The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1552: Different songs and the same work (two more)

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For a long time, Yuan Feng felt that his blood curse magic skill was a unique super skill. The whole world has no delusion, and he may not be able to find a martial art skill that contends with the blood curse magic skill.

However, at this moment, when he felt the gray airflow in his body slowly hiding, he knew that his vision seemed too low. He had never seen martial arts against the blood curse before. It was because the level of people he contacted was not enough, but once he reached a sufficiently high level, I am afraid that in this world, only he could not think of it. To.

Obviously, the ability of the old man in gray robes to release gray air is definitely a special skill that can affect people's mind and action. Although this skill is different from his blood curse and magic, it can be described as having a similar purpose. wonderful.

The blood curse skill is to make the target's soul into blood, and then control it in his own hands. The old man in the gray robe uses a special gray airflow, planted in the body of the warrior. As for this, What kind of function does the gray air flow have, he already has some guesses in his mind.

"Who is this old man in gray robes? Plant this gray airflow in the body of the new man. If I guess correctly, as long as he is willing, then anyone who has planted this airflow will soon disappear. Come on! "

Everyone else was short-lived and didn't know what had just happened, even if it was the gray air flow hidden in their bodies, they didn't notice it at all.

However, unlike other people, Yuan Feng did not have a slight loss of time. From beginning to end, he was sober and sober. He also saw the changes in his body.

He could feel that the gray air flow was lurking inside his body. Once these air flows erupted, even if he had Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong's body guard, he might have to be blown apart. As for those who have no divine body guard, Almost to be blasted into a pool of blood mist.

Moreover, faintly, he can feel that this gray airflow also seems to have the ability to monitor, but maybe it is because the old man's mastery of this skill is not quite in place, and this monitoring ability seems to be somewhat inadequate.

In general, this special skill has the same life and death control as the Blood Curse, but it is not as delicate as the Blood Curse. However, the performance of this kind of magic power is really invincible, and it is much easier than the blood curse magic power, which is even more scary than the blood curse magic power.

Another point is that once the blood curse is performed, it will be impossible for the accused to discover it, but after being controlled by the old man of the gray robe, it seems that everyone does not notice it.

"Stabilize, although this gray gas may seem a bit troublesome, but I have the existence of a swallowing martial spirit, and there is absolutely no trouble to deal with it."

Invaded by the gray air, Yuan Feng's heart was secretly dignified, but he knew that at this moment, he had to pretend that nothing had happened, so as not to frighten the snake.

"Who is this old man in Ziyun Palace? The new disciples should be controlled by him secretly. Doesn't that mean that in the entire Ziyun Palace, all the people who have just started are planted by him? Are seeds planted? "

Yuan Feng, who was sinking in her heart, couldn't help secretly wondering. Since the development of the Ziyun Palace, if every newcomer has to pass the test of this old man, it is almost saying that the current Ziyun Palace, I am afraid that many, many people have been controlled by this old man for life and death!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help paying more attention to the gray robe old man above.

The top ten disciples did not say anything. As far as they know, Ziyun Palace has always recruited new recruits, and in the end they have to pass the test of this uncle. As for what they test, what use are they? clear.

However, they were all selected by the masters of the main halls in other ways, and they have not passed the test of this uncle. This is also their advantage as disciples.

"Om !!!"

During the time of speaking, the figure of the old man in the gray robe suddenly felt a slight shock. Then, the gray light that enveloped the new disciples was taken back by him as much as possible, and everything was restored to peace. Come on.


After recovering this gray light, the figure of the old man in gray robe returned directly to the door of the main hall, and looked indifferently at the 10,000 new disciples and the ten great disciples in front.

Unfortunately, the old man's face and eyes are almost blocked by the gray hair. Otherwise, everyone will find out at the moment that in the depths of the old man's eyes, in fact, there is a flicker of doubt.

In fact, the old man of gray robes did feel a little hesitant at this moment.

