The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1551: Seeds (a more seeking flowers)

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Yuan Feng felt that he seemed to know the power of the Ziyun Palace once again, although he knew that the strength of the Ziyun Palace was very tyrannical, however, he really did not expect that this had just entered the scope of the Ziyun Palace. It didn't take long for him to see so many superpowers in Ziyun Palace, and none of these people were the ten main hall masters of Ziyun Palace.

The old man with purple robes that I saw in Lihuoyuan before, just in the Spirit Garden, he felt the horror breath in the depths of the Spirit Garden, obviously, in the Spirit Garden, also Even the master of the hundred flowers girl, Tie Ding is also an extraordinary existence.

Right now, the old man with gray hair and grey robes that appears from the hall is also a fascinating existence. Until now, he was not considered to be the owner of the ten halls of the Ziyun Palace, and the super strong he saw was enough. With three people.

Obviously, this one looks like a dead gray figure in front of me. At first glance, it is an unattractive character. Although there is no energy fluctuation in this body, it is because of this that the more I can You can see the horror of this person.

You know, even Yuan Feng's perception ability can't see the depth of the gray robe figure, and the depth of this one can really be described with unfathomable depth.

Yuan Feng made a comparison. Even if the old man in the purple robe he had seen in Lihuoyuan before compares with the man in gray robe in front of him, I am afraid that he may not be able to beat the other. Of course, maybe, there is a situation of competence between them, then we have to say something else.

After seeing the appearance of the gray robe, Yuan Feng immediately became honest and honest, but it was more honest than before the Spirit Garden, because from the body of the gray robe, he felt indescribable. Great threat.

The gray beard of this gray robe figure covered his entire face, but faintly, he could still see the sharp eyes of this gray robe figure, and his dim eyes seemed to be able to see through the world. Everything was the same, everything seemed to him in nothing.

Faintly, Yuan Feng knew that he had to be careful and careful, Ziyun Palace, that was not the place where he could play casually.

"The disciples have met Uncle !!!"

When the figure of the gray robe appeared before everyone's eyes, the top ten acolyte disciples seemed to see their masters, and they all bent down and bowed to the old man in the gray robe.

It is very rare in Ziyun Palace that the legendary disciples performed such a great gift, and at this moment, ten people were like obedient mice when they saw tigers.

"It's all gone!"

By the time the words of the top ten disciples passed down, the grey figure finally opened its mouth slightly.

This is a very old voice. As for how old it is, there is no way to describe it. In short, anyone who listens to such a voice will have a feeling of listening to the dead. Just this voice, let People were creepy.

Of course, in addition to the creepy feeling, this old voice is also full of indifference. It sounds like he doesn't even want to take a look at the so-called top ten disciples. At this point, his How high your identity is obviously conceivable.

"Thank you Uncle !!!"

The top ten disciples did not dare to neglect at all. Although the other party's tone was very scornful and they did not take them into consideration at all, they had no reluctance to do so. Others do not know the identity of the old man in the gray robe. Of course, they are the disciples of the ten main hall masters. Of course, it is impossible not to know.

At that time, the Ziyun Palace gathered the strong men from all directions to create a super power to suppress the heavens. The ten main halls each took one side, and there were the ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace.

The ten palaces depend on each other and secretly compete with each other. However, no matter how fierce the competition between them is, as long as they are dealing with outside affairs, the ten palaces will vie with their enemies, allowing any conspiracy to be detrimental to the Ziyun Palace. Bankruptcy.

In the eyes of outsiders, the strength of the Ziyun Palace is equivalent to the strength of the top ten palaces. If there is no master of the ten palaces, then the Ziyun Palace will be nothing.

However, as a disciple of disciples, they knew that, in fact, the strength of the Ziyun Palace did not only refer to the ten palaces and the ten palace masters.

The ten palaces and the main halls of the ten palaces are indeed strong, but if Ziyun Palace has only these powers, it may not be able to make Ziyun City and the thousands of cities around Ziyun City so obedient.

