The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1575: Pick (one more)

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The sudden advent of the two great biography disciples could not help making Huo Qi feel the real pressure. For him, Li Xian and Bai Ling were both unbearable existences, and even one of them was enough for him to accept on weekdays, and It's better now that the two came together, and as soon as they spoke, they asked for the right to cultivate new disciples from him.

Frankly, when I heard Bai Ling said that he would help himself to worry about and help him train a few new disciples, he really wanted to refuse the first time, but, when the words came to his mouth, he was swallowed by him. go back.

Bai Ling and Li Xian begging for the right to cultivate new students and disciples, and only a few new students, this is obviously not as simple as asking for the right to cultivate, there are absolutely two unknown secrets.

Between the turning of his mind, Huo Qi stabilized himself. Then he smiled slightly and continued to say to the two: "Hey, Brother Li Xian, Sister Bai Ling, the master has given the task of training new disciples. In my hands, I really dare not relax in the slightest. I will try my best to train them. Brothers and sisters are busy with work. Such a trivial matter may delay the cultivation time of brothers and sisters, right? "

It should be said that he did not know what medicine was sold in the gourds of the two men, but in any case, he must not hand over the people casually. In that case, even if he is at the main hall of Liuhe Temple Can't justify it.

In any case, the owner of the Liuhe Palace is his biggest excuse. No matter who comes, he can move the old man out to talk about the matter. If there is really nothing he can do, think of another way.

What exactly Li Xian and Bai Ling are going to do is not good at the moment. At the moment, he still finds a way to stabilize the two, and then asks the situation.

"Master Huo Qi has misunderstood. The two of us do n’t need too many new students and disciples. The older sister thinks that it is very meaningful to train new people for me in Liuhedian. So I want to discuss with the master. When ten or eight people went back to training, it was as if nothing had happened to pass the time. I wonder if Brother Huo Qi can give me this noodle?

After hearing Huo Qi's statement, Bai Ling stood up again, but this time, she made her and Li Xian's requirements more concrete and made her understand a little more clearly.

She and Li Xian came here and said that they had come to borrow a few new disciples, but they also knew that Huo Qi was ordered to act. If they were too tight, it would not be given to Liuhe Temple. The Lord is the face of their Master.

Therefore, rather than that, it is better to take out their own face and use it. If you want to come to Huo Qi, you also understand that you should know how to do it.

This time they had a temporary intention. Speaking of them, their actions encountered some difficulties, but only those who were able to help them were able to help, and they were thinking about where to find a reliable and powerful habitat. When they were in charge, they just caught up with Liuhe Dian to recruit new people, which was just like preparing for them.

The new recruits recruited in Liuhe Palace are, of course, powerful and qualified geniuses. After this period of training, these new disciples must be stronger than outsiders, maybe they can really help them complete their tasks!

"It turned out to be like this, huh, if that's the case, the younger brother would have nothing to say. Sister Bai Ling would have such an elegant appearance. If I break Sister Bai Ling's interest, I am afraid that Master will not spare me?

Huo Qi's lingering heart slowly fell back into his stomach. He thought that the two would deprive him of his rights. After a long while, the two turned out to want some new disciples to bring them back.

Although it is not known what the two of them want to be eight or eight new disciples, he can still be the master of the ten and eight new disciples. Moreover, in the face of the two Bailings, this little thing, even if the master of the Liuhe Hall knows it, it will never be a problem.

"Brother Li Xian, Sister Bai Ling, over 1,000 new students and disciples recruited in Liuhe Hall this time, more than 300 people have been promoted to the yin and yang environment, and more than 600 people are still living habitats, but this will All of them were sent out to perform training tasks. I am afraid that there will be more than 100 people who come back. I do n’t know how to choose the method?

After choosing ten or eight new disciples, he can totally fall off as training. Moreover, if the two are really just playing, and they return the person after playing tired, then he will lose a little. No more.

Ye Hao Hao Hao, both Yin and Yang Hao, the two can choose as they want, anyway, he really does not lack such a few people.

"Oh? Have more than 300 people been promoted to Yin and Yang? Brother Huo Qi is really amazing. It seems that this Master Master will surely have a long face, right?"

Hearing Huo Qi's words, Li Xian and Bai Ling were a little surprised. They did not expect. How long had Huo Qi made more than 300 people in the yin and yang realm. Such a progress is truly unprecedented. Already.

