The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1576: The Secret Realm (Second)

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The selection of ten new students and disciples was quickly completed, and the selected Bai Ling and Li Xian did not continue. Instead, they took the ten young people selected by them and left the hall of Shenglong Temple. Sweeping away outside the Ziyun Palace.

What is certain is that they asked ten young people from Huo Qi this time, of course, it was impossible to bring them back for training. Speaking of them, how could they have such a leisurely feeling? After all, they asked these ten new habitat disciples for fear of having their secrets unknown.

Out of the scope of the Ziyun Palace, Bai Ling and Li Xian directly took out their space-time boat, and put all ten young people into the space-time boat, rushing together towards the east.

Their identities are there, of course, it is impossible to eliminate the space-time boat as a means of travel, and the journey is not close. If it depends on flying, God knows how long it will take. Anyway, they are the true powerhouses of Ziyun Palace, and their status and status are all placed there, but they are not worried that anyone dares to take care of their gossip.

"Brother, what do you say about our success rate this time? After so long preparing, won't it still end in failure?"

In the space-time boat, the two great disciples Li Xian and Bai Ling, while controlling the space-time boat to quickly rush, if no one was talking, as for the ten new disciples on the side, they would not take these ten people to heart.

The ten new students and disciples all stood side by side honestly at this moment, and everyone was silent, as if they were afraid that something would happen, and they were thrown out directly.

No one can afford to enjoy such advanced goods as space-time boat. Except for one of the ten new students and disciples present on the space-time boat, the other nine people are still in control of space-time boat for the first time. Hurry.

"This is not good, the situation there is too complicated, and the rejection of the power of the rules is really too great. If even the people in the habitat are unable to enter, then we will find some people in the cave. Try it, if it doesn't work, it can only be slowly figured out, or even tell the news to others, and everyone will share it together. "

Li Xian's brow frowned, followed by a little helplessness.

They found a weird place during an experience long time ago. After some research, they determined that the area was very extraordinary, and maybe there would be some unexpected treasures in it.

It's a pity that after trying for a long time, they didn't get into the area in the end, as if the space there was very special, and they were not allowed to enter by the power of the law.

After thinking about it, they thought of trying to find a few people in the habitat without the power of a rule to try their luck. As for success or failure, they would have to wait until they tried it.

"We have kept this secret for so long. If we just take it out and share it with them, we really have a lot of unwillingness!"

Bai Ling's good-looking brow is also wrinkled, obviously he doesn't want to take the secret out and share it with others. Everyone wants to take the baby as their own, and if you take it out and share it, of course, what you can get is of course a lot less.

"Oh, Shimei, don't think about this anymore. At the moment, we can continue to try, and when it really doesn't work, it's not too late to consider these then."

Shaking his head and smiling, Li Xian looked more open. Of course, he said so, but he just wanted to show his demeanor. In fact, of course, he didn't want to do this at all.

"Ten of you listen, Shimei and I found a place where the power of the rules is more exclusive. It is difficult for the two of us to enter. This time calling you, it is also an opportunity for you, as long as you can The situation in that secret place proved that if there were any treasures, they would all be taken out for us. By then, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to you. "

Li Xian's eyes slowly turned to the side of the ten new disciples, and then his voice was cold and authentic.

Speaking of this time, it really depends on the abilities of these ten people. If these ten people can enter that secret place and take out all the treasures inside for them, it is simply good news.

Of course, if they ca n’t take out the treasure inside, or even get in, then these ten guys may be unlucky, and they can all leave their lives there, after all, they are absolutely Outsiders are not allowed to know where the secrets are.

"I wait to understand."

The ten new students and disciples hurriedly bowed to each other. They are all smart people. From the conversation between Li Xian and Bai Ling, they have understood some situations. Now Li Xianming speaks clearly. If they do n’t understand, In that case, it really doesn't deserve to be a disciple of Ziyun Palace.

"Hmm, just understand, I hope you don't let me and my sister down." With a cold hum, there was a hint of satisfaction in Li Xian's face, but deep in his eyes, there was a faint presence. A strange light was flashing.

These ten people must die if they ca n’t get the secret things, but if they get too much treasure or are too sensitive, then these ten people will also die. To put it bluntly, the moment these ten new disciples stepped out of the Dragon Hall, they were actually doomed to death.

"Well, that's right. I was thinking about when it would be a little stimulating. I came here unexpectedly!"

