The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1607: Ending (three)

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Xing Dongqing and other five great disciple disciples approached Liu Hong and Yang Xi. Although the latter explained the situation that should be explained clearly, in the end, a word from Li Xian pushed the two again.

In any case, the two did not bid farewell at the beginning, it was definitely a loss to five people, and since then, they must pay some price.

Although extremely reluctant, Liu Hong and Yang Xi also had no choice. In the end, they showed some sincerity to apologize, promised a lot of benefits for five people, and even took the colored spar they had obtained Five people were given some money, which made them satisfied.

"All of you, this time I convened everyone, but in the end, not only did not let everyone gain, but they were all injured. I really apologize for this."

After Liu Hong and Yang Xi took their sincerity out, Xing Dongqing also stood out and arched in front of everyone.

This time he took everyone to explore the treasure. He has always played the role of leader. Although Liu Hong and Yang Xi were wrong, they have already given their sincerity to apologize. Next, obviously, it depends on his performance. .

"Xun Xing, the road is chosen by everyone. You are not wrong in this matter. You don't need to do this."

The Seven Star Hall Han Hai stood up at this time, but it was the first time to support Xing Dongqing Road. The relationship between the two of them has been very good. Xing Dongqing stood up and apologized. Of course, he must find a way to maintain it.

However, with the exception of Han Hai, the others didn't say anything. Obviously, in their hearts, it didn't seem that they really didn't mind at all.

If you think about it, if you do n’t get anything, do n’t say anything. Even if you are injured, you will feel an imbalance when you change who you are, especially Liu Hong and Yang Xi. They also lost some colored crystals. With a lot of rare resources, their hearts are even more unbalanced.

"Hey, Brother Han's remarks are bad, no matter what, everyone listened to my command before, and now something happened, and I really should take responsibility." He waved his hands and Xing Dongqing said with a smile to Han Hai, Then I continued, "Look at it like this, since I have been the leader before, then we must start and end. These spar, let us divide it, it should be the next bit of compensation."

As the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand. Then, almost a dozen spar was taken out by him and placed in the middle of the crowd.

As an apprentice of the Temple of One Yuan, Xing Dongqing was simply not familiar with the way of being a man. To him, a hundred or so spar is actually nothing. After taking out these spar, he would It can get a little respect for the six people right now, and even if it can't reach the level of respect, at least it can make the six people have a good impression on him.

It can be said that this sale is definitely not at a loss. At least, if there is a situation of unity in the future, then everyone should be very willing to let him be the leader.

"Oh, Xing Xie, I haven't shown much service to Li Xian, but Xing Xing is definitely an exception. In the entire Ziyun Palace, Xing Xing is definitely one of the representatives of the younger generation!"

When Xing Dongqing took out the spar, Li Xian was the first one to stand up, ambiguously praised the other side. However, what he said was very elaborate. The so-called representative figure was added, but it would not make others uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, I also obeyed, this kind of mind of Xing Xiong, the whole Ziyun Palace really can not find a few people, if there is a chance in the future, we must continue to cooperate with Xing Xiong."

I have to say that Xing Dongqing's trick is really powerful. Without much resources, it is a good impression on everyone. From now on, not to mention other people, these six people who are present alone, at least He will not be regarded as a hostile person.

"You are raised." With a slight smile, Xing Dongqing's eyes glanced at Liu Hong and Yang Xi, as if they didn't quite trust the two, but with a slight glance, he stopped watching them.

"Everyone, everyone has suffered some injuries this time, especially Brother Yang Xi and Liu Hong. This time is even more serious. If I remember correctly, five years later, it should be a millennium exchange meeting. Everyone should recover the injury as soon as possible, and in the best state to welcome the grand event five years later! "

Xing Dongqing, as a person of the Yuanyuan Hall, knows the most among all the disciples of the ten palaces, because the main responsibility of the Yuanyuan Hall is to be responsible for many matters of the Ziyun Palace.

"Communication meeting? Hiss, yes, I forgot the exchange meeting five years later."

"Well, the exchange meeting once every millennium is coming again soon, but it really should be prepared."

"I just happened to be in the retreat during the last exchange meeting, but I missed it regretfully. This time, I must be insightful."