The super strong among the Ziyun Palace is definitely not known to outsiders, and the old man in gray robe in front of him, even if he looks at the ten main hall level, I am afraid that he is the number one who can rank.

"Uncle, these people are all newly recruited disciples. According to the old rules, these people have to look at Uncle and distribute identity cards."

Joe of the Five Elements Palace slowly raised his head, but his tone of speech was much softer than before, and this treatment, even the flowers of the Wanling Garden, could not be compared.

"Stay back!"

After hearing Qiao Ke's report, the old man in the gray robe nodded, and then waved his hands to the top ten preachers to signal that they could stand aside.

The top ten disciple disciples did not dare to neglect, and they all stood aside while talking, leaving enough space for the old man to observe the new disciples this time.

The old man in the gray robe slowly took a few steps forward, but his steps were not walking on the ground, but walking step by step toward the air. The feeling was like in front of him, with a look The missing ladder is the same.

Soon, the figure of the old man in gray robe came to the sky above a group of new disciples, and as his figure came to the sky, the whole sky seemed to be a little gloomy at this moment, and below Everyone couldn't help but feel some coldness in their hearts and some coldness in their backs.

"His, dangerous !!!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly became unusually dignified at the moment when the old man in gray robes took off.

When the old man came above him, he could feel that his whole body was like being stripped at this moment, but there was no secret at all. Tian Tian Wu Ling issued a dangerous alarm. At this moment, Yuan Feng even had the impulse to take away directly.

"Stabilize, swallow the sky martial spirit, hide it for me !!!"

If he ran away rashly at this moment, he would simply find himself uncomfortable. Although his strength is really strong, he can run away in a place like Ziyun Palace, especially in front of a super strong who can't see through. It's simply impossible. And, once he really escapes, even if it is OK, it will become problematic.

The devouring martial spirit is working to the extreme, and he is trying to conceal the situation that he can hide, because his heart is clear, if the old man in the gray robe sees through himself, whether it is through his purpose or his body In the special case, I am afraid it will be troublesome.

"God bless you, don't let this person see anything, otherwise, I'm afraid I will give up all my achievements!"

There was a secret prayer in his heart. Yuan Feng finally slowed down his breath and made himself look as different as possible, but he could not say whether he could pass the level.

Undoubtedly, this time is obviously an unprecedented test for him. If he really can't get through, then he will really be desperate!

Anyway, there are tens of thousands of good fortune subordinates here, as well as some of the Promise and Yin and Yang people controlled by him in the Ziyun Palace. If you want to run away, there is no hope at all. But hope is a bit slim.


In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the gray robe old man's body, a gray strange light, instantly enveloped everyone present, this gray light rippled slightly on everyone's body, looks like a living creature However, everyone who is enveloped by the gray light will instantly look at him and fall into a short absence.


Yuan Feng's position is relatively backward, and the gray rays of the old man in the gray robe swept in order from the front to the back. When it was not his turn, his mind could not help but explore his own genus. The next person, and this look, can not help but have a shocking emotion in his heart.


However, he didn't give him much time to panic, because at this moment, the gray light had spread to him, and he went straight into his body without any precaution.

"Well !!!"

The gray light entered the body, Yuan Feng felt instantly that something different was added to his body, especially in the sea of ​​his mind, there was a gray air flow, There is no sense of existence in this mass of airflow, and only he, who is a devourer of the sky, can feel the existence of airflow, but most people do not feel the existence of this thing at all.

"He, he wants to control everyone !!!"

When the gray air flow was hidden in his entire body, and even the gray air flow was hidden in the sea of ​​his mind, Yuan Feng's heart jumped violently.

He only knew that after a long day of trouble, the old man in the gray robe did not want to test them, but planted some seeds in their bodies, or monitored or directly controlled them. This method actually talked to him The blood curse is very similar.

"Good guy, it seems that this time, you really met your opponent!"

Shaking his face, at this moment, his mood was complicated beyond words.

ps: Six flowers in three days, this number is a bit exaggerated, brothers give some strength, small smoke needs power to spread! !! !!

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