Li Xian and Bai Ling chatted on their own, but they didn't find it. Among the ten new disciples, at this moment, a new disciple who doesn't seem to have any strangeness is full of eyes. Excitement.

Yuan Feng couldn't help but not get excited. He failed to shock the yin and yang environment before, so he urgently needed a new opportunity to challenge the yin and yang environment. However, if he waits for Huo Qi to arrange tasks for him little by little, he doesn't know when he can get it again. Chance to yin and yang.

However, just as he was thinking about how to get more valuable opportunities, Li Xian and Bai Ling came to the Dragon Hall. After a little thought, he took the initiative to show that Li Xian was unhappy. Behaviour finally became a member of this squad.

How powerful is his perception ability. When Li Xian and Bai Ling said they would borrow someone, he knew that they would never be attentive. In all likelihood, they were going to unload and kill the donkey. Therefore, as long as he upsets the two, Bacheng will be selected and taken away.

It turns out that all his speculations were correct. It seems that the two disciples did not intend to let them return to Ziyun Palace alive.

Of course, he didn't worry about it at all. First of all, he has the ability to not fear these two people. Secondly, the ten people selected this time, aside from him, the other nine people are all His subordinates, he wanted everyone to do what everyone would do, but he could not turn Li Xian and Bai Ling to show off their strength.

Finally, if the place they are going to is really a place with heavy treasures, then maybe he can also use it to promote cultivation. Once he reaches the yin and yang realm, he believes that these two legends Disciple, absolutely cannot escape the palm of his hand.

At this moment, he may not be able to subdue the two, even if it is a blood curse, he may not be able to control the two, but once promoted to the yin and yang realm, his strength will be able to reach the same level as ordinary demigods. It shouldn't be too difficult to subdue the two.

Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if he can't subdue the two, he can also obliterate the two directly. As long as the two are slaughtered, he will secretly return to the Ziyun Palace at that time. No one will doubt him if he wants to. .

"I don't know what kind of secret environment these two people found, it sounds like they are quite good."

Yuan Feng didn't show anything at the moment. He has absolute confidence in himself. The two of them are really strong right now, but they are not strong enough to cause him trouble. At least, if he wants to get rid of him, Then even if they are exhausted, they may not catch up.

The secret place that can make the two great disciples fascinate, but does not want to, does not sound too ordinary. Maybe this time, it will really be a good opportunity for him!

The space-time boat is very quiet. Only the voice of Li Xian and Bai Ling discussing, they need to make some calculations. How can they make good use of the ten new disciples and thoroughly dig out the secrets they want to dig out? .

Yuan Feng didn't bother these two people either. He was sinking his mind into the space-time boat at the moment, while thinking about his mind and feeling the situation outside.

These two legendary disciples are indeed very strong. The speed and space boat they control is really extremely fast. Obviously, the quality of the space and time boat they are controlling is probably better than that of his time and space boat. .

The two disciple disciples talked for a long time, and it seemed that they were almost at the end of the discussion. Then they stopped the discussion, and the next time, they were driving the space-time boat and heading to their destination.

The two had no voice. Of course Yuan Feng would not provoke them at this time. At this moment, he sinks his mind out of the space-time boat and feels the wonderful feeling brought by the space-time boat when he shuttles. The magical skills of Xiaoyao have the same effect.

Not to mention, from the flight of the space-time boat, he was able to deepen his understanding of Xiaoyao ’s magical power, and even combined the flight of the space-time boat with Xiaoyao ’s magical power to make his freedom and freedom.

"Well? It seems something is wrong!"

At one moment, Yuan Feng, who had been sinking his mind into the outside world, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes couldn't help flashing a strange color.

"It seems that this trip to the so-called Secret Realm should be more than just these two guys?"

Mind turned, Yuan Feng's eyes were slightly stunned, but there was already a hint of enlightenment under her heart.

"Om !!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng thought about it, the entire space-time boat suddenly trembled. Then, Li Xian and Bai Ling, who had been driving the space-time boat, took a positive look and looked at ten people.

"Here you go, adjust your mentality, and be ready for the shot!"

Li Xian was speaking, and speaking, he couldn't help but raise his hand. At once, everyone disappeared into the space-time boat, and the entire space-time boat disappeared at this moment.

ps: Thank you for your support! Thank you very much! !! !!

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