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The Ziyun Palace, on top of a huge palace towering into the clouds, has a small platform extending from above the palace. The entire platform is almost ten meters square, and on such a huge palace, ten meters square The small platform, like a small piece of bump, is inconspicuous at all.

It seems that this small platform should be an observation platform, or a landing platform for people in and out of the Ziyun Palace, but at such a height, it can be qualified to use this small platform I am afraid there are very few of them.

At this moment, on this small platform, seven young men and women are standing together in a circle, but everyone's face is not so good-looking.

"Xing Xie, and several other brothers, the sentence I and the brother Yang Xi said is true. If there is a false sentence, it will be punished by heaven, and several brothers will be asked to check."

"Yes, Yang Xi swears. Brother Liu Hong and I said that happened in the Dragonscale Beast Cave that day. If a few of them still don't believe it, then the two of us really have no choice."

Liu Hong of the Eight Diagrams Palace and Yang Xi of the Nine Palaces all vowed to tell their vulgar experiences in the cave of the Dragon Dragon Beast that day. They are really telling the truth, but will the remaining five great disciple disciples believe it? It depends on the ideas of these five people.

After the return of the five great disciples led by Xing Dongqing, Liu Hong and Yang Xi were contacted for the first time, and Liu Hong and Yang Xi, who knew they were wrong, also came to Ziyun honestly. The palace's heart-raising hall went to feast.

The Yangxin Hall is a self-cultivation hall in the Ziyun Palace. Here, you can talk about it calmly. If you change to another place, I am afraid that you can say a few words, and everyone may fight.

Whether it was Liu Hong or Yang Xi, they were obviously very clear. Before they left without saying goodbye, they really needed to find an opportunity to explain clearly. Otherwise, Xing Dongqing and others would surely think they had benefited and then ran away.

This is also human nature, who made them flee directly without even saying hello?

"According to your statement, after the two of you entered the cave that day, you actually saw a large, a small, and two purple dragon scale beasts? And the big one also burned its own vitality to protect that cub?"

When Liu Hong and Yang Xi's explanations fell, Xing Dongqing and other five people frowned. Obviously, for the explanations of the two, they were not completely convinced, but they could not find anything. The question comes.

If the Ziqi Dragonscale Beast was really just produced at that time, then all the previous things could be explained. Now thinking back, the two World of Warcraft at that time were so miserable, and they were so desperate, in addition to protecting the pups, it seems that there is no better explanation!

"Xing Xun clearly observed that this was the case at the time. Even if we had the courage, we would not dare to deceive everyone, after all, everyone is a disciple of Ziyun Palace, but we will meet each other in the future. "

"That's right, and, Brother Xing should have seen it, both of us have been badly hit now. One was injured by the mother of the purple dragon scale beast, and the other was summoned the teleportation mystery at that time. It hurts the roots and almost almost fell into the realm. You think, what can be done that is worth making both of us so desperate? "

Speaking of which, the incident this time can be big or small. For Liu Hong and Yang Xi, they must convince everyone present. If they are not convinced, they are equivalent to setting up five powerful enemies for themselves. , And such five powerful enemies, that is not a joke.

Moreover, if there is no such thing, if they are actually charged with such a crime, wouldn't they be wronged?

The disciples of the Five Great Heirs did not speak anymore. When Liu Hong and Yang Xi's words fell, the five of them all had eyes narrowed and looked at the two guys in front of them quietly.

Frankly speaking, Liu Hong and Yang Xi were both seriously injured at this moment, and their breath was very scattered. The state at this time can be described as extremely poor.

The explanation of the two is reasonable and the situation is basically nothing wrong, but if they are so easy to believe, it seems a little worse.

In this world, there are too many things that can make people tempted. God knows whether the two have found any superbaby, and then they joined forces to perform a bitter drama.

This possibility cannot be ruled out, because some treasures do have the effect of ascending to the sky, and such treasures naturally deserve them to deceive everyone in any way.

