The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1632: Make minor adjustments (four more)

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A group of super masters in Ziyun Palace gathered in the temple to discuss this exchange event, and as the owner of Yiyuan Palace began to talk about the issues he needed to determine with you, nearly thirty Ziyun Palace were super strong Those who are patience listened.

At this level of their cultivation, it is very difficult for them to have any major troubles, and there are also no unresolvable things for them to make trouble. Everyone knows that the reason why the master of the Yuanyuan Temple wanted to post Everyone comes here, in fact, they want to make things perfect, and do not leave anyone a handle.

Everyone is at the level of the owner of the Ziyun Palace. Although the owner of the Palace of the One Yuan is in charge of all matters of the Ziyun Palace, it is not easy to shoulder it.

"You, at this exchange meeting, conservatively estimate that there will be no less than ten forces coming from all over, and some of these forces have dealt with my Ziyun Palace several times, and some may not have much intersection, but No matter which one, their overall strength will not be worse than my Ziyun Palace. This is clear to everyone's mind, right? "

The master of the Yuanyuan Temple split the sky and held the handrail of the throne with one hand, his gaze swept over everyone's body. For so many years, the external affairs of the Ziyun Palace were almost always arranged by the One Yuan Temple. Over time, he, the owner of the One Yuan Temple, had a faint tendency called the spokesman of the Zi Yun Temple.

Speaking of which, the Yuanyuan Hall embraced major events and external affairs, which was also the result of the acquiescence of other palaces. For the other strong masters of the temple, they have no experience in hosting major events, so if they are really allowed to do it, they may not be able to do as well as the one yuan temple.

Moreover, the Yiyuan Temple is nothing more than doing more work. In their opinion, this is not a big deal, so there is no need to compete with the Yiyuan Temple.

However, as time goes by, everyone slowly discovers that to this day, there is indeed a sense of superiority in the Ziyuan Palace ’s Yuanyuan Hall, but at this time, they want to change these, no doubt it is a bit late.

"Ten or so forces came here. This is almost a conservative estimate. Maybe this time the exchange meeting will have more powerful forces."

"Yes, almost all previous exchange meetings have been attended more than once. It is estimated that this session of exchanges hosted by my Ziyun Palace should be no less than fifteen?"

"It is possible that everyone is becoming more and more active today. In the past 100 years, what I found in Ziyun Palace can be compared with Ziyun Palace in terms of strength. I am afraid that there are no less than three?"

"But it's nothing, no matter how many people come, you can still entertain me at Ziyun Palace."

When the words of the cracked sky came to an end, the rest of the Ziyun Palace super powers expressed their views. Of course, their views were basically imaginary, but there was no basis.

The boundless world is really too big. Although the Ziyun Palace is divided, one of the people in charge of the Ziyun Palace is not arrogant to the invincible world. They are very clear that in the boundless boundless world, the strength and the They are comparable, there will definitely be many, many, even stronger than them, it is not impossible.

In fact, when the Demigods in Ziyun Palace go out to practice, they often find that the scale is large and their strength is comparable to that of Ziyun Palace. However, such forces are generally far away. It is difficult to move between each other.

However, in the long years, some super powers that are relatively close to each other have developed the tradition of holding exchange meetings every so often. This tradition has continued for countless years.

The purpose of the exchange meeting is actually very simple. The major forces are far away, and no one knows what the other party ’s development routine and speed are. In order to better understand the development of strength comparable to their own strength, the exchange meeting It came into being.

Everyone wants to know how others are developing, and through the exchange meeting, they can have a rough understanding of each other's strengths. Undoubtedly, if a super-power is declining, the distance will be divided by other forces, I am afraid it will not be far away.

If you fall behind, you will suffer. This is almost the eternal truth. There is no doubt when it will be.

"Everyone who wants to come here understands that the exchange meeting is to show our strength. If not, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deter those guys. So my idea is to show our strength as much as possible, but There must be enough back-ends. Only in this way, the exchange meeting of the Ziyun Palace is not in vain. "

There have been many and many events in the Ziyuan Palace hosted by the Yiyuan Hall. The master of the palace cracks these routine things much better than others. In this regard, others can only sigh.

"Brother Tian means ..."

From the words of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, it is not difficult to see that this time he is fully responsible for the exchange event. He should have his own ideas, but because of the opinions of everyone, he did not decide directly. Right now, since everyone is here, there's no need to hide what the other party has to say.