Hearing Xing Dongqing mentioned the exchange meeting, the people present were all stunned and looked bright.

The exchange meeting in Ziyun Palace does not know many people. Because this kind of event, basically not everyone is eligible to participate. For many people, what is the exchange meeting, and who will join it? It's all an unknown number.

As a matter of fact, Ziyun Palace, as the largest of the tens of millions of cities, is indeed strong enough to suppress the Quartet. However, the boundless world is too big. Of course, beyond the tens of millions of cities controlled by the Ziyun Palace, of course, there will be forces that are not weaker than the Ziyun Palace. The so-called exchange meeting of Xing Dongqing is Between those super powers and the Ziyun Palace.

In the previous exchange meeting, the Ziyun Palace went to another city to participate, and this year's exchange meeting was held by the Ziyun Palace.

Others don't know, but Xing Dongqing is very clear. A few years ago, the Yuanyuan Temple had begun to prepare the details of the exchange meeting. This time, he talked about this matter, and it was also a relatively important news for everyone.

Speaking of which, the reason why he went to Manghuang Forest to find opportunities to improve his strength was also to prepare for the exchange meeting five years later.

Although the Ziyun Palace is very superior, in fact, other distant forces are not weaker than Ziyun Palace. Naturally, those genius disciples will not be worse than them.

"Well, everyone, everyone who should be reminded has reminded everyone that there is still something to do next. This is a step ahead, and there will be a period later."

However, Xing Dongqing didn't say much any more. He arched his hands in front of the crowd, and then flashed in shape, flying away in the direction of the Yuan Temple. No matter what, he still got some colored spar this time, and I don't know if this thing can help him improve some strength and help him shine at the exchange event.

"There will be a period later !!!"

When Xing Dongqing left, the rest of the people arched in the direction of the disappearance of the former, some faint gratitude.

If it wasn't for Xing Dongqing's reminding them, they had really forgotten this stubble, and they would still have to receive this kind of affection.

"Everyone, let's divide these spar. After finishing the division, let's go back to each one. If there is any action in the future, everyone will continue to cooperate."

"Oh, okay, this time is not very pleasant, I hope not to do it next time."

Right now there is really nothing left to say. Everyone has a view on this incident. As for whether there will be cooperation in the future, let's talk about it in the future!

"Sparlite !!!"

Anyway, Xing Dongqing has left, and everyone is not embarrassed. During the conversation, the six people came forward and divided the spar left by Xing Dongqing into six. Each took one of them. Then, everyone Farewell to say goodbye, that is, one after another to go to each house, each looking for a mother.

Li Xian and Bai Ling from Liuhedian were the first to leave. They were the first to step forward and take away the spar, because for them, these spar were originally found by them, but were separated by these guys halfway. Some, take it back now, nothing seems to be wrong!

As for cooperation, they were unwilling to cooperate with other people. This time it was a coincidence, and there was really no way to refuse. Otherwise, he would not talk about cooperation with this group of people!

After Li Xian and Bai Ling left, the rest also left, while Liu Hong, the Eight Diagrams Palace, and Yang Xi from the Nine Palaces, stayed in the end.

"Hey, this time it's a bit big. Brother Yang, it's hard for both of us!"

"Who said no? Hey, I blame you for being too anxious before, but you forgot to remind them that you and I have been taken away by these people for so many resources."

"Let ’s just make a fortune and avoid disasters. These people are not good at fault. Besides, who made us really do something bad this time?"

"Hey, don't talk about it, you and I are hurt the most this time. It is estimated that this exchange event is really impossible to participate!"

"That thing has nothing to participate in. If it performs well, there are some rewards. If it doesn't perform well, it will lose the face of Ziyun Palace.

"Hahaha, the hero sees similar things. In this case, Brother Yang, let's meet again."

"Farewell !!!"

Liu Hong and Yang Xi were not too sad. Although they lost some money, in general, this trip did not run in vain. Although they were injured, did they have any healing baby in their palace? Recover, but not too much trouble.

"Brush !!!!"

With the two flashes of light, the platform finally completely quieted down, and at this point, this incident can be regarded as a perfect period. As for the ten new disciples, they have really been caught by them Completely forgotten.

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