Since the establishment of the Ziyun Palace, every newcomer and disciple has to go through it in his hands, and over the years, many newcomers and disciples that he has examined, have become the mainstay of the Ziyun Palace. However, for so long, he has never seen a newcomer like this one.

In his perception, almost all of the newcomers and disciples in this term are peaceful and there is not much emotional fluctuation. Some people even give him a feeling of wantlessness, like pure investigation. The extreme of cultivation, I do not want to have any other ideas.

His magical powers are not furnishings, or the kind of gray airflow entering the body. In fact, many people have already discovered the thoughts of many people. Of course, his martial arts have not yet been completed, and what he can detect are actually some weaker mental strengths, while those with stronger mental strengths, he can't actually detect them.

"Forget it, there shouldn't be any problems. Maybe the newcomers in this session are all greatly influenced by the Wanling Garden. It seems that the realm of Wanling has been improved, and it is more important than the previous one. Is stronger. "

The old man in gray robe thought for a while, but finally attributed the reason to the fairy. Speaking of all things, the Garden of All Souls of the Spirits of All Souls has the effect of making people calm and wantless. However, according to the past, Wan Ling Garden can only achieve preliminary results, and it will never be as obvious as this time.

The only possible reason is that the Wanling Fairy's Wanling Garden has been improved, but its influence is growing.

Of course, even if it makes him want to break his head, he can't even think of it. Before he took special measures to control the newcomer in this session, in fact, someone had already shot him first. So there is no desire, not that they have no desire, it is just that their desire is deprived of by someone.


Having figured this out, the old man in gray robes no longer hesitated. Between raising his hands, he took out a lot of tokens. Each token was exactly the same. There was a special flavor on it. But others can't imitate it.

"Ten of you, give these identity cards to them, and take the identity cards. From now on, you will be a true member of the Ziyun Palace. As for which palace you want to join for your spiritual practice, they will decide for themselves!"

The old man of the gray robe has completed his task. He kept talking about leaving his identity card, but he went back to the main hall without knowing what to do!

"Congratulations to your uncle !!!"

When the old man in gray robes left, the top ten disciples hurriedly presented them as gifts. Even if the other party had disappeared, they were still bowing, and stood up slowly after a long while.

"This last step is also completed, and we, finally, can relax easily!"

After the elder gray robe completely disappeared, the top ten disciples could not help but glance at each other, and then laughed.

Now that the apprenticeship of Ziyun Palace has been accepted, the steps to be performed are almost completed, and everyone's identity card will be issued, and then the complete merits will be completed.

"Come and come, everyone lined up to receive the identity card. With the identity card, you can go in and out of the Ziyun Palace in the future. As long as the permissions allow you, you can walk freely, but remember not to cross the border. Now. "

The identity cards of disciples in Ziyun Palace are all made by the old man of gray robes. Only the identity cards produced by him are the effective identity cards of Ziyun Palace. As for the masters of the ten halls, they are not qualified.

"Receiving the ID card? Haha, finally we can get the ID card. With the ID card, we are real Ziyun Palace disciples!"

"Finally wait until this day. From now on, I will be a member of the Ziyun Palace and see who dares to bully me."

When they heard the top ten disciple disciples announced that they could receive the ID card, everyone's face could not help but show a smile, because once they took the ID card, their identity as a disciple of Ziyun Palace was really sitting. Really.

"Yu, it's okay, fortunately, the old man in the gray robe is not so high, otherwise, this time is really a bit dangerous!"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a breath. He didn't care if he didn't receive his identity card. He even cared more about whether the gray robe old man would find him special. Fortunately, the realm of the old man in gray robes is not as strong as he imagined. This calamity can be regarded as hiding.

"After you settle down, you must first figure out a way to get rid of these gray airflows, and let these things be in your body, it is really uneasy anyway."

No matter what, he will definitely not let his body have factors beyond his control, but he will have to see whether his means are powerful or the means of the old man in the gray robe is more powerful.

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