"In that case, the mother of the purple dragon scale beast at that time felt danger and burned its vitality to take you back, and the male of that dragon scale beast blew up with everyone in a self-explosive way. In the end, the mother of that purple dragon scale beast, with the cub, took away all the treasures in the cave and escaped in secret? "

For a long time, Xing Dongqing of the Yiyuan Hall raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

After the situation has been sorted out, it seems that only this explanation is the most reasonable. After all, they did not find the mother of the purple dragon dragon scale beast, and did not find any cubs. It is estimated that the two guys, It should have escaped while the dragon scale beast exploded outside.

The thing of Warcraft is indeed extremely fierce. For cubs, this thing can really do everything. In their long cultivation career, this kind of thing has been seen more than once or twice.

"Is this the case? The two of us are not sure. Anyway, what we said is absolutely true. As for whether the later two Warcrafts fled, we do not know."

Liu Hong's brow was also wrinkled, and then he told the truth.

They only knew what happened before they fled. As for what happened later, almost all stayed on speculation, and they didn't really see it, so they didn't dare to make a conclusion.

However, according to the situation when they left, the mother of that purple dragon dragon scale beast should not have the ability to escape with the cub? !! Of course, this point, they will not say it, after all, if this point is also denied, then they will have no way to get out of the relationship!

Having said that, if it wasn't for the mother beast and the cubs fled, then there would be no other possibility. After all, there were no other people or other Warcrafts in the cave except for the two Warcrafts. If the mother hadn't escaped with the cubs, it seems that no other possibility could be found.

"Well, it seems that the truth is quite clear. After a long time of trouble, this trip not only ran for nothing, but it also caused everyone to suffer such a serious injury. It is really worth the loss!"

Having said this, it seems that there is really nothing to say. The seven people present all had their own injuries, and there was nothing unbalanced in everyone's hearts.

"Hehe, both of them are reasonable and reasonable, and the five of us can trust you, but even if all this is true, there seem to be some things that everyone should say?"

Just as the atmosphere at the scene eased a little, one of the Seven Great Masters' disciples stood out, yin and yang strangely.


Hearing that someone suddenly stood up to speak, Liu Hong and Yang Xi just let go of their hearts, but could not help but hang up again, and the two of them could not help but frown.

"Hmm, Li Xian, what do you mean? It should be said, we both have made it very clear, don't you want to * death us two?"

Seeing that Li Xian stood up at this time, and obviously there was something in the words, Liu Hong and Yang Xi both had some bad feelings.

"Hahaha, the two words are heavy, I am Li Xianhe, how can I die? Two people, but some things are justified, but some things have not yet been said. At least, the two of them have to finish speaking. Right? "

Li Xian's face was full of evil smiles. He had already benefited this time, and he could return directly to the Ziyun Palace to enjoy the blessing, but for now, it is good. For no reason, he was injured so severely. What would it say? Without it, of course, he could not be balanced.

"Two of you, you are greedy for fear of death, and we all have nothing to say, but you two know that the purple dragon scale beast gave birth to a cub, but did not remind us of five people, causing five of us to be seriously injured. , Do n’t the two of them have any trace of guilt and never think of compensation? ”

Li Xian's words saw blood for a while, but they also expressed the aspirations of everyone. In fact, Liu Hong and Yang Xi did not even think about the safety of the people, and they escaped in secret. This is indeed unspeakable. They let the two give an explanation, which is indeed reasonable.

"Yes, yes, Brother Li Xian is right, Liu Hong and Yang Xi, you hurt us. This incident is not so easy to pass. No matter what, you have to show something."

"That is, you two are afraid of dying, and even the five of us are unlucky with you. This matter is not so easy to end, and there must be a statement anyway."

A word from Li Xian reminded other people present that they were injured this time because of the relationship between Liu Hong and Yang Xi, and it was reasonable and reasonable for them to make compensation.

"This this…………"

Listening to Li Xian and others talking, whether it is Liu Hong or Yang Xi, they can't help but look stagnant. They have always been worried about it. They thought that everyone had ignored it, but they didn't expect it. It was brought up by Li Xian, and now that it has been raised by Li Xian, I am afraid it will not be so easy to pass!

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