to the body, his mind already has a spectrum.

"Anyway, it's better not to keep these dangerous things in the body, so I'll remove these things from the body as soon as possible, so as not to be really controlled by others in the future."

With a change of mind, Yuan Feng no longer cares about the situation of other people, and he starts to straighten out his situation between words.

ps: Huahua does not see up, brothers and sisters, come to support a few flowers, so poor to say! !! !!

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