The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1640: Changes in the battlefield (four more)

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A big dogfight broke out instantly between two groups of people. Hundreds of talented young people in this habitat, at this moment, tied their heads to their belts, and accidentally, their own heads I am afraid to move completely.

Speaking of them, although the 50 people selected by the Ziyun Palace occupy the advantage of strong personal strength, the newcomers and disciples have more solidarity, and the number of advantages is slightly more. The two offset each other. However, everyone is on the same starting line, and no one has any advantage at all.

Because of this, this battle is definitely a tough one. Perhaps, after the end of this battle, the fifty people selected by the Ziyun Palace and the sixty newcomers and disciples are almost a situation of fifty-five. It is almost impossible to say which side can destroy the other with overwhelming strength.

In fact, there are many reasons why the senior management of Ziyun Palace has such a decision. The most important point is naturally that they do not trust the young people in Ziyun Palace.

Speaking of them, these young people who were born and raised in the Ziyun Palace did occupy the right place at the right time, but it was because their birth was too high that caused their eyes to rise to the top, and they did not look down on those outside the small forces. In fact, as for these newcomers and disciples recruited here, which one is not the best among the big families, if you say the foundation, the foundation of these people may not be worse than them.

This time, let these newcomers and disciples participate in the competition for the newcomer quota. On one hand, I want to alert these young people in Ziyun Palace. On the other hand, I really want to choose some talents that can be cultivated. It can be said that No matter what the purpose is, this time the decision is very correct ...

Two groups of young people have already lost their eyes. At this moment, the ten preachers of the ten palaces nodded frequently, as if they were very satisfied with the fighting on the opposite side.

"This wave of newcomers and disciples is really good. These people in my original Ziyun Palace do not seem to have any advantages compared to these people!"

Under the light curtain, Joe of the Five Elements Palace rubbed his chin while arguing about the battle pieces in the palace. As for the young men who fell in the battle, it was not worth mentioning.

What can still die in this kind of battle is, of course, garbage goods. If such goods are immortal, it is nothing more than a waste of resources.

"There is no suspense in the yin and yang realm. Basically, the rest will be these people selected by the Ziyun Palace. However, the situation in the habitat is really hard to say!"

Li Xiaobai, a disciple at the peak of Sancai Temple, also had his eyes narrowed. He looked at the situation in the yin and yang environment for a while, and looked at the progress in the habitat for a while. His mind seemed to be attracted to it.

Speaking of which, in the space of yin and yang, more than thirty people in yin and yang are not the opponents of the fifty yin and yang sage disciples selected by Ziyun Palace. There are basically few people left, but there are a few good guys who have performed well and should be able to take on major roles.

To put it bluntly, the yin and yang of these newcomers and disciples is to replace a few scum among the fifty people selected by Ziyun Palace, but this replacement is undoubtedly also for the yin and yang of disciples in Ziyun Palace. Once refined.

"The original people in Ziyun Palace were too arrogant. Also, the young guy in the new disciple was very good. His few words raised the morale of the new disciple, and this son is a big job."

Among the top ten disciples of disciples, Xuanming, a great disciple of Bagua Temple, finally opened his mouth, and the other person had nodded and said yes.

"That's right. This young man is not only very mentally strong, but also not weak. To me, he should be the strongest of the newcomers and disciples this year."

"If I remember correctly, it should be the mysterious grandson Luo Zhan who missed the elder? This little guy is very powerful and talented. This son can fight him for so long, and it is very good."

"By the way, which disciple is this? Shicai didn't pay attention!"

Xuan Ming discovered the unusualness of Yuan Feng. Of course, the other disciples of Zhuan Chuan could also discover that Yuan Feng has become the focus of everyone's attention.

At this time, many people found that they had only been chatting with each other before, but they forgot to observe which of the new disciples had a stronger presence.

A few people you look at me, I look at you, for a while I was a little confused.

"This son is my newcomer disciple named Liu Feng."

Just as everyone looked at each other, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, finally raised his eyelids.

Speaking of which, Wang Zhong also watched the battle of newcomers and disciples for a long time, and of course Yuan Yuan's performance has always been in his eyes and in his heart.

Huo Qi has already submitted the list of ten new disciples he brought, and his original impression of Yuan Feng was not deep, but he could not remember the fact that Yuan Feng was a disciple of Liuhedian.

Frankly, before seeing Yuan Feng's shot, he did not expect that Liuhedian had such an amazing young man. From the current situation, Yuan Feng was among the new disciples in this session. It really can be regarded as a top existence.