"I think that at this exchange event, at least five or more demigods in Ziyun Palace should show up. As for the disciples of disciples under your control, if possible, call back as many as possible. Let ’s all participate in this kind of event! "

Seeing that everyone was looking at themselves, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple no longer hesitated, and just said his proposal.

In previous exchange meetings, the number of semi-godder strong players played was almost two or three. Although it is not difficult to feel that there are other semi-godder strong players among those martial arts forces, those semi-goddlers He did not show up.

This time, the Lord of the Yuan Temple was to break the tradition and let everyone see the essence of the Ziyun Palace. Of course, the main purpose is to use it to deter the younger generations of other forces.

Everyone competes for the future development. To put it plainly, isn't it the strength of the younger generation? This time he proposed to send more demigods, just to put a little pressure on the younger generations of all major forces, and if they could leave a little psychological shadow on them, it would be even more beautiful.

"It's OK to have as many disciples as possible to participate in the exchange meeting, but is it too overwhelming to expose too much demi-god power?"

As soon as the voice of the Master of the Heavenly Temple fell, someone immediately came forward and expressed different opinions. It is not bad to break the tradition, but for so many years, no one at the exchange meeting has broken the tradition. It seems that the Ziyun Palace does not need to do that.

"No, the words of the Lord Moxian Temple are bad. We have just predicted that this year's exchange meeting will definitely have more powerful people. If you still follow the previous rules, that is the only way. Really wrong. "

Since the Lord of the Heavenly Temple has put forward his own opinions, it is naturally a decision made after careful consideration. If such a decision is easily overturned by a few words from others, then he is the owner of the Yuan Temple. I'm afraid I did it for nothing.

It shows that Ziyun Palace is powerful, but it can't be too powerful. This degree is really difficult to grasp. The Master of the Heavenly Temple made such a simple decision, which seemed to have little effect on the overall situation, but in fact, the meaning of it was only understood after practice.

"I think Brother Tiantian is right and times are changing. We really shouldn't look at the problem from the previous point of view."

"Yes, I also think this is feasible. Anyway, as I claimed from the Ziyun Palace, there are ten main hall masters, and five have been moved, which is not an unimaginable thing."

"Yes, yes, this matter really makes sense. For me, at this exchange meeting, I will dispatch five demigods from the Ziyun Palace. As for the major disciples, I ’ll send as many as I can, no matter what. This time the exchange meeting, I have to win a great victory in Ziyun Palace, and must not lose face in front of people. "

The proposal of Split Sky immediately won everyone's support. For them, as long as some things were mentioned, they could almost figure it out. The proposal of the Master of Split Sky Palace is undoubtedly very important. suitable.

"Well, it seems that everyone also thinks that the next proposal is good. In this case, let's discuss it in the next time. How many brothers have to take more care? It is definitely going to participate in the next, I do not know Which brother is willing to stand up and meet the guests with me. "

Now that things have been decided, the most important thing is, of course, to choose people. In the final analysis, disciple-level characters are actually secondary. The most important thing is that they must not behave as demigods. Too sloppy.

"Count me, I have no intention to cultivate these days, just to accompany the people of the major forces of the cleavage of the heavens, and to let them see the strength of my Ziyun Palace."

"I'm one of them. I like to make fun of it. Even if there are only two places, I want to play with the Master of the Heavenly Temple. Now that there are five places, I want to participate even more. . "

"Let's do some fun, too. I haven't been active for a long time. At that time, I have done tricks with those guys from other forces. I wonder if everyone can trust me?"

"Oh, give me the last place. Although I'm a woman, I can do some research on Xuan Zhen together. Maybe it will be useful by then."

Leaving aside the Tiantian Lord's occupation of one place, the remaining four places were immediately divided up by the strong men in the demigod, and the last one to win the place turned out to be the all-spirit fairy of the Spirit Garden This is far beyond everyone's expectations.

However, since the immortal fairy wants to participate in it, of course, everyone has no opinion, and she is allowed to occupy a place and become one of the five demigods who appear this time.

"This is all together. In the next time, everyone will go back and give instructions to their disciples. I also have to make the final preparations. It won't be long before I come, there should be VIPs coming!"

After discussing everything, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple looked down, and seemed to be full of anticipation for the exchange meeting he hosted.

ps: Four more arrived, please Huahuahua comfort! !! !!

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