The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1650: Slaughter

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Xuan Ming and two other big disciples shot together. First, they experimented with a new student disciple from the habitat. Obviously, even if they used this method more than once, they must use it carefully.

After the black danmaru was taken by the new disciple, he could see that he was completely eroded by the unknown elixir. If it was not because of a few rays of light entering Xuanming into his body, then this I'm afraid he's already dying for a while!

In the following time, Xuanming made a few simple hands again, but he struck all the rays of light into the body of the new disciple, and as the rays of light entered the body, the new disciple ’s body The black disappeared immediately and eventually returned to normal appearance.

"Remember, the black gas in your body is unsolvable, even the strongest in the demigod, and once an outsider touches the black gas, then you only have the result of exploding."

After doing everything, Xuanming couldn't help telling this new disciple under his control.

His method is really terrifying. The black elixir is very good. Those who take it are in danger of being violent at all times. Only his mysterious method can make the black elixir poison. Suppressed, but it must be shot by him once in a while, if the mysterious array is loose, the accused person will surely die.

Moreover, once someone tries to clear the poison of the elixir or accidentally touches the mysterious array of toxins in the body to control the toxin, the accused person will also have a severe poisoning and explode.

In short, those who have been eroded by his means will either obey his arrangements obediently or simply choose to be generous and righteous, but there will no longer be a third possibility.

"I, I ... I will listen to Brother Xuanming from now on."

The controlled new disciple certainly did not dare to have the slightest complaint. He had experienced the horror of the black elixir, the feeling that he could not survive or die, and he didn't want to feel it again in his life.

"Very well, go, then go to practice in the fantasy world !!!"

Xuanming didn't say much. His purpose was to control more people here. As for this newcomer and disciple, it was an experiment to say that it was white, and let him warm up.

When the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand. The latter was a flower in front of him, and then he entered the illusion again and continued to cultivate in the illusion.

"It seems that although it has not been performed for a while, my method has not fallen!"

When the control of the first new disciple was completed, Xuanming nodded secretly, his face was full of satisfaction.

He is the only one who can control the pleasure of others. However, the black elixir he uses to control others is very difficult to refine. One black elixir requires a lot of resources. And energy can be refined, so in general, he will not easily use his treasures.

"Brother, which shot should we choose next?"

The two big brother-in-law disciples obediently play the role of running dogs. They want Xuanming to control more people. If they can control a few brother-in-law disciples, it would be even better.

They can't get better now, so they naturally hope that others will not get better.

"It can't be controlled by anyone, it's better to pick it up." After hearing Zhang Zhang's inquiries, Xuanming's face flashed a little thought, and then he started to glance at everyone. Up.

"There is not much development prospects and space, and it is useless to control. Only real geniuses can be used by me in the future. However, this time it can be regarded as a young generation of geniuses. All of them! "

He had witnessed the elimination battle before. He has already remembered one by one the younger generation who performed well in the battle. Right now, since he wants to subdue some people for his own use, then of course These geniuses set out, as for others, I'm afraid it won't help much.

"Liuhedian, hum, how can such a genius be cheap for Liuhedian? It's up to you."

After sweeping around, Xuanming immediately determined his first formal goal, and this goal was not others, it was the excellent performance in the knockout battle that beheaded the genius disciple Luo Zhan of Ziyun Palace. .

Yuan Feng's previous performance can be included in the ranks of top geniuses. As long as he can grow up, he will become a rising star in the Ziyun Palace, and it is very important for him to control such people. It's worth it.

"You two, control him first!"

With a decision under his heart, Xuan Ming waved his hands, and then Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing approached each other and went straight to Yuan Feng and approached.

"Well? Is this my turn? It seems like it's too fast?"

When Xuanming selected the subject, Yuan Feng, who was still watching, had a tremble under her heart, and her nerves were immediately tense.

He didn't expect that this Xuanming valued him so much, and the first officially selected goal turned out to be him.

In any case, this Xuanming is a disciple of Ziyun Palace and a master of the Eight Diagrams Hall. This one is definitely not a mess. Even if the other party just comes down with a projection, it should never be underestimated.

"What to do? Resist him and tear him down? I'm afraid it might not be that easy?"

With a sudden change of heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help thinking about it at this moment. He knew that time was urgent and he had to make a decision.

"If at this time, if you resist, the two guys now and a projection clone should not pose a great threat to me. However, if this mysterious body comes, or if this mysterious array changes, It's extremely dangerous for me. "

It is easy to resist, but he must consider the consequences after the resistance. One thing is certain, once he has resisted, then this time the event will really be big.

Xuanming's identity is placed there, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to expose himself, but if he does not want to expose it, he will certainly do everything possible, and it will be difficult for him at that time. The main thing is that even the forces behind Xuanming are absolutely not allowed to be exposed. Therefore, once it is out of control, I am afraid that the person behind Xuanming may stand up.

"No, this kind of thing that affects the whole body cannot be easily done. If it really causes unexpected changes, then it is really not good."

Before turning his mind, Yuan Feng first ruled out this idea. No matter what, he still didn't want to expose himself, and he definitely didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"It ca n’t be hard. If so, I'm afraid I can just let it go. If I read it correctly, this method of Xuanming's display should be a very toxic method. Since it is poison, use it for me. It shouldn't be a big problem, either. "

He has seen before that Xuanming's use of that new disciple is obviously using poisonous means, and then suppresses the toxicity through the mysterious array prohibition. However, once the mysterious array prohibition that suppresses the toxicity is destroyed, the toxicity will Immediately broke out and died by then.

This is what he saw after his observation, but the new disciple controlled by Xuanming was also controlled in advance by his blood curse magical power, so when the new disciple was controlled, he was actually familiar with the middle the process of.

"Come on, since it can't be hard, let's play a show with you."

Under the guts of his heart, Yuan Feng no longer thinks about it anyway, he has the devouring martial spirit in his body anyway, he really does not believe that there is any poison, and it can make him helpless.

As for the prohibition of the mysterious array that the other party exerts, that thing doesn't seem to be a high-end commodity. As long as he sorts it out, it should still be able to be resolved.

Having figured this out, Yuan Feng simply continued to pretend to be trapped in a fantasy world, waiting for Xuanming's three shots.

Xuan Ming's three were undoubted to have him. They never thought that someone could stay awake, and they wouldn't even think that a new disciple could stay awake, so when they got close to Yuan Feng, they didn't test Yuan Feng. Whether he really fell into a mirage, he was talking directly, and for the time being he controlled Yuan Feng.

Xuanming also didn't think much. Moreover, at this moment, he just projected, and didn't have the energy to observe so much. During the conversation, he raised his hand and took out the black elixir prepared in advance. One came, let Yuan Feng directly.

Yuan Feng has already seen his subordinates taking medication, so naturally he knows what to do. Soon, the black elixir broke out in his body, and he was all black. The elixir infects the body.

"Tongtong !!!"

Without exception, Yuan Feng, like the newcomers and disciples before, collapsed directly on the ground and allowed the black mist to swim around his body. At this moment, he was really poisoned.

Since it is to do a show, then of course you have to do it * really, and if you want to make the show look more * real, of course you have to be **** yourself. Having said that, just because of the black mist, it may not be very fatal to him. After all, his body has been transformed by Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, which is not something that can be damaged by poison.

"Brush brush !!!"

Yuan Feng couldn't say a word, and continued to maintain a venomous expression in her body, but at this moment, Xuanming shot suddenly, hitting all the rays of light into his body's acupuncture. Suddenly, the black mist was Suppressed for the time being, and Yuan Feng himself can feel that these black mists lurking in his body at the moment, it feels really dangerous.

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