However, these obviously have nothing to do with them. Speaking of them, they only need people who are born in the habitat. If Huo Qi made everyone into yin and yang, they would not use it.

"Brother Huo Qi, please call the people who have already returned to the Habitat first. The two of us will choose ten people to follow us, and if I don't want to play, I will send them back to you."

Bai Ling raised his eyebrows and finally proposed to Huo Qi.

She only needs ten people, and it may not be useful for more people, and if there are really too many people to leave, it is true that her master is not easy to explain.

They know that Huo Qi is such a person. If it ’s a small incident, the other party can definitely help them carry it, but if it involves a big problem, then the other party may not be afraid to betray them.

"Okay, everything is under the command of Sister Bai Ling. I'll go and call the people who come back to the habitat, and let my brother and sister choose."

If this relationship is sold, it will be sold. If it is not sold, it is definitely not good for you. You must know that these two are not fuel-saving lamps and offend them. His desire to become a disciple in the future can only be It is getting farther and farther.

During the conversation, Huo Qi said goodbye to the two Lings, and summoned the people who had already returned to the habitat, but for a short time, he found all the people who had returned from the habitat.

Up to now, there are almost a hundred people in the Habitat who have been rushed back from the outside. When Huo Qi brought this hundred or so people in front of Bai Ling and Li Xian, everyone could not help but be white. Convinced by the spirit's temperament, they dare not easily look up to see Bai Ling and Li Xian.

When Huo Qi called them together, he already told them the situation, so what they are about to face next, they already knew.

"Sisters and brothers, these are the newcomers and disciples. They are the fastest to complete the task. Brothers and sisters want to select a few newcomers and disciples to take away, so they will be selected from them.

Huo Qi was absolutely cooperating with Li Xian and Bai Ling at the moment. In his heart, he must send them away satisfactorily, so that he can turn bad things into good things and promote his disciples in the future. Maybe you can get some good words from these two people.

Don't look down on these two words. In fact, if Bai Ling can help him with a few words of praise in the main hall of Liuhe Dian Dian, then his hope of being promoted to a disciple will be much better.

Of course, in this case, he can't say it directly. If he really says it, it's a naked deal.

"It's good, it seems that the quality of the newcomers and disciples this year is really good!"

Bai Ling and Li Xian's eyes lightened slightly, and they began to glance at the people in front of them. Each of the hundred or so people was spirited. Take one out casually, and they are absolutely living people outside. The best of them, and the people of this habitat are undoubtedly what they need.

A glance at the whole, it seems that the situation of this hundred or so people is similar, and the strength should not be much different.

"Brother Huo Qi, since everyone has arrived, I'm welcome!"

After glancing around this hundred or so people, Bai Ling didn't seem to want to delay too much, and then hurriedly asked Huo Qi.

"Hey, sister please !!!" Of course, Huo Qi is no problem. Speaking of them, the two only choose people who are in habitat, but they don't need people in yin and yang. People who live in habitats are really no big deal.

Bai Ling and Li Xian were no longer polite, and they spoke carefully in the crowd while talking.

"You come out and stand behind us."

"And you, stand up, and leave with the two of us later."

"Your foundation looks more solid, well, you come out too ..."

Li Xian and Bai Ling were really rude, their eyes glanced at the crowd. As long as they felt good, of course, it was impossible to let go.

Speaking of them, their eyesight is really clever, and the ones who can be selected by them are undoubtedly the real outstanding ones. At this level, of course, they must have them.

"Huh? Huh, dodge your eyes, afraid we won't choose you? You, yes, it's you, and you'll come out."

Almost when selecting seven or eight people, Li Xian's eyes could not help but look at a young man with flashing eyes. In his eyes, this young man always seemed to peek at Bai Ling aside, but did not want to be discovered by others. Seeing this, he couldn't help feeling a little upset, so he just clicked on the other person's name.

"I?" When he was selected, the young man's eyes flashed with horror, but he walked out pale and joined the small team behind them.

"Well, just these ten people, Brother Huo Qi, this time is troublesome for you."

Ten new students and disciples were immediately selected, and when ten people were selected enough, whether Bai Ling or Li Xian, the expression on their faces, they couldn't be more happy.

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