The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1538: Kill if you want (one more)

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For Yuan Feng, the seven guys in front of him are really no threat at all. If he is not worried that Ziyun Palace has a secret move in this place of fire, he may directly bring seven people under his control. It became his eyeliner in the Ziyun Palace in the future.

However, for the sake of insurance, he obviously will not perform the blood curse magic work, and since the blood curse magic work cannot be performed, the lives of these seven guys are useless.

When the seven shot together, Yuan Feng didn't even move. The seven vomited blood and flew down, and finally fell to the ground. Everyone was pale and suffered a minor injury.

"This, how is this possible? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible !!!"

"What just happened? I, I don't even know who was attacked by me?"

"Hell, he didn't even move. How could he blast all seven of us away?"

"This attack seems to be familiar ........."

All seven men fell to the ground, and each was shocked, but full of doubts and shocks.

The seven of them attacked together. In principle, any one of them is not weak, and it is by no means easy for people in the habitat to resist. However, it was such an attack that was eventually taken over by Yuan Feng easily, and in turn wounded all seven of them. This scene was really unexpected and left them unable to accept it.

Where did they know that Yuan Feng turned his magical powers on, not to mention them, these little figures, even if the powerful man in the extreme state gave a full blow, he could still return it. Of course, in terms of his physical strength, the attack of the Promise may not necessarily require a rebound.

"Hey guys, all come here for me !!!"

While working on the thoughts of the seven men, Yuan Feng on the side finally moved. Before, he didn't even move, but this time he no longer held his own strength. As soon as he raised his hand, the huge handprint was covering the sky and seizing it against seven men, waiting for seven to do it. In response, he held the opponent in his hands.

The seven Habitat people are not without any power at all. However, at this moment, these seven people are grasped at random by Yuan Feng, just like the kid who just came out of the shell.

"Ah, the idea is too hard. Everyone runs away!"

When Yuan Feng's big handprints caught seven people in his hands, all seven men were scared. I was just seriously injured by Yuan Feng ’s weird methods, and now, before they respond, Yuan Feng ’s fingerprints are here again. At this moment, they all understand that Yuan Feng in front of them is basically It is not what they can provoke.

It is a pity that it is too late to understand the truth now. Yuan Feng has given them a chance, but unfortunately they have not grasped it.

Each of the seven men tried their best to get rid of Yuan Feng ’s fingerprints. However, Yuan Feng ’s fingerprints seemed to have a huge suction power. No matter how the seven people struggled, There was no sign of being broken.

The seven were already wounded, and after a while struggling, their countenances turned paler.

"Well, see when you can struggle."

Yuan Feng didn't stop either, but watched a few guys outstretched and stared with interest, it was a good-looking expression.

How powerful he is, let alone seven people in the habitat, even the seven people in the yin and yang state, or even the seven infinity, may not be able to escape from his hands.

A few guys struggled for a while, but soon they realized that it was impossible to get rid of Yuan Feng's hands, so in the end, the seven people stopped looking at each other and stopped. Come down.

"Well? Why don't you struggle? I think you're struggling!"

Seeing the seven people stop, Yuan Feng couldn't help but chuckle his lips and said with an inexhaustible expression. He had nothing urgent to do at the moment, and the appearance of these seven guys added some fun to his journey.

"Some of us didn't know Tarzan, so we accidentally bumped into Your Excellency, and asked Your Excellency to be generous, forgive us this time, we will never dare again."

"Yes, yes, everything is our fault. Please forgive me. Please forgive us this time. When we join the Ziyun Palace, we will definitely do something for you."

Hard or not, it can only be soft. They all see it. If they want to be hard with Yuan Feng, that is to find death by themselves. A perverted genius like Yuan Feng can ask the entire Ziyun Palace to have several?

They have also heard that some people in the Habitat will be far beyond the Habitat, even the strength of those who can compete with the yin and yang, but such genius is very rare, but it was unexpected that they were really hit by them today.

