The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1633: Brother Liuhedian (one more)

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The exchange meeting has not yet started, and Ziyun Palace's preparations for the exchange event have been fully done.

The senior management of the Ziyun Palace has reached a consensus and determined the strength of the exchange club. After having a big policy, the next thing to do is naturally to sharpen the gun. Before the exchange conference begins, improve Ziyun as much as possible. The strength of disciples at all levels of the palace.

In this exchange meeting, the major disciple disciples basically have to participate. In addition to the disciple disciples, people of all classes must be prepared. After all, Ziyun Palace is the host of the conference. Must be able to cope with all variables. If the major forces who came to the event brought people in Yin Yang or Habitat, then they must compare with the people in Yin Yun or Habitat of Ziyun Palace, and they will absolutely Can't fall into sets.

The entire Ziyun Palace, from the ranks of the ten main halls to the ranks of the newcomers and disciples, has all begun intense preparations. Perhaps for those newcomers, the exchange event is only an opportunity to change their status. For those disciple disciples, this is an opportunity to express themselves, but for the senior members of the Ziyun Palace, this exchange meeting will first let others see the power of the Ziyun Palace, and secondly, it is also a guarantee for Ziyun Palace. The Cloud Palace can develop smoothly without being affected by outside influences.

In short, no matter what the purpose and idea are, the top and bottom of the Ziyun Palace attach great importance to this exchange meeting, but this cannot be done.

In a small space of Liuhe Hall and Shenglong Hall, the ten new disciples who have been selected here are all in a state of cultivation at the moment, preparing for the upcoming final selection.

It's a matter of their own future. Everyone is working very hard. I'm afraid that they will be defeated by others in the later discussions. Then I will lose this great opportunity.

Yuan Feng also started cultivation, but his cultivation method is different from others. He absolutely dismisses other people's so-called temporary guns.

Staying in his own small space, Yuan Feng never thought of practicing at this time. For him, the grand event is imminent. The only thing he needs to do is to do his cover up work, and don't let his boss be affected by others. People see through so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

As far as the exchange meeting is concerned, he has nothing more than a rough idea. As for the scale of the exchange meeting and who will be involved, he will not be able to imagine it out of thin air without seeing it in person.

However, no matter what level of people come to participate, as long as he can win the honor of Ziyun Palace in the exchange meeting, then he should be able to get the high-level attention and rewards of Ziyun Palace. By then, it will be of great significance to him. .

"I really don't know what kind of people will attend this exchange meeting. The Ziyun Palace is already strong enough. Is there any super power stronger than the Ziyun Palace?"

Sitting deep in the small space, Yuan Feng couldn't help imagining the situation of other participants when he pointed to the rest of his practice.

He has n’t been in Ziyun Palace for a long time, and it ’s not even a long time to come to Wuyun Realm. Ziyun Palace is the biggest force he has come into contact with. How many of them are like Ziyun? There is really no way for him to imagine such a behemoth like a palace, but maybe this exchange meeting will give him an answer.

In the past few days, he has pointed out the 100 newcomers and disciples who are about to join the war. It can be said that the 100 selected people today are definitely the real ones among the 10,000 newcomers and disciples. Outstanding. Of course, among the people in the yin and yang realm, he basically did not have much expectations. After all, those in the yin and yang realm in the Ziyun Palace must be better than those who have been promoted to the yin and yang realm.

In order for the subordinates in the yin and yang realm to win in the competition, it must be said that he must do it himself. But this is not a big deal. At least, he has two units: the body and the clone. By then, the clone can completely control a subordinate of a yin and yang state. At that time, he really does not believe that someone can be an opponent of the clone.

In the following time, Yuan Feng basically spent the cultivation of the people under his guidance and the aimless waiting, and while he was waiting, the instructions from the top of Ziyun Palace were finally passed Come down.

"Om !!!"

The entire Shenglong Temple shuddered suddenly. Then, an unusually large energy fluctuation directly covered the entire Shenglong Temple.

"Could Brother Huo Qi be here? Can't come out soon to meet you !!!"

With the huge coercion covering the entire Shenglong Temple, a very frantic shout rang out suddenly in the entire Shenglong Temple. At this moment, there is absolutely no one who is in the Dragon Temple I can't hear it.

"Well? Master !!!!"

