The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1639: Budding (three more)

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Fewer than sixty new disciples faced off face to face with the fifty young disciples selected by the Ziyun Palace, and everyone at the scene understood that if each of them wanted to survive, then they must kill each other. Only then will they be the ultimate survivors.

The senior officials of the Ziyun Palace only look at the results, but they don't care about the process, that is, no matter what method they use, as long as they can become one of the remaining fifty people, they will be regarded as passing.

In terms of the strength of a single person, the fifty people selected by Ziyun Palace themselves are certainly a little stronger than those recruited from the outside. However, everyone is in the realm of habitats, and the difference is almost absolute. Not much difference, and in the current multi-player chaos, if you don't have absolute strength, you have no advantage at all.

"Hmm, I didn't expect you guys to be so despicable, and using cold arrows secretly, what kind of a gentleman?"

Among the new disciples, someone soon stood up and yelled at the local disciples in the surrounding Ziyun Palace.

"That is, everyone fights against each other brightly, and whoever loses will win the battle. It's as if you are instigating secret calculations, and you have completely lost the face of Ziyun Palace."

"I knew I would fight for such a group of mean villains, and I would not sign up."

"Yes, a group of despicable people, if I were you, now wipe your neck directly, so as not to continue to lose sight of Ziyun Palace in the future."

When someone picks up their heads, the rest of the newcomers and disciples will immediately join together. A face-to-face job was beheaded and killed nearly ten people, of course, their newcomers and disciples were very displeased. What's more, these people belong to the same person, and those who were killed can be said to be their own people. It is no wonder that they are not angry.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the next time, they are going to start a life-and-death battle with these 50 people. At the moment they are noisy and noisy, but they are actually putting pressure on each other and making themselves bold.


In the clouds, fifty young disciples in Ziyun Palace could not help but change their faces, and they realized that the sneak attack that seemed just now had the counterproductive effect. It was their sneak attack that seemed to make these newcomers and disciples become unusually united, and this was definitely not what they wanted to see.

However, they did not know whether or not they had previously attacked. In fact, all these newcomers and disciples were actually very united, and their original idea of ​​breaking each one was simply unrealistic.

"Ha ha ha, you newcomers, I really do n’t know if you are better naive, or you are stupid. What is this place? You should all know in your heart that preaching morality here is nothing short of huge. Inspector. "

After the abusive voices of newcomers and disciples began, among the natives of Ziyun Palace, someone stood out and yelled at the crowd again.

Standing out is a very young man. The man's height is not prominent, but he looks like a Yushu. He is a high-weight person. However, despite his status, his cultivation is still in the habitat, not much better than the others present.

When the young man stood up to speak, the others in Ziyun Palace did not speak out, and from this point, it can be seen that this young man's status among them should be regarded as the highest.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The young man in Ziyun Palace who stands out in front of him is a direct descendant of a top powerhouse in Ziyun Palace, named Luo Zhan. He was born relatively late, so he didn't become famous. However, as long as he is given enough time, he will be the top character in Ziyun Palace in the future.

"Give you a chance. Now that you can draw a sword and brag about yourself, you can leave a whole body, otherwise, today, my son will kill you, the Wuhe people, without leaving a piece of armor."

Luo Zhan ’s confidence is simply bursting out. At this time, the number of young people selected in the Ziyun Palace is definitely overwhelming, and he has not given other people a chance to perform. In his heart, even if he is alone, he Enough to fight dozens of people across.

"Oh, when I didn't join the Ziyun Palace, I always heard that the people in the Ziyun Palace were so proud that they didn't put anyone in their eyes. But now, I understand a bit."

When Luo Zhan's words fell, among the crowd surrounded by fifty people in Ziyun Palace, a young man slowly stood out, but met Luo Zhan's eyes without fear.


The young man who stood out suddenly gave Luo Zhan's eyes a slight pause, and then a cold smile appeared, "Boy, where did you come from? You know, use this tone to talk to me Speak, you are now a dead person. "

Among the young people with his peers, no one dared to speak to him in this tone, and at this moment, a new alien disciple dared to be so disrespectful to him. At this moment, he had already sentenced the other person to death.

"Well, who is dead and who isn't sure, a arrogant guy."

The young man snorted, but stopped talking to each other at all, and speaking, he suddenly turned away and looked at all the new disciples behind him.

"You, everyone, have seen today's situation. Only 50 of us here can survive. I propose that you first destroy the 50 arrogant guys on the opposite side, and you must not kill each other. Can you agree? "

Yuan Feng's voice was so powerful and separated from me in a few words. Don't say he controls these people secretly, even if he doesn't, the people here will definitely follow his words and join together for the time being. Get up against the enemy.

At this moment, he can already stand up and act as a leader. He knows very well that if he wants to get the attention of Ziyun Palace, then he must show the capital that is enough for Ziyun Palace to pay attention. Continue to blindly retain, I am afraid it will be difficult to reuse in the exchange.

Of course, he will grasp the middle scale, and he will never be found out by those who spy.

"Union union, must union, wait until these arrogant guys are destroyed, then we decide who lives and who dies."

"Agree, these guys look down on us, we will let them pay the price of blood and see who can laugh last."

"Our numbers are still dominant, and it must be us in the end!"

Yuan Feng's proposal immediately received everyone's support. The time and effort of the newcomers and disciples were all enthusiastic, and it seemed as if they were eager to swarm up and wipe out all 50 young people selected by the Ziyun Palace.

"His ...... not good, they can't let their momentum rise, everyone hands it !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's response, and all the newcomers and disciples seemed to become aggressive, Luo Zhan's complexion became very difficult to look at once, without a word, he issued a command to fight.

In such a group battle between two teams of men and horses, the momentum is very important. Originally, when they suddenly attacked, they were caught off guard by newcomers and disciples. At that time, they actually completely occupied the initiative. of. However, it was because of his few words that the momentum of the other party soared. This time, he was obviously making a big mistake.


The light flashed in his hand, and a dazzling spear suddenly appeared in his hand, and stabbed towards Yuan Feng for the first time. Obviously, at this moment, he put all his faults on Yuan Feng's body. Without killing Yuan Feng, he was unable to vent his anger.

"Boy, die for me !!!"

Luo Zhan doesn't just have his mouth on his strength. His strength is well known. This gun stabbed out sharply. It is really difficult for ordinary people to resist.

"Kill, either you die or I die, don't be afraid, everyone kills one !!!!"

"A bunch of waste gathered from everywhere, everyone don't need to be attentive, kill me !!!"

As Luo Zhan started, everyone else moved. There were only a hundred people in the entire space. As long as sixty people died, they could live on their own. As for which side died, it seems that it is not very important to them.

"Well, it seems to be a little genius, so that's fine. I'll use you as a stepping stone to my fame. I think it should be enough."

Yuan Feng didn't even move. Seeing Luo Zhan stabbing at the opposite side, he couldn't help moving, but thinking about how to deal with each other, and almost instantly worked, he wanted to Well, how to deal with each other.

Since he also wants to make a name for himself this time, of course, it is best to step on a genius, and he believes that the top ten disciples of the outside world will definitely observe their actions in the dark, and may even be connected to a certain Ziyun Palace. Some big men will secretly pay attention to the situation here.

Therefore, as long as the Luo battle is eliminated, it should be almost enough for him.


Thinking of this, a slender long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and between the corners of his mouth, he greeted up towards Luo Zhan's spear.

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