Obviously, such a genius will definitely enter the Ziyun Palace in the future, and there is no limit to the future, and being soft before such a person is actually not shameful.

The main thing is that they have just offended Yuan Feng. Now, each of them's small lives are in the hands of others, and if they don't submit to them, they will really lose their lives.

"Oh, do you know what's wrong now? Yeah, then I'll give you another chance, take out the tokens in your hands, one token for one life, and you can figure it out yourself."

Seeing that the seven were soft, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, and then made a new proposal.


Hearing that Yuan Feng even wanted their token, the seven men hesitated again. The day has passed, but they only found a token, and the more difficult it is to find the token, the more the tokens are surrendered at this time, they really worry about whether they can find them It's a new token.

Joining the Ziyun Palace is what they have always dreamed of, and if it can't be achieved in the end, it will be really too beautiful.

"Eh? It seems that everyone values ​​the token very much, and even weighs their own lives. In this case, it's no wonder that I'm welcome, you take the token and go to another world to find another Ziyun Palace !!!! "

Seeing that all seven were hesitant, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. When he thought about it, he made a forceful gesture.

As far as his strength is concerned, if it is really pinched, then the small bodies of the seven people may really be pinched. Therefore, when he saw Yuan Feng's shot, all the seven guys were scared.

"Wait, wait, I pay, I pay!"

"I pay it, I pay it, the token is for you, don't kill us !!!"

In front of life, it does n’t matter what tokens are, anyway, there is still time, even if they ca n’t find a new token, they can go to others to grab it. But there is really nothing left!

"Brush !!!!"

During the time of speaking, the seven men worked their strength one after another, took out the tokens on their respective bodies, and threw them to the opposite Yuan Feng.

Seeing that the token fell into the hands of Yuan Feng, the seven men were all bitter, and their hearts were so cold.

They now really regret it, knowing that the other party is not afraid of them, but they even shot stupidly. This is just to find excitement on their own! If we really do what Yuan Feng said before, it won't end like this now.

"Well, that's good. It seems that you guys haven't gotten stupid yet, knowing what is most important."

Yuan Feng is not polite, even if the seven tokens are not a small number to him, you know, the tokens he found were all obtained in some special dangerous places, and The entire Lihuoyuan, such a place, is actually very rare, he can not find every Jedi.

He can easily kill these seven people, but if they are not willing, he will not be able to get the tokens in their physical world into their hands.

"We have surrendered the token. Now, can you let us go?"

When the tokens were handed over, all seven men became pale, and all of them were listless. They had suffered minor injuries now, but now they have no tokens, and their future is bleak.

"Hey, I said, hand over the tokens, I will not kill you, of course, this will not be false." After hearing the words of the seven, Yuan Feng's mouth couldn't help showing a smile, but his This kind of smile is that the pupils of the opposite side shrink, and everyone suddenly has a bad feeling.

"You, what are you doing?"

Judging from Yuan Feng's expression, it really didn't seem to mean to let them leave. At this moment, all seven of them had a very bad feeling.

"It's okay. You guys bumped into me, so I have to give you some lessons. In that case, let's abolish your repairs !!!"

The words fell, but he suddenly looked cold, and the time between words, his strength penetrated into the bodies of several people, and the movement of the mind, the physical strength of the seven men was directly dispersed, each Personal cultivation has been directly reduced to the level of ordinary people.


Xiu was abolished. The seven men all screamed. At this moment, they were obviously more painful than dead.

"you you……………"

Everyone did not expect that after they surrendered the token, they still couldn't escape this ending. It is a pity that at this moment they have no chance to say one more word, they are directly engulfed by the fiery flames around them.

Without cultivation, how could it be possible to survive in a place like Li Huoyan by virtue of ordinary people alone?

"Well, I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say I wouldn't invalidate your practice."

Seeing seven men engulfed in flames, Yuan Feng's mouth could not help but pick a little, but there was no sympathy on his face.

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