"Oh, it was originally brought by Brother Wang Zhong. Congratulations to Brother Wang Zhong and congratulations to Liuhe Temple!"

"The person brought by Brother Wang Zhong, of course, cannot be wrong. I want to see that this time I will be able to win a place!"

"Not only did he win a place, but he may be able to contribute to my Ziyun Palace for the exchange event. The meaning at that time is self-evident."

Wang Zhong's identity is there, naturally there are a lot of supporters, so when everyone learned that Yuan Feng was a disciple of Liuhedian, they hurriedly stood up and congratulated Wang Zhong.

"Congratulations to Brother Wang Zhong. I never imagined that Liuhedian had recruited such a talented disciple this time. It is really gratifying!"

At the moment, the Bagua Temple Xuanming did not congratulate himself, and suddenly came out to congratulate Wang Zhong. Speaking of them, the disciples recruited by the Ziyun Palace are good, but they are like Yuan Feng It's rare to be so talented.

Frankly speaking, qualifications like Yuan Feng's are hopeful to become disciples of disciples. As long as they are carefully cultivated, they can finally achieve something great.

The Bagua Temple also recruited a few good seedlings this time, but no one can compare with Yuan Feng.

"In the history of Ziyun Palace, there are too many talented people, but how many people can really grow up? It is too early to say these things."

Wang Zhong didn't take it for granted. Although Yuan Feng's appearance really filled him with surprise, as he said, there are too many geniuses in the history of Ziyun Palace, and they can really grow up. When It's very few.

It's okay to say that it is jealous and talented, and that young people don't understand Tao Guangyang. In short, a genius is really not easy to grow into a super master.

"Haha, it would be fine if Brother Wang Zhong hadn't found it. Since it has already been discovered by Brother Wang Zhong, then this man will definitely not die. I am here to congratulate Brother Wang Zhong in advance."

Xuanming knows best that now that Wang Zhong has found such a talented young man in Liuhedian, he will definitely find ways to cultivate it seriously, because once the other party grows up, then Wang Zhong, the leader, will become the object of the other party's loyalty This investment, if replaced by him, will not be missed.

"Let's wait until he takes this step first!"

He raised his eyebrows, but Wang Zhong no longer said anything to the crowd. In fact, in his heart, there had been plans for a long time now. Speaking of such a good thing, how could he miss it?

"Look and see, there are changes !!!"

Just as everyone was talking, I didn't know which disciple, suddenly exclaimed, but they all attracted everyone's attention, but at this time everyone found out that at this moment, in On the curtain of light belonging to the people of the habitat, an unimaginable change is happening suddenly.

On the battlefield, fifty disciples elected by Ziyun Palace have completely red-eyed with less than sixty newcomer disciples, and everyone at this time has no regard for who is who, as long as he sees him If someone has a good chance of making a shot, then it is bound to give the opponent such a look.

This is also a helpless thing. Everyone understands that as long as other people die, they can stay to the end, and the effect is the same even if they die.


However, when everyone had been killed in the dark and blood was flowing into the river, they did not notice that Luo Zhan, who was originally the hand of Ziyun Palace ’s native disciples, had already met Yuan Yuan among the new disciples. Feng killed far away from the main battlefield of everyone.

With a bang, Ziyun Palace's talented disciple Luo Zhan, like a kite with a broken line, flew out of a cloud of mist. In the mid-air, the blood of the big puff was sprinkled in the air, and the whole piece was spread. The earth was dyed red, and the careful person would find that Luo Zhan's arms had disappeared at this moment.


Between tossing and flying, Luo Zhan's mouth screamed in pain, and his whole body was slumped to the extreme. Obviously, at this moment, he must have suffered a fatal blow.

"It was the one who took the lead. Everyone got on and killed him !!!"

Seeing Luo Zhan's figure flew away, some of the newcomers and disciples who came out empty handed, as if it had been known that Luo Zhan would flew away. There was no less than three or four newcomer disciples. It came suddenly to Luo Zhan.

"Brush brush !!!"

All the swordmangs greeted Luo Zhan's body. Then, the talented disciple of Ziyun Palace was like a living target. It was instantly split into pieces by the sword spirit, and then It was unceremonious to stir up the mist of blood.

PS: In the last three hours of 2014, I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day! !! !! I love you! !! !! In 2015, I wish you all good health in the new year, good work, and good mood every day! !! !!

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