Yuan Feng was instructing his subordinates to practice in his own small space. Suddenly, the sound of drinking made him feel instantly, because he had heard it. The sound of drinking now was definitely what he saw. Among those who have passed the Promise, their strength can be ranked almost to the strongest one.

"It's so powerful and can have such a powerful momentum. It seems that the person here is a disciple of Liuhedian! And most of them are still extremely advanced among them."

He has seen more than one or two disciples in Ziyun Palace. However, no matter whether he is from the Liuhe Palace or other palaces, he is sure that he has never seen such a powerful person.

"It seems that the coming person is for our ten new students and disciples, isn't it? The final quota should indeed be determined!"

He was not intimidated by the imposing manner of the visitors, but after a moment's thought, Yuan Feng returned to normal.

Although the strength of the people is really strong, but how can that be? No matter what, at the level of the Promise, he basically already has the capital to fear no one, but he is not afraid of how strong the other is.

"Well !!!"

Yuan Feng can not care how strong the comer is, but Huo Qi, the owner of the Shenglong Temple, can't care.

When the loud drinking sound rang through the Shenglong Temple, Huo Qi took a few followers almost immediately, appeared outside the gate of the Liuhe Temple, and greeted him out.

"I don't know that Brother Wang Zhong is coming here. The younger brother has a long-distance welcome, and I hope Brother Wang Zhong is not surprised."

Huo Qi's voice is full of tension. If you listen carefully, you will find that there is even a slight tremor in his voice, which shows that he should be very afraid of the coming person.

In fact, at this moment, he really couldn't help but not be afraid, because the people who came to the Dragon Hall this time were too high in status. Compared with others, he could not be compared in this life.

Wang Zhong, the master of Liuhe Palace, was the first disciple of the master of Liuhe Palace. It is said that when the Ziyun Palace was just established, this brother Wangzhong was already with the master of Liuhe Palace. At that time, the owner of the Liuhe Palace had only one such apprentice, and of course he tried to teach them all.

Even later, the new masters of the legendary masters of the Liuhe Palace were all taught by this brother Wang Zhong. It is said that this brother Wang Zhong has tried to impact the semi-godder no less than a few times. Unfortunately, Every time he hits the demigod, he ends in failure, but every shock makes his strength go further.

Up to now, the whole of the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace, when viewed from the line of disciples of disciples, will never exceed the number of people with two hands.

In the Liuhe Hall, Wang Zhong has absolute rights. The whole Liuhe Hall has the greatest rights besides Huan, the master of the hall. However, on weekdays, this master Wang Zhong couldn't see anyone at all, and even the master of Huadai Temple rarely saw the other person.

To put it bluntly, today's Brother Wang Zhong has reached the limit of cultivation. Even if he is the master of Huadai Palace, I am afraid there is nothing to teach him.

"Okay, Brother Huo Qi doesn't need to be polite. This time, I am here to honor the Master. Come and take over the ten new disciples you have chosen. Call them all!"

Wang Zhong's height is more than two meters. The whole looks tall and big, like a small hill, plus his momentum is too much, it feels really stressful.

During this exchange meeting, he was also found by his master and delegated some tasks. No way, the entire Liuhe Hall is his strongest and oldest qualification. He has come to coordinate various events. Whether it is the interior of the Liuhe Hall or the other nine palaces, he has to give him a few points. Thin-faced.

This is the energy of veteran legendary disciples, even if they are some demigods in Ziyun Palace, their influence alone may not be comparable to these veteran legendary disciples.

"Yes, yes, I'll go and call people out and let my brother arrange."

Huo Qi didn't dare to neglect, and in talking, he quickly rushed Wang Zhong to his own Dragon Hall. After a brief arrangement, he quickly convened ten new disciples and brought them to Wang Zhong's front.

In the presence of other disciples, he dared to say a few words, but in the presence of this brother Wang Zhong, he really dared not have a superfluous word.

"Okay, I took them away. Brother Huo Qi is good at cultivating other people. Also, if these ten people can go to the end, I will remember your credit."

After ten new disciples appeared, Wang Zhong only glanced at a few people at random, and then said something to Huo Qi. His promise is almost equivalent to the promise of the owner of the Liuhe Dian Dian. With this promise, Huo Qi's heart will undoubtedly be too much.

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